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Thema: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
10.06.2010, 18:16 #1Sub-Zero91
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Quelle: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded angek
10.06.2010, 18:35 #2Dr. Cox
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Woah! Danke für die Info! Ich dachte schon ich komme nie dazu das Spiel zu spielen! Du hast meinen Tag gerettet Obwohl der eigentlich ganz gut war :P Gleich gut bewertet!
10.06.2010, 19:32 #3RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded Debuts In America Next Week
The Nintendo DS re-make of a Japanese Kingdom Hearts cell-phone game will be at video game mega-show E3 next week. Cool, but is that the Kingdom Hearts E3 mystery game? This is what we know:
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded is not Kingdom Hearts 3. No way. It's one of two Kingdom Hearts games Square Enix confirmed today that it will be showing at E3 in a listing of the company's E3 games. The other is the PSP game Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.
Re:Coded is a DS port of Kingdom Hearts: Coded, an episodic game in the Disney-meets-Final-Fantasy series released in Japan starting in 2008.
Here's the official description of Re:Coded:
Sora's journey in KINGDOM HEARTS II has drawn to a close, and now a new tale is set to begin.
Jiminy Cricket is looking over the journal he used to document his first adventure with Sora when he discovers a mysterious message. He didn't write it – so how on earth did it get there? King Mickey is determined to find out, so he and his friends decide to digitize the journal and delve into its deepest secrets. Inside this "datascape" dwells a second Sora who is about to embark on a grand adventure of his very own.
Do note that if Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to get a splashy E3 debut, SquareEnix probably wouldn't tell us early. But at least you can expect to hear about Re:Coded next week as well as approximately one billion other games Kotaku will be covering at gaming's annual showcase circus.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded Debuts In America Next Week
Das steht noch einiges Zur Story =)
16.06.2010, 09:45 #4RikuValentine
19.06.2010, 00:41 #5RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
E3 2010: Tetsuya Nomura
Ein Paar Infos.
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded E3 Trailer!
Hey everybody!
We have some very exciting news for you all. Forum staff member Ulti was lucky enough to attend E3 this year, and even managed to obtain exclusive footage of the Kingdom Hearts Re:coded trailer! Watch it below:
Kingdom Hearts Insider
20.06.2010, 09:46 #6RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Re:Coded Scan + Translation
Adding to the bits and pieces of information we're finally getting, we now also have a scan giving us a bit more background about the anticipated titles for the Nintendo DS, Re:Coded.
Drawing near to the mysteries that lay deep within the KH series!
New mysteries have been found after the hit PS2 game KHII! Will new information be revealed on this new adventure!?
Mobile game “KH Coded” will be remade and released this Autumn!
The hero Sora will have a grand adventure in the mysterious Data World!
The mobile game “KH Coded” will receive a power up on the DS! Sora will go on a journey to uncover the mysteries of the data world!
What has happened to their travel journal!?
There is trouble brewing in the journal in which Jiminy recorded their adventures!
Data World Sora
The main character Sora has been remade with data to search the data world of Jiminy’s Journal.
King Mickey
A great king, he is working to uncover the problem with Jiminy’s Journal.
A huge adventure in the data world!
The king has decided to send data Sora into the data version of Jiminy’s Journal.
Discover the mysteries in the data world of Jiminy’s Journal!
Many troubling things are happening in the data world of the journal. “Bugs” have come from the computer program and invaded the world!
What are the “Bug Blocks” that are appearing on the island?
Explore the area by destroying the strange patterned “Bug Blocks” and using them as platforms!
Destroy heartless!
In battle, press one button to release flashy attacks!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Und das von gestern nochma in Deutsch .
E3 2010: Erster Trailer zu Kingdom Hearts Re:coded aufgetaucht! - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
21.06.2010, 12:56 #7RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Small Re:coded Scan & Translation
Above is the new scan that forum administrator Shamdeo has located for us. Though it primarily talks about the up-and-coming Square Enix title The 3rd Birthday, there is a small yellow box in the corner talking about Kingdom Hearts Re:coded that our translator Lissar has kindly converted into English for us. Here's what she had to say:
“Kingdom Hearts Re:coded” for the DS will be out this fall! Details on page 382!
