Ergebnis 201 bis 220 von 557
04.03.2009, 22:10 #201<-Super-Saiyan2->
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Source: 2ch
Credits: hatif
Pain's jutsu isn't working on Naruto.
Rather damaging Pain himself.
Hinata is barely alive.
Sakura is told to evacuate everyone.
Outside Yamato, Anko and Sai are searching for ?Kabuto?
Yamato becomes aware of Naruto's situation.
Next week: Pain standing agianst Kyuubi's energi.
"Chibaku Tensei".
Quelle: MH
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
05.03.2009, 12:38 #202Fonso
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Thx ssj2 ^^
jeah endlich sieht man einwenig von den anderen^^
11.03.2009, 14:21 #203Noctis Caelum
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
hier ein paar neue Spoiler Pics^^
Nagato is using Chibaku Tensei
Kanon stops [him?].[She tells him to stop, maybe?]
Nagato coughs up blood, "Shut up for a bit, bitch", and concentrates.
KN chases Pain.
Their conversation is nothing but "GUWOOOOOOOOO""
[This next line talks something about the ground, orbs, KN and capture]
(That's what [i] think Chibaku is)
Nagato: Regardless, the capture of Kyuubi is successful.
Naruto asks himself about peace.
Kyuubi: Unfasten the seal! Entrust your mind completely to me!
The seal on Naruto's belly is out of place? Naruto is bleeding from his belly.
Yamato: Eight! This is bad! This is REALLY bad!!
Naruto tries to take off the seal on the cage, and then Yondaime appears.
Zwei farbige Bilder^^
Wie man hier erkennen kann, bereitet Pain eine Art Energie Kugel
die wahrscheinlich verhärende Auswirkungen hat.
Hier bekommt Kyuubi bzw. Naruto nochmal 2 Schwänze, die dann insgesamt 8 haben.
Im inneren von Naruto erscheint plötzlich Yondaime, der 4. Hokage, der anscheinend Naruto aufhalten will, weil Naruto das Siegel brechen will.
Hier erfährt Naruto wahrscheinlich, dass der Yondaime sein Vater ist.
Kyuubi: You!!!
Naruto: Yondaime...Hokage...
Yondaime: I made the seal such that when it's on the brink of being released I would appear in your mind. Though I don't want this to happen, because I don't want to see you again...Kyuubi, but I'm glad to see my grown up things even out.
Hier nochmal als ganzes Bild^^
Dort sieht man deutlich, dass Naruto das Siegel brechen will, um Pain zu töten, aber der 4. Hokage hält ihn dabei auf.
11.03.2009, 14:35 #204sebuta-kun
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
jo hatte schon die spoiler gesehen...yondaime sagt wohl er ist froh seinen sohn zu sehen wie er wächst und es nicht zulassen wird das er das geil xD
11.03.2009, 17:50 #205De_Fuchs
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
hab damit irgendwie gerechnet, find ich einfach nur geil!!!!
11.03.2009, 21:37 #206Waknight
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
OMG,der 8-tail-kyuubi sieht mal übel aus.
Diese Kugel könnte vielleicht so ne Art Gravitationsball oder so sein,oder einfach nur gesammeltes Chakra,das von Nagato gesendet wird
15.03.2009, 02:12 #207Sasuke2.3
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
das ist echt was geiles.
ich freue mich schon wenn das im anime kommt.
minato ist sowieso mein liblings charakter mit sasuke zusammen.
ich kann kaum noch warten xDDD
17.03.2009, 17:38 #208Unregistriert
18.03.2009, 13:08 #209Noctis Caelum
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Hier die neuen Bilder zu Naruto Kapitel 440^^
it's all just talking ><
九尾が4代目登場して うおおおおおおおおおお4代目~
kyubi growls "gngggggggggggggggggg yondaime!'
so they move to another place to talk
why did he put the kyubi in his own son, shit happened, it was tough
Naruto punches the 4th (naruto pwns the 4th people! you heard it here first- kwgod)
minato believed his son would be able to control kyubi's power
naruto: because I'm the 4ths son [he seems satisfied with this]
something about naruto asking yondy about pain and yondy saying he'll find out.
