Ergebnis 6.501 bis 6.520 von 7286
19.11.2010, 14:55 #6501crazymix
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
19.11.2010, 14:59 #6502RikuValentine
19.11.2010, 18:29 #6503*Sora*
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
ich hab immer so dumme gedanken...ich stell mir immer KH Online vor xD
20.11.2010, 14:36 #6504crazymix
20.11.2010, 14:38 #6505Daxter
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
stellt ihe euch das vor wie final fantasy 14 oder final fantasy 11 das ziemlich gefloppt ist
20.11.2010, 16:50 #6506MasterSansai
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
ich finde wenn multiplayer dann höchstens wie bei BbS also das man online arena kämüfe machen kann, was aber nicht zwingen notwenig für die storry ist und man auch zur not om singleplayer machen kann
22.11.2010, 09:13 #6507Assein93
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Ich fände es cool wenn sie in Kingdom Hearts 3 nen Multiplayer einbauen würden, der dann so ist wie bei: "kingdom hearts 358 2 days"
Da kann man zusammen rumlaufen, Missionen erfüllen und lvl erreichen
22.11.2010, 09:19 #6508MasterSansai
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
hm naja ein nachteil hätte ein multiplayer: weniger singleplayer elemente
meiner meinung nach sollte Kingdom Hearts Single Player bleiben
22.11.2010, 10:35 #6509RikuValentine
22.11.2010, 10:55 #6510MasterSansai
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
und bei ACB was du angeschrieben hast fand ich die single player storry kürzer als bei AC2
edit: aber ich glaub bei einen sind wir uns einig: ein KH-MMO währe einer der sinnfreisten aktionen die Square Enix bringen könnte
22.11.2010, 11:04 #6511Assein93
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
man könnte es ja dann in den store stellen als interner downlaod, so hatt man seinen platzt auf der Blu-Ray und kann sie voll ausnutzen... Leute die dann lust auf Multiplayer haben könnten ihn sich dann im store downlaoden....
22.11.2010, 11:12 #6512MasterSansai
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
hey das wäre eine gute idee so hätte jeder was davon
23.11.2010, 00:48 #6513RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Nouveaux BbS FM Scans!
Hey there, everyone!
Never thought I'd be saying this, but a bit of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep news is a breath of fresh air these days after the bombardment of Kingdom Hearts Re:coded! As you know, the Final Mix will be released in Japan very soon, so more scans are to be expected. Today we have three new ones; they're particularly intriguing given that they have new art work of Terra, Aqua and Ventus and a very mysterious yet powerful armoured figured. Could this be who we think it is? Let's take a look at them: To see the rest of these scans, come to our thriving forums and join in on the discussion! Source: Kingdom Hearts Ultimania, forum member manmark and LiveJournal member roax for the avatar.
KH3D Nintendo Power Interview!
Hello again! You may have noticed in the Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Nintendo Power scans that there was a sole page dedicated to an interview with Tetsuya Nomura, series director, on the ever-mysterious Kingdom Hearts 3D (which will be released on the Nintendo 3DS and is a chapter within the series that will push the story further towards the boundaries of the ever-anticipated Kingdom Hearts III). Thanks to forum member The Lionheart - who has typed it up - you can now read the interview on our forums. The interview descends from this page: Source: HeartStation
Re:coded Nintendo Power Scans!
Hello. This month's issue of Nintendo Power magazine has been released with full force; with a twelve-page Kingdom Hearts Re:coded exclusive, this isn't something we're going to let slide. I'm going to warn you - the images are very large, so I'll only post a couple. You can, however, see them on our forums thanks to myself, Merope. Head over to the aforementioned link now to see them. Thanks go to Kingdom Hearts Ultimania and HeartStation for the scans.
Re:coded Ultimania Director Interview & Scans!
Hi, guys.
The interviews within the Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Ultimania are slowly being translated by sites such as HeartStation; as such I'm pleased to announced that we have yet another interview put into English. It comes from Japanese scans with director Tetsuya Nomura which you may find here in our gallery. The interview talks about the technical processes of the game such as the decision to remake the original DoCoMo phone exclusive Kingdom Hearts coded; it is also of interest to highlight that after questions detailing story technicalities, Nomura is questioned about the events of Kingdom Hearts III. While nothing is set in stone yet, he did have this to say:
No, those are two separate stories. I’m thinking Kingdom Hearts III will be about going to cure their “pain”.
