Ergebnis 1.061 bis 1.080 von 1686
16.02.2009, 16:03 #1061Lord Militariados
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
17.02.2009, 11:37 #1062One-Piece-08
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
New Bann List März 2009
Forbidden Cards
Restriction Cards
Chaos Sorcerer
Gladial-Beast Bestiari
Goyo Guardian
Zombie Carrier
Dark Armed Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary
Urgent Teleport
Card of Safe Return
Reinforcement of the Army
Semi-Restriction Cards
Goblin Zombie
D-Hero - Diabolic Guy
Raiza the Storm Monarch
Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest
Destiny Draw
Gold Sarcophagus
Allure of Darkness
Ultimate Offering
Mind Crush
No longer restricted
Manticore of Darkness
Twin-Headed Behemoth
Phantom of Chaos
Book of Moon
Nobleman of Crossout
Samus kann man jetzt imo knicken DAD ist klar...
YGO OCG News: Banned and Restriction List 「禁止・制限カードリスト」
17.02.2009, 15:20 #1063DeathZone
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Die Karten von 5D's gibt schon ne Weile
Aber meine jetzt Serie^^
17.02.2009, 15:34 #1064Lord Militariados
17.02.2009, 16:07 #1065One-Piece-08
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Youtube Japnaisch mit Sub.
Auf RTL2 sollen die am 25 März laufen - RTL II präsentiert "Yu-Gi-Oh!": Neue Abenteuer und Klassiker
17.02.2009, 16:14 #1066Lord Militariados
17.02.2009, 16:23 #1067Gaara of the sand
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
goblinzombie... der war vorher 3mal erlaubt oder?
das ist schlecht...
17.02.2009, 16:30 #1068One-Piece-08
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Viele Deckarten wurde geschwächt Mezuki ist ja jetzt auch nicht mehr...
LLs hats garnicht getroffen..
4 GX Staffel ka will ich aber sehen^^(Yugi gg Jaden)
Bei den Zombies ist das richtig hart
Safe Return
Goblin Zombie und Mezuki...
19.02.2009, 11:31 #1069thomas7
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
ja ich spiel ja samu und deswegen trifft mich nur rota
19.02.2009, 21:24 #1070One-Piece-08
19.02.2009, 21:37 #1071Lord Militariados
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Zombies sind nicht schlecht. Hab mehrmals mit dem Zombiedeck im DS-Game gezockt.
Aber im RL setzte ich lieber auf andere Typen, Maschinen, Drachen oder Krieger. Oder die aus dem Spiel-Strategie.
21.02.2009, 23:14 #1072NilZ
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Nope. 4 Kids (der amerikanische Übersetzer der Japanischen Ausgabe) hat die Übersetzung der 4. Staffel nicht aufgenommen, folglich wird es auch keine deutsche Ausgabe geben.
Bei diesem Schund, den sie uns da auch auftischen, finde ich das nicht schlimm, und man kann bei YOutube sowieso problemlos alle japansichen Folgen mit englischem Untertitel finden.
Zum TCG:
Nächstes Wochenende finden ja die CRMS Sneak Previews statt, werdet ihr dort hingehen? Wenn ja, was erhofft ihr euch?
Also ich für meinen Teil werde am Samstag in Köln an den Start gehen und erhoffe mir diese Karte hier zu bekommen:
CRMS-EN092 Assault Armor
Du kannst diese Karte nur aktivieren, wenn dein einziges Monster auf deiner Spielfeldseite vom Attribut Krieger ist. Erhöhe die ATK des Monsters um 300. Indem du diese Karte auf dem Friedhof schickst, kan das ausgerüstete Monster zweimal in der selben Battle Phase angreifen.
