Ergebnis 1.961 bis 1.980 von 5132
Thema: Dragonball Evolution
05.07.2008, 11:47 #1961Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
05.07.2008, 12:30 #1962future gohan_7
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
die bilder sehen echt hammer aus genauso habe ich mir goku vorgestellt nur muten roshi sieht komisch aus und emmy sieht echt geil aus
05.07.2008, 20:00 #1963DarkSlasher
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
hmm...ja muten roshi mit so schwarzen haaren sieht merkwürdig aus xD und ohne den bart und so :/ ...der bräuchte so ne dicke sonnenbrille, dann hätte er glaub ich leichte ähnlichkeit mit der anime-figur xD
nur... wieso is Gokus Anzug jetz auf einmal blau? Oo
05.07.2008, 20:48 #1964Killua
06.07.2008, 10:38 #1965future gohan_7
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Justin Chatwin (Goku)
I am very honored to be able to play Goku. When I am playing gentle and loving Goku, I feel as if I am given energy from him. In the movie, I have a lot of great action scenes. After the movie is finished post production, I’ll get to see my Kamehameha appear on the screen, and I get very excited when I imagine that.
Chow Yun-Fat (Master Roshi)
On my career as an actor, it is my first time to play a manga character. Dragonball is read all over the world, have many hard core fans. I hope they won’t be disappointed by my acting (laugh). But to be honest with you, I’m totally satisfied with my performance as Master Roshi.
Emmy Rossum (Bulma)
It is a very exciting thing for me to play Bulma, because I’m a big fan of her myself. She’s intelligent, motivated and has a short temper like a teenager. I really want to make all the fans of her happy.
Joon Park (Yamcha)
I like Dragonball very much because I read it when I was child, so when I got to audition I begged the director to “Please give me any small part, like a man carrying sandbags behind the screen.” (laugh) Furthermore, there is Chow Yun-Fat who is my hero from when I was child. This is a dream role for me.
chatwin sagt das er sehr viele action szenen hat und das er unbedingt sein kame hame ha später im kino sehen will
06.07.2008, 11:55 #1966
06.07.2008, 19:39 #1967SonKratos - Z
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
naja hört sich ja bis jetzt nicht so schlecht an womöglich überzeugt
uns der film. Ich muss zugeben das mir justin immer mehr gefällt, hätte
ir ihn aber trainierter vorgstellt(ihr kennt ja meinung und die negativen
punkte die ich AM ANFANG VON MIR GEGEBEN HATTE) ich war mir ur unsicher.
naja ich hoffe das der film dbz hilft mehr fans zu gewinnen, dann werden die
games hochkarätiger, und es mehr mangas git spinn of usw. das wäre der
hammer, und toll wären auch mehrere dbz filme nicht ur ein real film, den
db 2 der film ist ja immerhin inoffiziel angekündigt.
was meint ihr ob die schauspieler dbz
mal gesehen haben oder sogar richtige fans sind.
06.07.2008, 20:27 #1968Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
James Marsters und Joon Park sind Dragonball Fans
Ich glaube Chatwin auch.
08.07.2008, 19:15 #1969Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Interviews und neues über den Teaser!
Ben Ramsey ("screenplaywriter")
I haven’t read the leaked script so I don’t know if it was one of my drafts or not. Plus I am not at liberty to comment on it one way or the other.
I have not seen the whole film yet but what I’ve seen looks incredible. It was an absolute honor to be a part of Dragonball history. I am big fan of James Wong’s work and I am confident that he made a movie that will thrill die-hard fans and non-fans alike.
I’d like to thank all the fans for their support and for helping to promote the movie. With your help Goku, Roshi, Bulma, Yamchi, Chi Chi and Piccolo will rule the Universe in 2009.
Kurze Übersetzung :Ich hab das Drehbuch nicht gelesen. Ich habe Ausschnitte des Films gesehen und das was ich gesehen hab sah unglaublich aus. James Wong ist unglaublich. Der Film wird alle begeistern. Mit eurer "Promohilfe" werden Goku, Roshi, Bulma, Yamchi, Chi Chi und Piccolo über das Universum 2009 herrschen.
