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  1. #3461
    Ironmaiden Ironmaiden ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Ich hoffe man sieht bald mal im Manga was Kisame wirklich drauf hat, ich find den irgendwie witzig xD

  2. Anzeige

    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #3462
    Nagashi Nagashi ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    @ Katzekage Itachi hatte keine Freundin es is einfach nur ein Übersetzungs fehler oda jemand hat selbst was dazu geschrieben den das mit dem "Girlfriend " hör ich hier zum ersten mal und hab ich im Manga auch noch nie gesehn

  4. #3463
    Ironmaiden Ironmaiden ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Würde auchnicht zu seinem Einzelgänger Typ passen, sein vater hat glaub ich ja mal gesagt das er niemand an sich ran lässt.

  5. #3464
    Katzekage Katzekage ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Ich hab mir viele verschiedene Mangaübersetzungen angesehen und überall
    steht das selbe, nämlich girlfriend.

  6. #3465
    Nagashi Nagashi ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Na dann verrate mir doch ma bitte das Chapter.

    Und kommt es dir nicht selber bissl komisch vopr zuvor wurde NIEMALS auch nur ansatz weise auf eine Freundin gedeutet und nun auf einma ?

  7. #3466
    HollowIchigo HollowIchigo ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Nagashi schau doch die vorherigen beiträge an da h at er den teil reingepostet
    da stehts das er seine freundin un bla bla bla getötet hat

  8. #3467
    Cross Marian Cross Marian ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Zitat Katzekage Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich hab mir viele verschiedene Mangaübersetzungen angesehen und überall
    steht das selbe, nämlich girlfriend.
    Dann haben alle ein und den selben Fehler gemacht.

  9. #3468
    Nagashi Nagashi ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    @ HollowIchigo dieser auschnitt is mir eigentlich ganz schön egal Ich will das Chapter wissen damit ichs selbst nachlesen kann zudem .

    Hab ich grad das ganze Sasuke Madara gespräch ma schnell überflogen und irgendwie nix gefunden naja er soll ma das Chapter nennen

  10. #3469
    Katzekage Katzekage ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Chapter 401.

  11. #3470
    Nagashi Nagashi ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Ich lese nun etwas von einem Lover dies ist aba zu 100% ein Übersetzungs fehler Itachi hatte keinen " Lover" xD

  12. #3471
    Straider Straider ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Zitat Nagashi Beitrag anzeigen

    Ich lese nun etwas von einem Lover dies ist aba zu 100% ein Übersetzungs fehler Itachi hatte keinen " Lover" xD
    Wahrscheinlich meinen sie damit ein Übersetzungsfehler...^^

  13. #3472
    Katzekage Katzekage ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Bei mir steht Girlsfriend. Und mit Lover könnte doch Shisui gemeint sein^^
    Miniaturansichten angehängter Grafiken Miniaturansichten angehängter Grafiken Naruto Manga/Chapter   Naruto Manga/Chapter  

  14. #3473
    Noctis Caelum Noctis Caelum ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    AAlso ich habe auch girlfriend gelesen, aber da stand auch frend anstatt "friends"

  15. #3474
    Katzekage Katzekage ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Ich denke das die Übersetzung stimmt, denn warum sollten alle diesen Fehler machen? Ob nun Lover oder Girlfriend, das sagt alles das selbe aus und außerdem kann sich Madara ja auch irren, denn er aknn ja nicht wissen das Itachi keine Freundin hatte.

  16. #3475
    Straider Straider ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Zitat Katzekage Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich denke das die Übersetzung stimmt, denn warum sollten alle diesen Fehler machen? Ob nun Lover oder Girlfriend, das sagt alles das selbe aus und außerdem kann sich Madara ja auch irren, denn er aknn ja nicht wissen das Itachi keine Freundin hatte.
    letztendlich ist es doch egal ob er eine freundin hatte oder nicht.
    Aber wir haben ja nie eine gesehn...deshalb würde ich sagen man meint damit freunde.

    Hier ein paar Spoiler zum bald erscheinenden Kapitel 411:

    Spoiler Script #1
    Verification: Pending
    Source: LN
    Credits: ?