Die Kartenverteilung von Crimson Crisis (soweit bekannt):
Ghost Rare 1/1
CRMS-EN004 Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode
Secret Rare 8/8
CRMS-EN081 Dark Voltanis
CRMS-EN082 Prime Material Falcon
CRMS-EN089 Synchro Change
CRMS-EN093 Puppet King
CRMS-EN094 Zeta Reticulant
CRMS-EN095 Tethys, Goddess of Light
CRMS-EN096 Ido the Supreme Magical Force
CRMS-EN098 Greed Quasar
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare 10/10
CRMS-EN000 Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode
CRMS-EN004 Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode
CRMS-EN019 Doomkaiser Dragon/Assault Mode
CRMS-EN020 Hyper Psychic Blaster/Assault Mode
CRMS-EN021 Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode
CRMS-EN026 Lifeforce Harmonizer
CRMS-EN044 Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar
CRMS-EN041 Blackwing Armor Master
CRMS-EN083 Bone Crusher
CRMS-EN097 Violet Witch
Super Rare 14/14
CRMS-EN001 Turret Warrior
CRMS-EN011 Twilight Rose Knight
CRMS-EN015 Black Salvo
CRMS-EN032 Scanner
CRMS-EN033 Dimension Fortress Weapon
CRMS-EN040 Dark Strike Fighter
CRMS-EN043 Arcanite Magician
CRMS-EN064 Spirit Force
CRMS-EN084 Alien Kid
CRMS-EN085 Totem Dragon
CRMS-EN086 Royal Swamp Eel
CRMS-EN088 Code a Ancient Ruin
CRMS-EN090 Multiply
CRMS-EN099 Amorroid
Rare 9/20
CRMS-EN008 Blackwing - Gale of the Hurricane
CRMS-EN022 Arcane Apprentice
CRMS-EN024 Assault Beast
CRMS-EN027 Gladiator Beast Samnite
CRMS-EN030 B.E.S. Big Core Mk - II
CRMS-DE038 Alien Overload
CRMS-EN039 Alien Ammonite
CRMS-EN079 Wall of Thorns
CRMS-EN092 Assault Armor
Common 6/48
CRMS-DE005 Trap Eater
CRMS-EN028 Dupe Frog
CRMS-EN029 Flip Flop Frog
CRMS-EN057 Seed Cannon
CRMS-EN063 Assault Mode Activate
CRMS-EN087 Submarine Frog
Und die Sneak Promo (SR):
CRMS-ENSP1/CRMS-EN000 Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode
DARK/Warrior - Effect/10/3300/1500
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. this card cannot be Special Summoned except with "Assault Mode Activate". When this card is Special Summoned, you can send up to 2 Warrior-Type monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard. All monsters your opponent controls lose 100 ATK for every Warrior-Type monster in your Graveyard. When this card on the field is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 "Colossal Fighter" from your Graveyard.
Ultra Rare
22.02.2009, 11:03 #1073DeathZone
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Ehm nur kurz zur Serie
habe gelesen das die sich auf Mottorädern Duelliern wollen^^
22.02.2009, 15:13 #1074Sponge und Pat fan
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
jup......^^ sinnlos
22.02.2009, 22:29 #1075BadRenbow
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Ich hoffe einer von euch kennt sich mit den Synchros gut aus
In Tag Force 3 hab ich jetzt 4 Synchro Karten in meiner Truhe.
Überall steht "1 Empfänger- + 2 oder mehr Nicht-Empfänger Monster"
Ich kapier das nicht. xD
22.02.2009, 22:34 #1076NilZ
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Naja, ganz einfach.
Synchros befinden sich im Extra Deck (= Deck, das aus 15 Karten besteht, in dem sich alle Synchromonster und Fusionsmonster befinden. Es ist ein extra Deck und wird neben das reguläre Deck gelegt) und sie können gerufen werden, indem man von seiner Spielfeldseite aus 1 Empfänger-Monster (erkennbar an dem text "Empfänger" neben dem Effekt) und 1 oder mehreren Nicht-Empfängermonster (also alle MOnster, die keine Empfänger sind). Nun muss man das Level des Synchromonsters zählen und dann muss das Level des Empfängers und das Level/die Level des/der anderen Monster zusammen genauso viel ergeben, wie das Level des Synchromonsters.
