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Thema: Installed Updates - Overview
31.08.2014, 09:43 #1jadentyhy
Installed Updates - Overview
Once i am going
Control Panel --> Program & Features --> Installed Updates
Here only i can see the updates related to application like MS Office / MS SQL etc . It is not listing the Winodws OS or IE related security updates.
If you go Windows Update and see "View update History" here it lists Winodws OS or IE related security updates.
As user i want to see consolidated view of installed updates any idea where we can have this view for recent installed updates.
WSUS server was used to detect and installed updates.
Thanking You !!
¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•. ¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸
31.08.2014, 13:11 #2aicome99
AW: Installed Updates - Overview
Have a look at WinUpdatesList.
31.08.2014, 13:27 #3jadentyhy
AW: Installed Updates - Overview
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