Ergebnis 1.321 bis 1.340 von 5132
Thema: Dragonball Evolution
05.03.2008, 17:02 #1321Halo3_VT
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
05.03.2008, 17:12 #1322
05.03.2008, 17:15 #1323Halo3_VT
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Genau!! Das wird bestimmt sau geil werden,wenn man so lange für die
Effekte braucht.
06.03.2008, 16:52 #1324Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Es ist nun bestätigt. Dragonball wird erst am 3.April 2009 in den Kinos zu sehen sein !
Weitere News :
1.Gary Oldman als King Vegeta ?!
Dragonball The Movie » Blog Archive » King Vegeta is… Gary Oldman?
A reader who claims to have seen a revised issue of “Wizard” magazine, tells us that it will have a “massive exclusive” on the film.
Just a moment ago, I received scans (I can’t share, and I’d expect you to know why) of Wizard’s ‘revised’ issue. They were alerted about a week beforehand of the date change, and were shipped new images to host. As a teaser poster is not ready, but the prototype in the former issue (Chatwin, his back to us, our first amazing look at his hair and stature) wasn’t the first image the studio wanted out. So, it was swapped for two images and a few more interviews with the cast.
This is possible since Eriko Tamura did say they shot “posters” on February 28th and 29th.
The first is Goku, his hair larger than expected and resembling the television show fiercely, watching from the sidelines at an Arena match. Curiously enough (and this was reported awhile back), a hot dog cart is in the background if you look hard enough.
The next image is our first clear, sure-to-make-everyone-excited look at Piccolo. He’s texture is awesome, and in the picture he’s launching someone over him (*not Goku). An amazing publicity shot to release. FYI, this was also from the earlier issue as the studio had no problems showing us the first look at Piccolo.
I hope that’s true, because it sounds awesome .
As for the interviews section, Bulma (Rossum) has now been interviewed. No blue hair — or at least, not that they could tell — she was excited to earn the role based on her audition — can’t wait to see the final product — loves her character — hasn’t studied the actual cartoon as the screenplay was well rounded and had enough of the mythology to fulfill her enough for the role.
Chatwin watched the animated show — loves playing this character — had to bulk up — doesn’t want anyone to be disappointed with his performance - thinks Wong’s awesome.
And I really hope the above is true.
I was really excited by this, but disappointed there were no scans. Though, understandable since this individual might have gotten into trouble if they did publicly release them. I asked when this issue would be released a few minutes ago.
Design des méchants de Dragonball? Design of Dragonball villains? - Dragonball le film live 2008
06.03.2008, 16:56 #1325Nevixx
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Oh, noch ein ganzes Jahr warten
Dann werde ich mir keine Infos mehr durchlesen^^
Sonst freue ich mich immer noch mehr... und außerdem wird es bis dahin ganz bestimmt deine gute deutsche Zusammenfassung über den Film geben^^
06.03.2008, 17:16 #1326Halo3_VT
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Genau Nevixx ! Lieber nicht zu viel erwarten,sonst enttäuscht man sich
oft.Na super,ein Jahr warten -.-
06.03.2008, 21:13 #1327Shogun
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Ja, wird bestimmt toll, aber vll. vergisst man ihn ja (wenn der Thread nicht wäre) und freut sich, wenn er einem wieder in Gedächtnis gerufen wird
06.03.2008, 21:26 #1328Rayxes
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Natoll noch solange warten-.-
06.03.2008, 21:26 #1329
07.03.2008, 16:28 #1330Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Dämonenarmee !
There have been some rumors flying around about an extra terrestrial that Goku will have to fight in the movie. Well, maybe I can shed some light on this with what I've been hearing.
From what I've been told these creatures are actually demons created by Piccolo (think Drum and Tambourine from the manga) and will serve as Piccolos minions. Remember those "Namekian Ninjas" from the casting sides? Well, it s my understanding that those ninjas appeared in an early draft of the film but were changed into an army of demons when James Wong came aboard.
Something else that I am hearing is that the Ninjas are still in, but are only a small part of Piccolos army. I wouldn't be surprised if there were various other creatures and demons standing in Goku's way during his journey. . .
Quelle :
07.03.2008, 18:06 #1331Ultimativer Gohan
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
klingt doch net unbedingt schlcht. ich ätte zwar keine neuen figuren erfunden aber kann ja trotzdem was taugen
08.03.2008, 11:43 #1332Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Die Bilder der Dämonen sind von irgendeinen Fan nach der Beschreibung von Alex Tuis gezeichnet worden ! Gary Oldman wird auch nicht König Vegeta spielen !
Fulum Assassin drawings (in the previous post) were not made by the creature designer Alex Tuis and were based on a description this artist was given. Also, the article about Gary Oldman was indeed just a rumor.
In other news, Movieland reports that the U.S. press just arrived in Durango yesterday, and that the press from Japan and other countries are still present in Mexico. It’s been a while since any concrete positive news has been posted, but luckily we should be seeing interviews and images soon.
Brian Tyler ist der Dragonball Komponist !
According to IMDB, Brian Tyler (Rambo, Constantine, AVPR) will compose the music for the Dragonball movie.
After listening to his music scores in Rambo and Constantine, I can confidently say he is a good pick for the film. Although I would have personally preferred Hans Zimmer, hopefully Brian will deliver the epic sci-fi feel that Dragonball needs. Music is a huge part of a film, so picking a composer is not something that should be taken lightly.
Brian Tylers Website : Brian Tyler .com - Rambo Soundtrack
08.03.2008, 16:03 #133376norton86
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Die Musik ist schon wichtig.
Die in der Serie war ja nahezu perfekt und hat genau das richtige Feeling gebracht. Hoffe man orientiert sich im Film daran.
08.03.2008, 16:04 #1334Halo3_VT
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Hoffe ich auch,der Typ kennt sich wunderbar aus so viel ich sehe
Bin mal gespannt wie die Hintergrundsongs so sein werden.
08.03.2008, 18:40 #1335Rayxes
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Will nur nicht solange auf den Film warten -_-
08.03.2008, 18:43 #1336Halo3_VT
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Ja,was solls Ich hoffe auf geile Bilder
08.03.2008, 23:42 #1337Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
Brian Tyler , ein Dragonball Fan !
Hi JP,
Dragonball is a dream of mine to score. I have been a fan for as long as I can remember. I am going to do my utmost to reflect the epic tone of the story and capture the amazing richness of the characters. I love how the characters of DB are no simply good or evil. How throughout the mythology of DB they change allegiances (Piccolo) or have something inside them that is dark (Goku with his Oozaru side). It is classic epic story telling and I want the rest of the world (the non-DB fans) to experience what we already know. That Dragon Ball is one of our great modern mythologies.
09.03.2008, 10:51 #1338Schtyler
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
man noch ein jahr warten das ist echt scheiße
09.03.2008, 11:09 #1339Ultimativer Gohan
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
09.03.2008, 12:03 #1340Azad
AW: Dragonball - Realfilm!
In Japan wird Dragonball am 27.März 2009 erscheinen !
According to Variety Japan, Dragonball will premiere in the land of the rising sun a week before the U.S. This is definitely a good thing for Japan (I hope), and it gives me a reason to move there in March.
This will also unfortunately lead to bootlegs of the film, which is not good for the viewer or the studio since bootlegs are poor in quality and do not deliver the cinematic experience. I urge everyone to watch the film in theaters first.
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