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Thema: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
13.08.2008, 18:31 #1My Cowboy
Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
Die Serie, die in Deutschland seit 2002 läuft, wurde zwischenzeitlich aufgrund zu niedriger Quoten abgesetzt, seit Februar läuft allerdings die vierte Staffel wieder bei ProSieben.
Ein neuer Family Guy Film? - News zu Kino Filme Schauspieler
13.08.2008, 20:07 #2italyboy6
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
geile nachricht, ich liebe family guy! thx für die info!
13.08.2008, 20:10 #3mamasaker
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
aber auf mtv giebts das imme rnoch (ich gucks heut auch 21.00 fängts an^^)
ich find fg auch hamme rlustig und stewi und brian sind echt das betse^^
13.08.2008, 20:37 #4Gt-Goku
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
jo Family guy is echt cool schaue es mir gern an freue mich schon auf dem film danke für die infos^^
@mamasaker lösch bitte einen Beitrag^^
13.08.2008, 20:48 #5My Cowboy
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
Kein Problem .
Ich freue mich schon sehr auf das Film .
13.08.2008, 21:30 #6Gt-Goku
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
wann wird we erscheinen? steht des fest?
14.08.2008, 15:13 #7My Cowboy
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
Nein, soweit ich weiss nicht .
Es ist nur geplannt .
14.08.2008, 15:16 #8Lenovo
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
Schon cool wenn der Film Rauskommt.
Aber wenn der noch in Planung ist,dann kommt er erst in
2011 oder 2010 raus
14.08.2008, 16:10 #9My Cowboy
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
2009 Musste er schon rauskommen ungefähr am Ende .
Dauert bestimmt nicht solange .
14.08.2008, 18:24 #10Gt-Goku
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
oha ende erst des wird also noch lange dauern^^
14.08.2008, 20:16 #11mamasaker
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
aber das is doch nur n cartoon das dauert doh nich so meger lange den zu entwikeln (oder?)
28.08.2008, 16:42 #12Gt-Goku
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
schon mehr bekannt?
31.08.2008, 14:09 #13My Cowboy
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
Ricky Blitt, the former Montrealer who found midlife success as a Hollywood writer, spoke with the Post on Monday night about his progress on the screenplay for a movie version of Family Guy. While he wasn't about to give away plot details, he did provide a broad-strokes sense of the movie.
It won't be as epic as The Simpsons Movie, in which Springfield suffered toxic contamination, was sealed inside a massive bubble, and was seconds away from destruction when Homer saved the day.
"Neither one of us wants to make it big," Blitt said, the other part of "us" being series creator Seth MacFarlane. So, Stewie won't be President of the United States. Still, the story will feel epic to the Griffin family.
Blitt spoke of "decent stakes, of the Griffins losing something … it has to bring enough stakes to sustain the movie." The characters might be explored a little more deeply, but they won't change. Again with the Simpsons comparison, Blitt (a fan of the film) noted that it allowed Bart some poignancy in dealing with his father's shortcomings. "You might show emotions a bit more fully than you would have a chance to in an episode," Blitt said. And yet, "The movie wouldn't be successful if Stewie was suddenly a sweet character, or Peter is a smart character."
For those of you unfamiliar with Family Guy, Stewie is a diabolical baby with an oblong head. He talks, as does the family dog. The Griffins are doofus dad Peter, nagging-but-naughty mom Lois and their very average offspring, teenagers Chris and Meg.
The series began on Fox in 1999. The network cancelled it twice, but each time changed its mind/came to its senses. Season Six began last Sunday with a brilliant hour-long takeoff on Star Wars (in the Death Star trash-compactor scene, Peter, as Han Solo, finds a perfectly good sofa in the muck, decides, y'know what, he's keeping it, and drags it back to the Millennium Falcon; it gets stuck in the hatch). In Canada, the episode drew 1.4 million viewers, for the series' best showing since November of 2005.
Blitt, a former Family Guy writer, is best-known for writing the movie The Ringer and the sitcom The Winner (which, after cancellation by Fox, was nearly revived by CBS). By having him create the movie rather than one of the current Family Guy staffers, the movie is prevented from acting as a distraction to weekly production of the TV series. MacFarlane and Blitt hold occasional meetings with the Fox studio to go over the script's progress. The success of The Simpsons Movie (worldwide box office = a half-billion bucks) has made Fox "even more gung-ho" to make Family Guy into a film, Blitt observed.
Blitt enjoys holing up to write a screenplay, and likewise looks forward to bouncing his completed script off the Family Guy staff (or as he describes it, "collaborating with 15 other twisted neurotics to enhance it and take it to even more subversive, homoerotic levels.")
One of the strengths of the series, he said, is how open it is to insertions (like the sofa gag). The movie would have plenty of asides, just like the series, which must be the most tangential on television. "Family Guy's always been good about the throwaway moments," Blitt said. "They're smaller moments than usually exist in animation."
Okay, but will the Family Guy movie have any jokes about Canada? Blitt notes that South Park has pretty much shovelled that driveway clean, but adds, "Canada is always a fun target, because they're more harmless."
31.08.2008, 18:09 #14mamasaker
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
giebts das auch auf deutsch?
31.08.2008, 20:07 #15My Cowboy
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
Ich glaube nicht .
02.09.2008, 20:09 #16mamasaker
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
das is schade kannst du das denn nich überstezen?
03.09.2008, 15:55 #17My Cowboy
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
Ich freue mich schon auf diesen Film .
03.09.2008, 20:01 #18mamasaker
AW: Ein neuer Family Guy Film ?
ich auch auf jeden fall ha gestern auch wider famaly guy gesehen und mich totgelacht das war da wo brain sich an nem brotstück verschluckt peter ihn rettet das brotstück fliegt rüber peters chef in dne hals und tot^^
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