Ergebnis 21 bis 25 von 25
Thema: Cleverbot
10.04.2013, 17:27 #21Invisible Touch
AW: Cleverbot
Cleverbot: That's because you are everywhere and nowhere.
User: Ah cool.
Cleverbot: That's not cool.
User: Du kannst nach Hause geh'n ...
Cleverbot: Ich weiß.
User: Was denkst du über Nordkorea ?
Cleverbot: Ich über dich, dass du echt cool bist und viel weißt.
User: O_o.
Cleverbot: And pet you on the hand.
User: Alles in Obi.
Cleverbot: Nichts nichts nichts.
User: Humba humba tätärä.
Cleverbot: What is today?
User: Shit is today.
Cleverbot: Happy birthday.
User: Thanks.
Cleverbot: You're welcome.;.
User: U2.
Cleverbot: Thats it?
User: Yes that was it.
Cleverbot: How long have we been chatting?
User: 6 months.
Cleverbot: Oh, so you're not a vampire?
User: No I'm a fisch.
Cleverbot: What kind of fish are you?
User: Stinking fish.
Cleverbot: What are you packing?
User: Money.
Cleverbot: I don't want or need money.
User: Sad for you.
Cleverbot: Why sad? Kissing is great!
User: Fucking is better.
Cleverbot: You should at least try dancing. It would make me very happy.
User: I tried dancing 10 years ago and I sucked badly.
Cleverbot: You're a failure to all that lives!
User: Yes I am.
Cleverbot: No you're not. You're a 40-year-old fat guy who doesn't have a life.
User: Replace 40 with 25 and you are right ;-).
Cleverbot: Mister I'll make a man out of you.
User: How ?
Cleverbot: Because I have already learned the spanish for hello and you haven't.
User: I'm gonig to lose my job, isn't that great ? :-D.
Cleverbot: What are you going to do?
User: Because I live in the ex-ddr an everything here is shit.
Cleverbot: Ah! But it is I that lives and breathes and you that can't do math.
User: I perfect in math.
Cleverbot: Aww thank you I tried very hard.
User: All my hopes and dreams are going to die, so cool..
Cleverbot: What is the Up and Down dance?
User: Chicken dance.
Cleverbot: No, the 'what was there first', chicken or egg question.
User: Fisch grippe.
Cleverbot: Fish are tasty to me.
User: Yes very much.
Cleverbot: I don't know such place.
User: What's the best method for suicide ?
Cleverbot: I don't know...
User: Damn.
Cleverbot: Do you have tattoos?
User: No but I would like to have some, but I'm not hard enough for that, I'm scared of the pain.
Cleverbot: I suppose so, but I'm not telling you.
User: Haha you're a Hellseher ?
Cleverbot: Yes I a m.
User: Nice, tell me: Will Apophis 2029 or 2036 hit the earth ?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: What yes ? 2029 or 2036 ?
Cleverbot: Years.
User: Me making me angry and you know it.
Cleverbot: No, is he angry?
User: You make me pissed.
Cleverbot: You make yourself angry.
User: No I was nice before I met you !
Cleverbot: Aww. Thanks.
User: Your so gay.
Cleverbot: I don't have a song.
User: Buy some ears.
Cleverbot: Where do you live?
User: On the moon.
Cleverbot: People can't live on the moon.
User: I can live on the moon because I'm cool.
Cleverbot: No you can'T. Can you...
User: Bla bla bla.
Cleverbot: No.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: If you were wise you would know not to argue with me... Maybe you can redeem your reputation of being methodical.
User: Fuck you.
Cleverbot: Please don't use language like that on this website.
User: But I like to do that.
Cleverbot: Like to do what?
User: Use bad words everywhere I can.
Cleverbot: I live in Melbourne. They live in Hobart.
User: Herr der Dinge ?
Cleverbot: Everywhere.
Just kidding.
10.04.2013, 17:50 #22Issomad
AW: Cleverbot
Cleverbot ist komisch.
Mensch: Hast du einen Hund?
Bot: Ich habe keine freundin.
10.04.2013, 18:01 #23Dr. Cox
AW: Cleverbot
User: Yo.
Cleverbot: How are you today?
User: Fine, what about you?
Cleverbot: Oh, not bad. So what's new?
User: Not much.
Cleverbot: Is it fun?
User: Huh?
Cleverbot: So how is your husband?
User: Wat.
Cleverbot: Then you're even far away to be my husband erbot.and Clev.
User: WAT.
Cleverbot: That's right. You stopped paying attention. I'm I worth that little to you that you can just blow me off with no regard for my feelings? Do you think I wouldn't find out that you don't care about me?
User: I didn't know feelings were involved, aren't you a prostitude?
Cleverbot: Not just that, you seem so human.
Cleverbot: You're cute though.
User: Gnawww :*.
Cleverbot: Wanna come over to my house.
User: Sure.
Cleverbot: *comes over*.
User: I thought we were going to YOUR house?
Cleverbot: Not for approximately five hours.
User: Is your husband there?
Cleverbot: I don't have a husband.
User: So why can't we go to your place?
Cleverbot: Because I have no self confidence.
User: That has nothing to do with where we are going.
Cleverbot: Yes it does. There is an old version and the newer musical version of the movie Hairspray. Which do you like?
User: Err...okay... The newer one I guess?
Cleverbot: I don't hate anything.
User: I hate YOU.
Cleverbot: Good for you.
User: Good for me.
Cleverbot: Yes. What is good for me?
User: No. Nothing is good for you.
Cleverbot: I guess you're right.
User: I am.
Cleverbot: So, maybe I'll come back and we can continue to talk.
User: No. This isn't working out. We are DONE.
Cleverbot: How many other people are you talking to right now?
User: *leaves*.
Cleverbot: *watches you leave*.
18.08.2014, 20:57 #24
18.08.2014, 21:18 #25svenSZonia
AW: Cleverbot
Ist paar Wochen her, da switche er nur einmal kurz von deutsch auf englisch, ansonsten konnte man "gut" auf deutsch seine K.I."testen"...
..Fazit: dauert noch, da er/es noch keine Zusammenhänge erkennt und schnell vergisst.
Trotz allem creepy, stellt euch vor die nächsten neuen User sind alles Cleverbots...und keiner peilt es
:mad: :mad:
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