Ergebnis 81 bis 83 von 83
Thema: E3 2012 - Microsoft
05.06.2012, 12:03 #81Kowymoy
AW: E3 2012 - Microsoft
Dieses Jahr wurden hammer Games gezeigt. Ganz besonders das Spiel "Watch Dogs" hat mich geflasht.
07.06.2012, 18:45 #82Loki
AW: E3 2012 - Microsoft
Micheal Bay presents: Microsoft E3 2012
Mehr habe ich dazu nicht zu sagen.
14.06.2012, 16:30 #83Deadfirefly
AW: E3 2012 - Microsoft
Microsoft Skipping Tokyo Game Show, Gamescom
Microsoft has announced its foregoing this year's Tokyo Game Show. Gamescom, too.
While passing on TGS, Microsoft acknowledged the September event as "very important in the industry", but will instead focus on their partners in the Japanese market this year.
As evidenced by any number of our Japanese sales posts, the company has long struggled to gain traction in that part of the world.
Asked if this meant Microsoft will also be skipping 2013's TGS, Microsoft basically said they'll cross that bridge when they come to it.
As for Gamescom, which is held in Germany in August, Microsoft joins Nintendo as a no-show.
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