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Thema: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
20.07.2010, 09:41 #21RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Hello again fans, we're really excited to be presenting this treat! Square Enix has released a brand new trailer for Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded for the Nintendo DS. The trailer shows off some of the changes to the title as well as the multiple and diverse game play modes in Re: Coded. We won't spend too much time giving the details, it's best for you to watch it yourself!
We'll have a translated version up soon! Stay tuned!
You can geek out with fellow fans and post your speculation about the trailer on our dedicated community by clicking here!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Edit :
New Re:Coded Screens!
Hey, guys. More Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded screen shots for you courtesy of forum administrator Shamdeo today! Take a quick peek below at what we have to offer:
Kingdom Hearts Insider
21.07.2010, 17:45 #22RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
New Re:Coded scans - Disney Castle, Traverse Town and Wonderland
Spotted by forum member kostas, new screenshots from the upcoming Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded have emerged, posted on the Minami415 blog. Delving deeper into the roles of Wonderland, Traverse Town and Disney Castle in the game, an Unknown clad in an Organization XIII-style cloak is seen in the latter two. Who could this stranger be? He appears to be involved in the tutorials of the game's battle system.
In Traverse Town, the hooded Unknown is seen again, while in Wonderland Sora is glimpsed fighting a battle tipped on its side, bringing back some of the topsy-turvy environments the world was loved for originally.
Discuss these screenshots and anything else you want on our forums
Source: Minami415 (冬音ぶろぐ)
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Famitsu Re:Coded screenshots - Traverse Town and Wonderland
The screenshots featured in Famitsu magazine scans posted on the Minami415 have now come up in full detail in a Famitsu website update - less than twenty-four hours between the emergence of the scans and screenshots. While Disney Castle is absent from these screenshots and some images from the scans are too, old and new ones emerge in full image quality. Sora speaks with Cid, the hooded Unknown and Huey in Traverse Town's First District, while in the second he encounters Heartless. Later on, Sora navigates part of Traverse Town and fights Heartless from a two-dimensional, side-scrolling perspective, and further on he fights a Guard Armour in similar fashion.
The conversation witnessed between Sora, Alice and the Cheshire Cat comes into clarity, when later the digital Keyblader fights Heartless while aerial blocks provide obstacles to hinder him, while in another battle, Sora fights along a wall, moving perpendicular to the perspective of the camera.
Come discuss this and more on our forums!
Source: Famitsu (『キングダム ハーツ Re:コーデッド』のバトルシステムに迫る)
Kingdom Hearts Insider
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Kingdom Hearts Re:coded: Neue Infos aus der Famitsu! - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
24.07.2010, 09:41 #23RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
New Info about Re:coded + Birth by Sleep Collectors Edition
Hello, everybody!
Thanks to the careful observations of the folks over at siliconera, more information is available concerning the new battle system in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. Read below:
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded introduces a new kind of meter, the overclock gauge. It’s the bar to the left of Sora’s portrait.
Attacking enemies increases the overclock gauge and Sora gains new abilities each time the bar fills up. The skills you can access are dependent on the type of weapon Sora exists. Some skills seen in a new batch of Famitsu screenshots include: auto potion, protect, medic, shell, and counter aero.
Sora will revisit familiar worlds, but Square Enix designed them to be different in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. In this Nintendo DS game, Wonderland is a Space Harrier style shooter. Levels also have new stage gimmicks like the turn based RPG system for the Olympus Colosseum.
Come join our bustling forums for some great discussion!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
26.07.2010, 09:37 #24RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Re:Coded & Birth by Sleep at Comic Con!
Hey there, fellas! Over at Comic Con there has been a bit of Kingdom Hearts activity and thanks to Churro over at Kingdom Hearts Ultimania we have our hands on three fresh videos, dealing in Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. We here at KHInsider especially love the new English trailer for Re:Coded which you can see below:
Apart from this trailer, Churro has captured his experience of game play of Terra and Aqua from Birth by Sleep, both of which videos you can view right here! To discuss them, visit our forums which are just bursting at the seams with activity!