    Naruto chapter 411 spoiler script:

    Sasuke activates his mangekyou sharingan and uses a genjutsu/tsukuyomi on the 8-tails.
    Sasuke and the 8-tails are in the illusion, the 8-tails falls on his knees.
    Sasuke: Here I control time, space, and even gravity.
    8-tails: Ahaha, you must be the punk Itachi Uchiha.
    Sasuke: ...
    8-tails grows out tentacles and in a wave of chakra breaks Sasukes genjutsu.
    8-tails unshealths 7 swords with his tentacles.
    8-tails: It's time for you to taste our blades, punks!!

    Meanwhile at Myobokuzan mountain..
    Naruto: So can I train controlling nature with kage bunshins?
    ***asaku: You could try, though it may be too much for you.
    Naruto begins training controlling nature with kage bunshins,
    all the shadowclones turn into frogs and disperse shortly after.
    Naruto falls on his knees drenched in sweat.
    ***asaku: I told you it wouldn't be easy.
    Naruto stands up.
    Naruto: I could keep this up all day gramps!
    ***asaku smiles. Naruto sounds just like Jiraiya.

    Meanwhile outside of Konoha..
    Pain: Are you ready?
    Konan: Yes.
    Pain performs a handseal and it begins raining over Konoha.
    Tsunade glances at the rain.
    Tsuande glares.
    Tsuande: I have a bad feeling about this.
    Next issue: "Supreme Judgement!"

    Spoiler Script #2
    Verification: Pending
    Source: LN
    Credits: ?

    Spoiler #2:

    411 - Eight Tailed and Nine Tailed!

    Toad: Naruto, to become one with nature, there are other methods.
    Naruto: Like what?
    Toad: Severe meditation or penace.
    Naruto: What must I do?
    Toad: It won't be easy, but you'l have to slowly meditate on yourself, and in your case, you'd have to meditate on the nine-tailed fox.
    Naruto: ?!
    Toad: Once done, the fox may start to balance within your body and become one with your chakra. This is the ultimate goal. Although, you may be open throughout, and it may be Akatsuki's upper hand.
    Naruto: We can give it a shot.
    Toad: The only problem is, if you break the penance, your chakra will drop to zero, because of the unbalance, and you will die.

    Sasuke: Enough with the games! (goes forward to attack)
    Hachibi: ARGH! (takes two swords and smashes them into the ground causing a quake)
    Sasuke: (jumping in the air, shoots Chidori Nagashi at the swords, causing an electrical quake, affecting Hachibi)
    Hachibi: Lalalala.... electrical... smeltical... lalalalalaaa!
    Sasuke: It didn't hurt him?
    Hachibi: Surprised? Lalalalalalaaaaaaaaaa!
    Sasuke: I guess there's no choice! (Mangekyou Sharingan activate!)
    Hachibi: Lalalaallaaaaaa- WHAAA?!
    Sasuke: Nice and easy, you'll be mine!

    Toad: We can do it either way, Naruto.
    Naruto: The meditation sounds harder, but I'm prepared for it.
    Toad: (I hope so... because this is one risk he's willing to take, and if he fails... we all die!)

    Superman: Lalalaaaaaaaaaaa.............whatever!

    Spoiler Script #3
    Verification: Pending
    Source: LN
    Credits: ?

    Spoiler #3:

    Naruto Manga 411 Spoiler

    Naruto's Sage Training
    Frog: Now that you know what to do Naruto I want you to bring out your clones like you did with Kakashi.
    Naruto: Right but what happens if I lose control and the (9tails) comes out.
    Frog: Do not worry Naruto , as you learn senjutsu you will have the ability to control the full chakra of the kyuubi.
    Naruto: REALLY!!! OK I will surpass Jirayia and have the Ultimate Hermit Mode ever seen.
    Frog: (thinking.... So this will be the evolution of the Destined Child)
    (Naruto puts the frog oil on his hand again and brings out 1000 clones and concentrates on balancing all three chakras.)
    Frog: Naruto Now you are overwhelming the nature chakra in your body with your inner chakra. Try remembering when you had to balance your chakra when you had to stand on water. Only this time your balancing the nature chakra flowing in to you.
    Naruto: Its easier said then done!!!