Ein Beispiel:
Auf dem Feld befinden sich Gerümpelsynchronisierer (Empfänger, Level: 3) und ein beliebiges Level 2 Monster. Man lege beide auf den Friedhof und kann nun Gerümpelkrieger beispielsweise rufen (level 5).
Ich hoffe, dass du es verstanden hast.
22.02.2009, 22:41 #1077BadRenbow
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Òho, danke für die schnelle Antwort
Achso, das mit dem "Empfänger" ist mir nicht aufgefallen, ich dachte eher das das offensichtlicher ist, ich schau überhaupt nicht darauf wo Effekt und Typ steht
Werd ich morgen mal testen, danke
Brauch aber auch stärkere Synchros, mein stärkstes ist nur 2500 ATK
23.02.2009, 13:06 #1078thomas7
26.02.2009, 19:34 #1079thomas7
26.02.2009, 19:40 #1080thomas7
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Ich hab mir mal ne ÜBERSICHT über die neue serie
Das nächste Set:
Crimson Crisis (603)
Erscheinungsdatum Japan: 15 November 2008
Preis: 150 Yen pro Booster
5 Karten pro Booster, 30 Booster pro Box
Ingesamt 80 verschiedene Karten:
5 Ultra Rare
9 Super Rare
18 Rare
48 Common
(Ultra Rare auch als Ultimate Rare vorhanden, 1 von 80 Karten ebenfalls als Holographic Rare)
CRMS-JP001 Turret Warrior [Super Rare]
EARTH/Warrior - Effect/5/1200/2000
This card can be Special Summoned from your hand by Releasing 1 Warrior-Type monster you control. When Special Summoned by this effect, increase the ATK of this card by the original ATK of the Released monster.
CRMS-JP002 Debris Dragon [Rare]
WIND/Dragon - Tuner/4/1000/2000
When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 monster with 500 ATK or less from your Graveyard in face-up Attack Position. The effect(s) of the monster Special Summoned by this effect is negated. This card can only be used as Synchro Material for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon-Type monster. The other Synchro Material monster(s) must be of a Level other than 4.
CRMS-JP003 Hyper Synchron
LIGHT/Machine - Tuner/4/1600/800
If this card is sent to the Graveyard for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon-Type monster, the ATK of the Synchro monster this card was used as Synchro Material is increased by 800 Points, and it is removed from play during the End Phase.
CRMS-JP004 Red Daemon's Dragon/Buster [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Holographic Rare]
DARK/Dragon - Effect/10/3500/2500
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Buster Mode". When this card attacks, destroy all other monsters on the field at the end of the Damage Step. When this card on the field is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 "Red Daemon's Dragon" from your Graveyard.
CRMS-JP005 Trap Eater
DARK/Demon - Tuner/4/1900/1600
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending 1 face-up Trap card your opponent controls to the Graveyard.
CRMS-JP006 Twin Breaker
DARK/Warrior - Effect/4/1600/1000
If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, it can attack once again in a row. When this card attacks a Defense Position monster, if its ATK is higher than that monster's DEF, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.
CRMS-JP007 Dark Repairer
DARK/Demon - Tuner/2/1000/1300
When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, confirm the top card of your deck and return it to the top or the bottom of the deck.
CRMS-JP008 Black Feather - Gale of Hurricane
DARK/Bird - Tuner/3/1300/400
If you control a "Black Feather" monster other than "Black Feather - Gale of the Hurricane", you can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, you can halve the ATK and DEF of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.
CRMS-JP009 Black Feather - Blast of the Black Lance
Dark/Bird - Effect/4/1700/800
If you control a "Black Feather" monster other than "Black Feather - Blast of the Black Lance", you can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, and this card's ATK exceeds the DEF of the attacked monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
CRMS-JP010 Black Feather - Sirocco of Dawn [Super Rare]
DARK/Bird - Effect/5/2000/900
If your opponent controls a monster(s), and you control no monster, you can Normal Summon this card without Release. Once per turn, activate by selecting 1 face-up "Black Feather" monster you control. The ATK of the selected monster is increased by the total ATK of all face-up "Black Feather" monster you control other than the selected monster. During a turn this effect was activated, only the selected monster can attack.
