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16.10.2009, 10:13 #1reisser1983
hi m8´s we are the 40-1 cod 5 clan
our website:
1st) Tactical crouch server TDM (Ip)
sec)Tactical crouch only bolt server moded (Ip)
it would be nice if you come play some rounds on our server
Server rulez
1. Running/Sprinting
You are allowed to run/sprint when :
-Someone is shooting at you.
-To escape dogs attack.
-To find cover from the artillery.
-To escape from grenade
You may walk when you aiming with primary weapon ( not pistols ).
2. Jumping
Dot not make unrealistic jumps ! No high jumps allowed !
You are allowed to make high jump when :
You land in water ONLY.
3. Bunny Hopping
It's unrealistic and NOT ALLOWED !
4. Spawnkilling
Killing players just after they respawn in game is NOT ALLOWED !
5. Teamkilling
Teamkilling on our server is NOT ALLOWED !
The damage is reversed, it means if you shoot a teammate, you get the damage, not him.
6. Camping
Camping is ALLOWED as long as you DO NOT camp in the enemies spawn area !
7. Prone
Prone is ALLOWED.
8. Offensive Names
Any players with a bad/offensive nickname will be KICKED and if ignored BANNED !!!
9. Cheating
Cheating is NOT ALLOWED on our server !!!
If you are caught cheating, you will be BANNED FOR LIFE !!!
10. Weapons and perks -
Martydoom, second chance and/or grenade launcher, bazooka is not
allowed here. Please turn off any of this perks and weapons before you
join to play in 40-1 server.
11. You must respect other players, and clan members.
Please don`t be abusive. Play and let play others.
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