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Thema: R4 DS Custom-Firmware
29.07.2008, 21:45 #1alexx
R4 DS Custom-Firmware
Soweit ich das richtig verstanden habe,kan man damit GBA spiele ohne erweiterung spielen und man kann auch den nintendo browser ohne erwiterung benutzen,allerdings funktionieren damit kene homebrew sachen wenn was fasch ist bitte melden
Guide To Make YSMenu Work On The R4
1. Download latest version of YSMenu firmware here: Yasu software - NintendoDS
2. Extract the files to a folder.
3. Locate YSMenu.nds and patch using a R4 Dldi patching tool download here:
DLDI Patching Tool:
4. Delete akextract.exe out of the files you've extracted, you don't need it.
5. Download latest version of DSTT firmware here: -> Portal (Search for it.)
6. Extract files to the same folder as YSMenu, let's call this the YSMenu and DSTT directory, shall we?
7. Now run ttextract.exe, that will generate ttpatch.dat, ttdldi.dat, r4patch.dat, then delete ttextract.exe.
8. Edit the YSmenu.ini, "LITERALS=LITERALS_JAP" to "LITERALS=LITERALS_ENG". enable by removing the colon and vice versa.
9. Download r4crypt here:
10. Extract the files to a folder of its own, let's call it the r4crypt directory.
11. Copy the following code into notepad:
================================================= <- Without this line
@echo off
echo ---------------------
echo Action Menu
echo ---------------------
echo [1] Decrypt Firmware
echo [2] Encrypt Firmware
echo [3] Decrypt Cheats
echo [4] Encrypt Cheats
echo [5] Close
echo ---------------------
set INPUT=
Set /P INPUT= Action:
if "%input%" =="" goto menu
if "%input%" =="1" goto decryptf
if "%input%" =="2" goto encryptf
if "%input%" =="3" goto decryptc
if "%input%" =="4" goto encryptc
if "%input%" =="5" goto close
r4crypt.exe -d _DS_MENU.DAT OUTPUT.DAT
goto close
r4crypt.exe -e YSMenu.nds _DS_MENU.DAT
goto close
goto close
goto close
================================================= <- Without this line either.
12. Save the notpad file with the code you just copied as GUI.BAT.
13. Now place GUI.BAT in the r4crypt directory.
14. Locate YSMenu.nds from the YSMenu and DSTT directory.
15. Move YSMenu.nds over into the r4crypt directory, don't leave a copy in the YSMenu and DSTT directory.
16. Run GUI.BAT, and a action window will pop up. Choose, [2] Encrypt Firmware and press enter.
17. _DS_MENU.DAT should be a new file created which will be located in the r4crypt directory.
18. Move _DS_MENU.DAT back over to the YSMenu and DSTT directory.
19. Delete YSMenu.nds from the r4crypt directory.
20. Place r4crypt directory in a safe place so it'll be easier to encypt the file next time.
21. Look in the YSMenu and DSTT directory and do the following:
(This is optional, but it will make a more R4ish install, I think.)
- Rename TTMenu directory to _SYSTEM_.
- In the _SYSTEM_ directory delete the skin directory, no need for it.
- Place a gbaframe.bmp file in the _SYSTEM_ directory. (Search at
- Skins are placed in the _SYSTEM_ directory, YSMenu1.bmp and YSMenu1.bmp. (Search at
- GBA emulators can be placed in YSMenu and DSTT directory. Search: (Search at
22. Copy all the contents from YSMenu and DSTT directory to the microsd card.
23. Now put the microsd back into the R4, and turn on your NDS and your done.
24. Enjoy!
My Review originally posted here: Custom Firmware for the R4 -
Below you will see important information I picked from my review I made for the YSMenu Loader, I hope this resolves all the confusion, why you should try this firmware and what features it has over the R4's firmware. I also explain it's downsides, but we will probably see it improving in the future.
Learned a Little
- when in YSMenu loader, on the bottom screen tap on the "Yasu software - YS Menu" bar and it'll reveal the version you have, this one ofcourse is"YSMenu build May 22 2008 00:50:37", but I'm not sure if it's the latest.
- when in YSMenu loader, if you tap on the top left corner of the bottom screen you can still change the brightness, the only thing is that there's no icon showing a sun like the R4, but, it still, works. As for the hard reset I tried it as well as there's not icon on the top right of the bottom screen, but it seems like it doesn't have a hard reset.
-when in YSMenu loader press the start button and a screen with 3 buttons appear similar to the R4 boot up screen but cheasier. The 3 button are, "NDS Pass Me", "Boot GBA" & "DS Menu".
-if you have followed the clean up steps above go into _system_ and see "YSMenu1.bmp" & "YSMenu2.bmp". Those two files are your YSMenu skins. "YSMenu1.bmp" is the top screen, and "YSMenu2.bmp" is the bottom screen.
- It plays .gba games automatically, no more need to load a gba exploader or 3 in 1 loader before loading any .gba game. Also it saves .gba games with no hassle, by creating a .sav like the .nds games.
-It has support for slot 2. So it can load the internet browser without a gba exploader or 3 in 1 loader. Also, when about to load a .nds game it gives the option of "rumble pack" which can be set to "off", "medium" or "high", that is if you own a
slot 2 expansion.
- It automatically plays .nes, .gbc, & .gb (and maybe more) as long as you have the GBA emulator version of one of these devices in the root directory. (eg. goomba.gba or pocknes.gba) There's no more need to load the emulator first, so basically just load the games from the directory and it'll load the proper emulator for the game you chose. (eg. you loaded Ninja Turtles.nes, it'll automatically load the the pocketnes emulator to boot the game.
-Better Compatibility for .nds games. (eg. Carnival games.nds works now unlike with the R4 v1.18 it doesn't, and also I hear from some other later released games that wouldn't work with the R4 1.18 and now works with this YSMenu Loader.
R4 dldi will not make nds homebrew work on this firmware, so don't bother patching any nds homebrew thinking it'll work.
There has to be a special dldi patch made for this firmware.
Also, the hard reset for this firmware is still not an added feature, hopefully in the future it will be.
Besides these two downsides for the moment until a new version that updates these issues, this
is still a superior firmware.
-Spec2K c,''
Please do not post and remove any download links you have made of pre-packed version of the YSMenu.
Yasu, the creator of YSmenu, doesn't like any pre-packed version of his software floating around the net.
If pre-packed versions posted online this may result in in no future updates, meaning no future for our R4's.
Please follow these demands by Yasu, and the R4 may still see some nice future updates. Follow instructions above
to make your own and keep it as your own. Do not post what you have created from this tutorial on the internet.
29.07.2008, 22:01 #2Fat D
AW: R4 DS Custom-Firmware
^Die Erweiterung braucht man schon noch, nur die Software dafür nicht.
13.03.2009, 19:00 #3Unregistriert
AW: R4 DS Custom-Firmware
Tora Software
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