CRMS-JP011 Nightrose Knight [Super Rare]
DARK/Warrior - Tuner/3/1000/1000
While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select face-up Plant-Type monsters you control as attack targets. When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Plant-Type monster from your hand.
CRMS-JP012 Summon Reactor AI
DARK/Machine - Effect/5/2000/1400
While you control this face-up card, and when your opponent Normal Summons, Flip Summons or Special Summons a monster(s), you can inflict 800 Damage to your opponent's Life Points. This effect can only be used once per turn. During the Battle Phase of a turn this effect was used, you can negate the attack of 1 opponent's monster. By sending this card, and each 1 of "Trap Reactor RR" and "Magic Reactor AID" you control to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Giant Bomber Air-Raid" from your hand, deck or Graveyard.
CRMS-JP013 Trap Reactor RR
DARK/Machine - Effect/4/800/1800
Activate only when your opponent activates a Trap card. Destroy that Trap card, and inflicht 800 Damage to your opponent's Life Points. This effect can only be used once per turn.
CRMS-JP014 Magic Reactor AID
DARK/Machine - Effect/3/1200/900
Activate only when your opponent activates a Magic card. Destroy that Magic card and inflict 800 Damage to your opponent's Life Points. This effect can only be used once per turn.
CRMS-JP015 Black Bomber [Rare]
DARK/Machine - Tuner/3/100/1100
When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, you can Special Summon 1 DARK Level 4 Machine-Type monster from your Graveyard in face-up Defense Position. The effects of the monster Special Summoned by this effect are negated.
CRMS-JP016 Giant Bomber Air-Raid [Rare]
WIND/Machine - Effect/8/3000/2500
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Summon Reactor AI". Once per turn, you can send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard to destroy 1 card your opponent controls. Also, once during your opponent's turn, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:
- Activate when your opponent Normal or Special Summons a monster. Destroy that monster, and inflict 800 damage to your opponent.
- Activate when your opponent Sets a card. Destroy that card, and inflict 800 damage to your opponent.
CRMS-JP017 Deformer Boardn
EARTH/Machine - Effect/3/500/1800
This card gets the following effect below according to this card's position:
- Attack Position: All face-up "Deformer" monster you control can attack directly.
- Defense Position: Other face-up "Deformer" monster you control cannot be destroyed by battle.
CRMS-JP018 Deformer Pacchin
WIND/Machine - Effect/4/1200/800
This card gets the following effect below according to this card's position:
- Attack Position: Once per turn, by Releasing a "Deformer" monster other than "Deformer Pacchin", destroy 1 card on the field.
- Defense Position: If this card would be destroyed, you can destroy an other "Deformer" monster instead.
CRMS-JP019 Deathkaiser Dragon/Buster [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
FIRE/Undead - Effect/8/2900/2000
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Buster Mode". When this card is Special Summoned, Special Summon any number of Undead-Type monsters from either player's Graveyard to your field. The effects of the monster(s) Special Summoned by this effect are negated, and they are destroyed during this turn's End Phase . When this card on your field is destroyed, you can is Special Summon 1 "Deathkaiser Dragon" from your Graveyard.
CRMS-JP020 Hyper Psycho Gunner/Buster [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
EARTH/Psychic - Effect/11/3500/3000
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Buster Mode". If this card battles, at the end of the Damage Step, inflict damage to your opponent equal to their battling monster's DEF, and gain Life Points equal to its ATK. Also, when this card on the field is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 "Hyper Psycho Gunner" from your Graveyard.
CRMS-JP021 Arcanite Magician/Buster [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
LIGHT/Spellcaster - Effect/9/900/2300
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Buster Mode". When this card is Special Summoned, place 2 Magic Counters on it. This card gains 1000 ATK for each MagicCounter on it. You can remove 2 Magic Counters from this card to destroy all cards your opponent controls. Also, when this card on the field is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 "Arcanite Magician" in your Graveyard.
