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  1. #221
    Noctis Caelum Noctis Caelum ist offline
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    Ich hier ein Dialog vom kommenden Chapter 444^^

    In Japanisch:


    長門 ナルトを操作してつれて帰ろうとするがナルトは支配されず

    小南 この距離なのに長門のチャクラを戻すなんて何て子なの><

    ナルト 仇を目の前にして自分がどうできるかみたいな事をいい

    ナルト 俺はお前らを許せねえ今すぐにでも殺してやりたい!



    ナルト 俺はお前らの事を何も知らないなぜ憎むようになったのか


      俺の痛みは2つ 1つは両親が殺されたこと




    長門父母は 長門に隠れていなさいといい

    忍者は 敵だ~と父母を瞬殺 
    死体を見て おいこの人達は一般人だぞ
    殺した忍者 なんで戦いのど真ん中に一般人が…すまんなボウズ

    その時外で雷がなり 光ったときに長門が見たものは 木の葉の額当て

    長門 うあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ


    In Englisch:
    Nagato and Naruto start discussion
    2black roads comes up from nagato's wheelchair and attack naruto in his chest

    Nagato - using that roads - shows how jiraya and kakashi died
    Nagato thinks to control naruto but it isn't so.

    Konan: Even if he's so close he rejected nagato's chakra. What a guy!
    Naruto sais that it was planned and his eyes start mixing frog style's eyes and kyuubi style's eyes.
    Naruto: i cant forgive you, now let's finish that.
    And he attacks Nagato but then he stops and he asks Nagato about his past.

    Nagato starts talking
    Nagato: I felt pain twice. First time when my parents got killed
    and here flashback starts

    During the ninja war my family escaped. we hid into an house but 2ninja came in looking for food. Nagato's mother told him to stay hide.
    Then his parents attacked ninja and they were killed by enemies.

    Enemy saw nagato and then he asked "why do privates should be in the middle of that war? Im sorry kid"
    right that moment a storm started outisde. the ninjutsu it's from a konoha ninja.

    Nagato: "aaaaaaaaaaaaa"
    Rinnegan was shown

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    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #222
    Noctis Caelum Noctis Caelum ist offline
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    Sorry für Doppelposten,
    aber es gibt neue Bilder dazu und die sind echt geil^^

    Naruto verwandelt sich von Sage mode und Kyuubi Mode zusammen

    Dort sieht man anscheinend Nagatos Vergangenheit...
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  4. #223
    kaY0oTiK kaY0oTiK ist offline
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    Steht ja alles beide in deinem Spoiler Text einen Post drüber was was ist

  5. #224
    Noctis Caelum Noctis Caelum ist offline
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    Endlich mal neue Bilder zu Chapter 446


    Jiraiya trained Nagato for a better use of the Rinnegan
    Then they talk about the Shodai Rikudou Sennin.
    Yahiko, Konan and Nagato decided to form a organization and fight with Konoha and Iwa Gakure.
    The organization was so big Hanzou couldn’t ignore it.
    Iwa, Konoha, Suna and Yahiko’s manage to have a ceasefire after years of battle.
    That’s when Hell began.

    The one who awaited them at the place where the ceasefire was supposed to be negociated was Hanzou, who took
    Konan was a hostage, and Danzou from Konoha’s Anbu.

    Konoha, and Iwa agreed on a fake ceasefire to bait Yahiko and assassinate him.
    Hanzou expected his actions would make him a better candidate to the Hokage place.
    Nagato refuses to tell anything about their organisation to Hanzou.
    Then Yahiko takes Nagato’s hands and commit suicide.
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  6. #225
    <-Super-Saiyan2-> <-Super-Saiyan2-> ist offline
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    Source : NF
    Credits : Nightjumper

    Hanzou gives to order to kill Nagato. Hidden Rain shinobi appear.
    Nagato repels their kunai with Shinra ??[Tensei?], surprising the ninja.
    He takes the opportunity to save Konan, but his legs are hit by Hanzou's Katon technique[s].
    Both his legs are crumbling...
    (That's kinda why he's in a wheelchair now)
    [Unsure]Hanzou is surprised when Nagato is standing with his Rinnegan, even after being hit by his Katon tech[s].
    While Nagato collapses,
    Summoning: Gedou Ma Zou[Lit.: Heretical Demon Statue]
    (It's just like the statue that extracts and keeps the Bijuu)
    Konan shouts: "Don't use that technique!"
    Several black rods comes out of the statue and pierces Nagato's back.
    Thence, in Musou[Lit: peerless; unparalleled; unparallelled; matchless] Mode, something like white dragons emerge from the statue's mouth.
    They hit the Konoha Anbu and the Hidden Rain shinobi, their souls being extracted one by one.
    The filler ninja are wiped out.(Danzou probably fleed after seeing the statue)
    Hanzou escapes through Shunshin no Jutsu.