    *8tails (killer bee) fights Sasuke
    8tails: HO HO HO so how all you like the way im stinging yo butts.
    Sasuke: Thats ENOUGH!!!
    (Sharingan activates and sasuke charges the 8 tails with his kusanagi in hand and the 8tails isn't able to avoid Sasukes thrust into his shoulder.)
    8tails: Hey punk you sending lighting down your sword, I like that little trick of yours, but you think just cuz your the only one to have ever pierced the great killer bee that you've won.
    (8tails consumes the lightning from kusanagi into his body and shoots it out of his mouth)
    Sasuke: Your the first one to do that!!! (even though my lighting was supposed to numb your body, you were still able to overcome it and send my own lighting back at me.)
    8tails: OH yes if your good enough to make me bleed then I'm in for a treat. It looks like im going to have fun with you!!!

    Spoiler Script #4
    Verification: Pending
    Source: Naruto and bleach endless forums
    Credits: ?

    8 tailed: Lets get to it uchiha!
    Sasuke: hmm, i will beat you! (Sasuke points with his finger at the 8tailed)
    8tailed: Sorry but you are a little boy who is afraid of my dark powers.
    *8tailed attacks Sasuke*
    Karin: Sasuke watch out!
    Sasuke: You should be careful!
    *Sasuke open his eyes and activate his Sharingan*
    8tailed: I know everything about this eyes!
    Itachi: This is my Sharingan!
    8tailed: So you are this Uchiha?
    Itachi: Right!
    *8tailed attacks Itachi*
    8tailed: If I don´t look in your eyes your genjutsu is useless!
    Itachi: If you think so then try your best!
    8tailed: So Uchiha i will kill you!
    8tailed: If I don´t look in your eyes, I will not fall in your genjutsu!
    Sasuke: If you think so then try your best!
    8tailed remembers that Itachi said the same thing..
    Sasuke: I can create a genjutsu just with my finger!
    8tailed has remembers that Sasuke pointed on him.
    8tailed: You are like him.
    Sasuke: ?
    8tailed: I will win
    Sasuke: But you are in my genjutsu!
    8tailed: Your idea was great but your genjutsu doesn´t work on me
    Sasuke: ?
    8tailed: I am blind!
    Sasuke: ?
    8tailed: Ok, time off know I am getting serious!
    8tailed: Let me show you the real powers of a Jinchuriki!
    Sasuke: Damn it ! I don´t wanted to use this but i have to !
    Sasuke seems to have a new lightning jutsu with a big power,the real fight has just began....
    *Scene changes to Naruto*
    Naruto sits on a stone near the the oil statue
    ***asuke: His mental control is amazing his spirit is quiet and concentrated!
    Gamakichi:You are right Naruto is sometimes a big idiot but when it comes to hard times in train he is a real Master!
    ***asuke: Oh yes he remindes me off little Jiraiya!
    ***asuke: Ok Naruto your mental control is good, break is over lets start!
    Naruto: Ok! (Naruto has a smile in the face)
    ***asaku: This smile this smile i have saw it only five times in my Life,little naruto included!
    Gamakichi: ?
    ***asaku: The first time by the hokage brothers, the second by the sandaime and the third time by little Nami!
    Gamakichi: Who is little Nami?
    ***asaku smiles....
    Fakasaku: I think they call him...... Minato Namikaze also known as the Hokage of the 4th Generation!
    Gamakichi: !
    ***asaku: This smile, that shows the immense heart of a fighter who wants to protect his villiage!
    Gamakichi: ?
    ***asaku: Those eyes that show the Will of Fire!
    ***asaku smiles.....
    ***asaku remindes Jiraiya, Minato, the first and second Hokage..
    ***asaku: * I am suprised that this eyes still exist but i am happy too, cause this eyes are the eyes from a hero who will protect everyone with the Will of Fire*

    At the last page their is a picture of the hokage brothers,sandaime,jiraiya,minato and naruto

  17. #3476
    Cross Marian Cross Marian ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Da hab ich auch was zubieten.

    Cover: Jugo in CS level 2 (colour page)
    Side note: Jugo is over powered in seconds.What will happen to Sasuke?

    First parts show Sasuke's fight. Sasuke removes his Akatsuki robes and tells the others to step back and that he wants to get over with this battle quickly and ons his sharingan. Eight-tails starts laughing and tells that he also wants to see the power of an Uchiha.

    Naruto tells ***usake about his nature chakra training with Kakashi with the kage bunshins. ***usake says that its logical for the training to be fast.