Texas Battle (Carey Fuller, Mitschüler Goku´s)
As far as Dragon Ball, all you’ve got to do is say Dragon Ball and there it is. It’s supposed to be one of the biggest adaptation movies over sees in Asia, as well as in the States. It’s a huge budget, and from Twentieth Century Fox. I’ve been in their movies since I started my career. We’re looking for that to blow up, and definitely there’s going to be sequels, and a trilogy if everything goes right. I’m looking forward to it. I play a character named Carey Fuller, and me and Goku, who is played by Justin Chatwin are going to get into it a little bit, because I don’t like him and he tries to steal my girlfriend, Chi Chi. And I’m not going to go out without a fight.
Kurze Übersetzung : Dragonball wird wahrscheinlich einer der größten Filmadaption der Welt. Es wird eine Trilogie und Sequels geben, wenn alles glatt über die Bühne geht. Ich spiele Carey Fuller und mag Goku nicht, weil er sich an Chi-Chi ranmacht, Meiner Freundin. Und ich verabschiede mich nicht ohne gekämpft zu haben.
Dan Fraga ( ein storyboard artist des Films )
Did you inform yourself and get inspiration on the anime to create your story board ? Were you inspired by Akira Toriyama’s style ?
Before being asked to work on Dragon Ball, I was already a fan of the Anime. I had maybe around 20 issues of the manga, but it was in Japanese, so I really could only look at the pictures. The first time I had ever heard of Dragon Ball was in 1993 when a fellow comic book artist showed me the Anime on a VHS tape. It was a bootleg from Japan. What inspired me most about Dragon Ball Z was the level of energy and dynamics that was put into the action sequences. If anything, that’s what I tried to bring with me to my work on the film.
A lot of rumours are saying that the film will be a PG (ab 6-12 ), Will it definately be a PG and not a PG 13 (ab 13) ? or even an R rated movie ? In our opinion an PG13 or R rated (ab 18) movie is more appropriate for the dragon ball universe ?
While I can’t comment on the Rating of the Dragon Ball film, I will comment on that I’d personally prefer an R rating. My first job on a film was on The Transporter 2. Originally, we filmed an R rated movie, and unfortunately, Luc and Fox wanted more “butts in seats” so it was brought down to PG-13. I really feel that the film suffered because of it. As far as Dragon Ball is concerned, I think that Jim directed an incredible film. I’m sure if his intended cut makes it to the screen, you’ll be happy.
James Marsters (Piccolo)
What is the difference between the original and the live-action movie ?
JM: Definitely the story of this movie is different from the original. But it’s a necessary change because we need to condense the long story of the original for a movie. For example, some characters in the original don’t appear in the movie. And we try to give it a more gritty and graphic (realistic) feeling.
Though there are differences between the two, I think it is all right if the core part of Dragonball remains. I let my son watch the anime’s Dragonball, DBZ and DBGT since he was eight years old. At first, I thought it was too violent, but I realized this is the best show for training to become a true man. True men need not to flaunt themselves. Their calm, gentle and modest but when it comes to the crunch they don’t hesitate to kill the enemy, and I think that’s what Goku is.
Goku is a real man. I know my son received such a message and applied it to his own life. My son doesn’t use violence to others, but he isn’t afraid of his own anger. I think it’s an important thing.
How many hours does it take to apply the make-up?
JM: It takes about four hours. Luckily, my make-up artist is very chatty, we have a lot of chat during the make up.
Please tell us the most remarkable scene in the movie, especially action scenes!
JM: It is the last battle after all! I like playing the battle scene. When I worked for a TV show for seven years, every Friday I fought till sun rise, I felt I would never have such a good time again until now. In addition, I have never gotten terribly hurt (laugh).
Do you talk with other co-stars as well?
JM: When I have a problem, I have a talk with Justin [Chatwin]. At first, we worried about the costumes. We thought it should reflect the spirit of the original, we persisted this thought to the producers. We didn’t want to make our characters beautiful and safe. I talked with Justin, and he agreed with me. So did the director.
What do you care about in acting for this movie?