    The end of the story, back to present time.

    And afterwards, he says something like his comrades had died one by one.

    He demands Naruto's answer.
    Naruto remembers what Ero-sennin said.
    (The stuff about everyone understanding each other~)
    [Naruto:] Ero-sennin believed in me and entrusted it to me.
    That's why I'll believe in what Ero-sennin believed in.
    That's my answer!!
    And that's why I won't kill you!

    The end

    Cover/spine is of Sasuke.

    More info:

    Sorry, I forgot to write this:
    Nagato transforms from his healthy self to his crippled self when the blacks rods hits him.
    [I think nja is saying that he's taking pictures of the spin-off about the Gutsy Ninja]

    Quelle: MH

  7. #226
    Fonso Fonso ist offline
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    hier zwei spoilerpics.

    NARUTO Spoilers and Manga

    aber wie es schon dort steht , wahrscheinlich ein fake

  8. #227
    <-Super-Saiyan2-> <-Super-Saiyan2-> ist offline
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    Source : 2ch
    Credits : Nja
    Verification : Confirmed

    Shizune, Pa Frog, even Kakashi
    Everyone revives!

    Bookspine is Kabuto.

    カカシ 俺は父さんを誇りに思うよ
    Kakashi: I'm proud of [you] Dad.

    父   ありがとう
    Father: Thank you.

    Kakashi is struck by an arrow of light

    父 お前はまだこっちくるのは早すぎたようだな
    Father: It seems it was still too early for you to come here

    Thank you, I could meet mother at last thanks to you.
    [Note: not sure who spoke this line. Spoiler seems to imply it's Kakashi's dad, but it seems it would make more sense coming from Kakashi]

    Then Kakashi wakes up.

    Quelle: MH

    Naja, find's eigentlich nicht so dolle, dass Nagato draufgeht, dennoch find ich's gut, dass
    er sich doch noch geändert hat.
    Anscheinend schließt sich aber Konan doch nicht Naruto an.....

  9. #228
    sebuta-kun sebuta-kun ist offline
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    hehehe...sry das ich grad kein spoiler poste, aber das muss ich sagen.....
    jetzt ist klar warum kishi soviele charaktere sterben leben sie ja alle wieder , wenn die spoiler stimmen, ich glaube aber die spoiler sind nicht gefaked, denn ich hab die pics schon gesehen=)

  10. #229
    Nagashi Nagashi ist offline
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    Tja wie ichs mir schon gedacht hab Nagato geht drauf.
    Jetzt ist der Manga Naruto endgültig am Boden ich mein wie dumm ist das??
    Endlich sterben ma paar chars und dann sind sie wieder zum leben erwacht und kaum taucht Nagato auf schon ist er tot.
    Naruto ist echt mittlerweile Dreck .

  11. #230
    Fonso Fonso ist offline
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    lol... dir wärs lieber gewesen wenn die chars tot wären und nagato für sie eingespringt ? xD ich muss auch zugeben das Naruto abgenommen hat, aber dreck...das finde ich ein wenig zu krass. Mir ist Kakashi lieber als Nagato
    Nagato ist halt wieder mal ein starker char der aufgetaucht ist mit einer verstörten Kindheit(was in Naruto überhaupt nicht selten ist xD) ehrlich gesagt kann man diesen Teil nicht als Ultimatum anschauen, da gibt es noch Kaputo,Sasuke und Co ,Tobi, kizame u s w und was mit denen weiter passiert ist doch um einiges spannender als Nagato wenn ihr mich fragt

    Nagashi gib Naruto nicht so schnell auf

  12. #231
    kaY0oTiK kaY0oTiK ist offline
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    Man muss auch bedenken das die Japaner anders ticken als wir. Bei ihnen gehören Dinge die "Wiederauferstehung" usw einfach in die Kultur. Sieht man ja auch gut in Dragonball. Für mich ist das jetzt einfach alle unnötig gewesen was mit Nagato zu tun hat. Ich fand die letzten Chapter einfach voll langweilig. Mir wärs lieber gewesen das Nagato irgenwdie gleich gestorben wäre und Sasuke sich auf den Weg gemacht hätte. Außerdem, in einer Welt wo die wirklich jeden Furz erschaffen oder machen können überrascht mich so ein "Wiederbelebungs-Jutsu" nicht.

