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30.10.2009, 17:05 #4561_Marluxia_
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
nun ja ich habs halt auf japanisch weils damals erst in japan raus kan xD
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
31.10.2009, 00:59 #4562Marluxia
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Ich find days wirklich gut... ist zwar nicht mit kh2 zu vergleichen, aber für n handheld toll
von der story her lohnts sich auch, auch wenns sich ab und an etwas zieht (wie ich finde :P) vor allem das mit axel ist mega interessant, wenn man kh2 danach nochmal spielt hat man gleich n ganz anderes bild von dem
irgendjemand meinte vor 2 sieten nur xemnas und saix wären böse... ich find xaldin auch böse ... richtig fies aber xigbar find ich jez noch cooler
31.10.2009, 09:31 #4563RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Naja Xaldin folgt auch nur den plänen von xemnas^^
Er scheint zwar ein agressiver typ zu sein , auch zu sehen in KH2 , aber er is wie die anderen
Achja hab hier noch was.
Message from the KINGDOM - Creator Message
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Director Tetsuya Nomura has finally updated with a message for fans on the Kingdom Hearts Official Blog.
Creator Message - Tetsuya Nomura
A blog? How modern. Or, no... I guess it’s a little late for that. Nevermind. I’m the director Nomura.
The staff asked us to write our first entry, but I was just too busy. But it was around TGS that Yasue was going to update, so I put a stop to it. I’m very sorry.
Between then and now we’ve already announced the release date. Now all we have to do is finish it. But we still have tons of things to do, and we’re in the middle of running around trying to get everything finished. Right now on my desktop I have 5 files containing work for Birth by Sleep, 4 for Coded, and 7 for other titles.
They’re listed in order of precedence, and now as I’m writing this the time for these files has finally come.
Of course there are not only written documents, but pictures I have been needing to draw have been waiting for me to get around to it. Right now the most important being the package art for Birth by Sleep.
Today I have to go to edit the Staff Roll. Since there are three main characters in Birth by Sleep, we also have different Staff Rolls for each one. We already have experience making two for Chain of Memories, but this time it’s a little bit different and we have a little bit of a trick with each, so it’s quite difficult.
In the Kingdom Hearts series when we put the music into the Staff Roll, we aren’t just lining up the music second by second, but frame by frame. So we’re working hard to find a good way to time it.
We also still have the Opening Movie, the Secret Movie, the CM and the PV to edit. But that will be on a later day. Next week we will be working on the CM for FFXIII.
So we’re working quite hard now, and I have to get going. I have to get to the editing studio. When I have another opportunity I will write again soon. Thank you.
Tetsuya Nomura
02.11.2009, 13:07 #4564RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
New BBS Scans Featuring Land of Departure and Enchanted Dominion Info!
Sunday, 01 November 2009
Hey, guys!
More BBS scans have found their way onto the internet. They feature very little new information, instead going over Enchanted Dominion and Land of Departure once again. There are still a few interesting tidbits, however. Check 'em out:
The truth behind these mysteries will soon be revealed!
Lots of new information about the story and system have been revealed by these new screenshots and illustrations. They’ve finally decided on a release date, so we’re closing in on finding out what is behind all these mysteries in this new game.
World Guide 1
-Land of Departure-
Our heroes’ long grim adventure starts from here.
The story starts in a new original world. Here is where the heroes train in hopes of becoming a Keyblade Master. The latest movie that was shown at TGS09 showed them taking the “Master Qualification Exam”. It was revealed that Master Xehanort watched them take the test, though we’ll have to wait and see how the story will unfold from there.
Master Xehanort [er... the scan cuts off about half of the words, but it’s essentially the same as before. I will guess:]
Master Xehanort is a powerful Keyblade Master, as well as an acquaintance of Master Eraqus. He looks very different from the Xehanort we have seen in previous games. Just who is he?
Master Xehanort is giving advice to someone. Had he been planning something at this time as well?
