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Thema: My Lyrics
06.05.2008, 12:10 #1Faye
My Lyrics
Ich hoffe es gefällt euch
Wasted Time
Everytime I close my eyes
The area around me changes.
The air gets clearer
my heart becomes free
and a gentle sunbeam strokes my skin
I want to show you this world.
I want you to see
How beautiful the stars shine by night
and how peaceful the clouds pass the sky by day.
But I cannot show you this world
because we waste our time on row.
I want to tell you so many things.
Things like my emotions
which let the plants grow
and the birds sing.
Which feel like magic.
There are so many words
that may describe like I feel.
Describe the way
I hear, speak, see and realize.
But I can't tell you anything
Because we waste the short time we have on row.
I don't want to row,
I don't want to cry,
I don't want to leave
and I don't want to feel blue
but I want you.
But what I really want will never receive you
You will never know that my world just blossoms for you.
that all the stars only shine for you
and that my heart and my love just belong to you.
You will never know
Just because we waste our time on row.
When you leave me
all flowers will dry,
all stars will fade
all birds will become silent
and my whole world will die.
Just because we waste our time on row.
© Faye
13.08.2008, 17:45 #2My Cowboy
AW: My Lyrics
Ganz schön .
Gehört es dir ?
Hast dir wohl Mühe gegeben .
29.12.2008, 14:36 #3Kikurin
AW: My Lyrics
das ist traurig, aber schön
toll, super, keine ist klasse!
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