  13. #232
    Nagashi Nagashi ist offline
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    Ja is ja vollkommen egal das der Leader von Akatsuki dem Feind aus Naruto Shiuppuuden kurz auftaucht und kurz darauf wieder stirbt.
    Sowas ist einfach dumm find ich.
    Und wie schnell Nagato sich auch noch von Naruto überzeugen ließ fand ich auch net gut

  14. #233
    kaY0oTiK kaY0oTiK ist offline
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    Dann empfehl ich dir Naruto zu vergessen und weiterzuleben Ändern können wirst du nichts. Du kannst dich beschweren aber dafür interresieren wird sich keiner, geschweige denn umstimmen lassen. Warum auch. So wie bei allem tut man das und gibt sich das was einem gefällt. Naruto geht dir auf den Keks? Dann lass es und gut ist.

  15. #234

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    Heyho, ich habe nur eine Frage und zwar: Lebt Kakashi beim aktuellen Chapter noch? Wäre nett wenn mir wer in meinem Profil oder per PN antworten könnte. ^^ Ich will den Thread nicht lesen, möchte nur gern das wissen.

  16. #235
    Nagashi Nagashi ist offline
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    Zitat Ka0slY Beitrag anzeigen
    Dann empfehl ich dir Naruto zu vergessen und weiterzuleben Ändern können wirst du nichts. Du kannst dich beschweren aber dafür interresieren wird sich keiner, geschweige denn umstimmen lassen. Warum auch. So wie bei allem tut man das und gibt sich das was einem gefällt. Naruto geht dir auf den Keks? Dann lass es und gut ist.
    Ehm ich lebe auch weiter.
    Und ich wollt eig. nur meine Meinung zu dem neuen Chapter abgeben (so etwas tut man ja in einem Forum )

  17. #236
    kaY0oTiK kaY0oTiK ist offline
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    Jow dann tu das doch Ich schreibe niemand vor Was er in nem Forum zu tun un zu lassen hat. Das ist eben meine Meinung zu deinen Posts. Ist halt einfach unnötig oder möchtest du dich nur mitteilen. Naruto ist jetzt Dreck für dich und du postest das? Für was bitte? Denkst du jemand wird sich als Naruto Fan sich wirklich für dich interresieren wenn du selbst nix mehr an NAruto findest? Bisschen schwachsinnig und wenn du Naruto nicht mehr magst lässt sich bestimmt besseres für deine Zeit finden als in einen Naruto-Thread zu schreiben oder?


  18. #237
    Noctis Caelum Noctis Caelum ist offline
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    Hier Chapter 455

    455 繋がり…!!
    455 Bonds...!!

    Danzo in Hokage garb:
    『フー トネルは残れ テライはカブトの件を任せる行け』
    "Huu, Toneru [sic. - should be "Torune"], stay behind. Terai, I'm leaving Kabuto to you. Go."

    3 Root members: "Yes, sir."
    One leaves to go after Kabuto (Terai).

    Danzo: "Well then... I'll leave here for the Kage Summit.
    The summit is exclusive except for two picked men. [the escorts]
    ’根’の中でも一・二を争う お前たち二人に任せる 面は禁止されている
    I am thinking of one or two from Root. I'll leave it to you two. Masks are forbidden. Take them off."

    The two Root memebers take off their masks.
    一人は、名前フー 見た目ペインの餓鬼道に似てる
    One, who's name is Huu, resembles Pein's Petra Realm body.
    一人は、名前トルネ 目だけあいた布してる。
    One, who's name is Torune
    Both are wearing shinobi garb.

    Huu (the Petra-looking one): "To what level should we be armed for escort..."
    ダンゾウ『そんな事は気にするな フー お前に任せる』
    Danzo: "I don't worry about such things. Huu, I'll leave it to you."
    Huu (Petra): "Yes, sir."
    Danzo: "Torune, you keep an eye out for subordinates. Sai is acting as if he might betray Root, so be cautious."
    Torune: "Yes, sir."
    ダンゾウ『九尾を里の外へは出さぬよう 徹底させておけ』
    Danzo: "Don't let the Kyuubi leave the village. Be thorough about it."