    Pein's bodys and Konan stops just where they see konohagakure. Pein orders Konan to go and find Naruto and that he would create a distraction so that it would be easy for konan. Konan becomes all paper and Pein's new body (the girl body) goes with Konan.

    ***usake says that he's surprised that Naruto has improved in balancing nature energy with the bunshins in such a short time. But he says that its still not perfect.

    Switch to Sasuke. Sasuke seems exhuasted but Eight-tails still seems cool. Eight-tails says that he expected more from the Sharingan. Sasuke says that the Eight-Tails is very powerful. A thunder storm starts over them.

    Side note: Even the Sharingan is held back. What is the power of the Eight-Tails?

    Next issue: Danger in Konahagakure!
    ______________________________ __________________________

    411: Premonition

    Kakashi's Sharingan starts to feel a surge of pain

    In front of the Konoha Gates
    Pain is seen
    Ninja: Hn?
    Hehe you!
         「わざわざ正面から乗り込んでくるとはい い度胸だ!」
    ...You have courage to attack from right in front on purpose!
    Konan: Silence
    Ninja gets beheaded and falls

    Scene changes to Kakashi resting on a Tree
    It has been 5 days since 'that' statement (TN: or since he last spoke. Dunno what this means)

    Kakashi: !
    A huge Shuriken comes flying
    Kakashi: Ugh (TN: or the proper way to express would be "What?")
    He dodges
    ???: You were able to dodge by just a hairs breath (TN: emphasis added)... You're good
    Kakashi (Thinking): Who is it
    It is Konan

    Kakashi starts to breathe hard
    Kakashi has lost his left arm starting from his elbow
    The six Pains surround Kakashi, appearing from nowhere
    Kakashi is doomed

    Reine Texte ohne chinesiche/japanische Skripte,
    die vor diesen zu finden sind,sind vermutlich fake,
    sollten also nicht mehr hinzugefügt werden...

  18. #3477
    Insight Insight ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Kakashi ... tot ... ?

    Ich hoffe mal, dass das nicht wirklich passieren wird und der Spoiler folglich falsch ist.

    Aber ist es überhaupt wahrscheinlich, dass Pein schon so früh in Konoha auftaucht?
    Dann müsste man ja davon ausgehen, dass sich ihm eine Menge Leute, darunter auch Freunde von Naruto, in den Weg stellen, um Konoha zu verteidigen.
    Aber würde Pein diese dann nicht töten?

    Eventuell zieht Pein sich zurück, wenn er erfährt, dass Naruto nicht mehr da ist, aber würde er die anderen nicht vielleicht trotzdem töten?

  19. #3478
    Cross Marian Cross Marian ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Zitat Insight Beitrag anzeigen
    Kakashi ... tot ... ?

    Ich hoffe mal, dass das nicht wirklich passieren wird und der Spoiler folglich falsch ist.

    Aber ist es überhaupt wahrscheinlich, dass Pein schon so früh in Konoha auftaucht?
    Dann müsste man ja davon ausgehen, dass sich ihm eine Menge Leute, darunter auch Freunde von Naruto, in den Weg stellen, um Konoha zu verteidigen.
    Aber würde Pein diese dann nicht töten?

    Eventuell zieht Pein sich zurück, wenn er erfährt, dass Naruto nicht mehr da ist, aber würde er die anderen nicht vielleicht trotzdem töten?
    Ich stempel den Spoiler auch als Fake ab, da sich das Chapter doch um Sasuke vs. Hachibi drehen soll, huh?

    Pein kann doch auch nochnicht da sein, da Jiraiya doch mal gesagt hat, es wäre eine lange Reise und deswegen hat er so ein 'Schnell - Reise - Jutsu' benutzt.
    Und ich glaube kaum, dass Pein das kann. Denn in den Spoilern der vorherigen Chapter, klang es so als ob Pein und Konan normal reisen würden.

  20. #3479
    Katzekage Katzekage ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Kakashi toT? Naja so unwahrscheinlich wäre das nicht, aber wenn dann
    auch noch ander sterben würden? Nagut Naruto wäre dann wirklich mega wütend auf Pein, das würde für einen Supersayajin reichen^^

  21. #3480
    Katzekage Katzekage ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden Manga/Chapter Achtung: Spoiler

    Zitat Straider Beitrag anzeigen
    letztendlich ist es doch egal ob er eine freundin hatte oder nicht.
    Aber wir haben ja nie eine gesehn...deshalb würde ich sagen man meint damit freunde.

