Ergebnis 241 bis 260 von 557
10.07.2009, 10:46 #241Waknight
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
10.07.2009, 12:55 #242Fonso
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
glaube nicht das anbu so unvorsichtig wären, vorallem sind sie für ihre loyalität bekannt und das wäre jetzt Hochverrat...
da kann es nur einen mastermind im hintergrund haben..
10.07.2009, 15:08 #243Waknight
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
10.07.2009, 19:17 #244Fonso
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Ich meinte nicht weil sie unter seinem komando sind.
sondern das sie Konoha treu sind und deswegen, der person die konoha representiert also dem Hokage(in diesem Fall Danzu) nicht so verräterisch und vorallem unüberlegt hintergehen würden, egal wer hokage ist...
Anbu sind darauf trainiert die regeln zu achten und nicht uf eigene Faust zu handeln.
ausserdem gibt es sicher andere wege ihm vom Tron zu stossen :P
wegen dem arm, denke ich hat er einen falschen, mit der er gewisse handlungen durchführen kann.
wenn er Tobi wäre^^
hier wehrt er mit dem rechten arm ein schwert ab, bei danzo sieht man nie seinen rechten arm..
10.07.2009, 21:34 #245Waknight
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Naja,man kann schlecht jemanden auf normale art trainieren loyal zu sein und Kakashi und Yamato waren ja auch Anbus und die sind auch ganz normale Menschen( Yamatos Fall ist er ja sogar noch indirekt ein Anbu)und wer weiß,vielleicht gehen sie auch davon aus,dass es konoha schützen wird und nicht schadet,außerdem ist jetzt die beste Möglichkeit,ihn zu töten,wenn er bei den andern Kages angekommen ist,müssten sie mit 5 Kage und 10 Jounin rechnen,wenn sie ihn im Dorf angreifen,haben sie wenn sie pech haben schnell das ganze Dorf am Hals und würden selbst bei Erfolg als hochverräter gelten,Danzos Art der Handlung und so,dürften ihm eigentlich schon einige Feinde gebracht haben.
04.08.2009, 23:00 #246<-Super-Saiyan2->
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Source: MangaHelpers
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: ShounenSuki
Source: vered on NF
Verification: Confirmed.
Ino cries, then there's a meeting of people of the same generation¹ for some reason. Sakura and Naruto aren't there.
Shikamaru goes to where Sakura is
He reports to Sakura that everyone got together to talk
The conclusion is that if Sasuke is caught up in hatred and revenge, as Konoha, they will... (kill him?)
For some reason, Sakura seems to go from being dazed to making a decision
I'm going to talk to Naruto
To the conference
The Mizukage's attendent with the eyepatch senses that the atmosphere has turned strange for some reason
Under the eyepatch is the Byakugan
In Danzou's right face and arm, he sees a chakra flow he once saw before...
It is exactly the same as Uchiha Shisui, whom he once fought
(Shisui's Sharingan had a doujutsu that allowed him to go into his opponent's mind and manipulate them, even without the opponent realising it)
He questions Danzou about it: I too once fought a Hyuuga and got a transplant, but...
What if I were the one who unravelled the Fourth Mizukage (四代目水影).
jutsu (Danzou was the one manipulating?)
As the circumstances worsen, Zetsu appears
After this, Uchiha Sasuke will attack. I wonder if you know where he is...!?
It ends with him saying something like this
It seems Sasuke is going full speed down the path of evil, already being searched by the Five Countries as a dangerous criminal...
Additional comments from ShounenSuki:
Tobi orders Zetsu to "Go!!"
Zetsu appears in the centre of the place where the conference is held and speaks
It seems like White Zetsu hints that Sasuke and his team are no longer with him... or something like that
When Zetsu appears in the end, Temari stands before Gaara, protecting him ^^
Ach du kacke , also das hätt' ich jetzt nicht erwartet.
Wie's aussieht erinnert Ao nur Danzou's rechte Seite an Shisui.
Vorallem finde ich diese Passage ganz interessant:
He questions Danzou about it: I too once fought a Hyuuga and got a transplant, but...
What if I were the one who unravelled the Fourth Mizukage (四代目水影).
jutsu (Danzou was the one manipulating?)
