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07.02.2009, 16:38 #1_Kool_Savas_
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Man kann nur hoffen, dass das Entwicklerteam Luxoflux aus den katastrophalen Fehlern des ersten Teiles gelernt hat und dieses mal ein Spiel auf den Markt bringt, dass nicht so brutal floppt. Wie es sich für einen ordentlichen Transformer-Titel gehört, kämpfen wieder die Autobots gegen die Decepticons. Zusammen mit Optimus Prime und seinem treuen Auto Bumblebee geht es in die Schlacht gegen lebende Flugzeuge, Hubschrauber und mehr. Der erste Trailer sieht zumindest schon mal nicht ganz so schlecht aus! Seht selbst!
Quelle: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Xbox 360 News Aktuelles Xbox 360 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Xbox 360 News Aktuelles
09.02.2009, 18:08 #2_Kool_Savas_
AW: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
18.05.2009, 19:38 #3_Kool_Savas_
AW: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Down to Chinatown (20 points)
Medal in all Autobot Shanghai Missions
West Side (20 points)
Medal in all Autobot West Coast Missions
Aerialbot Assault (20 points)
Medal in all Autobot Deep Six Missions
East Side (20 points)
Medal in all Autobot East Coast Missions
The Dagger’s Tip (20 points)
Medal in all Autobot Cairo Missions
One Shall Stand (25 points)
Defeat Megatron - Autobot Campaign
Now I’ve Seen It All (50 points)
Unlock all Autobot Unlockables
Power to the People (25 points)
Purchase All Autobot Upgrades
Awesome Achievement! (25 points)
Eliminate 250 Decepticons - Autobot Campaign
Do the Math (20 points)
Acquire 2,000,000 Energon in the Autobot Campaign
A True Autobot (75 points)
Earn Platinum Medals on ALL Autobot Missions
Shanghai’d (25 points)
Medal in all Decepticon Shanghai Missions
West Coast For The Win! (25 points)
Medal in all Decepticon West Coast Missions
Rise of The Fallen (25 points)
Medal in all Decepticon Deep Six Missions
Coast to Coast (25 points)
Medal in all Decepticon East Coast Missions
Lies (25 points)
Medal in all Decepticon Cairo Missions
One Shall Fall (25 points)
Defeat Optimus Prime - Decepticon Campaign
Now I’ve Really Seen It All (50 points)
Unlock all Decepticon Unlockables
Spoils of War (25 points)
Purchase All Decepticon Upgrades
Bad Boys (25 points)
Eliminate 350 Autobots - Decepticon Campaign
Break the Bank (25 points)
Acquire 3,000,000 Energon in the Decepticon Campaign
A True Decepticon (75 points)
Earn Platinum Medals on ALL Decepticon Missions
Platty For The Win! (20 points)
Earn a Platinum Medal - Either Campaign
Golden Boy (15 points)
Earn a Gold Medal - Either Campaign
Not Gold Enough (10 points)
Earn a Silver Medal - Either Campaign
Cast in Bronze (5 points)
Earn a Bronze Medal - Either Campaign
On the Board (15 points)
Make it into the Top 100000 on SP Leaderboards - Either Campaign
Good Mojo (25 points)
Make it into the Top 10000 on SP Leaderboards - Either Campaign
Bonecrusher (25 points)
Make it into the Top 1000 on SP Leaderboards - Either Campaign
And So It Begins... (5 points)
Unlock a Single Unlockable - Either Campaign
Grind On (5 points)
Purchase an Upgrade - Either Campaign
Choices... (5 points)
Unlock a New Zone - Either Campaign
You've Got The Touch (25 points)
Fill OVERDRIVE Meter - Either Campaign
Choose a Side (15 points)
Win one RANKED/PLAYER MATCH game as Autobots and one as Decepticons
Hold! (15 points)
Win a Control Point round without losing a control point in a RANKED/PLAYER MATCH game
Follow the Leader (15 points)
While playing One Shall Stand, as the leader, kill the opposing leader in a RANKED/PLAYER MATCH game
Life of the Party (15 points)
Host one game of each game type in a PLAYER MATCH game
Smells Like Victory (50 points)
Win a Match as Each of the 15 Default Characters
Geheime Achievements
Secret Achievement (25 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (25 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (15 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Microsoft Xbox 360 News Aktuelles Microsoft Xbox 360 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Microsoft Xbox 360 News Aktuelles
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