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02.01.2009, 16:51 #1game_R
[Wii] D2Pro Team hat den NonChipsatz geknackt?
First DVD Backup-playing modchip for d2nothing announced by d2pro team - 2009-01-01
Since the appearance of the so-called 'd2nothing' drives in the market over the last month-or-so, a number of concerned installers have emailed us to ask about a modding solution for when this drive becomes commonplace. At this point, we would simply like to confirm that we already have DVD Backups booting on d2nothing drives using a new solution that we have been developing for some time. We will make new announcements about this exciting solution soon!
[Wii] D2Pro Team hat den NonChipsatz geknackt?
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
02.01.2009, 16:58 #2xburnsidex
AW: [Wii] D2Pro Team hat den NonChipsatz geknackt?
Und ich erstmal. Hoffe das Du uns weiter damit informierst....
02.01.2009, 17:23 #3game_R
AW: [Wii] D2Pro Team hat den NonChipsatz geknackt?
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