Many popular Disney characters appear in the game! “Look! Can’t you see someone else in the monitor!?”
The keyblade hero Sora will be leaving on a new adventure! “We have to look for the keyhole fast and do something about this world.”
23.06.2010, 10:48 #8RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Nomura Talks about Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded and KH: 3D
Thanks to Neogaf's duckroll, we have the first tidbits on both Re: Coded and Kingdom Hearts: 3DS from the latest issue of Famitsu.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded
- Re:Coded is being developed to allow more fans to experience the game, the DS was selected as most people have the hardware.
- Another reason for the hardware choice is that Coded was developed with the lack of analog in mind.
- The story will be the same as Coded, but aside from the event scenes the game will see many major changes.
- The game is targeting more casual gamers, and will have an adjustable difficulty setting like The World Ends With You.
- The design concept for Re:Coded includes elements from Coded with Birth by Sleep and Days.
- The co-director of Birth by Sleep is supervising the battle planning for the game, while the same team will be handling the map design.
- The level up system in the game will be an expansion of the ideas from 358 Days
- There will be multiplayer elements, including avatars which can be unlocked featuring the characters from Birth by Sleep, as well as Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII.
- There will be a secret movie in the game.
- Currently 80% complete.
Kingdom Hearts: 3D
- This game is not a remake, it is a brand new entry in the Kingdom Hearts Series.
- This is the next stage of the franchise after Coded/358/BbS.
- Sora and Riku will be the playable characters in the game, and they will be visiting new worlds.
- There will be various hints relating to this game hidden in Re:Coded.
- There should be more information and announcements at next year's E3.
Once again, thanks to duckroll, this is the first big information folks, go ahead and discuss it on our bustling community!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
23.06.2010, 12:11 #9Dr. Cox
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Thx für die ganzen Infos. Hört sich richtig nice an, ich kanns kaum noch abwarten. Und 80% sind ja schonmal was ^^
24.06.2010, 11:00 #10RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Bezüglich Ihrer Arbeit an Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded sagte Shimomura, dass sie drei Lieder für das Spiel entwirft. Diese sind zusätzlich zu den zwei Stücken, die sie schon für das originale Coded schrieb. Sie ist in der Lage, sich hier zu entspannen, während sie die Musik zu Re:Coded macht, da Tetsuya Nomuras Anweisungen nicht zu schwer sind.
Die Famitsu konnte sich sogar schon ein Song anhören und sie beschrieben ihn als süß. Den Song, den sie hörten, ist für die "Datenwelt" des Spiels, erklärte Shimomura. Klingen tut es ein wenig wie Famicom (NES - Nintendo Entertainment System) Melodien. Sie stellte aber auch sicher, dass es das Kingdom Hearts Feeling hat.
Das Hören dieser Melodien wird aber nicht das einzige sein, dass die Spieler nostalgisch über Re:Coded fühlen lässt. Shimomura sagte auch, dass eine Großzahl von Lidern aus dem original Kingdom Hearts dabei sein werden, etwas, dass ihrer Meinung nach die Fans auch nostalgisch werden lässt.
Yoko Shimomura
Kingdom Hearts: Nomura gibt weitere Details zu Re:coded und 3D preis
Was für ein Tag! Neben dem wirklich wundervollen Lebenszeichen zu Final Fantasy Versus XIII gibt es auch einige Neuigkeiten zu den beiden neuesten Ablegern der Kingdom Hearts-Reihe, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (NDS) und Kingdom Hearts 3D (Nintendo 3DS).
Wie Nomura bekannt gibt, beträgt der momentane Entwicklungsstand des Spiels 80%, und steht also kurz vor der Vollendung. Nachdem bekannt wurde, dass Re:coded ein DS-Titel werden würde, wurden Stimmen laut, die nach eine PSP-Version verlangten. Tetsuya Nomura erklärte jedoch, dass man sich bewusst für den DS entschieden habe. Grund für das Remake ist die geringe Verfügbarkeit geeigneter Handys, die in der Lage sind, coded abzuspielen im Westen. Deswegen nahm man den DS, da er der Handheld mit der größten Verbreitung ist.