Er fragt nach. Danzou: "Ich habe auch schon mal gegen einen Hyuuga gekämpft und ein Transplantat bekommen, aber was wäre, wenn ich derjenige war, der den 4. Mizukagen von dem Jutsu trennte(wahrscheinlich ist damit gemeint, dass Danzou das Jutsu auflöste, das Bijuu und Wirt zusammenhielt)"
Außerdem kann man den ersten Satz, den ich übersetzt hatte auch so verstehen, dass Danzou damals gegen Ao gekämpft hat, was hieße, das Danzou die ganze Zeit Shisui wäre.
04.08.2009, 23:39 #247Insight
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Auf jeden Fall interessant, ich würde die Passage aber etwas anders übersetzen als du!
He questions Danzou about it: I too once fought a Hyuuga and got a transplant, but...
What if I were the one who unravelled the Fourth Mizukage (四代目水影).
jutsu (Danzou was the one manipulating?)
Er ( der Mizukage ) befragt Danzou danach: Auch ich kämpfte einst gegen einen Hyuuga und bekam ein Transplantat, aber ...
Den Unterschied mache ich also dabei, wer wen befragt. Du hast es ja so übersetzt, als würde Danzou den Mizukage befragen, ich denke aber, es ist andersrum, jedenfalls dem Englischen Text nach.
Wieso meinst du, dass Ao Danzou erkennt? Es wird doch gesagt, dass der Mizukage das Byakugan hat, Ao ist aber nur der Begleiter des Mizukage.
Auf alles weitere was ich darein interpretiere will ich mal noch nicht eingehen, spielt eh keine Rolle, wenn ich mit dem nun Geschriebenen daneben liege!
05.08.2009, 11:26 #248<-Super-Saiyan2->
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Ahh so hatte ich das eigentlich auch gemeint....
Sorry, hatte vergessen nen Teil von ner anderen Übersetzung hinzuzufügen, nämlich diesen:
Ao has a Byakugan behind his eyepatch. He uses it to look at Danzou's right side. He concludes that it's just like a guy he fought, named Uchiha Shisui.
Ao fought a Hyuuga and took one of his eyes, or something.
Aber besser ist es, wenn wir auf ne bessere Übersetzung warten bzw auf den Chapter, denn ich glaube, dass hier des Öfteren Namen verwechselt wurden xD
05.08.2009, 12:08 #249Insight
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Jau, finde diesen Spoiler auch nicht ganz leicht zu verstehen!
Wobei ich momentan auch annehme, dass Danzo wohl Shsui ist bzw. unter dessen Kontrolle steht. Ansonsten wäre der Hinweis, auf dessen Fähigkeit, ja nicht nötig gewesen. Das wiederum würde dann bedeuten, dass Danzo nicht Tobi ist und es also noch einen weiteren mit den Kräften der Uchiha gibt. Ob Tobi davon weiß? Aber naja, stimmt, das hat hier nichts zu suchen und sollte eher nach dem Erscheinen des Chapters im anderen Thread diskutiert werden!
06.08.2009, 13:56 #250<-Super-Saiyan2->
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
From the pics:
Eyepatch: That right eye... He seems to have robbed and transplanted the eye of Uchiha Shisui (wow)
Eyepatch: The eye technique of Shisui was to get in the brain of the other people
Eyepatch: A technique manipulating the person into fake thoughts, as if from his own will
Eyepatch: The person manipulated does not even notice it... An eye technique of the highest class!
Raikage: Hokage... Don't tell me Mifune...!!!
Originally Posted by vered
here is a sentence from the spoiler guy answering a question:
自分が連合軍のリーダーになるようにミフネを操ってたぽい 操っ
It seems he manipulated Mifune in order to becoming the leader of the alliance (no shit sherlock)
Danzou kontrolliert Mifune, damit er die Kontrolle über die Allianz bekommt und dessen Führer wird.
Damit ist es ja quasi bestätigt, dass Danzou sein Sharingan und Teile seines Körpers von Shisui hat, dennoch würde ich nicht außer Betracht ziehen, dass Tobi und Danzou dieselbe Person ist.
26.08.2009, 19:09 #251<-Super-Saiyan2->
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Ch. 361
Here's a quick translation of the spoiler to those interested.