    Hier ein paar Spoiler zum bald erscheinenden Kapitel 411:

    Spoiler Script #1
    Verification: Pending
    Source: LN
    Credits: ?

    Naruto chapter 411 spoiler script:

    Sasuke activates his mangekyou sharingan and uses a genjutsu/tsukuyomi on the 8-tails.
    Sasuke and the 8-tails are in the illusion, the 8-tails falls on his knees.
    Sasuke: Here I control time, space, and even gravity.
    8-tails: Ahaha, you must be the punk Itachi Uchiha.
    Sasuke: ...
    8-tails grows out tentacles and in a wave of chakra breaks Sasukes genjutsu.
    8-tails unshealths 7 swords with his tentacles.
    8-tails: It's time for you to taste our blades, punks!!

    Meanwhile at Myobokuzan mountain..
    Naruto: So can I train controlling nature with kage bunshins?
    ***asaku: You could try, though it may be too much for you.
    Naruto begins training controlling nature with kage bunshins,
    all the shadowclones turn into frogs and disperse shortly after.
    Naruto falls on his knees drenched in sweat.
    ***asaku: I told you it wouldn't be easy.
    Naruto stands up.
    Naruto: I could keep this up all day gramps!
    ***asaku smiles. Naruto sounds just like Jiraiya.

    Meanwhile outside of Konoha..
    Pain: Are you ready?
    Konan: Yes.
    Pain performs a handseal and it begins raining over Konoha.
    Tsunade glances at the rain.
    Tsuande glares.
    Tsuande: I have a bad feeling about this.
    Next issue: "Supreme Judgement!"

    Spoiler Script #2
    Verification: Pending
    Source: LN
    Credits: ?

    Spoiler #2:

    411 - Eight Tailed and Nine Tailed!

    Toad: Naruto, to become one with nature, there are other methods.
    Naruto: Like what?
    Toad: Severe meditation or penace.
    Naruto: What must I do?
    Toad: It won't be easy, but you'l have to slowly meditate on yourself, and in your case, you'd have to meditate on the nine-tailed fox.
    Naruto: ?!
    Toad: Once done, the fox may start to balance within your body and become one with your chakra. This is the ultimate goal. Although, you may be open throughout, and it may be Akatsuki's upper hand.
    Naruto: We can give it a shot.
    Toad: The only problem is, if you break the penance, your chakra will drop to zero, because of the unbalance, and you will die.

    Sasuke: Enough with the games! (goes forward to attack)
    Hachibi: ARGH! (takes two swords and smashes them into the ground causing a quake)
    Sasuke: (jumping in the air, shoots Chidori Nagashi at the swords, causing an electrical quake, affecting Hachibi)
    Hachibi: Lalalala.... electrical... smeltical... lalalalalaaa!
    Sasuke: It didn't hurt him?
    Hachibi: Surprised? Lalalalalalaaaaaaaaaa!
    Sasuke: I guess there's no choice! (Mangekyou Sharingan activate!)
    Hachibi: Lalalaallaaaaaa- WHAAA?!
    Sasuke: Nice and easy, you'll be mine!

    Toad: We can do it either way, Naruto.
    Naruto: The meditation sounds harder, but I'm prepared for it.
    Toad: (I hope so... because this is one risk he's willing to take, and if he fails... we all die!)

    Superman: Lalalaaaaaaaaaaa.............whatever!

    Spoiler Script #3
    Verification: Pending
    Source: LN
    Credits: ?

    Spoiler #3:

    Naruto Manga 411 Spoiler

    Naruto's Sage Training
    Frog: Now that you know what to do Naruto I want you to bring out your clones like you did with Kakashi.
    Naruto: Right but what happens if I lose control and the (9tails) comes out.
    Frog: Do not worry Naruto , as you learn senjutsu you will have the ability to control the full chakra of the kyuubi.
    Naruto: REALLY!!! OK I will surpass Jirayia and have the Ultimate Hermit Mode ever seen.
    Frog: (thinking.... So this will be the evolution of the Destined Child)
    (Naruto puts the frog oil on his hand again and brings out 1000 clones and concentrates on balancing all three chakras.)
    Frog: Naruto Now you are overwhelming the nature chakra in your body with your inner chakra. Try remembering when you had to balance your chakra when you had to stand on water. Only this time your balancing the nature chakra flowing in to you.
    Naruto: Its easier said then done!!!