I would also like to take the opportunity to mention that our Re:Coded magazine scans gallery is now officially open for you to view all the scans we have so far; you can view them over here!
Source: Kingdom Hearts Ultimania, forum member kostas
Kingdom Hearts Insider
02.08.2010, 19:25 #25RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts 3D und Re:coded - große Zusammenfassung des Dengeki Interviews - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded - Update der offiziellen Website zeigt weitere Welten
Nach dem großen Dengeki Interview über die neuen Kingdom Hearts Teile mit Tetsuya Nomura gibt es heute schon die nächste Neuigkeit aus dem Kingdom Hearts Universum. Die ofizielle Webseite von Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded hat nämlich einige neue Inhalte spendiert bekommen. Damit man sich auf das kommende NDS-Spiel einstellen kann, wurde der Webseite einem Update unterzogen. Dieses Update stellt uns drei Welten vor: Die Insel des Schicksals, Traverse Town und Wunderland. Zu sehen sind ein paar Screenshots. Auch Informationen zu den Welten werden genannt - auf japanisch.
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded - Update der offiziellen Website zeigt weitere Welten - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
06.08.2010, 13:34 #26RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
New Re:coded Gameplay Videos + Preorder Bonus!
Hey everybody!
The official Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Japanese website has updated yet again, this time with two new videos showing off the Overlock and Bugblock systems unique to the game. Take a look--
In other Re:coded news, the Japanese pre-order bonus was revealed to be an original Kingdom Hearts shopping bag. The size A4, cotton bag will feature a monochrome illustration of the characters from the game. No picture as of yet, but we'll keep you posted!
Discuss this and more on our forums.
One last thing before we go. Forum member gamerobber7 graciously scanned a Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep advertisement from J-14 Magazine for you all to look at. While it may not be huge news, it's still great to know that the game we've all been waiting for is only a few weeks away!
New Re:Coded Scans + 62 Birth by Sleep Screens![/B]
Hello, everybody. Golly, we sure have a plethora of news for you-all today! Many thanks go to myself, site staff member Soluus, for the following two finds: four new Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded scans and 62 (that's dizzying!) new screens of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.
To see them all individually, visit our Re:Coded magazine scans gallery. While we wait for translations, discuss the scans here on our lively forums!
Now for the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep screens. Though these are from the French version of the game, I have translated them into English. You may view them in our Birth by Sleep screenshot gallery, or see them in the video below.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
07.08.2010, 21:08 #27RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Re:Coded Confirmed for Europe?
Hey, everyone! Good news for European fans today! Though Square Enix has already confirmed Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded in America (and here's a reminder for you guys that it will be released in just under two months in Japan), there hasn't yet been any word on the European release. We here at KHInsider dearly hope that Europe gets the game (this includes myself considering I live in England!) and we have a little bit of light to shed on the matter, though this is by no means an official European confirmation.
This certainly has our European feathers ruffling and we urge you to keep your eyes peeled for news right here! In the meantime, you can discuss this on our forums!
Source: KH Destiny, site staff member Soluus for the news, LiveJournal member AlexaGFX for the avatar
Kingdom Hearts Insider
10.08.2010, 00:30 #28RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Re:coded Nearing Completion!
Square Enix director Tetsuya Nomura was answering questions about the upcoming game 3rd Birthday on Twitter, when he randomly decided to fill us in on the progress of the upcoming title Kingdom Hearts Re:coded:
"KH Re:Coded, which is set for release on 10/7, is almost complete as far as development goes. We're currently working on the packaging and promotions. The approach has changed a bit this time to light taste."
Thanks:, Gexus
Re:coded Pre-Order Cover Revealed!
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded seems to be close to complete, for today the official pre-order cover art was released. Note that this will not be the final design. Take a look--
Just like the original coded, the remake will have connections to the online avatar game Kingdom Hearts Mobile. Will KH:Mobile make it beyond Japan with the international release of Re:coded? We'll keep you posted!
