Ergebnis 281 bis 300 von 462
Thema: Saw 4
28.10.2007, 22:28 #281Unregistriert
AW: Saw 4
29.10.2007, 07:48 #282tomsan
29.10.2007, 08:08 #283rippkiller
AW: Saw 4
<schnipp> man kann den film in der qualy schon laden aber auf english als der alte spielt wieder mit
//Edit von Das_Es:
Auch wenn es nur ein Sampler ist, darf das hier nicht stehen. Link wurde entfernt
29.10.2007, 13:36 #284tomsan
AW: Saw 4
....nun kommt die Zeit, wo man den "Saw 4" Threat nicht mehr betreten darft, wenn man keine Spoiler lesen möchte....
Freue mich auf den Film, bin gespannt wie's weiter geht!
31.10.2007, 22:29 #285Unregistriert
AW: Saw 4
ich hab heir mal nen Trailer für euch falls ihr den noch nicht gesehen habt und weiter unten sin auch noch ein Paar infos zum 4. Teil
Saw 4: Erster Clip aus dem vierten Teil der Folterhorrorreihe online | Filmnews |
01.11.2007, 10:56 #286_KinG_
AW: Saw 4
Das ist echt ein hammer geiler film hab ihn selbst leider noch nicht aber werde ihn mir bald kino...
freue mich schon sehr drauf hammer film
02.11.2007, 19:23 #287Legionista
AW: Saw 4
Zum Lesen markieren.
The film opens with the autopsy of the deceased Jigsaw Killer, John Kramer, who was killed in the ending climax of Saw III. During the operation, a wax-coated microcassette is found in Jigsaw's stomach. Detective Hoffman is called to the scene, where he plays the tape which states that, although Jigsaw is dead, "the games have just begun."
The scene changes to two men awakening in a mausoleum, finding themselves in one of Jigsaw's prearranged "games". One man has been rendered blind (his eyes sewn shut), while the other is mute (his lips sewn together). In a desperate attempt to escape, the mute man kills the panicking blind man, takes a key from the blind man's neck, and frees himself. He then begins screaming in terror which causes the stitches to tear free and blood pours from his mouth.
The police, meanwhile, have discovered the remains of Detective Kerry who was killed in the Angel Trap, set up by Amanda Young in Saw III. Lieutenant Rigg, distraught at the find, leaves the scene as FBI Agents Perez and Strahm arrive and begin investigating. They quickly deduce that Amanda needed help in placing Kerry in the trap, and that Jigsaw has another apprentice who is still alive.
That night, Rigg is attacked in his home and left unconscious, awakening to a series of interconnected tests that have been arranged. In the first test, which takes place in his own home, Rigg struggles to free a woman named Brenda from a deadly device, though his tape suggests that he leave her alone. After saving Brenda's life, she responds by attempting to kill Rigg, who is forced to subdue her. He later learns that she had a test of her own, which was to kill him with a knife that was taped under the TV should he save her, or she would be jailed for prostitution.
Finding clues to the next phase of the game, Rigg travels to a hotel and uses a key supplied by Jigsaw to gain access to a room that contains his next instruction. Rigg opens a chest on the bed and finds a pig mask and a photo of a man inside. Rigg's objective is to capture the man who is the clerk for the hotel. Rigg captures Ivan and moves him to another room which contains a vice that Rigg is instructed to place Ivan's head in. Rigg also makes Ivan strap his arms and legs onto the bed. Rigg plays Ivan's tape and Ivan must either push two buttons that would gouge his eyes out or have the device rip off his arms and legs. Surrounded by photos and video evidence of Ivan's sordid past as a rapist, an enraged Rigg decides to follow Jigsaw's advice and forces Ivan in the trap, who fails to complete it and has his arms and legs severed.
We are then shown a flashback of Rigg's past before he became a member of SWAT, dealing with the apparent beating of a child by her father. Unable to confess the crime to Rigg, they were forced to let the man go; but not before his comments instigated Rigg to assault the girl's father. Rigg escaped prosecution, thanks to his underhanded lawyer, Art Blanc, the mute man from the first trap of the movie.
In present time, The FBI raid Rigg's home, believing that he may be connected to Jigsaw. There they find that Brenda has died from her injuries. The evidence there leads them to suspect Rigg and also helps them to discover Jill, Jigsaw's ex-wife, as a possible source of information about the recent traps.
Meanwhile, Rigg enters the now derelict school where the dreaded event took place, finding the deceased abusive father and his wife, chained together with a single spike piercing their body. A flashback shows the woman being instructed to escape her abusive relationship by removing the spikes from her body while simultaneously killing her husband. However, she is unable to remove the final spike due to the wounds inflicted by previous spikes. Instructed by Jigsaw that Rigg must stand aside and allow her to complete her own test, Rigg hands her a key which will unlock her from her shackles but tells her that she must remove the final spike herself as he follows his next clue but not before pulling the fire alarm to alert the authorities.
As the FBI and police investigate the crime scene, an accident with the now-completed trap occurs, spearing the forensic photographer through the neck and killing her. Frustrated and disgusted, Perez and Strahm search the school further, finding Jigsaw's puppet, Billy, and a tape addressed to themselves. Perez is told that Strahm is "about to kill an innocent man" and that "her next step is crucial". As Perez peers more closely to investigate a sound, the puppet's face explodes, sending shrapnel into her face and revealing a camera hidden in the puppet's skull.
Desperate, Strahm attempts to elicit information from Jill. Flashbacks reveal that Jill lost her and John's baby due to the inadvertent actions of a drug addict named Cecil. John was sitting outside the clinic where Jill worked, waiting to pick her up, when he was solicited for sex by Addison, whom he would later place in a trap in Saw II. Noticing Cecil running from a scene where he had accidentally slammed a door into Jill, John investigated, finding Jill wounded, and carried her to the hospital. However, the baby is lost and John is visibly distraught.