CRMS-JP022 Arcane Philo
FIRE/Spellcaster - Tuner/2/1000/400
If this card is used in the Synchro Summon of a Synchro Monster and sent to the Graveyard, add 1 "Buster Mode" from your Deck to your hand.
CRMS-JP023 Buster Mercenary
EARTH/Warrior - Effect/4/1800/300
By returning 1 "Buster Mode" in your hand or Graveyard to the Deck, destroy 1 Magic or Trap Card your opponent controls. This effect can only be used once per turn.
CRMS-JP024 Buster Beast [Rare]
EARTH/Beast-Warrior - Effect/4/1900/1200
Activate by discarding this card. Add 1 "Buster Mode" from your Deck to your hand.
CRMS-JP025 Black-Winged Magician
WIND/Spellcaster - Effect/3/1300/1200
While you control this face-up card, its controller can activate "Buster Mode" during the turn in which it is Set.
CRMS-JP026 Life Coordinator [Rare]
WIND/Psychic - Effect/2/800/400
When your opponent activates a card with an effect that inflicts damage, you can discard this card to negate that effect and destroy it.
CRMS-JP027 Gladial-Beast Samnite
EARTH/Beast - Effect/3/1600/1200
If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Gladial-Beast" monster, when this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can add 1 "Gladial-Beast" card from your deck to your hand. By returning this card to the deck during the end of a Battle Phase this card battled, Special Summon 1 "Gladial-Beast" except a "Gladial-Beast Samnite" from your Deck to your field.
CRMS-JP028 Malenlightened Frog [Rare]
WATER/Aqua - Effect/2/100/2000
While this card is face-up on the field, this card's name is treated as "Death Frog". While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select other monster's as attack target. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can add 1 "Frog" monster other than a "Malenlightened Frog" from your deck to your hand.
CRMS-JP029 Flipped Frog
WATER/Aqua - Effect/2/500/200
Once per turn only, you can change this card to face-down Defense Position. When this card is flipped face-up, you can return opponent's monster to the owner's hand up to the number of face-uo "Frog" monster you control.
CRMS-JP030 Giant Battleship Big Core MK-II [Super Rare]
FIRE/Machine - Effect/6/2400/1100
When this card is successfully Special Summoned, place
3 Counters on it. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card battles, remove 1 Counter from it at the end of the Damage Step. If this card battles whilst there are no Counters on it, it is destroyed at the end of the Damage Step. If you control no monster, you can Normal Summon this card without Release.
CRMS-JP031 Tomaboo
DARK/Plant - Effect/3/1400/800
Activate only if a face-up Plant-Type monster on the field other than "Tomaboo" becomes the target of an effect of an opponent's Magic or Trap card. By Releasing this card you control, draw 2 cards.
CRMS-JP032 Scanner [Rare]
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/1/?/?
Activate by selecting 1 opponent's monster that is removed from play. Until the End Phase of this turn, this card is treated as it has the same name as the selected monster, and gains the Type, Level, ATK and DEF of the selected monster. This effect can only be used once per turn. If this card is removed from the field during a turn this effect was used, it is removed from play.
CRMS-JP033 Dimensional Stronghold Weapon [Normal Rare]
DARK/Machine - Effect/4/1700/200
While this card is face-up on the field, neither player can send cards from the deck to the Graveyard.
CRMS-JP034 Desert Gardna
EARTH/Insect - Effect/4/800/1000
The DEF of this card is increased by the number of Magic or Trap card on the field x 300 Points. If an Insect-Type monster you control is destroyed, you can destroy this card instead.
CRMS-JP035 Cross-Sword Hunter
WIND/Insect - Effect/4/1800/1200
When you control an other Insect-Type monster than this card, when an Insect-Type monster you control attacks a Defense Position monster, and the ATK of the attacking monster exceeds the DEF of the attacked monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
CRMS-JP036 Bee²
WIND/Insect - Effect/1/500/400
Activate by Releasing this card and 1 face-up Insect-Type monster other than a "Bee²" you control. Draw 2 cards.