*Forgot the title of the chapter…
背表紙は カツユ
The Jump spine this week is Katsuyu
Sasuke, angry that he is so close to getting revenge (and that people are now in his way), loses his cool and ignoring Juugo’s warnings attacks Raikage straight on. C uses suiton to create a wall of water and sends Sasuke flying back (while Raikage uses his raiton to run current through the water and Sasuke).
ギャル男 情報どうりあいつは雷の属性もちだな
C comments that according to their information Sasuke is a raiton user.
イケメソ 火遁も直で使うらしいから水遁での防御は怠るなよ
Darui replies that Sasuke can also use katon so C should not let up on the suiton defensive techniques
水月 あれれ…サスケの情報漏れまくってんじゃん
Suigetsu comments that information about Sasuke has been leaked out everywhere.
イケメソが動きを止めますと 電幻雷光柱(太陽拳みたいなもん)
Darui says that he will stop their (Sasuke and his team’s) movements and uses a genjutsu called “Dengenraikouchuu” (which apparently looks like Tenshinhan’s Taiyoken from Dragonball)
Juugo totally eats the genjutsu and Sasuke is about to get crushed by Raikage
They get hit with the genjutsu but Sasuke dispels it. Right as he dispels it Raikage is about to hit Sasuke when Suigetsu jumps in and takes the hit. When Suigetsu takes the hit, however, it snaps the Zabuza sword in two and smashes Suigetsu’s arm to little watery bits (he’s made of water though so he probably isn’t permanently damaged).
水月 こいつの一撃が半端じゃない俺じゃなかったら腕の骨がぐちゃぐちゃだよ…
サスケ 余計な事を><
Suigetsu comments that Raikage’s attacks are really strong and if it were anyone else taking the attack their arm would be torn up. Presumably Sasuke doesn’t like this extra little comment provided by Suigetsu.
The scene changes to the Meeting Hall
デイダラ兄をやったサスケをみてみたい~アンパンは土影のおもり~ガアラはまだ答えがでてなか ったような気 が><
All the kage are discussing what they should do now~Ao (the Byakugan guy) will watch over Danzou~The Tsuchikage is just going to stay behind and wait~The girl who was with the Tsuchikage comments that she wants to see Sasuke, the guy who defeated Deidara~The big guy with Tsuchikage who looks like Anpanman will stay behind and look after Tsuchikage~It doesn’t seem like Gaara has given his answer yet~
The scene changes back to Sasuke
イケメソ そういえばもう一人いたな~そいつを探すから後は頼むギャル男
C tells Darui that he’s going to go find the remaining Sasuke team member (Karin) so he’s leaving the rest up to Darui.
ジュウゴ あいつが感知タイプか先にやらないとな
Juugo realizes that C is a sensing type ninja so they have to take care of him first.
Juugo goes cursed seal 2, the killer freak out type, and says “I’m gonna kill you!!!”
雷影 図にのるな~!! っと突っ込んだ所で完
Raikage tells Sasuke and Juugo not to get cocky!!
End of chapter.
Naruto does not appear once in this chapter.
more from nja:
カリンはシーに見つかっちゃやばいと思って火影を探す探知をやめ チャクラを消します
Karin, thinking it would be very bad if she were spotted by C, stops using her abilities to track the Hokage and instead hides her own chakra.
戦闘は ほとんど一方的だからね~ ダルイに吹っ飛ばされその後シーの幻術 幻術
サスケが解いて シー さすが写輪眼! ! ! ! !
The fight is mostly one-sided this week with Sasuke getting knocked back by Darui’s technique and then getting followed up by C’s genjutsu. Sasuke dispels the genjutsu to which C comments, “That’s the Sharingan for you!!!”
解いた瞬間に雷影のパンチを水月がとめ ダルイの刀はジュウゴが止める
Right as Sasuke dispels the genjutsu, Raikage punches (and is stopped by Suigetsu) and Darui swings his sword down (which is stopped by Juugo)
その後 会議室で ガアラが他の五影に あんたらはいつ己を捨てた?
After that, Gaara asks the other Kage in the meeting room about when they threw away their sense of self (rose above themselves or gained such self restraint)?
それを聞いた水影が 純粋な子 水影
土影は 生意気な小僧め
*Upon hearing this, Mizukage thinks, “what a pure child” while the Tsuchikage thinks, “what a rude brat”.