Naruto learns from the 4th that Pain is being used by madara
he tells naruto that when kyubi attacked 16 years ago someone as behind it
he tells naruto it was someone with a mask
naruto remembers tobi
stuff happens and naruto escapes the ball in sennin mode
長門 我にかえったか…
nagato: you've returned to your senses have you?
next: final battle with pain
yondy lived in naruto's mind
so he knew about jiraiya's death
まあ封印式組みなおして チャクラもう残り少ないから 「じゃあ」
yondy fixes the seal, says his chakra is low and leaves 'in an opportune fashion'
kinda like that.
Another short summary:
-The chapter is mostly talking.
-Naruto punches Yondaime for putting 9-Tails in him but after talking he's satisfied.
-Naruto asks for help in answering Pain's question. Yondaime says Naruto will be able to find the answer.
-Pain is being used by Madara who was behind the 9-Tails attack 16 years ago. Naruto realizes Tobi=Madara.
-Naruto uses Sennin-mode to escape the sphere and Nagato comments that Naruto is back to himself.
-Next chapter is "The Final Battle with Pain"
Extra stuff: Yondaime fixes the 9-Tails seal on Naruto stomach and is alive inside Naruto's consciousness and thus knows Jiraiya is dead.
Das Anfangsbild
Hier sieht man Yondaime^^
Was ich überhaupt nicht damit gerechnet habe ist,...
...dass Naruto sein Vater eine reinhaut
wahrscheinlich, weil Naruto einfach die Kraft von Kyuubi erhalten will,
um Pain zu besiegen.
Anscheinend ist Naruto aus der Kugel rausgekommen, auch ohne Kyuubis Hilfe
18.03.2009, 14:06 #210sebuta-kun
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
18.03.2009, 14:30 #211Shinigami
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
scheint jetzt doch wieder so als wäre tobi madara... aber dann rage ich mich wieder warum man sein gesicht nocht net gesehen hat...
vlt irrt sich minato auch, aber wer weiß??
naja, abwarten
18.03.2009, 15:57 #212kaY0oTiK
18.03.2009, 19:27 #213KakarottX
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Ich hab mal ne generelle Frage an euch. Wie lang denkt ihr wird Naruto noch dauern? Gerade jetzt nach dem Freigeben des 8-schwänzigen könnte man doch meinen, dass es fast vorbei ist oder?
18.03.2009, 19:39 #214Shinigami
18.03.2009, 20:14 #215KakarottX
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Ne nicht alle xD Ich dachte mir am Ende steht das aktuellste ^^
Ok dann darf man gespannt sein was sich noch ergibt..^^
18.03.2009, 20:51 #216kaY0oTiK
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Ja was wohl? Erst denke ich kommt das mit Sasuke er wollt ja Konoha vernichten und dann das Finale ist alles was mit Madara zu tun hat. Klingt vll auf den ersten Blick simpel aber das allein ist denke ich schon so geballter Stoff das es reicht. kabuto hat ja was von Orochimaru in sich drin ^^ bin ma gespannt wohin sich das entwickelt ^^
25.03.2009, 12:49 #217Noctis Caelum
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Hier gibt es wieder neue Spoiler Bilder zu Chapter 441^^
Die Dialoge:
It’s time for spoilers.
Naruto escapes from Chibaku tensei. The sphere begins to crumble…
Naruto’s mind is distracted over Hinata and the rest of Konoha’s villagers. He worries that they’ve been wiped out by Pein, but then the Katsuya that was in his pocket reassures him that they are safe, and Naruto is relieved.
Nagato coughs up blood (again).
やっとこさガイ班到着 テンテンがヒナタ 急所がずれていて今すぐ治療すれば助かるといい
ネジがそっこで白眼で医療忍者を探す リーは母ちゃん蛙を発見 こちらにケガ蛙です っていっ た時はふいた w
Team Gai finally arrives. Tenten goes to Hinata. Her vital points were damaged, but with immediate care, she will be saved. Neji uses byakugan to search for a medical ninja. Lee discovers Mama Frog and reports an injured frog.
ガイは一言 暁…これほどまでとは 見たいな事を言う
Gai says “Akatsuki… to think they are capable of this…” or something to that effect.
ナルトに変わり 天道に本体と話がしたい と交渉
Back to Naruto. He tells Tendou he wants to talk to the ‘real’ Pein (i.e. Nagato).
決裂 今更お前と話しても無意味的なことをいわれ
Tendou tells Naruto it’s too late to talk and nothing good will come of it.
Naruto decides to search him out. Katsuya asks how.
