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Thema: The Fantastic Four - Reboot
11.08.2015, 21:05 #81JokerofDarkness
AW: The Fantastic Four - Reboot
11.08.2015, 23:51 #82daywalker2609
AW: The Fantastic Four - Reboot
Man möge sich nur mal vorstellen, wenn Fox Deadpool verhunzt. (ja der erste Trailer ging genau in die richtige Richtung)Ich glaube dann werden die Fox Studios niedergebrannt.
12.08.2015, 07:48 #83vieraeugigerZyklop
Ach bei Deadpool habe ich ein gutes Gefühl.
13.08.2015, 11:39 #84vieraeugigerZyklop
Mal als Info nebenbei:
Fox hält wohl an den Sequelplänen für 2017 fest. Ich bin gespannt.
Ehrlicherweise würde ich mir den Film gerne mal ansehen um.ihn gesehen zu haben
13.08.2015, 12:38 #85DBZ
13.08.2015, 13:19 #86daywalker2609
13.08.2015, 16:40 #87FallenAngel
AW: The Fantastic Four - Reboot
Normalerweise gebe ich nix auf Kinokritiken, aber bei diesem Film habe ich bisher nicht ein gutes Wort gelesen, das sagt schon einiges aus.
Ich hatte nicht vor ihn mir anzuschauen, der Trailer hatte mich im Vorfeld überhaupt nicht angesprochen, nun erst recht nicht. Allerdings ist der alte Film (bzw. Filme) und seine Darsteller bei mir nun um etliche Sympathiepunkte gestiegen
Mal ehrlich, am Anfang fand ich Remakes von einigen älteren(!) Filmen noch ganz ok (die Qualität sei jetzt mal dahingestellt). Das hat aber wirklich in den letzten Jahren überhand genommen, dass nun Filme, die erst einige Jahre alt sind, schon ein Remake bekommen. Habe die Amis schon nicht bei ihren eigenen Film-Umsetzungen von erfolgreichen Filmen verstanden (spontanes Bsp.: "So finster die Nacht/Let the right one in (Schweden 2008), US-Remake "Let me in" war 2010 in den Kinos), aber nun wird´s doch wirklich Zeit einen anderen Weg einzuschlagen.
17.08.2015, 09:50 #88mogry
AW: The Fantastic Four - Reboot
Fand denn sehr mies denn Film.
Sogar schlechter als die anderen Filme.
Lohnt sich überhaupt nicht der Film.
Hat auch überall schlechte kritik bekommen
04.09.2015, 19:16 #89BigPlayer
21.06.2017, 17:04 #90Spike Spiegel
AW: The Fantastic Four - Reboot
Damals erhielt er auch viele positive Reaktionen. Ein kleiner Auszug;
"Got to see a preview screening of Fantastic Four yesterday and was truly fantastic, excuse the pun, one of the best films of the summer."
"Fantastic Four was surprisingly dark. Its more Nolan than MCU, and that's a good thing. Overall was a solid first entry."
"Fantastic Four screening tonight. Intense. I was skeptical, but this version had so much depth, richness, action and connection. Must see!!!"
"Just left a screening of Fantastic Four. So good!!"
"Just got out of the fantastic four screening and the film was okay, but you could tell it was meant as am 'opener' to a series."
"For those utterly unfamiliar with the Fantastic Four comics, the film is an interesting and minimalistic scifi drama with an indie feel."
"Fantastic Four is actually quite good. Having seen the movie twice now, it brings about the best in the property."
"awesome reboot ! real excited about this new Marvel series ! Miles Teller is awesome once again!"
"Fantastic Four is a great reboot. Does a lot of things better than even Amazing Spider-Man."
"It ain't blockbuster but it's interesting... And more human, which is good."
"I thought Fantastic Four was good fun."
"Go see FantasticFour people. Saw an early screening in LA and I loved it. So so good! Off to set. Early call times so much fun."
"Now a friend of mine who was at a Fantastic Four advanced screening is telling me she loved it. I.e, fuck critics."
"Advance screening of Fantastic Four yesterday! SO different from the formulaic Marvel film convention. Refreshingly character driven."
"Just seen Fantastic Four - wow, did i get the wrong impression prior to screening. Its GREAT. Best comic book movie since Winter Soldier."
"Went to an advanced screening of Fantastic Four - enjoyed the reboot! Especially love seeing more Miles Teller in films, dude is boss!"
"Went to the Fantastic Four screening today. As a summer blockbuster/comicbook film it's uneventful. As a slow scifi drama it's interesting."
"Back from an advance screening of Fantastic Four. Different from recent Marvel films, but really good! Got to see the cast beforehand too!"
"Ok..Fantastic Four..Caught an early screening and walked in expecting to hate it, but definitely didn't..That being's not very good."
"Fantastic Four screening cineworld was pretty good, definitely not what I was expecting and surprisingly dark. Great summer viewing!!"
"New fantastic four film doesn't suck - in fact it is great you should go see it. Woo advanced screening!"
"damn good film, but no hidden ending during credits? WTF! Preview screening only I hope! "
"Fantastic Four was good. Bit slow but good effort."
"Just watched Fantastic Four. Better than I'd hoped, easily the best of all the efforts, but a ropey last act and not a lot of superheroics"
"Enjoyed Fantastic Four. Could've done with more Doom, but assume being saved for the sequel. Took a while to get going, but a solid reboot"
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