Tell us what you think about the new cover on our Forums.
Thanks: KH Destiny, azalyn, Soluus
Kingdom Hearts Insider
13.08.2010, 01:03 #29RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Re:coded Development Opinion + No Bundle Version
A little bit of news for you now on the development of the soon-to-be-released Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, which, remember, is a Nintendo DS remake of the Japanese DoCoMo phone game Kingdom Hearts coded. Hajime Tabata, game director of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and other titles, has given his opinion on the development of Re:coded even though he isn't working on the game. He praises the game and calls it an "amazing achievement" and says it has the "highest level of graphics and action for the DS", among many more things. More importantly, Tetsuya Nomura, the series' director, said that there will be no bundle version for Re:coded. You can, however, read the full article right here on our lively forums!
Source: Andria Sang, forum administrator Shamdeo for the news, forum member Dawninmyheart for the avatar
Kingdom Hearts Insider
17.08.2010, 12:32 #30RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Es mehren sich die Hinweise, dass das momentane Line-Up von Square Enix für die diesjährige GamesCom, die am Mittwoch beginnt, nicht komplett ist. Zum einen wäre da der GamesCom-Trailer zu Lord of Arcana, den Square Enix heute veröffentlicht hat und der bisher nicht im Line-Up war, sowie die Angaben einiger renommierter Videospielseiten wie IGN oder 4Players, die neben Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, dessen GamesCom-Auftritt schon mit der Aktualisierung der amerikanischen Website bestätigt wurde, auch Kingdom Hearts Re:coded für den NDS und Kingdom Hearts 3D für den 3DS listen. Ob beide Titel wirklich auf der Messe vertreten sein werden, wird sich wohl zeigen müssen - die Zeichen stehen jedoch gut.
Quelle: IGN, 4Players, Shaded Hearts
GamesCom 2010: Auch mit Kingdom Hearts Re:coded und 3D? - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
21.08.2010, 21:18 #31RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
V-Jump Re:coded Scans!
Hey, guys! New scans for the soon-to-be-released NintendoDS game, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded! Take a peek below.
But we have more of them! To see them, visit our swarming forums! Don't forget that you can also follow us on our revived Facebook and Twitter for the freshest news!
Source: KH Destiny, site staff member Soluus
On a side-note, we're hosting our very own Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep countdown and we need YOU to participate! Hit the link up to be a part of the action and have thousands of people view your work every day!
Nomura Comments About Re:coded's Control Scheme!
Hey, guys! A bit of news from forum administrator Shamdeo today: Tetsuya Nomura, creator of the series, has commented on Kingdom Hearts Re:coded's control scheme and has kindly translated it for us. Take a look below!
Nomura thinks about a system's hardware every time he's working on a new title, and that the presence or absence of an analog stick is extremely important in how the controls are designed. Handhelds without an analog stick need special emphasis on customizing the controls so that it is enjoyable for players. He feels that Re:coded adds a refreshing new control system that was re-innovated after working on titles such as Days and BBS.
Source: The 3rd Birthday Twitter, forum member Dawninmyheart for the avatar
On a side-note, we're hosting our very own Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep countdown and we need YOU to participate! Hit the link up to be a part of the action and have thousands of people view your work every day!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Better Re:coded V-Jump Scans!
We now have high-quality versions of those Re:coded V-Jump scans from before. Take a look--
Discuss this on our forums! You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for instant news!
Source: A9VG
27.08.2010, 13:28 #32RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded - Details zum Surechigai- und Avatarsystem
Neben einem großen The 3rd Birthday Artikel (hier zu finden) hat die aktuelle Famitsu auch neue Informationen zu Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded (NDS) parat, das am 7. Oktober 2010 in Japan erscheinen wird. Wie schon im Juni berichtet, wird Re:coded die "passive connectivity" des Nintendo DS unterstützen. In Form des Surechigai-Systems, das auch schon bei Dragon Quest IX und anderen Spielen zur Anwendung kam. Dabei werden Spielinformationen ausgetauscht, während das Gerät ausgeschaltet ist. Was ausgetauscht wird, war bislang unbekannt. Dazu hat die Famitsu Informationen, die ins englische und unsere Partnerseite ins deutsche übersetzt hat.