He is the only apprentice of Master Xehanort, and his name has only just been revealed. In the movie that was shown at TGS09 we were able to see him talking and hear his voice. Just what face is he hiding behind the mask?
He talks about the princesses of light! Where the princesses of light something that people sought after even in the past?
Our three heroes in training This is the world where they start out on. But perhaps the picture shown here is not from the very beginning of the game?
Let’s look take a look at some of the things in the story we’re wondering about!
It’s quite interesting that in this game that the important characters already seem to know each other. We get to see scenes of them all talking before the problems start, and these will be the key that connects the rest of the story together. The things Master Xehanort says also have quite a few connections to previous games in the series.
Point 1 Terra and Master Xehanort
It seems that Terra trusts Master Xehanort. We see that he obeys him, but it seems that in the end he betrays him!? What is Master Xehanort after?
Point 2 Ventus and Vanitas
Is it just a coincidence, or is there some connection? We see quite a few scenes with them together. Their names also sound similar. Just what is between the two of them!
Point 3 Aqua’s Good Luck Charm
Aqua gives them charms to make sure they’ll see each other again. The charms look just like the one that Kairi made in KH!
Point 4 The search begins
The three of them are ordered to go searching for Master Xehanort, but in this scene we don’t see Ventus anywhere. Where could he be?
Point 5 What is Ventus doing?
What is Master Eraqus and Aqua looking at? It almost seems as though Ventus is acting violent...
From Tetsuya Nomura
Their adventure begins here.
Though not all scenes are, most of these screenshots show the prologue to the story, in Land of Departure, where they start their journey. What exactly were Terra and Master Xehanort talking about? What is Ven doing? You’ll have to find out more in the game. Master Eraqus is Ven, Terra and Aqua’s master, and he will have a lot to do with the story. He is a new character for the series, so I’d like you to watch him closely. -----
Master Eraqus
He is a Keyblade Master with three apprentices. We don’t know much about him yet, but he seems like a calm and collected “samurai” type. The armor around his middle and his boots look similar to the other three. Perhaps he can change into armor as well? His keyblade design is rather interesting.
“Now we will be having the Master Qualification Exam.”
The Three Apprentices
A young man who is always calm and cool even under pressure. He fights with power, and can pack a lot of destruction into one attack.
A boy who is curious and has a cheerful personality. He fights with speed, and uses light, quick actions.
A serious young woman who both kind and strong. Her style is to fight with magic, so her attacks might be a bit erratic!?
System - Let’s look at two new things that have been revealed!
Command Levels - Important for growth of your commands!
Deck Commands, Action Commands, and Shoot Lock Commands all have levels. You can gain CP (Command Points) from defeated enemies which once you’ve gotten enough will raise the levels of your Commands. Levels will effect just how strong your Commands will become.
Set your Commands before battle
CP will be given to all Commands that you have set in your Deck. When your Commands level up it will tell you on the screen. You can also check their growth on the menu screen.
Support Abilities - Master your abilities to make them more powerful
Some Deck Commands will also have Support Abilities attached to them. When you set the Command you will gain the effect of the Support Ability, but if you unequip it you will lose the effect. But if you set the Command and get the ability to the highest level, your character will then have that ability mastered, and even if the Command is unequipped the effect of the Support Ability will remain.
Support Abilities will grow by gaining CP. Then you will be able to level them up.
Barrage - A Deck Command. You will draw close to the enemy and hit them with a rapid fire multi-hit attack. If you manage to press the buttons with good timing you gain extra hits.
Strike Raid - A Deck Command. You use the keyblade like a boomarang to attack your enemies. Sora has used the same attack before in the KH series.
Vanitas has his face hidden, so he is even more mysterious than other characters. There is a very important reason that his face is covered, but I can’t tell that yet. I will tell you that you won’t see it until the end of the story. I chose his name first through the meaning I wanted, then when I was looking up words this one also sounded similar to Ventus. So the reason I chose this name was because it felt like he was destined for it.
