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Thema: Wii U: Fehlercode 160-1400
16.08.2018, 19:14 #1Unregistriert
Wii U: Fehlercode 160-1400
Kann leider nichts mit diesem Fehlercode anfangen...kann jemand helfen???
16.08.2018, 20:33 #2Kitsune
Wii U: Fehlercode 160-1400
Versuch es mal damit:
Power down your console with the front power button.
Unplug your console.
Leave it unplugged for 1 minute.
Plug your console back in (without turning it on).
Put a game disk in to turn the console on (Use a game disk you won't mind getting stuck just in case).
Wait for the game disk to be taken in, and the error to show up again.
Repeat steps 1 through 4 (Your console should now be back in stand-by mode). Note: the next two steps must be done quickly.
Turn the console on using the game-pad power button.
Use the game-pad boot up menu to navigate to the Wii U main menu as quickly as possible.
Pulled this from a reddit thread about the error. No idea on it but maybe worth a try? Poster of it said he got around the error with it.
Alternativ Tipps vom Nintendo-Support:
Habe über Google jetzt nur die US-Version gefunden, es sollte auch eine deutschsprachige Hilfe geben.
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