Zwar wird h.a.n.d. als Entwickler für Re:coded angegeben, doch in der Realität ist das Spiel eine Kooperation aus dem Osaka-Team und h.a.n.d. . So werden die Welten von der selben Gruppe erstellt, die das auch bei Birth by Sleep für die PSP übernommen haben. Das Levelsystem wird eine Abänderung des Tafelsystems aus 358/2 Days werden. Die Schwierigkeit im Spiel ist variabel und kann jederzeit angepasst werden. Ob das den neuen geheimen Film beeinflusst, ist noch nicht bekannt.
Auch an Final Fantasy hat man gedacht. So wird es möglich sein, im neuen Multiplayer-Modus des Titels Avatere zu benutzen, die zum Beispiel auf Lightning aus Final Fantasy XIII basieren. Auch Ventus, Terra und Aqua aus Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep gibt es als Avatar. Zum 3D-Spiel Kingdom Hearts 3D für Nintendos 3DS gibt es auch Neuigkeiten. Sora und Riku werden spielbar sein und vermutlich zwei eigene Szenarien bekommen. Neue Informationen wird es nicht sehr bald geben - man rechnet mit der E3 2011 mit weiteren Details zum Spiel.
Kingdom Hearts: Nomura gibt weitere Details zu Re:coded und 3D preis - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
24.06.2010, 22:05 #11Sub-Zero91
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Hier sind noch ein paar Scans aus der neuen Ausgabe der Famitsu
Könnt es euch nochmal in groß auf dieser Seite gucken:
Famitsu-Scans zu Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded - News @ Nintendo DS - Universe
Das find ich ganz interessant:
Am Ende des Spiels, vorausgesetzt ihr erfüllt die Voraussetzungen, erwartet euch zudem ein neues geheimes Ending, welches auf die Ereignisse des nächsten Teils der Serie, Kingdom Hearts 3D für den Nintendo 3DS, anspielen wird.
Quelle:Famitsu-Scans zu Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded - News @ Nintendo DS - Universe
26.06.2010, 03:50 #12RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded unterstützt passive connectivity des Nintendo DS
Was haben Kingdom Hearts Re:coded und The World Ends With You gemeinsam? Außer, dass beide von Tetsuya Nomura stammen und für den Nintendo DS erscheinen. Beide nutzen die "passive connectivity" des Nintendo DS. Wähernd das System ausgeschaltet ist, tauscht es automatisch Daten mit anderen System aus, also z. B. wenn man durch die Straßen läuft und das Gegenüber seinen DS ebenfalls in der Tasche trägt. Einen solchen Modus unterstützt auch Dragon Quest IX und Dragon Quest Monsters 2, dort heißt die Funktion bekanntlich Surechigai Modus. Bei The World Ends With You konnte man so z. B. "Pin Points" verdienen, die dem Hauptcharakter zusätzliche Fähigkeiten verliehen. Welche Funktion die "passive connectivity" bei Kingdom Hearts Re:coded erfüllen wird, lässt Square Enix noch offen. Bekannt ist aber auch schon, dass Re:coded auch eine Verbindung zu anderen Spielen aufbauen kann.
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded unterst
28.06.2010, 10:14 #13RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Nintendo Power on Re:coded
Hello, folks! The video game magazineNintendo Power has published an article about the upcoming DS title Kingdom Hearts Re:coded in their August edition. Read it below--
Heart Transplant Sora, Mickey, and company return to DS in Kingdom Hearts RE:coded.