03.09.2009, 20:55 #252<-Super-Saiyan2->
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Teile des Naruto Ch. 462:
page changes to naruto
naruto: lies ... that's nonsense
yamato: that can't be
tobi: to talk about sasuke we cant avoid talking about itachi
kakashi: enough with the jokes that tale (killing of the relatives) i can't believe it
tobi: no it's not a lie
that was the truth about itachi ( the killing of his relatives was an order from the authorities of konoha )
that guy did it for the sake of sasuke and konoha
kakashi: what do you mean
if that would be true and if sasuke knows it
why is he helping akatsuki!? if he wanted to continue with itachi's will he should've come back to konoha
tobi: as sasuke's teacher and as his friends you are absolutely mistaken about his true feelings and what he plans to do
naruto: you made sasuke that way!?
tobi: no you're wrong
tobi: sasuke made that choice himself
yamato , kakashi: !!
tobi: it was a gamble for me too... was he going to follow itachis will or take revenge on konoha....
he chose revenge, he became a member of akatsuki and his actual objective is....
revenge on konoha for what they did to itachi
naruto: why... why... that guy... why has it come to this.. why go for revenge
tobi: can't be helped it's in the blood... uchiha's fate of hatred it's like curse that goes on everlastingly
naruto: fate of hatred... curse...
tobi: that's right ... long ago the one called rokudo senin ancestor of all shinobis...the curse of hatred came from him
kakashi: rokudou senin you say... that's just a simple myht...the mutation of the rinnengan
tobi: myth has a base of truth i'll tell the tale.. to lead peace was rokudou dream when that time came rokudou seinin would entrust power and will
to his sons
the elder brother would be gifted with his eyes(gan) power of the chakra and energy of the soul(mind) , power is needed to understand peace
the younger brother would be gifted with his flesh .. power of the soul(mind) and energy of the body, love is needed to understand peace
in the end when rokudou was in his death bed he had no other choice but to pick a sucessor and that decission made the curse of hatred live forever
naruto: what do you mean
tobi: the elder brother was entrusted with the power and the younger with the love
rokudou thought the most appropiate would be the younger brother so he chose him
naturally the elder brother thought he would be the one and instead of understanding the hatred consumed him and the dispute with his
younger brother started
the elder brother called his descendants uchiha
the younger brother called his senju
with this the battle to be first hokage started with uchiha madara and senju hashirama... it was fate
you (naruto) , we will meet again, the will of fire of senju lies inside you
even now i can see the first hokage inside you., he's not dead he lives that's my aspiration to have as a rival the man i hate the most
senju and uchiha will of fire and hatred ...naruto and sasuke
_________________________end________________________________ __
Summary of the talk between Naruto & Madara:
Madara tells them the truth about Itachi. They say that he is lying. Madara denies lying however, saying that if they're to talk about Sasuke, telling the truth about Itachi was unavoidable. He says that Sasuke is a true avenger. Naruto accuses Madara of being the one who made him that. Madara denies this, saying that it was Sasuke's own choice. He doesn't deny though, that it was a gamble of his own whether Sasuke would follow Itachi's will or not. He says what Sasuke's target is what Itachi desired, what the Uchiha clan desired - revenge on Konoha. Naruto asks why Sasuke would be so bent on revenge. Madara says that it can't be helped, as hatred is the Uchiha clan's destiny. They're cursed from since long before to walk a path of hatred. Naruto asks what he means by "cursed".
Madara says that it goes back since the time of the Six Path Hermit - that was when it all started. Kakashi says that the Sixth Path Hermit is just a fairy tale. Madara says that it's true though. He says that the Hermit sought to guide the world to peace and for that purpose gave his powers to his two children. The elder brother got the power of the "eye", and the power of chakra and the energy of the mind as well as the belief that power was needed to pacify the world. The younger brother got the power of the "body", the strenght of mind and the enrgy of the body as wella s the belief that love was needed to archieve peace. After that, the Hermit died and the true successor wasn't determited. But from that moment and on the curse of hatred had been created.
Naruto asks what he means by that. Madara says that the youngest son saw himself as the most fitting as the successor, while the older brother saw himself as the natural successor and from that moment and on they were enver quite able to reach an agreement and their battle of hatred started. The older brother's lineage became known as "Uchiha", whereas the younger brother's lineage bacame known as "Senju". He says that the conflict between him and Senju was fate. He also tells naruto that even though this is only the second time he has meet him, he can see that Senju's Will of Fire resides within him. In Naruto, he sees the First Hokage. He says that event though he's dead, he's still alive in a sense. He says that he admired Senju, was his rival, but also hated him the most. Senju and Uchiha, The Will of Fire and Hatred, Naruto and Sauke.
