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02.03.2011, 05:17 #1duckheo
Comlete Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 Program for Tagalog Levels 1 + 2
Comlete Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 Program for Tagalog Levels 1 + 2 | 1.25 GB
Complete working Rosetta Stone installation repack for Tagalog ( Filipino ), including language levels 1 + 2 with Audio Companion. Virtual Clonedrive by SlySoft (freeware) is included for your convience.
Develop your command of the language. From the simple to the complex, gain the confidence to share your ideas and opinions in German. Develop the conversational skills to plan adventures, care for your health and move abroad. Talk about government, work, movies, family, and more. Be able to fully express your ideas and opinions in German. Includes everything you need to learn German at home and on the go.
Comlete Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 Program for Tagalog Levels 1 + 2
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