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28.01.2010, 14:20 #1z13l5ch31b3
Remix von We didnt startthe fire
First post fucking gay
second post go away
stupid picture
simpsons did it
south park did it too.
ROFL copter really stupid
I dunno, I kinda like it
I hate Mindy
I hate Cindy
I hate fags and jews.
Who’s the girl in that pic,
I want her to show her tits.
So gross, no wonder why
girls don’t come to this site!
This picture FTW, I’d bone the girl in it.
I’d bone your mom.
You bone your palm.
Oh snap, epic pwnage!
We didn’t start the flame war,
Peeps were hatin’ on it
‘fore I left my comment.
We didn’t start the flame war,
Let the whole wide world know
I’m a big old asshole.
Saw this on another site.
Photoshop’d am I right?
Hard to see, but I agree.
dugg down cuz it sucks!
how’d this garbage
make it to the frontpage?
users from their site
came and dugg it up.
Stolen from XKCD,
Buried for inaccuracy.
if you’re gonna call bullshit,
post a link to prove it.
Ron Paul 2012!
he can’t win, don’t jizz yourself.
He’s got a chance.
Yeah, in France – bet you’d vote for Palin!
We didn’t start the flame war,
Peeps were hatin’ on it
‘fore I left my comment.
We didn’t start the flame war,
Let the whole wide world know
I’m a big old asshole.
Who wants a free iPod?
Just follow this link.
God, spammers in this thread
Are such massive dickheads.
Oh my god, watch my vid,
crazy funny fat kid.
Eat my ass you fucking troll,
what an asshole.
Rick roll’d.
You guys know who I hate?
people who are mixed race.
also mexicans, redheads, and asians.
why r u guys so racist.
why r u guys so racist.
double post, my bad.
this kid’s a noob fag.
what’s your problem douchebag?
ur the ass, fucking fag!
your a fag!
you’re a bitch!
all of you can suck my dick!
We didn’t start the flame war,
Peeps were hatin’ on it
‘fore I left my comment.
We didn’t start the flame war,
Let the whole wide world know
I’m a big old asshole.
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