    ターン ナルト
    Turn - Naruto
    カルイ『ハア ハア』
    Karui: "Haa, haa."
    Fatigue from hitting.
    ナルト顔ぼこぼこ、青タン それでも立ち上がる
    Naruto's face is beaten and bruised, yet he he still stands up.
    Sai is still watching.
    Omoi: "..."
    カルイ『先に言っとく! いくらやろうがウチらの気は晴れねえ
    Karui: "I said it before! No matter what we do, our feelings will never go away. I'll continue forever until you talk about Sasuke."
    Karui raised her hand(s) over her head: "Uaaa!!"
    Sai appears in front of Naruto and stops Karui's fist.
    ナルト カルイ オモイ !! !!? …
    Naruto, Karui and Omoi: !! !!? ...
    カルイ『邪魔するんじゃねーよ こりゃこいつが望んでこうしたことだ』
    Karui: "Don't get in the way! It's just what this guy was asking for."
    Sai strains against her clenched fists.
    ナルト『…サイ… お前はすっこんでろ』
    Naruto: "...Sai... You, fall back."
    2nd part

    Sai's face a little bit angry because of things like Naruto ... you佐助
    There is no need, I'll get beaten up
    Naruto - my own, I will take that,
    Sai Naruto retrospective recall of words
    (I used to be that I hated you I Sasuke
    Really ... I'll be with me because I enjoyed SUGOKU
    Sasuke is the only connection I had my friends ...)
    Sai, Sasuke ... you (Naruto) I just scratch the
    ... It's me
    Karoui, CHIMAU Kola, do you if you get in the way! ,
    OMOI the loop and put a fist
    The king also OMOI Karoui stop her! I beat the damn thing blows
    You do not even know I'm goin to progress - nothing!
    This is a promise to help rescue someone from the KIRABI
    What's Karoui hwa? I promise to always try
    Do not doubt whether it really true? You are cautious
    Well I O前RASHIKU! ,
    ... Naruto, Naruto, Sai tumble
    I see that OMOI
    The NEE OMOI sold it to a friend here ... I'm the enemy
    This guy is a man - like oil - it is thoughtless words, I decide

    3rd part

    The guys are OMOI - How much is a Sasuke YARO
    Well this guy I sold the one that bent NEE
    Type I,

    The information collected OMOI Karoui Samui is like? ,
    The OMOI Oh! Captain's Samui
    Koh Samui, I would not do what's causing the problem?
    Karoui, ...,
    OMOI be alive, but things like that from KIRABI
    Well it was found that order! 'll Help!
    First 'Dawn' wrapped then explore the hideout! ,
    Samui's to do? They like to catch people like KIRABI
    ... We just do not know it even if there are several 'Dawn' a safe house in
    To crush lice?
    How fast is the first information-gathering and analysis! When YUGITO
    And a repeat is not
    We meet directly with lightning-like shadow information! Variety of information, from too many
    Oh ... and Naruto's with me ... I ... I ... I ... I
    And E to help me ... help you ... the power of human sacrifice,

    4th part
    Sai, Naruto! ,
    Naruto shadow of the Lightning ... And the story that I
    Safe hit, ...
    Karoui's shadow like a lightning hwa? ZAKENNATEME-cheek! ,
    Karoui stop is Koh Samui

    Samui, watching Naruto (this child
    ... Naruto eddy at the rumors and all of the village of Konoha
    Or Naruto.)
    Samui, people remember the conversation leaves
    A people's will and to do this ... No way, Naruto
    The two people he's someone who should be the hero is the one I火影! ,

    The lightly-guarded Samui now you do not move clear in the past
    Can not bring together like thunder, shadow
    Naruto, the ...
    Samui's KARUIOMOI Now let's go! Sasuke and 'Dawn'
    Was allowed to transcribe the information viewed is slow
    I'll have you, we also TETSUDAっ
    Samui leave the field OMOI Karoui

    , Naruto, Sai ...
    The site? ,
    Naruto KAKASHI teacher, and, to the captain Yamato ...
    Please take me ... ...,

    KAKASHI, room KYANPUSHITO of Yamato
    KAKASHI, watch in the Yamato
    Sai, who received her Nursing, Sakura ...
    Naruto bandage round the red tape could also look at this dress
    I scratched it from Rino Osamu CHIMAU the earlier it is
    It's good

    Naruto, Sai ... ..., before the NEE remorsefully
    Cy's smiling, though ...

    5th part
    KAKASHI, You got me in at all, HADE
    Naruto, for, to ...