16.09.2009, 15:31 #253<-Super-Saiyan2->
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Soruce: NF
Credit: Shounensuki
Verification: Confirmed
Along with his hatred... Sasuke sets like the sun...!?
464: The power of darkness...!!
Sasuke collapses
He holds his left eye
Raikage: "Guillotine Drop!!" (義雷沈怒雷斧, "Righteous Lightning Sinking Anger Lightning Ax"; a kick)
From around the collapsed Sasuke's surroundings, fire-covored bones appear
Sasuke: "Flame Release: Kagutsuchi" (炎遁・加具土命, Enton: Kagutsuchi; Kagutsuchi is a God of Fire in Shinto and the one who brought death into the world by burning his mother Izanami to death as she gave birth to him)
It seems the Raikage's kick is stopped~~
C: (That guy's still...)
Karin: (Sasuke~!!) She's sensing chakra?
The Raikage's kick is~~~ stopped by sand
Sasuke: "!!"
Raikage: (Sand!!)
Sasuke: "This is...!!"
Samurai: "!"
C: "!"
Gaara is standing there
Sasuke stands up: "Sabaku no Gaara..."
Temari uses her fan: "Sickle Weasel Technique!!" (鎌イタチの術, Kamaitachi no Jutsu)
Kankurou picks up the [burning] samurai like a puppet and removes the black flames (underneath the samurai armour is an ordinary person.)
Kankurou: "These are inextinguishable flames, is this the Amaterasu...?"
Gaara: "Samurai, step back. This problem belongs to the shinobi world. You samurai need not become victims."
Samurai, holding the burned samurai: "Ex... excuse us Kazekage-dono..."
Despite still being stuck [to a wall] by a sword, Suigetsu is watching
"...What's happening?"
Raikage: "Why this intrusion Kazekage!? I may forgive you, depending on your answer!!"
Gaara: "If you used that technique like this, your body would become injured by the black flames. Besides, I would like to talk to Uchiha Sasuke"
Raikage: "Hmpf!"
Using his right hand, the Raikage cuts off his left hand. His left hand keeps burning.
Darui: "Bo-boss!!"
Raikage: "C, hurry up and stop the bleeding! As soon as you're done, I'm going after Sasuke again!!"
C: "Yes sir"
C treats the Raikage's arm (He was able to touch the Raikage-sama while clad in the Raiton Armour... He took two big moves, yet he still lives... His left eye has Amaterasu... and it seems there's no doubt his right eye has the power to transform the shape of the Amaterasu's black flames... Perhaps Bee really has caught by Sasuke... The Shinobi World... could it be there is more in store for it...?)
Gaara: "Your eyes are the same as before..."
Sasuke, still with his left closed, remembers a conversation with the old Gaara
Old Gaara: (I expected you to say that... You have the same eyes as mine... Eyes filled with intent to kill and power-seeking hatred... The same as I... Eyes that are aching to kill the people that drove you into the hell called loneliness)
Sasuke: "..."
Gaara: "...Even if revenge is what you live for, I feel it won't resolve anything. There is still time for you... In the world of a person obsessed with hatred... there is no refuge... There won't be a place to come home to"
Sasuke: "If I did return home... what would be there [for me]?"
Kankurou: "Gaara... stop this... Didn't even Naruto fail at persuading him? That guy's now nothing more than an Akatsuki, a criminal... He's different from you"
Temari: "Besides, people who were hurt by the Akatsuki... people like the Raikage won't be silent. From the point he attacked the meeting of the Five Kage, he became internationally wanted... There is no future for this guy"
Gaara: "...Sasuke, you are similar to me... A person who walks in the darkness of the world... That's why even just a tiny glimmer of hope should get though to you... In the past... as well as now..."
Sasuke: "I closed my eyes long ago... For my goals, I have to be in darkness"
Kankurou: "Don't let your personal feelings blind you... You're the Kazekage"
Temari: "Gaara"
Sand comes out of Gaara's gourd
One tear flows from Gaara's eye "Yes... I understand!"
