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03.09.2007, 14:57 #1Streifenhörnchen
Neue Flashcard: Acekard R.P.G
Heute beginnt der Verkaufstart einer Neuen Flashcard:
Acekard R.P.G (Real Play Gear)
Das besondere An dieser Flashcard ist der "Doppelte Speicher". Die Karte hat ab Werk bereits einen 8GB Flash Speicher eingebaut und zusätzlich noch einen Micro SD & Micro SDHC Speicherkartenslot.
Das Acekard team hat des weiteren Angekündigt den Kompletten Source Code der Kartensoftware zu veröffentlichen.
Alle Flashcard Features (Herstellerangabe):
[A perfect flash card for NDS games lovers ? Acekard R.P.G release]
After 10 month development, we proudly announce the arrival of next generation acekard which called ?Acekard R.P.G (Acekard Real Play Gear)?. Acekard R.P.G is revolutionary and all the functions are developed base on the needs of our customers. Acekard R.P.G might not be 100% perfect, but it is definitely the best card on the current market.
[World?s first double storage slot-1 card, Support both build in NAND Flash and Micro SD memory card]
Acekard R.P.G (Acekard Real Play Gear), the world?s first ?double storage? slot one flash card which gives you the advantages of both build in and external memory system. With the fast NAND flash, your game will never lack again, and with the external micro SD memory card, you can easily expand the storage space.Support micro SDHC card, 4 gigabyte max for now.
[Build in ?Quick Exchange? Technology?]
With the ?Quick Exchange? Technology?, Acekard R.P.G can easily exchange files between NAND Flash and MicoSD memory card and you can also choose either start the game in NAND or Micro SD memory card.
[World?s first ?AUTO Save type detection? flash card]
Acekard R.P.G build in with the ?AUTO SAVE TYPE DETECTION? technology which able to auto detects the save type up to 99% of the games. (Until now, we still haven?t found any games that Acekard R.P.G is not able to detect.)
[Build in USB connector, support U-Disk]
No more Card Reader or slot 2 USB Reader is needed. To transfer the games between computer and Acekard R.P.G, the only thing you need is a standard Mini USB cable. Acekard R.P.G supports both USB 1.0 and 2.0, so the file transfer speed is extremely fast. Once the Acekard R.P.G connects with the computer, it can be used as an U-Disk as well.(However, if user want to use the microSD card on PC, a card reader is needed.)
[100% Compatibility for all NDS games]
Acekard R.P.G simulates the original game cart which makes it able to play all the new released NDS games (Clean roms) without updating the kernels.
[Build in ?Rom Trimming? Function; automatically remove the un-necessary data in the Roms]
Acekard R.P.G is the world?s first flash card which has the ?Rom Trimming? Function build in. When you copy the file between Micro SD and NAND flash, if there is any un-necessary data in the Roms, Acekard R.P.G will remove it automatically.
[Fully touch screen operation]
Acekard R.P.G is using the idea of iPhone which gives the customer a totally new control experience*.
* You are able to switch to ?Button Control? as well.
[Original game cart size, no flash needed, no passme needed, easy plug and play]
Acekard R.P.G has the same size as original game cart and you don?t have to flash your machine or using passkey in order to use Acekard R.P.G. It is just plug and play.
[Able to use as a passkey to boot slot2 flash cards]
Acekard R.P.G can be used as a passkey, so you can boot your slot2 flash cards with it, and no MicroSD card is needed.
[Using ?write balance? technology, able to re-write NAND flash more than usual]
The ?write balance? technology makes the Acekard R.P.G utilize the NAND flash evenly, so it will last longer than the original game cart.
[Save file directly stored into memory card, no battery needed and never lost]
Acekard R.P.G will store your save file directly into NAND flash or Micro SD memory card, so there is no battery needed to keep the save file, and it will never lost.
[Micro SD files exchange]
You can exchange the files between two Micro SD memory cards by using the build in NAND Flash. Make games sharing more easily
[Support Multi-language]
You can easily change the language within Acekard R.P.G.
[Easy Skin Change]
You can easily DIY Acekard R.P.G skin, and change it at anytime.
[Open Source]
We will open all the source code of our OS and also the AKMENU and Acekard R.P.G I/O interface, so homebrew programmer could easily change or re-code the whole system.
[Acekard R.P.G future function]
Support multi save files
Support Action Replay cheat
All these features will be implemented in next release.
Offizielle Website:
03.09.2007, 16:01 #2Dreami
AW: Neue Flashcard: Acekard R.P.G
8 Gbyte oder Gbit?
03.09.2007, 16:11 #3pretzelman
AW: Neue Flashcard: Acekard R.P.G
Und max. 4 GByte MicroSD.
03.09.2007, 19:09 #4Streifenhörnchen
04.09.2007, 16:21 #5
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