    Sai conversations and reminiscences KAKASHI KAKASHI
    KAKASHI ... that's what it's like the Naruto ...
    KAKASHI, Sai's teacher
    KAKASHI for me? ,
    Ties and the size of torture Sasuke and Sakura and Naruto-kun
    Or because it is most important?
    Why are there two people in the struggle ...,
    KAKASHI the site ... you said you cockatoo of Naruto? ,
    Cy's ... it ... it is ...! ! ,
    KAKASHI's good ... I know ... I went to help Naruto is
    So do not be a cockatoo
    I noticed in my husband's, too soon ... Cy -

    Yamato, KAKASHI. I see Naruto and Sai
    Sai, Naruto's injury Nursing
    Naruto's not that it's
    The rhinoceros, you ... sorry.
    KAKASHI TENAKYA not stay in bed for a little while ...,

    Naruto comes in the shadow of thunder That's me! ! ,

    6th part

    Yamato KAKASHI! ?
    KAKASHI, and meet to do? ,
    Yamato, a shadow of the next meeting!
    Radical mission can go out and also to refrain from what隠RE里
    Taken! ,
    Naruto, I will only allow me to talk to Sasuke! ,
    Yamato, now I'm not the seal of the necklace for you! Kimi's human sacrifice is
    出RUBEKI not out of ri!
    I and eight-nine-tails in the first battle where it is not!
    I kept following this nine tails sealed to invoke the formula is lucky
    What happens?
    And I'm OOSETSUKAっthe role of reconstruction ri
    Can not always about you! ,
    Naruto's fourth generation, I met

    Yamato sai KAKASHI! ! ? ?
    Naruto stopped and the tail of his nine previous generation are just four, if he
    Yamato is the postage, so ...? Fourth generation, has already ...
    KAKASHI尽seal the demon is dead in the operation of self-expression is often a mystery still sealed
    What's the mental energy confinement
    Naruto's ... I have my generation venerate 4:00
    Case 16 years ago九尾'Dawn' is the guy I'm facing the
    I was strong enough and can not afford even four generation! ,
    KAKASHI, hit in the face of the kite
    Naruto's generation was the mastermind of this person said!
    Payne is the guy she used
    Sasuke is' Dawn 'is a thing to him and Sasuke
    I used it, I'm just
    KAKASHI, as it was feared that like JIRAIYA
    Case 16 years ago ... He was responsible for a
    He had the eye ring copy
    Foolish to have a grudge against ri-ri
    Can my family has nine tails口寄SE
    It's about Madara

    7th part
    Madara and Yamato, and listen ... I is not surprised that no matter what happens ...
    What is it that, after living ...

    Naruto, remember that he said the 9-tailed
    The nine tail chakra than unlucky eagle's eyes and ...
    Of the former, it's the same with Madara ...

    Naruto Madara is the one I? ,
    The first battle with火影KAKASHI
    And leaves of the former leader of the clan was散TTA
    A man
    The site information must convey to the highest level! ,
    Yes, the site ...
    KAKASHI火影's not to me, you can contact the
    Oh yes, the site ...
    The Naruto KAKASHI! Generation of what you said? ,
    Naruto, eh? ,
    KAKASHI, remembering his father's father is the son
    What I want variety,言ITA

    Naruto! !
    Naruto smile
    Naruto win a quilt
    Smiling, she believed in me - tell me ...! ! ,
    KAKASHI, GJ pose for OK! ,
    KAKASHI, you will go to the shadow lightning! And I will
    Yamato's retinue of Naruto! ,
    Yamato, Oh -! ,

    Turn on behalf of
    Shinobazu somewhere, we follow Dan elephant.

    Dan's like the elephant TORUNE
    Well, the DANZOU

    久SHI振RI DANZOU of the actual game ...
    To move the body is rusty, I just ...

    Dan Shinobazu some elephant attack

    DANZOU, take right eye bandages
    The (TORUNE, Hu) is a hand out
    The eagles do,

    Right eye, the eye ring pictures.

    Dan copy wheel eye rainy day ... an elephant! !
    End. Say Sir ★

    Anscheinend hat Danzou doch das Sharingan. Ein Fake ist es allerdings bestimmt nicht...
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  19. #238
    Waknight Waknight ist offline
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    Wow O_O,aber man muss auch sagen,dass das wohl zeigt,dass Danzo nicht Tobi ist,schließlich sieht Tobis Sharingan anders aus(außer diese veränderung ist erst vor kurzem aufgetreten).

  20. #239
    Fonso Fonso ist offline
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    die veränderung liegt vieleicht an der perpektive oder daran das er es gerade einsetzt.

  21. #240
    kaY0oTiK kaY0oTiK ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!

    Ja eben. Mal abwarten. Vll ist Donzo ja Obito und durch eine Zeitreise wiedergekommen

    Fragt sich nur warum Danzo von Anbu-Ninjas angeriffen wird. Die Angreifer seher mir nicht nach Team Hawk aus.

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