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07.11.2008, 21:32 #1Wiinitro
Welcher Chip die 1000ste aber berechtigt!?
Habe mir die Wii jetzt die Woche gekauft.
Habe die SerienNr. LEH2166 und dann 4 weiter zahlen.
Laut diesem Forum kann ich den Argon verbauen.
Aber laut einer Webseite heisst es.....
NOTICE! This product only works with D2C wii's.
It will not function on a D2A/D2B or DMS Console.
This chip does not work on latest D2C2 chipset (if your serial is LEH-1837xxx or higher)
Das wiederspricht sich ja irgendwie!?
Bitte um Hilfe
Welcher Chip die 1000ste aber berechtigt!?
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
07.11.2008, 23:42 #2Nightclaw
AW: Welcher Chip die 1000ste aber berechtigt!?
ARGON FEATURES (with WII D2C firwmare):
1- Work on all D2C WII boards, incl. G2C D1A! D2E and D2C2
2- 6+1 wires connection (with last FW2.4)
3- 100% UPDATABLE! Trought the on board JTAG connector*
4- ACTEL3 FAMILY FPGA - A3P125 - Military quality and security
5- Direct Boot from Wii games
(extreme compatibility, more than Wiikey/D2Ckey)
6- Dirct boot for every GC game - Full supported from firmware 1.6
7- Multiple disc support
8- Silver games support - Supported from firmware 1.5
9- Audio streaming for GC Games supported
10- Partial regional Patch (work on 80% of games) - SUPPORTED FROM FIRMWARE 1.3
11- SPI 2Mbit flash on board for support of CODE INJECTION METHOD, soon firmwares availables
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