"Das Surechigai-System ist Teil des neuen Avatarmenü-Modus. Hier können eigene Avatar-Charaktere erstellt werden. Das Avatar-System scheint viele Ähnlichkeiten mit dem aktuellen ‘Kingdom Hearts Mobile’-Service zu besitzen. Man wird sogar die Möglichkeit haben, ‘Final Fantasy’-Bestandteile zu benutzen. Sobald du einen Avatar besitzt, kann man mit anderen Spielern ein Profil austauschen. Aber das ist noch nicht alles. Ebenfalls System-Gebietebenen können ausgetauscht werden." heißt es. Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded wird auch auf der Tokyo Game Show 2010 am 16. September vorgestellt.
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded - Details zum Surechigai- und Avatarsystem - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
Tokyo Game Show 2010: The 3rd Birthday und Kingdom Hearts Re:coded spielbar
Square Enix wartet noch bis in den September hinein, bis sie die Liste an vorgestellten Titeln für die Tokyo Game Show 2010 enthüllen. Tetsuya Nomura muss sich an diese Regelung aber nicht halten. Schon in den letzten Tagen teaserte er etliche Titel an. Heute nun gab er via 3rd Birthday Twitter bekannt, dass The 3rd Birthday (PSP) und Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (NDS) auf der Messe spielbar sein werden. Er versprach auch Promotionvideos, welche neue CGs enthalten. Diese werder derzeit aber noch bearbeitet. Beide Titel erhalten zur TGS also ihr öffentliches spielbares Debut. The 3rd Birthday wurde bereits in einer spielbaren Version diesen Monat bei der GamesCom in Köln gezeigt, allerdings nur der Presse. Wir dürfen uns auf jede Menge neue Impressionen freuen!
Tokyo Game Show 2010: The 3rd Birthday und Kingdom Hearts Re:coded spielbar - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
28.08.2010, 17:37 #33RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Re:coded Playable at TGS 2010!
Hi, everybody!More news on the up-and-coming Nintendo DS
remake of the Japanese cellphone game Kingdom Hearts coded, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. Many of you will be aware of the existence of Tokyo Game Show, a yearly video game exposition with a massive following that follows games on the Japanese market rather than the international market: it is this exact reason that we here at KHInsider are excited to learn that there will be a demo of Re:coded during this year's TGS! Tetsuya Nomura, the series' director, told us this riveting piece of news via the The 3rd Birthday Twitter, where you can keep track of many Kingdom Hearts updates. Tell us about what you think of this on our forums!
Speaking of Twitterand keeping track of things, did you know that KHInsider now has its very own Twitter and Facebook page? Follow and like us so you can get all your info on the go!
Thanks go to forum administrator Shamdeo for the news and LiveJournal member coloredpastels for the avatar.
Re:coded Set for Europe Feb 2011?
Hey, guys!As a European myself (living in England) I understand the pain of European Kingdom Hearts fans when we get the games in the series later than our American friends (or not at all if you look to Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories). What with the near-release of the Nintendo DS remake Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, I have to say I'm really pumped for the European release of the game which will find its way to our shores some day... or perhaps quicker than we thought?
Over at British gaming chains GAME and Gamestation they've already begun advertising the game and have put a price on it--and more interestingly, GAME has set a 'release date' of February 2011 whilst Gamestation has set theirs to 2010. Personally, I think that Gamestation's is in accordance with the Japanese release, but GAME's is intriguing since it could spell a universally-European release of February. Though these are more than likely to be place-holder dates and have not been officially confirmed, I'd like you to share your thoughts on our forums.