Just what exactly does this "pain" refer to, exactly? To find out, head on over to our forums and read the interview in full.
Source: HeartStation, forum member rokudamia2 and LiveJournal member winged_requiem for the avatar.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
24.11.2010, 22:09 #6514RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Birth by Sleep Final Mix Official Site Now Open
Hello everyone!
Square Enix has now launched the official Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix website with just two months to go before its release in Japan (January 20, 2011).
The site features new artwork for Aqua, as well as redrawn images for Mickey, Terra,and Ven. Additionally, you can find two desktop wallpapers, the official trailer for the game, character bios, and information about the exclusive content for Birth by Sleep Final Mix.
The site can be found here— KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep FINAL MIX | SQUARE ENIX
Thanks to our forum member Xaracsis for the find. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this bit of news here on our forums.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
28.11.2010, 10:29 #6515RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Famitsu Provides New Birth by Sleep Final Mix Scans
Earlier today the Japanese website, Famitsu, published an article that contains all new scans for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix!
All of the scans may be seen below click to enlarge:
The article may be found here at Famitsu
Special thanks goes out to our forum member pepe1092 for bringing this to our attention. We would also like to welcome you to discuss this latest news at the KHInsider forums
Kingdom Hearts Insider
09.12.2010, 20:17 #6516RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
BBSFM Site Updates
Wazzup, wazzup, people? Just heard from forum member Sev13 'bout the Kingdom Hearts Birthy by Sleep Final Mix Official Site recent updates! We've got hot and fresh screenshots of gameplay features and mini-gamnes, happenin's in the diff'rent worlds, and a wicked wallpaper!!! DCiuch of was kind enough to provide all of the new images from the site. Here's a little somethin' to whet your appetite: Things are about to get sizzlin' so go right on ahead to our forums!
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Pre-order Details
Hello again, happy people! I know you're happy because hearing news about Kingdom Hearts makes me happy. You too, right? Gameinformer's Bryan Vore gives us the details of what you'll get when you pre-order Kingdom Hearts Re:coded which comes out on January 11. Wait for it . . . A set of 32 "Icon Decals"!!! What? These stickers are 2 mm thick!!! A picture should make things more exciting: Thanks to forum member robertexe for informing us. Like or dislike the freebies? Share your opinion here in our forums.
Famitsu Article Translation
Having fun with the latest Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix scans from Famitsu? Well, thanks to Olivia of HeartStation you can now read the translation. What are you waiting for? Yours truly, Light Hunter, has posted the fully translated article here in our forums. Enjoy!
NEW KH Soundtrack Update + NEW Re:coded Pics!!!
Why am I back so soon? Because we have more news for you! Thanks to member CGNET of KH-Recharged we have additional information regarding the new Kingdom Hearts compilation soundtrack. Square Enix has opened a new web site for the Soundtrack! There will also be new songs from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix! So KH lovers and music lovers, especially KH music lovers, go on and discuss here in our forums. Don't go just yet! There's more!
These new pictures are from Gonintendo's flickr account. Thanks to member PhantomLordhive for letting us now. Share your thoughts in this thread in our forums.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Kingdom Hearts: neue Soundtrack-Compilation angekündigt Enix hat eine neue Soundtrack Compilation angekündigt, die Musik von gleich drei Videospielen beinhaltet: Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (NDS), Birth by Sleep (PSP) und Re:coded (NDS). Auch neue Stücke aus Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix sollen enthalten sein. Der neue Soundtrack wird 3 CDs stark sein und 3800 Yen kosten, was etwa 35 EUR entspricht. Square Enix hat für den OST eine neue Website eröffnet. Dort wird es wohl, wie üblich, bald einige Hörproben geben. Die Soundtrack-Sammlung soll am 2. Februar in Japan erhältlich sein.
