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Thema: FUTIL Frage
08.02.2010, 10:03 #1ummp
Wenn ich diesen Text richtig verstanden habe muss ich um FUTIL nutzen zu können erstmal einen Fossiltreiber starten auf com1 z.b. und dann futil laden. Und meine Kommunikationsprogramme doch auf INT14h stellen oder auf Fossiltreiber richtig ?
This utility is useful for testing various aspects of FOSSIL-aware software,
; by simulating a modem and enabling the user to set or reset certain status
; information returned by the FOSSIL to an application.
; It was created primarily to simulate a remote modem connect for testing
; purposes using a direct wire but allowing direct control from local keyboard.
; FUTIL installs as a TSR wedge between the FOSSIL and an application. It
; requires that a revision 5 FOSSIL driver be installed prior to it, and it
; will capture INT 14H (it looks like a FOSSIL to the application) and
; intercept certain FOSSIL calls in order to carry out its simulation.
; This utility is particularly useful because it is release WITH SOURCE.
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