John became obsessed with the idea that only the victims can change themselves and began developing traps to test subjects. Jill, having healed from her assault, came to John's workshop with Art, discussing a project that they were partners in. John showed no interest, still consumed with his loss and told them both to leave. He tracked and abducted Cecil, then placed him in the first trap he constructed. There, John explained to Cecil that the purpose of the trap was to make Cecil "as ugly on the outside as he was on the inside". During the test, the trap collapsed, freeing Cecil, though his face and wrists were already severely injured. John, unwaveringly stood as Cecil berated him; Cecil lunged at John, who side-stepped the attempt, causing Cecil to throw himself into a pile of razor wire. John then left Cecil to die.
Moving back to current time, Rigg has followed his clue to the Gideon factory owned by John, with Agent Strahm close behind using information obtained from Jill. As Rigg and Strahm move through the facility, we see Jeff, the protagonist of Saw III, working his way through the building. Strahm follows the noise that Jeff is making, leading him away from Rigg, while Rigg finds a door that leads him to his final test.
Inside the room are Detective Matthews, Detective Hoffman, and Art Blanc, each involved in his own test. Flashbacks reveal that Matthews has been a prisoner of Jigsaw for six months. Art has been instructed that once the time for the test is up, he can activate a switch which will free them all. Part of the test requires him to give Matthews a revolver with a single bullet. Each subject discovers however, that if someone enters the main door they will trigger another trap which will instantly kill Detective Matthews. An exhausted Rigg lunges at the door, smashing through it as Matthews shoots him in a vain attempt to stop him. Unfortunately, the trap is still activated and Detective Matthews is killed, his head crushed in between two ice blocks (each about the size of the block he stands on) angled upwards as they swing down on both sides. Rigg shoots Art, believing him to be Jigsaw's accomplice, fatally wounding him. As a final tape is played, Rigg is told that he has failed his test; his obsession to save others has inadvertently led to their deaths. Rigg had been warned by superiors on at least two occasions not to open unsecured doors, which he did once more causing Matthews death. Had he simply allowed time to run out and not saved them, they would have been safe from harm and released from their traps.
Meanwhile, Strahm follows Jeff into a sealed room where he finds Jeff and the bodies of Lynn, Amanda, and Jigsaw. As Jeff waves his weapon in a threatening manner, demanding to know the location of his daughter, Strahm kills him in defense.
As Rigg lies wounded on the floor, Hoffman releases himself from his trap, revealing that he is involved in the game, a new Jigsaw apprentice. He leaves Rigg to die, stating "Game Over," before sealing Strahm inside his room.
It is then revealed that the events of Saw IV have run concurrently to those of Saw III, with Strahm intercepting Jeff just after the deaths of Jigsaw, Amanda and Doctor Lynn. The autopsy scene that occurred at the beginning of the film is shown again, revealing it to have occurred after the events of the film and not before. As the tape found in Jigsaw's stomach is played again, Detective Hoffman is told that Jigsaw's games have only just begun, and he will not walk away untested.
02.11.2007, 20:23 #288thanatos
AW: Saw 4
hab den film schon gesehn... aber auch da versteh ich kein englisch
02.11.2007, 21:52 #289
03.11.2007, 03:26 #290rookie
AW: Saw 4
03.11.2007, 18:28 #291thanatos
03.11.2007, 18:36 #292laurin
AW: Saw 4
ich freu mich shcon^^^^^^^^^^^^
03.11.2007, 18:40 #293
03.11.2007, 18:55 #294italyboy6
AW: Saw 4
leute auf seite 18.. es ist illegal. deshalb wollen wir hier im forum nichts ùber auf rapidshare geloadeten filme und weiter wissen. bitte haltet euch daran.
to topic. die ersten teile wahren hier in der schweiz ab 16. und ich musste immer auf die DVDs wartenich bin nun 16
und hoffe der 4te wird auch ab 16 sein
freue mich schon total fest auf dem film!
03.11.2007, 19:58 #295thanatos
AW: Saw 4
ich sag ja nichts...
und red auch nich von irgendwelchen illegalen downloads...
in amerika ist der film bereits raus
jedenfalls denk ich der film wird fsk 16 haben, am anfang wird voll aufgedreht wie man von saw gewöhnt is...
aber so im ganzen find ich den 4. teil nich so toll
04.11.2007, 23:12 #296rookie
AW: Saw 4
in deutschland wied der film mit sicherheit nicht fsk ab 16 sein. die ersten 3 teile waren es auch nicht. und der vierte soll ja noch härter sein.
04.11.2007, 23:31 #297thanatos
AW: Saw 4
ist wohl der saw standart mit fsk 18... gibt auch ein paar harte sachen bei, aber ohne jigsaw fehlt einfach was, der inhalt kommt irgendwie nich so gut
04.11.2007, 23:43 #298Whitey
04.11.2007, 23:47 #299
05.11.2007, 11:37 #300S-lebt
AW: Saw 4
Der 4. Teil wird keine fortsetzung, wie die anderen, sein.
In einem interview hat der Regisseur gesagt, dass die este 3 Filme nur die Oberfläche zeigen. Jetzt will er die Zuschauer in den Kern einführen.
Habe den Trailer gesehen. freue mich schon auf den Teil, wird bestimmt wieder der OBERHAMMER :-)
Kaum zu glauben, dass die Leute eine Partei wählen, die man selbst ausschließt. Das müssen echt Idioten sein. Obligatorischer Wahl-Führerschein -...
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