Die japanische Dengeki beinhaltet ein Interview mit der Kingdom Hearts Komponistin Yoko Shimomura, in dem sie auch über die neue Soundtrack Compilation spricht: "Es gab eine hohe Nachfrage, was einen Soundtrack für die kürzlich veröffentlichten Handheld-Titel anbelangt. Besonders die Themen-Lieder haben viele Fans genossen, wozu beispielsweise auch Xions Thema aus dem DS-Titel 358/2 Days zählt. Und die Musik von Birth by Sleep war wirklich sehr beliebt. Doch darin, dass entschieden wurde eine Sammlung der Musik aller drei Titel auf den Markt zu bringen, war ich selbst nicht eingeweiht. Ich bin Stolz auf die derzeitige Entwicklung und als Komponist der Kingdom Hearts-Serie möchte ich den Fans meinen Dank ausrichten."
Kingdom Hearts: neue Soundtrack-Compilation angekündigt - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
BBS Fm Cover
12.12.2010, 20:46 #6517RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix: Informationen zum neuen Boss
Neue Informationen zu dem PSP-Spiel Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Final Mix, welches nur in Japan erscheinen wird, sickern nur noch langsam durch. Aber heute gab es wieder eine ganz interessante Information, nämlich zum neuen Endboss. Demzufolge sind die nachfolgenden Zeilen Spoiler, also elst nur weiter, wenn ihr es auch wirklich wissen wollt. In dem Arena-Modus in der Mirage Arena wurde eine neue Mission mit dem Namen "Entfernte Ansicht zur Finsternis" (engl. "Distant View to the Darkness") hinzugefügt. Der Boss trägt den Namen "NO HEART" und schwingt ein Schlüsselschwert. Dieser Boss sitzt auf einem Thron und seine Rüstung sieht genauso aus wie die Zemunasu-Form von Xemnas. Diese Form gehärte zum letzten Endkampf in dem zweiten Teil der 'Kingdom Hearts'-Reihe. Weitere Informationen sind aber noch nicht bekannt. Final Mix erscheint am 20. Januar 2011 in Japan. Die Final Mix Version enthält alle zusätzlichen Features, welche die westliche Version bekommen hat.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix: Informationen zum neuen Boss - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
13.12.2010, 19:42 #6518RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
BbSFM NEW BOSS Scan MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS!!! The appearance of a NEW Boss for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix has just been confirmed with this scan. CLICK HERE to see the picture. He will be fought in the Mirage Arena and the battle will take place in the castle of The Land of Departure. Little Sora and little Riku have also finished taping a new cutscene. Thanks to forum member Xaracsis for informing us. All violent (or non-violent) reactions should go here. Source: Kingdom Hearts Ultimania
Kingdom Hearts Insider
13.12.2010, 19:57 #6519BadRenbow
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Was ist das für einer der unterhalb ist?
Schaut wie Dynasty Warriors aus.
15.12.2010, 22:19 #6520RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Birth by Sleep Final Mix Site Update: Illusion Commands a quick update. If you go to the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix site you'll find new screenshots about the NEW Illusion commands!!! Check out Terra transforming into a puff of smoke to get back at the Unversed!!! Thanks to forum member Xaracsis for telling us about the update. Express your opinions on the subject here in our forums. Source: HEARTSTATION
New KH Play Arts and BbS Novel
It's been a while since we've reported on these. The Square Enix Shop has some new play arts available. To see all of the pictures, go to our forums. The new Birth by Sleep novel Vol. 1 - Something Strange by Tomoco Kanemaki with illustrations by Shiro Amano will be coming out on December 24, 2010. Click here to see the picture. Thanks to forum member CGNET of KH-Recharged for the additional information. Sources: FF-Reunion, HEARTSTATION ERRATUM: In my earlier post on the new "Illusion" command, I mentioned that the character turns into an Unversed. This is solely my error and I have already corrected it. Thank you for your understanding.
Re:coded French Screens & NA Trailer!!!
After all the Birth by Sleep news, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded deserves some more time under the spotlight. For our French fans out there, has posted the first screenshots of Kingdom Hearts Re:coded in French! Here are a few samples: Share your comments here. Earlier the Official NA Site for Re:coded was updated with new content, but they removed it soon after. Nevertheless, here's a video of the trailer that was posted earlier.
To see what the other updates were, go here. Thanks to forum member pepe1092 for the heads up on both scoops. Au revoir! Other Source: FF-Reunion
Kingdom Hearts Insider
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