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Thema: Fast & Furious: Showdown
20.03.2013, 14:36 #1OranjeX
Fast & Furious: Showdown
Activision bestätigte soeben die Entwicklung des Titels, weitere Infos sollen in den nächsten Wochen folgen.
Lt Gerüchten soll es in dem Spiel insbesondere um Teamwork gehen und das Game soll sich natürlich an der Filmreihe orientieren.
"In Fast and Furious nature, it's all about the crew. Every mission is played cooperatively, either with a friend or A.I.
"Heists, hijacks and shootouts combine in a storyline that ties events from Fast 5 and earlier movies to the upcoming Fast 6 movie."
News: Evidence points to Fast & Furious game from Activision this May -
20.03.2013, 15:29 #2erijj
AW: Fast & Furious: Showdown
Cool xD Danke Wann soll das den Rauskommen oder ist das nicht bekannt?
20.03.2013, 15:41 #3OranjeX
AW: Fast & Furious: Showdown
Retailer EB Games is listing Fast & Furious: Showdown as being published by Activision for Wii U on May 15 and PS3 and Xbox 360 on May 22. It's also carrying the box art below.
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