ナルト 考えがある って事で殴り合いに天道の黒い棒を折り折れた先を自分に突き刺し
Naruto has an idea. During the fight, he will break off a piece of Tendou’s chakra rod, and he will stab himself with it while in Sennin mode. The theory is similar to tracing a call. (*69 FTW!)
天道とラストの決着をつける為 風遁螺旋手裏剣を放ち天道がはじき返すが
In order to finish off Tendou, Naruto uses Fuuton Rasenshuriken. Tendou repels it using his jutsu. Knowing that Tendou has a 5 second delay to his jutsu, Naruto used a second shadow shuriken (?).
Chapter ends here.
次号 巻頭カラーで決着…意外な結末が…
The next issue, color cover. “An unexpected outcome.” It would suck if the “unexpected outcome” was Nagato dying from hacking up too much blood.
Gaara on the spine of Jump.
長門が逆にゾクゾクってしてたよ ナルトの蛙の目状態が
It was Nagato instead who was feeling zoku zoku (a Japanese sound that represents fear/tension/jitters). The condition of Naruto's frog eyes got to Nagato (???)
The cover page is Hinata again, so there's a chance her status is rising as a heroin.
Sorry, I didn't look that carefully. I'll make sure to look more carefully next time. (I'm assuming the question had to do with Hinata - her attire, boobs, one can only hypothesize).
あ~ヒナタか ってぐらいにしかみてなかった><
It was just an afterthought like, "oh, there's Hinata"
I couldn't write it all, but...
その後仙人モードきれる (天道がその事今回看破してます)
In Sennin Mode, the limit to Fuuton Rasen Shuriken is 2 throws.
Afterwards, Naruto snaps out of Sennin Mode. Tendou sees through it.
後天道が ジライヤ先生といい木の葉の忍びは大変優秀だなって褒めてる部分も
会話である (これはナルトが本体と直接話がしたいっていった時)
Also, Tendou remembers a conversation, where Jiraya is praising Konoha ninjas for their excellence/superiority.
The rest is spoiler pics. See you later-!
Naruto escapes from the Chibaku Tensei and lands back on the ground. After this, the sphere crumbles.
Hinata crosses Naruto's mind and seeing no trace of the village of the villagers, he worries he might have destroyed them, but Katsuyu, still hiding in his clothes, assures him they are okay.
Nagato coughs up even more blood
Team Guy just arrived. Tenten checks Hinata. Pain missed her vitals, and with immediately medical treatment she will be fine.
Hearing that, Neji uses his Byakugan to find a medical ninja. Lee discovers Ma frog he says "there's an injured frog here" They're wasting time (laugh)
Guy says one word: Akatsuki... So much for this, I'll tell you the things you want to see
Change to Naruto he says to Deva Realm that he wants to speak to the real body for negotiations.
Breakdown - Talking to you after all this now would be nonsensical
Naruto is like "Well, then I'll have to look for him myself" Katsuyu asks how he's going to do that.
Naruto has an idea: He'll engage Deva Realm in a fistfight, break of one of the black rods and pierces himself with it. Using Sennin mode, he can locate the real body like tracing a phone call.
To finish off Deva Realm, Naruto throws a Fuuton: Rasen Shuriken, which Deva realm deflects, but it seems Naruto took advantage of the five-second interval by throwing a second shadow shuriken.
The end
The next issue has a colour cover. Conclusion... and unexpected end... what's written. It would suck if it's Nagato dying from coughing up too much blood
The spine of the magazine has Gaara on it.
After using Fuuton: Rasen Shuriken twice in Sennin Mode, the Sennin Mode stops (Deva realm now sees through this)
After this, there's also a part with a conversation between Deva realm and Jiraiya-sensei, who praises Konoha shinobi for being very great (this is after Naruto says he wants to speak with the real body)
Next I'll complete it with picture spoilers. best regards everyone. Well, bye~!
Ich glaube, dass Hinata noch lebt und gerettet wurde
02.04.2009, 15:03 #218Noctis Caelum
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Hier ein paar neue Spoiler Bilder, sogar in Farbe!!^^
03.04.2009, 08:32 #219Sasuke2.3
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
ist auch in farbe, was hat das auf sich???
03.04.2009, 13:04 #220Naruto10hokage
AW: Naruto Manga: Spoiler scripts und pics. | ACHTUNG SPOILER!
Zeig mal wo du das liest. Weil jetzt kämpft er gerade gegen Pain.
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