CRMS-JP037 Triple Viper
WATER/Reptile - Effect/4/1800/400
This card can attack 3 times during 1 Battle Phase. This card cannot declare an attack unless you Release 1 Aqua-Type monster you control.
CRMS-JP038 Alien Revenger [Rare]
DARK/Reptile - Effect/6/2200/1600
By removing 2 A-Counter from the field, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, you can place 1 A-Counter on each face-up monster your opponent controls. If a monster with an A-Counter battles with an "Alien" monster, it loses 300 ATK and DEF for each A-Counter during damage calculation only. You can control only 1 face-up "Alien Revenger" at the same time.
CRMS-JP039 Alien-Monite [Rare]
LIGHT/Reptile - Tuner/1/500/200
When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or less "Alien" monster from your Graveyard. The monster Special Summoned by this effect is destroyed during the End-Phase
CRMS-JP04? Dark Dive Bomber [Super Rare]
DARK/Machine - Synchro/7/2600/1800
Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster
Activate by Releasing 1 monster you control. Inflict Damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the level of the released monster x 200.
CRMS-JP041 Black Feather - Armored Wing [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
DARK/Winged Beast - Synchro - Effect/7/2500/1500
1 "Black Feather" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
This card cannot be destroyed by battle. Any Battle Damage its controller takes as a result of it being in battle becomes 0. Place 1 Wedge Counter on a monster this card attacks (max. 1). By removing all Wedge Counters from monsters your opponent controls, the ATK and DEF of a monster(s) that had a Wedge Counter becomes 0 until the End-Phase.
CRMS-JP042 Hyper Psycho Gunner [Super Rare]
EARTH/Psychic - Synchro - Effect/9/3000/2500
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Psychic-Type monsters
When this card attacks a Defense Position monster, if its ATK is higher than that monster's DEF, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. Also, at the end of the Damage Step this card attacked a Defense Position monster, if its ATK is higher than that monster's DEF, gain Life Points equal to the difference.
CRMS-JP043 Arcanite Magician
LIGHT/Spellcaster - Synchro - Effect/7/400/1800
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Spellcaster-Type monster
When this card is successfully Synchro Summoned, place 2 Magic Counter on this card. The ATK of this card increases for every Magicl Counter on this card by 1000 Points. By removing 1 Magic Counter from you side of the field, you can destroy 1 card your opponent controls.
CRMS-JP044 Cosmos Fortress Gol'Gar
LIGHT/Reptile - Synchro/5/2600/1800
Alien-Monite + 1 or more Non-Tuner "Alien" monster
Once per turn, you can return any number of face-up Magic or Trap Cards on the field to their owner's hands, and place an equal number of A-Counters among face-up monsters on the field. Once per turn, by removing 2 A-Counter from the field, destroy 1 card your opponent controls.
CRMS-JP045 Prevent Star
Equip Magic Card
Equip only to a monster you control during a turn that monster is changed from face-up Attack Position to face-up Defense Position. Select 1 monster your opponent controls. That monster cannot change its Position or attack. When the equipped monster is sent to the Graveyard, remove from play the selected monster.
CRMS-JP046 Servant of Hostility
Equip Magic Card
When the control of the equipped monster changed, inflict Damage to the controller of the equipped monster equal to the original ATK of the equipped monster.
CRMS-JP047 Star Blast [Rare]
Normal Magic Card
Activate by paying a multiple of 500 Life Points. The level of 1 monster in your hand or on your field is decreased by 1 level star for each 500 Life Points paid until the End-Phase of this turn.
CRMS-JP048 Feather Wind Attack [Rare]
Normal Magic Card
Return 1 "Black Feather monster you control to the owner's deck. Add 1 "Black Feather" monster from your deck to your hand.