Source: forum member Santuary for the news and LiveJournal user carameltrap for the icon.
Re:coded Board Game Screens + Debug Mode + Olympus Coliseum
Hey, everyone!More screens from the up-and-coming Kingdom Hearts Re:coded today and a Famitsu exclusive it seems! Though we haven't fully translated the article yet we can tell you that like Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Re:coded has an optional board game which you may play in order to gain new abilities and moves! We also have our first view of the game's debug mode which is used to clear out those pesky bug blocks causing so many problems throughout the game, as well as more shots of Olympus Coliseum where you can see the game's side-scrolling action sequences!
Discuss this on our thriving forums!
Source: Famitsu with thanks to forum helper jeels for the news!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
04.09.2010, 15:33 #34RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Re:Coded Site Update!
Hey everyone!Special thanks to forum member Rexy, for bringing to our attention another update to the Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded Japanese site (which you can locate here). The site has been updated with the following:
♥ One new character profile (This one is a spoiler folks, be careful!)
♥ World and character information for Olympus Coliseum
♥ Brand new downloadable wallpaper
(These are just a small preview, go to the site to grab 'em.) You can discuss this update by visiting our forums.
Re: Coded Japanese Cover Looks Swell!
Good news, the official Japanese box art for Kingdom Hearts: Re Coded (Nintendo DS) has been revealed. It is by far my favorite Kingdom Hearts cover yet, looks very playful and charming. See for yourself, click the thumbnail to enlarge!
Thanks duckroll. Discuss your impressions of the Re: Coded Boxart on our forums!
16.09.2010, 14:27 #35RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Message from the Kingdom: Recoded Demo Guide
Hey guys!
The Kingdom Hearts team has made a basic guide on the control mechanics of playing the Nintendo DS game, Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded, in preparation for the playable demo at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show 2010. Take a look at the image below:
The full untranslated image can be found on the Message from the Kingdom blog. Step into our lively forums for further discussion on this bit of news!
New TGS Re:coded Videos!
Hey everybody!
How are you all enjoying Birth by Sleep? It's only been a few days since the release and we're already getting new information on the next entry to the series--Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. Check out these videos showing off the gameplay system for the new title:
A recent Tweet from the Kingdom Hearts Twitter revealed this Re:coded related picture--
Discuss this and more on our Forums.
Thanks: Roxas_1113, kostas,
Kingdom Hearts Insider
17.09.2010, 23:01 #36RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
20.09.2010, 12:42 #37RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Re:Coded - TGS trailer, tweets and pictures
Greetings, everyone!
While we're all still dealing with the release of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, other events have been proceeding in regards to Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded at the 2010 Tokyo Game Show. Among other things, the newest trailer for Re:Coded, previously viewed only in a closed session, has now been officially posted to the Japanese Square-Enix website.
Watch the trailer below, or access our forums for more of the updates and information!
Thanks to the ever-vigilant kostas for picking up on the update, and Heartstation for providing the translations!
Source: HEARTSTATION on Twitter
Kingdom Hearts Insider
20.09.2010, 14:39 #38Dr. Cox
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Sieht bisher ja alles klasse aus.^ ^
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days war ab und zu ja etwas eintönig. Hier scheint es aber ziemlich abwechslungsreich abzulaufen. Viele Hindernisse , Perspektivenwechsel und Extras. Besser als 358/2 Days wirds bestimmt, allerdings ist Roxas mein lieblings KH-Charakter also... Mal sehen welches ich am ende besser fine. =P
22.09.2010, 21:32 #39RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Hey, guys!Thanks to one of our ex-translators, Key to Truth, we have more informations on the little tidbits that will be featured in the soon-to-be-released instalment into the series, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded! Here's what the ever-trusty ReBirth Wings featured that you may or may not know about:
♥ New scratch-card feature to win prizes!
♥ Mood-changing avatars!
♥ Viruses in the menu which you must clear!