JM: That’s a good question. Speaking of Piccolo, one word comes into my mind, it’s “loneliness”. Piccolo is always floating in the air in the beautiful landscape, but he never even admires the landscape, he is only thinking or musing and staring at his feet. I think that is a characteristic of piccolo more than anything else. Maybe it must be a characteristic for revenge. He hates himself and blames the people who has trapped him. His desire to kill not only them but their family, furthermore to destroy the city and the planet they live and protect. To get revenge is everything to him. Everything.
How was shooting in Durango?
JM: The desert of Durango is very cold at night (laugh). I was luckily wearing armor, but Goku was freezing at the beginning of shooting. The local people are very kind and get along with us. Besides they love to party very much! If I didn’t have work, I would be willing to join them. They are drinking and singing songs until 4:30 a.m. But I need to sleep for the shooting the next day, after all so I changed the hotel to get away from the partying people.
Finally, please give us a message to our readers in Japan.
JM: Japan is beautiful. Thank you for giving Dragonball to us! It’s an important show to us all and I want you to watch it, especially the young people. I thank the show for a lot of good times with my son. I’ll do my best to meet the high expectations the fans have.
JPHongUhu ( ein User ) posts in the comments that a person who wishes to remain anonymous contacted Christina Inman again, confirming the trailer will be released in Japan within two months. As for America, who knows?
14.07.2008, 01:29 #1970Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Justin Chatwin (Goku) appeared in front of them. Goku had blue eyes. The author of this manga (Akiba Zaijuu) felt Justin has a boyish nature, as well as Goku. He was wearing the blue gi, not orange. Justin said “My gi with Kame mark (orange gi) is still in the making. I’m looking forward to see how it will be made. I hope it will become what you all like.” The author remembered he saw and talk with Mayes Rubeo (costume designer) before. She said “I kept trying for the children of the little village I grew up won’t be disappointed with it. I made more than thirty prototypes for only Goku’s gi.” She seemed to be ambitious and having fun, so he felt she sure can make a good costume. And about Justin, his blue gi was cool, but not only the costume design, but his buffed up muscle enhanced his look. Because he has been training for seven months for Goku’s role. The author remembered Goku also have trained for eight months under Master Roshi when Goku was a child in the original. Coincidence?
Vollständiger Report
14.07.2008, 12:57 #1971jjbgood
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
ich idiot, hab zuerst GI mit KI übersetzt, und dachte die zeigen jetzt die aura usw ^^
beim zweitenmal lesen viel mir denn der fehler auf ^^
also trägt er vorerst nur den blauen anzug und der orange is noch in der mache? aber es gab doch schon fotos von seinen stuntdouble mit den orangenen anzug?!
komisch, naja vlt verändern die den noch, damit der originaler aussieht....
ich fänds nicht schade, wenn er am anfang nen blauen anhat, doch sollte er (wie im manga) später von muten roshi, zum turnier, den orangenen mit kame zeichen, geschenkt bekommen!
14.07.2008, 13:51 #1972Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Das ist nich aktuell...
Die Dreharbeiten sind schon seit April abgeschlossen. Er wird erst den blauen Anzug anhaben, dann irgendwann bekommt er den Orangenen von Muten Roshi geschenkt, wahrscheinlich wenn er anfängt mit ihm zu trainieren.
14.07.2008, 20:51 #1973Unregistriert
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
ach der is schon abgedreht? wusst ich net =)
das heist, die ganze animation und pre-production dauert 1 jahr? da lässt sich wirklich auf gute SP effects hoffen! jetzt hab ich wieder hoffnung
17.07.2008, 12:30 #1974Rayxes
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Der Trailer könnte aber jetzt endlich mal Erscheinen Die haben schon lange genug Zeit gehabt.
19.07.2008, 03:00 #1975Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Goku in seinem orangenen Kampfanzung!
Sieht unglaublich gut aus, vorallem diese Effekte
19.07.2008, 08:01 #1976jjbgood
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
ich bin begeistert!
19.07.2008, 12:05 #1977Gringolo
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Es gibt ein neues Poster... und die Spannung steigt weiter
19.07.2008, 12:31 #1978thanatos
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
da sieht er son goku nun total ähnlich
19.07.2008, 13:20 #1979Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
19.07.2008, 16:37 #1980Genji Zer0
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Ey das ist ma fett !!!
Wirklich geil.
Wer hätte gedacht, dass es so hammer aussehen wird ?
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