    *8tails (killer bee) fights Sasuke
    8tails: HO HO HO so how all you like the way im stinging yo butts.
    Sasuke: Thats ENOUGH!!!
    (Sharingan activates and sasuke charges the 8 tails with his kusanagi in hand and the 8tails isn't able to avoid Sasukes thrust into his shoulder.)
    8tails: Hey punk you sending lighting down your sword, I like that little trick of yours, but you think just cuz your the only one to have ever pierced the great killer bee that you've won.
    (8tails consumes the lightning from kusanagi into his body and shoots it out of his mouth)
    Sasuke: Your the first one to do that!!! (even though my lighting was supposed to numb your body, you were still able to overcome it and send my own lighting back at me.)
    8tails: OH yes if your good enough to make me bleed then I'm in for a treat. It looks like im going to have fun with you!!!

    Spoiler Script #4
    Verification: Pending
    Source: Naruto and bleach endless forums
    Credits: ?

    8 tailed: Lets get to it uchiha!
    Sasuke: hmm, i will beat you! (Sasuke points with his finger at the 8tailed)
    8tailed: Sorry but you are a little boy who is afraid of my dark powers.
    *8tailed attacks Sasuke*
    Karin: Sasuke watch out!
    Sasuke: You should be careful!
    *Sasuke open his eyes and activate his Sharingan*
    8tailed: I know everything about this eyes!
    Itachi: This is my Sharingan!
    8tailed: So you are this Uchiha?
    Itachi: Right!
    *8tailed attacks Itachi*
    8tailed: If I don´t look in your eyes your genjutsu is useless!
    Itachi: If you think so then try your best!
    8tailed: So Uchiha i will kill you!
    8tailed: If I don´t look in your eyes, I will not fall in your genjutsu!
    Sasuke: If you think so then try your best!
    8tailed remembers that Itachi said the same thing..
    Sasuke: I can create a genjutsu just with my finger!
    8tailed has remembers that Sasuke pointed on him.
    8tailed: You are like him.
    Sasuke: ?
    8tailed: I will win
    Sasuke: But you are in my genjutsu!
    8tailed: Your idea was great but your genjutsu doesn´t work on me
    Sasuke: ?
    8tailed: I am blind!
    Sasuke: ?
    8tailed: Ok, time off know I am getting serious!
    8tailed: Let me show you the real powers of a Jinchuriki!
    Sasuke: Damn it ! I don´t wanted to use this but i have to !
    Sasuke seems to have a new lightning jutsu with a big power,the real fight has just began....
    *Scene changes to Naruto*
    Naruto sits on a stone near the the oil statue
    ***asuke: His mental control is amazing his spirit is quiet and concentrated!
    Gamakichi:You are right Naruto is sometimes a big idiot but when it comes to hard times in train he is a real Master!
    ***asuke: Oh yes he remindes me off little Jiraiya!
    ***asuke: Ok Naruto your mental control is good, break is over lets start!
    Naruto: Ok! (Naruto has a smile in the face)
    ***asaku: This smile this smile i have saw it only five times in my Life,little naruto included!
    Gamakichi: ?
    ***asaku: The first time by the hokage brothers, the second by the sandaime and the third time by little Nami!
    Gamakichi: Who is little Nami?
    ***asaku smiles....
    Fakasaku: I think they call him...... Minato Namikaze also known as the Hokage of the 4th Generation!
    Gamakichi: !
    ***asaku: This smile, that shows the immense heart of a fighter who wants to protect his villiage!
    Gamakichi: ?
    ***asaku: Those eyes that show the Will of Fire!
    ***asaku smiles.....
    ***asaku remindes Jiraiya, Minato, the first and second Hokage..
    ***asaku: * I am suprised that this eyes still exist but i am happy too, cause this eyes are the eyes from a hero who will protect everyone with the Will of Fire*

    At the last page their is a picture of the hokage brothers,sandaime,jiraiya,minato and naruto

    Sorry für doppelpost, aber habe ich da gerade Itachi gelesen?
    Hat Itachi da wirklich gesagt "This is my Sharingan"????
    War er das wirklich?

    Sorry war ein Flashback, tut mir echt leid.

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