Ergebnis 1.461 bis 1.480 von 5132
Thema: Dragonball Evolution
25.03.2008, 18:11 #1461Ultimativer Gohan
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
25.03.2008, 18:16 #1462madrid312
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
gibts auch nich
der kuririn in der serie is der weaver im film so ähnlich
25.03.2008, 20:51 #1463Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
"Dragonball 2" : Dreharbeiten schon im 1.Quartal 2009
Second part of Dragonball will be shot in the first quarter of 2009
One of my sources was able to talk to one of the contractors who work with the production of Dragonball in Durango, this person says that the production has assured him that all three films are set to film in Durango, and that they secured his job for the coming years as a supplier of production … He also commented that if things go well, “Dragonball 2″ could begin filmed at the end of the first quarter of 2009, that is, within a year.
Something that certainly is good news for fans and of course for the people of Durango, as this indicates that the trilogy will be shot in Durango and this makes sense, since it was revealed that some sets of Dragonball would stay even when filming was complete.
It also depends on how you go at the box office and the acceptance by having fans … But we hope that all goes well
26.03.2008, 22:20 #1464Son-Goku
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
dragonball 2 oO
geil ende 2009 dann den nächsten...
gucken werde ich ihn auch wenn der 1. nich so gut is^^
wobei ich echt verdammt gespannt bin wie goku seine kräfte entdeckt und trainiert
26.03.2008, 22:26 #1465Genji Zer0
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Boahhhh,echt geile Neuigkeiten,bin sowas von gespannt ey !!!!!
Danke Azad
Man,das wird so geil,ich werde den Film net im Kino gucken,ich warte ab,bis ich es auf DVD kriege,das ist besser.
Zu Hause ist es gemütlicher
27.03.2008, 12:28 #1466Ultimativer Gohan
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
aber im kino is doch ne viel bessere atmosphäre. ich werd ihn mir im kino anschaun^^
27.03.2008, 12:33 #1467madrid312
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
ich hol mir so oder so die bd von db
mit bonusmaterial wenns welches überhaupt gibt
27.03.2008, 12:51 #1468Genji Zer0
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Jep,ich kaufe mir die Steelbox,falls es kommt,mit Bonusmaterial usw. Kino kann man nicht so gemütlich liegen und den Film genießen.
Im Kino ist es scheiße,wenn man vorne sitzen muss.Und diese Popcorngeräusche Das nervt,da muss ich immer lachen,diese Schmatzgeräusche
27.03.2008, 13:59 #146976norton86
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Schau in mir sicher im Kino an, sollte jeder DB-Fan machen. Solche Filme sind im Kino einfach derbst geil.
Und Db auf der großen Leinwand is mal was anderes als aufm PC oder Ferseher.
27.03.2008, 14:02 #1470Genji Zer0
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Vielleicht ist es ja bei DB im Kino anders
Mal schaun.
27.03.2008, 15:47 #1471Son-Goku
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
klar 100% für kino und dann danach die sammlerbox zum immer wieder reinzihen
27.03.2008, 17:10 #1472Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Ich geh aufjedenfall schon am Mittwoch ins Kino !!
Chow spricht über Dragonball :
"I won't have a cameo in the film," Chow said. "My contribution is mainly in the screenwriting department, giving them input and suggestions in the screenplay and other aspects."
Though produced by Hollywood, Chow recognizes some Hong Kong style affecting the production. "It is a Hollywood film but they are shooting rather quickly, so I very much admire their work ethic and how quickly they're doing this. So there are some aspects of the kind of Hong Kong work ethic they've taken, but it's really a Hollywood production." "I won't have a cameo in the film," Chow said. "My contribution is mainly in the screenwriting department, giving them input and suggestions in the screenplay and other aspects."
28.03.2008, 12:58 #1473Rayxes
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Kommen Kinofilme in Deutschland nicht immer Donnerstags? Oder ist das bei jedem Film anders?
28.03.2008, 14:32 #1474Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Ich glaube, dass das bei jedem Film anders ist.
28.03.2008, 14:51 #1475WiiPlayer
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Dragonball: James Wongs Kinoadaption auf April 2009 verschoben | Filmnews |
Dragonball kommt also nicht dieses jahr, schade
28.03.2008, 15:06 #1476Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Infos !
A reader of Hoycinema has found an article of the newspaper "El Porvenir", (25 march 2008), giving details about Mexico shooting.
"Dragon Ball Z", for example, will cost $ 45 million, of for the mainpart, will remain in Mexico, although much of the shooting took place in locations of Durango and 45 per cent in the Mexican capital.
The first urban scenes were shooted in the UNITEC campus Coyoacan, were part of facilities has been rented with 30 luxury cars.
A luxurious residence in the Desierto de los Leones has been rented too (spoiler: we know that in the movie it will be an asian style house where a student party will takes place, and were Goku will fight with the strongest student of the party end of spoiler) , moreover, said that it hired a pair of forums in Estudios Churubusco (sorry, too difficult to translate) and 1 430extras, of which 120 should have knowledge of martial arts."
A reader of Hoycinema says he's very close of the production, and says he has exclusive infos. Surely a mythomaniac, but if he tells truth he gives incredible infos…He wants to stay anonymous. Here what he says.
1) many people who have had contact with the production, in which I include myself, know in advance which manages a possible date change for December 2008 and another in January 2009.
2) planned a video game, toys, action figures, and all kinds of merchandise related to the film. This is one of the reasons why the film is a hold time (all must leave by the same dates, and eventually go to the premiere here will be executed. Business is business and that we all know. )
3) Justin Chatwin is signed for a possible sequel "in the event of a production prove viable" (for those who say that it would be good an actor older, more musclar, etc.).
4) The web Dragonball (movie) will be launched in the summer for the same dates that begin to run advancement of audio-visual film.
5) It was learned that James Wong (the same man who directed the sequel to the film, if it takes place) has thought of names: Joaquin Phoenix (Gladiator) or Jonathan Rhys Meyers (MI3, Match Point)for the role of "Veyita" character to be the enemy on the script of the second movie.
28.03.2008, 15:25 #1477Killua
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Also wird einer von den beiden vegeta spielen?
Die passen find ich beide nich..
Aber wenns schon einer von beiden werden soll, dann Phoenix.. ^^
28.03.2008, 15:30 #1478Nevixx
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Der Linke sieht für mich eigentlich passend aus^^
Natürlich noch etwas umstylen, dann kommt das aber bestimmt hin.
28.03.2008, 15:37 #1479CaNNiB4L
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
haben die jetz eig mal angesagt wann denn endlich en trailer kommen soll???
28.03.2008, 16:51 #1480Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Nein haben die noch nicht !
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