Because you can never have too much Kingdom Hearts goodness, Square Enix is bringing its popular Disney-themed action-RPG series back to DS with Kingdom Hearts RE:coded. An enhanced remake of a game previously available on Japanese cell phones, the adventure focuses on a mysterious message that appears in Jiminy Cricket's journal, and a digitized Sora who explores "datascapes" that re-create many of the famous Kingdom Hearts locales. In typical Kingdom Hearts fashion, the complex story doesn't make a lot of sense, but it provides a fine excuse to bash enemies with your Keyblade and revisit places such as Destiny Islands, Traverse Town, Agrabah (from Aladdin), Olympus Coliseum (from Hercules), and Wonderland (from Alice in Wonderland). Although the environments are familiar, don't expect a straight-up rehash; new puzzle blocks that populate the worlds add a twist to the formula. Square Enix promises that the DS version features controls that are vastly superior to those of the original cell-phone game, along with an enhanced battle system and all-new gameplay content. As of press time, the game does not have a release date.
28.06.2010, 13:13 #14ViceDarkNeSs
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Erstmal 385/2 days durchzocken - -,bzw. anfangen lol
Hört sich aber nice an.
01.07.2010, 12:29 #15RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom hearts Re:coded Seite wurde eröffnet
Informationen auf der Seite:
* Re: Coded allgemein.
* Die Charaktere.
* Die Story.
* Infos zum Releasedate.
* Wallpapers.
01.07.2010, 22:53 #16Morrison
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Uah, das Spiel sieht so tasty aus. Muss das echt haben wenn es kommt. =3
Das erste für DS war ja schon der hammer, und jetzt geht es mit Sora ans Werk.
Kommt gleich mal in meine Most Wanted Top 3! Haha! xD
02.07.2010, 07:28 #17RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Re:Coded Site Now Open
Hey! This is some news we've been waiting for: Square Enix has officially now opened its Japanese Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded site. There are many, many new images on the site as well as character biographies of the guys from the game as well as a description of the game and even a free wallpaper! You can get this wallpaper here.
New Message From The Kingdom!
Hey, y'all! With the opening of the Japanese Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded site, we also have a new message from the kingdom, located here! Though it's in Japanese, forum member Key to Truth has translated the message into English for us below:
Hello everyone.
We have opened the site for the latest installment of the Kingdom Hearts series, "Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded"! This time the website is a bit different than we usually make them. I hope you like it, so check it out.
And it seems a new message has arrived to the memo...
Look forward to the next updates!
More Re:Coded Screens
As you probably know, Square Enix has open its Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded site; as I mentioned earlier there are new screens on the site, but I thought I'd post some below for your benefit. To view all eight of them, come here, thanks to myself, site staff member Soluus.
These images come from the Japanese Re:Coded site.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
09.07.2010, 20:50 #18RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
17.07.2010, 11:44 #19RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Hey folks!
New Re:coded scans have surfaced, this time featuring the worlds of Traverse Town and Wonderland. The quality isn't very good, but they can be viewed below:
Forum member goldpanner did a translation of the high points of the article:
Finally, KH info was in Jump, so UP.
This time 'Traverse Town' and 'Wonderland' were featured.
There was a shot of fighting Guard Armour in Traverse Town, and it was side-scroller.
So, there is an explanation for people who haven't played coded.
By the way, they only show one command.
There are usually three, but when the screen is in side-scroll mode, perhaps only one command is shown.
It shows a maze you must go through without being caught by playing cards in Wonderland.
~New commands~
Fire Blade
Fire Lunge
Thanks: ChaoticVanitas, goldpanner, Minami415
Kingdom Hearts Insider
19.07.2010, 08:01 #20RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Re: Coded Japanese Release
Great news Kingdom Hearts fans. The latest issue of VJump is reporting that the Japanese release date for Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded is set for October 7th, 2010. That is a very short three months away!
For those that are unaware, Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded is a brand new remake of Kingdom Hearts Coded for the Nintendo DS, specifically created for an international release for those whom were unable to play the original game on mobile phones. The game takes place after the end of Kingdom Hearts 2, and is said to bridge the gap between Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, and Kingdom Hearts 2. However, RE: Coded incorporates a host of new elements into the game, including redone graphics, story changes, added game play elements, and a new secret ending, which you can read about here.
The question now remains is: will North American and European fans get their hands on this game before the end of 2010? We'll have more information as it arises!
Discuss the release date on our dedicated community by clicking here.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
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