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Thema: Fallout 4
24.10.2008, 14:01 #1B|ocks
Fallout 4
Genre: postapokalyptischen Rollenspiel
Entwickler: Bethesda Softworks
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Release: vllt 2011
Platforms: PC, Xbox360 und PS3
Mussten Fans zehn Jahre auf einen neuen Teil der Fallout-Serie warten, so könnte der 4. Teil schon in drei Jahren auf den Markt kommen. Das sagte Todd Howard, Executive Producer bei Bethesda und von Fallout 3 (PS3, XBox 360)
~Zum Text~
24.10.2008, 15:02 #2Zurbo
AW: Fallout 4
Fehlt nurnoch, dass du schreibst "erster!!!!!!!!1111".
Also mich interessiert erstmal nur Fallout 3 und dann können wir mal weiter sehen.
24.10.2008, 16:07 #3aLeVaToR
AW: Fallout 4
Nämlich wenn das kaum Erfolg hat (was ich bezweifle) würden die glaub ich kaum einen neuen Teil entwerfen.
24.10.2008, 20:22 #4B|ocks
AW: Fallout 4
Noch'n paar Infos (aber auf English)
What we heard: It's been all of 10 years since Interplay and Black Isle Studio's Fallout 2 arrived to rapt critical reception for the PC. And if executive producer Todd Howard has his way, fans of the franchise shouldn't have to wait another decade after Fallout 3 for another postapocalyptic role-playing fix.
Speaking to Reuters, Howard addressed the franchise's long absence from the gaming scene, saying the latest installment has been too long in coming. "I think it's good for people to miss things," he said. "Ten years between Fallout is a bit long, but I think there's this nostalgia factor."
And then things get a little screwy. Seemingly unaware of the average gamers' excitability factor, Reuters then floated mention of "Fallout 4," and paraphrased the game's executive producer as saying, "he believes three years is a good time frame between games." Not unexpectedly, this one-two combo exploded with its own atomic ferocity across many a gaming Web site, with the common consensus being that Howard had confirmed Fallout 3's successor as being a mere three years off.
The official story: "He wasn't trying to say anything about how long it will be between the Fallout 3 and the next one," said a Bethesda Softworks representative. "Rather, it was a comment about the fact that 10 years was too long between the last Fallout games and Fallout 3. We aren't setting any kind of timeframe or timetable for the next Fallout. We haven't even released this one yet, though at least we're now very, very close."
Bogus or not bogus?: Bogus...that a date is officially confirmed. However, given the massive hype, decade-long anticipation, and amount of critical praise Fallout 3 has already received, a sequel looks likely. Keep in mind, though, there was a four-year gap between Elder Scrolls III and IV.
greetz by
25.10.2008, 12:01 #5Loki
AW: Fallout 4
Das hätte auch erstmal im Fallout 3 Thread Platz gehabt.
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