Kankurou, Temari, and Gaara prepare for battle
Bones surround Sasuke's body
A picture of the place of the meeting
Karin: (I found it! Danzou's there too! I have to tell Sasuke immediately! But... near him is nothing but powerful chakra)
Fuu: "!" (As I thought, there's a sensing type)
Fuu whispers in Danzou's ear: "It seems there's a sensing type among the enemy. It's possible they could come here sooner or later. What should we do?"
Danzou: "It's all right as it is... If those guys come here, we'll take advantage of the chaos and go somewhere else"
Ao: "Stop that sneaky conversation! Too bad, but I'm a sensing type too. I also know this place has been found by the enemy. However, by no means will you guys make a move. We'll deal with the enemy"
Tsuchikage: (It looks like this conversation turned rather interesting)
From the shadow of a pillar, Kurotsuchi is watching Sasuke's fight (A-awesome...)
Gaara fights while protecting Kankurou and Temari with sand
Sasuke: "So you can guard against the Enton all this way. Your absolute defence is in good shape"
Raikage: "Done yet C?"
C: "Just a little more!"
Darui: "Let's combine our forces Sand-group" "I'll take the first shot! You go on and keep showering him [with attacks] please!"
Sand is floating in the air
Darui: "Storm Release: Laser Circus!!"
Temari: "Scythe Weasel!!"
Kankurou: "Red Secret Technique: Machinery Triangle!!"
Gaara: "Successive Shots: Sand Drizzle!!"
Sasuke: "Gaara... This is an absolute defence beyond yours"
Karin: (Th-this is!!) "!?"
Darui, Kankurou, Temari, Gaara: "!?"
Surrounding Sasuke is Susanoo
Sasuke: "Gaara... This is an absolute defence beyond yours"
Raikage: "Is that what he used to guard against my attack...?"
C: (This chakra... It's the same as that genjutsu before...!)
Suigetsu: "What's this... This is getting dangerous..."
Juugo is buried under a wall: "Uhh..." (Is that... what he said he wanted to try out!?)
Karin: (...This chakra... He's no longer the Sasuke from before... He's beyond cold...!!)
The samurai are waiting and watching from the shadow of a pillar: "What... is that?"
Gaara: "The power... of darkness...?"
Sasuke: "The power obtained only by those who activated the Mangekyou in both eyes... The third power... This is 'Susanoo' "
Sasuke's darkness is far too powerful!!
The end!! Bye~☆
Being this powerful, if Sasuke doesn't weaken at some point, Naruto will never win...
Also langsam wird es echt krass xD
Wie's aussieht hat er Susannou doch vollständig drauf. Außerdem scheint es so zu sein, dass wirklich alle MS User dieselben Jutsus drauf haben(mal Kakashi nicht eingeschlossen). Dies geht zumindest aus seinem Satz hervor.
23.09.2009, 20:56 #254<-Super-Saiyan2->
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Soruce: NF
Credit: Pocketmofo
Verification: Confirmed
Here's a quick translation for those interested:
Gaara: “Susanoo…?”
Temari: “So that’s Mangekyou Sharingan thing, huh…”
カンクロウ『うちは… 何だかんだと隠し持ってやがんな…いつもよ』
Kankurou: “The Uchiha…they always manage to have something hidden up their sleeve…”
柱の影から シー『ダルイ!砂の衆いったん下がれ!!』
C, from behind the pillar: “Darui! Sand forces! Pull back!!”
*Sasuke becomes cloaked in a very evil looking darkness
*Susanoo is now surrounding Sasuke
*Sasuke gives off a devilish smile from within Susanoo
*Then uses Susanoo’s sword to smash the pillars…
Temari (thinking): “Is he aiming for the pillars…!?”
Samurai: “The pillars!!”
Samurai: “The ceiling won’t hold at this rate!!”
*Raikage and Gaara look up at the ceiling
*The massive collapse born by hatred!
*What will be the end of (his) obsession…!!
465 会談場襲撃!
465: Assault on the Meeting Hall!
*The ceiling begins to crumble
Samurai: “UAAAAAAH!”
*Suigetsu, still stuck to the wall by a sword: “Wh…What the hell is this!!”