02.11.2009, 16:40 #4565MasterSansai
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
klingt krass =D
02.11.2009, 17:45 #4566EliteFan
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
kommt in nächsten zeit ein kh für die ps3
02.11.2009, 17:47 #4567RikuValentine
02.11.2009, 18:13 #4568iRonix
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Leute ich weiß nicht wie ich den Schicksalsgöttinnen Cup bekommen
Ich weiß nur, ich muss vorher die 3 Cups schaffen und gegen Xemnas kämpfen doch wie soll da bitte ein Turnier erscheinen wenn das Spiel nicht mehr weitergeht nachdem ich Xemnas besiegt habe oO
02.11.2009, 18:18 #4569RikuValentine
02.11.2009, 18:20 #4570iRonix
02.11.2009, 18:26 #4571RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Geb dir mal tipps ^^
Helden und Meister form trainierst du bei Mulan .
Da sind viele große gegner die viele schläge aushalten , gut für Helden form ^^
Und da sind wagen mit Drive punkten für Meister form.
Weisen form geht gut bei der ersten häfte von "Die welt die niemals war" , da tauchen viel herzlose auf und 1 Herzloser is ja 1 punkt.
Über form is gut in der 2ten hälfte , halt viele Niemande ^^
Freund LV kannste gut mit Petern pan trainieren .
Immer attacke an und aus machen da verliert er immer 2 "Ruf" Punkte und bevor er verschwindet zerstörte mit der attacke die gegner ^^
Und wenn du mal keine DRive auffüll dinger hast , starte einfach das tunier wo Sora sich allein verwandeln kann, geh wieder raus und es is voll ^^
So hab ich das gemacht. Ich hab an die 6 stunden für alles gebraucht.
02.11.2009, 18:31 #4572iRonix
02.11.2009, 22:30 #4573data roxas
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
und wenn du nicht mal bei der hercules welt lvlst, dann würde ich dir empfehlen, kurz bevor eine form aus geht, die welt kurz verlassen und danach wieder rein gehn, dann ist die drive leiste wieder voll. Ich hab das immer in der welt die niemals war gemacht, so geht das auch schnell.
03.11.2009, 07:14 #4574iRonix
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
oO Ich hab gerade jede Form auf Lvl 5 gebracht dann wurde mir langweilig, also habe ich beschlossen gegen Xemnas einmal zu kämpfen und siehe da, das Turnier ist erschienen xDD
Wäre ja auch blöd gewesen wenn ich kein Ultima Schwert hätte um meine Formen zu Lvln ^^
03.11.2009, 10:06 #4575RikuValentine
05.11.2009, 15:49 #4576data roxas
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
hab ne frage zu CoM
wenn ich kämpfe verliere ich nach combos karten, obwohl ich Riku als Feindkarte hab. Und ich sterbe auch immer obwohl ich Vexen im Deck hab. Woran liegt das?
05.11.2009, 15:51 #4577RikuValentine
05.11.2009, 15:54 #4578data roxas
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
achsooooooooooooooooooooo danke ^^
05.11.2009, 18:46 #4579Hopé
05.11.2009, 20:00 #4580iRonix
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Für die Meister Form rate ich die Cyber Welt beim dem Flugschiff ding um zum MCP zu gelangen. Man muss doch während der Fahrt ein paar Herzlose besiegen. Die Lilanen geben jede Menge Drive Kugeln. Nach der Fahrt einfach schnell zurück und wieder dasselbe machen. Denn wenn man hinfahren will ist Sora wieder im Normalzustand und so habt ihr wenn ihr es rechtzeitig schafft eure Drive Leiste voll ^^. Kein unnötiges Welt verlassen mehr
So kann man aber auch die Weisen und Helden Form trainieren. Ich würde euch aber raten zuerst die Über Form zu trainieren und zwar aus folgendem Grund:
Ihr bekommt ab Lvl 4 der Über Form die Ability Form Boost. Diese Ability lässt euch 20% länger in der Form bleiben. Bei Lvl 6 der Über Form bekommt ein 2.tes mal diese Ability. So könnt ihr 40% länger in der Form bleiben
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