You may also know that like Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Re:coded will be implementing a Command Board all of its own, not to mention the NA- and EU-added trophies found throughout the various lands in the game. Seems like Re:coded is packed with things to do -- and not just playing through the story!
Tell us what you think and see what your fellow fans think right here!
Source: ReBirth Wings & FF Reunion
Kingdom Hearts Insider
27.09.2010, 13:04 #40RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded - etliche neue Gameplay Informationen aus der Famitsu
Die japanische Famitsu hat in ihrem Onlinemagazin einen neuen Artikel zu Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded (NDS) veröffentlicht, der etliche neue Informationen und Screenshots bietet. Das Spiel erscheint schon am 7. Oktober 2010 in Japan! Der Artikel gibt vor allem Aufschluss über Gameplay-Elemente. So hat auch Re:coded ein Kommandomatrix-System, mit dem man zwei Kommandos verschmelzen kann, um ein noch stärkeres zu erschaffen. Im Kommandomatrix-Menü wählt man Kommandos aus einem Kommandodeck aus. Du kann man zwei Kommandos in die blauen Felder packen. Das Fusionsergebnis sieht man dann im roten Feld darunter. Man verliert so zwar natürlich die zwei Kommandos, aber dafür wird das neue Kommando auch immer eine Art von Bonus mit sich bringen.
Als Beispiel für diese Kommandofusion zeigt Famitsu ein Bild, in dem 'Steigen' mit 'Blitz' zu 'Blitzschlag' fusioniert wird und wie 'Drehsturz' mit 'Sturmlauf' zu 'Blitzschlag' kombiniert wird. Das Kommandomatrix-System darf nicht mit dem Statusmatrix-System verwechselt werden. Dieses wird dazu benutzt, um Soras Fähigkeiten und Statuswerte mittels Platzieren von Verstärkungs-Chips auf einem Brett zu steigern. Solche Chips sind beispielsweise "Level Up", "Block +1" oder "Feuer +1".
Etliche weitere Informationen aus dem Artikel, u. a. auch zur Welten-Auswahl und dem Tag-Mode findet ihr im Kommentarthread.
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded - etliche neue Gameplay Informationen aus der Famitsu - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
Welp, with only a matter of a couple of weeks until Kingdom Hearts Re:coded hits Japanese shelves, Famitsu has really been dishing out on the juicy gossip and this time it's in the form of screens! There are 23 this time involving shots of the menu, the System Matrix and even the Scratch Card -- but most excitingly we get to see a fairly thought-inducing image of Bug-covered Riku as pictured above? What's going on here? Who's causing it? Will Riku ever wake up? Tell us on our forums! But of course, we've uploaded the screens to our new YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
Thanks go to Famitsu and FF-Reunion.
~♥~ And finally, the Re:coded scans (long update, huh?)! Thanks to FF sky and TGbus we now have our hands on more information on this game; unfortunately it's too blurry to make out but you may look at them as presented in our video below!
As always, you can discuss these scans on our forums! Thanks for sticking with us through this update; I bet your eyes are tired! Until next time, friends!
Re:coded Now ESRB Rated
Hello to all!
Thanks to Just Push Start, we now know The Entertainment Software Rating Board - responsible for the regulation and proper age rating for video games in North America and Canada - have recently finished giving Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded the once-over. Read below to hear what they have to say about the game, and come over our forums to talk about it and a whole lot more!
Rating: Everyone 10+ Content descriptors: Fantasy Violence
Rating summary: This is an action role-playing game in which players control a character named Sora, who must navigate a series of virtual fantasy worlds to decipher a hidden message. Players mostly use magic spells and a large key-shaped sword to strike and slash at creatures and classic Disney villains (e.g., Maleficent, Hades, Jafar). Some levels allow players to engage in top-down turn-based battles or traverse through side-scrolling levels while firing magic spells at waves of flying enemy creatures. Characters react to damage by grunting/crying out in pain or bursting into small orbs.
Thanks to forum members Lucius Malfoy and Dawninmyheart for the news and avatar, respectively.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
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