*Gaara protects himself and the others against falling rocks with his sand
*Sasuke puts away his sword
*Karin was protected from the falling ceiling by Susanoo’s hand…she is then basically picked up by Susanoo
Karin: “Ugh…”
*It seems as though Susanoo protected Sasuke and Karin
Sasuke: “Were you able to pin-point Danzou’s location!?”
Karin, as she fixes her glasses: “Yeah…”
Sasuke: “Then guide me to him”
Karin: “What about Juugo and Suigetsu…? Their chakra is still…”
サスケ『放っておけ それよりダンゾウだ!』
Sasuke: “Forget about them…for now we focus on Danzou!”
Sasuke: “Hurry up and guide me!”
Karin, visibly shaken: “I…I got it.”
Karin (thinking): “What’s happened to you…Sasuke!?”
*Raikage punches the pieces of the falling ceiling
*Temari, Kankurou and Darui are protected by Gaara’s sand
Darui: “Thank you…Kazekage-san…”
Kankurou: “Man, that Sasuke…he must’ve used that as his chance to run away.”
Raikage: “We’re going after Sasuke right away!!”
シー『… どうやら上へ向かったようです…』
C: “…It would seem as though he went up…”
ガーラ、ナルトの顔思い出す (ナルト…お前ならどうした…?)
Gaara, remembering Naruto’s face (thinking): “Naruto…if you were here what would you have done…?”
水月(おかげで鉈(刀)がはずれたのはいいけど…これじゃあね…サスケとカリンと重吾はどうなったかな…? )
Suigetsu (thinking): Well thanks to that the knife* came out of me…but at this rate…what the hell happened to Sasuke, Karin and Juugo…?” *Suigetsu refers to Darui’s sword as a “nata” which is usually a knife with a thick blade used to cut lumber
*Juugo starts to split himself thinking: “I can still make it…”
*He then fuses with one of the fallen Samurai sort of like Cell from Dragonball.
*Juugo (thinking): “All right…!”
*Meanwhile at the Meeting Hall
*A crack appears in the wall
Ao: “He’s here!”
Danzou: “…”
*They hear footsteps…
Fu: “From above!”
*Everyone looks up
*Sasuke is hanging upside down from the ceiling and his eyes meet with Danzou’s.
*Mifune jumps up and tries to cut Sasuke
*But Sasuke blocks it with his sword
Mifune: “He’s good”
Ao: “!”
Karin: “Sasuke! Danzou ran away!”
青、机飛び越えてダンゾウ追う『水影様と長十郎はここに!私はダンゾウを追います!まだ会談の決着はついて ませんので!』
Ao, jumps over the table to chase after Danzou, saying: “Mizukage-sama and Choujirou stay here! I will chase after Danzou! This meeting hasn’t reached a conclusion yet!”
Mizukage: “Understood…but don’t overdo it!”
青『ハッ! では”暁”の賊はお任せします』
Ao: “Yes! I leave the Akatsuki to you.”
土『わしは腰にくる 他の皆で好きにやってくれ』
Tsuchikage: “Oh this hurts my back. Do whatever you like.”
Aka, the anpanman-looking guy: “Sounds good.”
Sasuke, coming down from the ceiling: “Karin, come here!”
Karin: “Eeeeeeeek!”
Sasuke: “!!”
*A sludge-like liquid (?) flies at Sasuke, but Sasuke dodges
*The wall begins to melt
*Sasuke gives the evil eye at Mizukage
水影口元抑えながら『四代目水影を玩具にし霧隠れを蹂躙した”暁”… …よくみるとやっぱるいい男ねう ちは一族って…』
Mizukage, holding her hand to her lip: “Akatsuki, the ones who turned the Fourth Mizukage into one of their tools and stepped all over Kirigakure…but after a closer look the Uchiha clan really has some nice (looking) men...”
長十(出た…水影様の血継限界 溶遁の術…!!)
Choujirou (thinking): “There it is…the Mizukage’s kekkei genkai – Youton* no jutsu…!!”
Sasuke: “Don’t get in my way.”
Mizukage: “Oh…and he’s a nice looking guy too…it’s such a waste.”
サスケvs五影 全面衝突へ…!!
Sasuke vs. The Five Kages headed for a head-on collision…!!
23.09.2009, 22:41 #255Deidara87
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Sasuke muss echt wahnsinnig sein. Jetzt will er auch noch gegen den Mizukage kämpfen die das Youton einsetzen kann, solangsam zweifle ich an seinen Verstand xD.