CRMS-JP049 Deformer Retro-Engine
Equip Magic Card
Equip only to a "Deformer" monster. If the equipped monster is destroyed, both players take damage equal to the original ATK of that monster.
CRMS-JP050 Deformer Field
When the Position of a monster on the field is changed, place 1 Deformer Counter on this card. Increase the ATK of all "Deformer" monster by 300 Points for each Deformer Counter on this card. When this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Deformer" monster from your Graveyard.
CRMS-JP051 Buster Burst
Quick-Play Magic
Activate by Releasing 1 "/Buster" monster. Both players take damage equal to that monster's Level x 200.
CRMS-JP052 Buster Teleport
Normal Magic
Activate by returning 1 "/Buster" monster from your hand to the Deck. Draw 2 cards.
Quick-Play Magic
Activate by removing from play 1 "Buster Mode" in your Graveyard. Destroy all monsters you control, and Special Summon 1 "/Buster" monster from your Graveyard, ignoring the Summoning conditions. The effect(s) of the monster Special Summoned by this effect is negated, it cannot be Released, and if it is removed from the field, it is removed from play.
CRMS-JP054 Psycho Sword
Equip Magic Card
Equip only to a Psychic-Type monster. If your Life Points are lower than your opponent's, increase the equipped monster's ATK by the difference (max. 2000 Points).
CRMS-JP055 Telekinetic Gathering Machine
Quick-Play Magic Card
Special Summon any number of Level 2 or lower Psychic-Type monster from your Graveyard. You take Damage equal to the Special Summoned monster's levels x 300.
CRMS-JP056 Gladial-Beast's Latent Potential [Normal Rare]
Quick-Play Magic Card
Increase the ATK of 1 face-up "Gladial-Beast" monster you control by 500 Points until the End-Phase. By returning 2 "Gladial-Beast" cards in your Graveyard to your deck, you can add this card from your Graveyard to your hand.
CRMS-JP057 Seed Shot
Continuous Magic Card
When a Plant-Type monster is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Special Summoned, place 1 Plant Counter on this card (max. 5). By sending this card to the Graveyard, inflict Damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the number of Plant Counter on this card x 500.
CRMS-JP058 Super Nourished Sun [Rare]
Continuous Magic Card
Activate by Releasing 1 Level 2 or lower Plant-Type monster. Special Summon 1 monster with a Level equal to or lower than the Released monster's Level + 3 from your hand or deck to your field. When that monster is removed the field, this card is destroyed. When this card is removed from the field, that monster is destroyed.
CRMS-JP059 Six War-Art Scrolls
Quick-Play Magic Card
Activate by Releasing 2 face-up "Six Samurai" monster you control. Special Summon 1 "Great Shogun Shien" from your deck to your field.
CRMS-JP060 Great Sea of Trees
Continuous Magic Card
When an Insect-Type monster is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, the controller of the destroyed monster can add 1 Insect-Type monster with the same level as the destroyed monster from their deck to their hand.
CRMS-JP061 Barrier of the Magic Tribe
Continuous Magic
Each time a Spellcaster-Type monster(s) on the field is destroyed, place 1 Magic Counter on this card (max. 4). By sending 1 face-up Spellcaster-Type monster you control and this card to the Graveyard, draw a number of cards equal to the number of Magic Counters that were on this card.
CRMS-JP062 Triangle Area
Quick-Play Magic
Destroy 1 monster with A-Counter(s) on it. Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Alien" monster from your deck. The monster Special Summoned by this effect is destroyed during the End-Phase.
CRMS-JP063 Buster Mode [Rare]
Normal Trap
Release 1 Synchro monster you control, and Special Summon a "/Buster" monster including the same name as the released monster from your deck.
CRMS-JP064 Spirit Force [Rare]
Normal Trap
Activate during Battle Damage calculation during your opponent's turn. Any Battle Damage you take from that battle becomes 0. Then, you can add 1 Warrior-Type Tuner with 1500 DEF or less in your Graveyard to your hand.