23.09.2009, 22:51 #256Sasuke 4 ever
23.09.2009, 23:15 #257Mischa
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
aber wie viel chakra muss den sasuke haben
um so eine kraft aufrecht zu erhalten ?
naruto benutzt ja die natur als chakraquelle
und sasuke die finsterniss oder wie ? ö.Ö
24.09.2009, 11:12 #258Deidara87
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Ich glaube nicht, dass er Susanoo mehrmals noch aktivieren kann. Susanoo wird auch das "Finale Jutsu" genannt, weil es Unmengen Lebenskraft, Sehkraft und Chakra verbraucht. Also solangsam zweifle ich an Kishi´s Vorstellungen xD.
24.09.2009, 16:47 #259Waknight
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
30.09.2009, 17:43 #260<-Super-Saiyan2->
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Ch. 466
466 密室の大攻防戦!!
Secret Room's Great Battle
席を立つ水影『せめて とろけるようなキスをしてあげるわ』
Standing on a seat, Mizukage: "At the least, let me give you kiss that will make you melt."
[TN: the word とろける usually means enchanting, but in this case is a pun on the word for melt]
Karin gets pissed off
長十朗 は水影を守らないとと必死
It will mean inevitable death if Chojuro doesn't protect the Mizukage.
Preparing for battle, the Mizukage's right cheek bulges.
Tsuchikage and Akatsuchi cling to the ceiling to avoid getting drawn into battle.
水影 溶遁・溶怪の術!!(ようかい)液体を吐く
Mizukage: "Youton Youkai no Jutsu!!" She vomits liquid.
[TN: Lava Release Mysterious Solvent Technique]
Sasuke avoids using Susano'o, but Chojuro releases HirameKarei and attacks.
Sasuke is driven into the wall.
Having used Susano'o too much, too much of his chakra is consumed.
Mizukage successfully traps herself and Sasuke in the secret room.
Mizukage uses Fire, Water, and Earth natured releases.
With this, she possesses 2 Kekkei Genkai.
水影印を結び 沸遁・巧霧の術!!(ふっとん・こうむのじゅつ)
Mizukage performs seals Futton Koumu no Jutsu
[TN: Boil Release Skillful Mist Technique]
Karin and the others can't see the battle.
Sasuke, starting to understand Susano'o, vomits blood.
Karin senses that chakra is fading.
Mizukage says it hurts to see such a good guy come apart and collapse.
水影、長十朗、土影、赤土、から~ ズズズ…と 白ゼツ
Mizukage, Chojuro, Tsuchikage, Akatsuchi and...White Zetsu.
It appears Zetsu has been sucking up everyone's chakra for some time.
Taking Zetsu's attack, Sasuke's chakra restores itself.
With Susano'o he breaks through the secret room back to the conference room where Karin is.
見てられなくなった土影 土遁・加重岩の術!!(かじゅうがん)
Unable to see, Tsuchikage uses Doton Kajyugan no Jutsu
[TN: Earth Release Aggravating Rock Technique]
Tsuchikage removes himself from Zetsu's chakra absorbing jutsu.
土影 こんなやつにデイダラをのう… 左目に痛みサスケ
Tsuchikage: "Deidara, at the hands of this brat"...Sasuke's left eye, now in pain.
土影 恨みはないが… 塵遁・原界剥離の術!!(じんとん・げんかいはくりのじゅつ)
Tsuchikage: "I hold no resentment but, Jinton Genkaihakuri no Jutsu!!"
[TN: Dust Release Kingdom Detachment Technique]
もろにこうげきを受けたはず~~ だけど
The attack should have connected, but...
Madara enters carrying Sasuke.
マダラ お前達には ある説明をする…それを理解してもらった上で聞きたいことがある
Madara: "There's something I want to explain to you all...But to have you understand, there's something I want to ask."
雷影 何だ!? マダラ オレの目的 月の眼計画についてだ
Raikage: "What!?"
Madara: "It involves my purpose. My Eye of the Moon plan."
Jetzt mal wirklich Spaß bei Seite, aber man sieht Tobi und Danzou NIE zusammen.xD
Ganz zufällig ist Danzou geflohen und paar Minuten später taucht Tobi auf=D
Naja muss jetzt nichts heißen, aber trotzdem ist das irgendwie auffällig.
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