CRMS-JP065 Lost Star Descent
Select 1 Synchro Monster in your Graveyard, and Special Summon it to your field in face-up Defense Position. The effect of the Special Summoned monster by this effect is negated, its level reduced by 1 and it's DEF becomes 0. Also, its Position cannot be changed.
CRMS-JP066 Barrier of Silver - Silver Force [Super Rare]
Counter Trap
Activate only if your opponent activates a Trap card that inflicts damage. Negate that activation, and destroy that card and all face-up Magic and Trap cards your opponent controls.
CRMS-JP067 Half or Stop
Normal Trap Card
Activate only during your opponent's Battle Phase. Your opponent selects 1 effect from below to apply:
- Until the end of the Battle Phase, the ATK of all monster they control is halved.
- Their Battle Phase ends.
CRMS-JP068 Nightmare Daemons
Normal Trap
Activate by Releasing 1 monster. Special Summon 3 "Nightmare Daemon Token" (Demon-Type/DARK/Level 6/2000 ATK/ 2000DEF) to your opponent's field in Attack Position. When a "Nightmare Daemon Token" is destroyed, the controller of the Token takes 800 Damage.
CRMS-JP069 Black Arrow
Normal Trap Card
Activate by selecting 1 face-up monster you control. Until the End Phase, that monster's ATK is reduced by 500 Points, and when it attacks a Defense Position monster, and its ATK exceeds the Defense Position monster's DEF, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points. When the selected monster destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict Damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the original DEF of the destroyed monster.
CRMS-JP070 Ivy Shackle
Continuous Trap Card
While this card is on the field, all face-up monster your opponent controls become Plant-Type monster during your turn only. When this face-up card on the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by a card effect of your opponent, draw 1 card.
CRMS-JP071 Fake Explosion Penta
Normal Trap Card
Activate only at the time of attack declaration of an opponent's monster. Monsters are not destroyed in this battle, and after Damage Calculation, you can Special Summon 1 "Summon Reactor AI" from your hand or Graveyard.
CRMS-JP072 Deformer Barrier
Counter Trap Card
Negate the activation of a Magic or Trap card, which destroys a face-up "Deformer" monster you control, and destroy it . Also add 1 "Deformer" card from your deck to your hand.
CRMS-JP073 Blen-Deformer
Normal Trap
Activate by selecting 2 cards your opponent controls when you control 2 or more face-up "Deformer" monster. Your opponent selects 1 of those cards and that card is destroyed.
CRMS-JP074 Buster Slash
Normal Trap
Activate only if you control a face-up "/Buster" monster. Destroy all face-up monsters on the field.
CRMS-JP075 Buster Counter
Counter Trap
Activate when you control a face-up "/Buster" monster. Negate the effect of a Magic, Trap, or Effect Monster Card and destroy it.
CRMS-JP076 Psycho Tune [Rare]
Continuous Trap
Special Summon 1 Psychic-Type monster from your Graveyard in Attack Position. That monster is treated as Tuner. When this card is removed from the field, that monster is destroyed. When that monster is removed from the field, this card is destroyed. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you take Damage equal to the Special Summoned monster's level x 400.
CRMS-JP077 Supernatural Healing [Normal Rare]
Normal Trap
Activate only during the End-Phase. For each Psychic-Type monster that was sent to your Graveyard during this turn, gain 1000 Life Points.
CRMS-JP078 Trojan Gladial-Beast
Normal Trap Card
Special Summon 1 "Gladial-Beast" monster from your hand to your opponent's field. Afterwards, draw 1 card.
CRMS-JP079 Wall of Thorns [Rare]
Normal Trap
Activate only when a Plant-Type monster you control is selected as attack target. Destroy all monster in Attack Position your opponent controls.
CRMS-JP080 Planetary Contamination Virus [Rare]
Normal Trap Card
Activate by Releasing 1 "Alien" monster you control. Destroy all face-up monster your opponent controls without A-Counter(s) on them. During the next 3 turns after activation, place 1 A-Counter on each monster your opponent Normal Summons, Flip Summons or Special Summons.
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