Ergebnis 1.041 bis 1.060 von 1686
03.02.2009, 14:10 #1041Lord Militariados
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
05.02.2009, 15:30 #1042thomas7
05.02.2009, 16:31 #1043thomas7
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
hier mal das neue hexer deck
Release Date (Japan): 13rd December 2008
Relese Date (UDE-Land): Unknown
- The deck that has Spellcasters as a theme is constructed for suiting the current environment.
- Including many reprints of hard to get Spellcaster cards.
- Basically Spell Counters create a high-class and strategic duel that even begineers can get excited about.
SD16-JP001 Holy Mage Lord Endymion
By removing 6 Spell Counters from 1 "Magical City Endymion" you control, it is possible to Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard. When this card is Special Summoned by this effect, add 1 Spell Card in your Graveyard to your hand. Once per turn, discard 1 Spell Card from your hand to destroy 1 card on the field.
SD16-JP002 Saint Disenchanter
Once per turn, by removing 1 Spell-Counter from the field, return 1 face-up Magic card to the owner's hand.
SD16-JP003 Mage Knight Defender
When this card is Normal Summoned, place 1 Spell Counter on this card (max. 1). Once per turn, when a face-up Spellcaster-Type monster on your side of the field is destroyed, remove 1 Spell Counter on a Spellcaster-Type monster on your side of the field instead.
SD16-JP021 Magical City Endymion
Field Spell
Each time you or your opponent activates a Spell Card(s), place 1 Spell Counter on this card. If a card with a Spell Counter(s) on it is destroyed, place a number of Spell Counters on this card equal to the number of Spell Counters that were on the destroyed card. Once per turn, if you remove a Spell Counter(s) from your side of the field to activate the effect of a card of yours, you can remove the Spell Counter(s) from this card instead. If this card would be destroyed, you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card instead.
SD16-JP022 Mana Seize
Normal Spell
Place 1 Spell Counter on a face-up card on your field that can have Spell Counter on it. Then, you can add 1 "Mana Seize" from your deck to your hand. You can only actiavte 1 "Mana Seize" per turn.
.:Kompletter Japan-Spoiler:.
SD16-JP001 Holy Mage Lord Endymion (Shinseimadouou Endymion)
SD16-JP002 Saint Disenchanter (Saint Disenchanter)
SD16-JP003 Mage Knight Defender (Mahou Kishi Defender)
SD16-JP004 Hannibal Necromancer
SD16-JP005 Silent Magician Level 4
SD16-JP006 Silent Magician Level 8
SD16-JP007 Summon Priest
SD16-JP008 Dark Red Enchanter
SD16-JP009 Skilled White Magician
SD16-JP010 Skilled Dark Magician
SD16-JP011 Apprentice Magician
SD16-JP012 Old Vindictive Magician
SD16-JP013 Magical Marionette
SD16-JP014 Breaker the Magical Warrior
SD16-JP015 Magical Plant Mandragola
SD16-JP016 Royal Magical Library
SD16-JP017 Blast Magician
SD16-JP018 Mythical Beast Ceberus
SD16-JP019 Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers
SD16-JP020 Crystal Seer
SD16-JP021 Magical City Endymion (Mahou Toshi Endymion)
SD16-JP022 Mana Seize/Spell Seize (Maryoku Shouaku)
SD16-JP023 Magicians Unite
SD16-JP024 Mist Body
SD16-JP025 Giant Trunade
SD16-JP026 Fissure
SD16-JP027 Mage Power
SD16-JP028 Terraforming
SD16-JP029 Mega Ton Magical Cannon
SD16-JP030 Magical Blast
SD16-JP031 Magical Dimension
SD16-JP032 Twister
SD16-JP033 Magician's Circle
SD16-JP034 Pitch-Black Power Stone x 2
SD16-JP035 Hidden Book of Spell
SD16-JP036 Anti-Spell
SD16-JP037 Tower of Babel
SD16-JP038 Magic Cylinder
SD16-JP039 Black Horn of Heaven
TCG Version:
Spellcaster´s Command Structure Deck
Release: 27.03.2009
5 Neuen Karten aus dem OCG
Beschwörungspriester (Summon Priest)
Magisches Exemplar
Finsterer Roter Zauberer
Product Overview
This ready to play Deck gives players more opppurtunities to use spell cards with powerful Spellcaster-type monsters.
Key Selling Points
* The Structure Deck contains 40 cards including one Ultra Rare card, a Spellcaster's Command game mat, rulebook, and strategy guide.
* Spellcaster's Command contains 6 new cards, including the anticipated "Summon Priest"
05.02.2009, 17:05 #1044Lord Militariados
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Ein neues Magierdeck? Interessant.
Besser wäre aber mal ein neues Maschinendeck.
05.02.2009, 17:34 #1045DeathZone
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Die sollten sich mal nicht nach Charas richten sondern einfach Frei Decks erstellen mit Inhalt ^^
05.02.2009, 18:31 #1046Lord Militariados
05.02.2009, 19:13 #1047BadRenbow
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Ihr immer mit den Maschinen
Das ist nicht mein Stil, bzw. habe ich keine einzige Glaub ich jedenfalls.
Hexer ist schon sehr geil, sind gute Karten dabei und ich hab selber ein Hexendeck, kann also mit diesen neuen Karten mein Deck verstärken
Ich hoffe das bald mal Krieger Karten kommen.
05.02.2009, 22:18 #1048Lord Militariados
07.02.2009, 08:14 #1049Sovereign
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Ich möchte auch mehr Krieger haben.
07.02.2009, 20:01 #1050thomas7
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Release: 21.April 2009
Product Overview
The acclaimed Gold Series is back, and the 2009 edition brings some of today's most powerful cards to the players in the premium and exclusive Gold Rare foil technology.
Each pack contains 25 cards with 3 Gold Rare carss in each pack.
Set Content
* 32 Common cards
* 18 Gold Rare cards
Key Selling Points
* Popular cards that players can use to upgrade the look of their decks with the exciting gold versions.
* Harder to find cards that many players will want to collect like "Dark Armed Dragon" and a previous Championship prize card "Gold Sarcophagus" are included.
GLD2-DE0XX Finsterer Bewaffneter Drache
GLD2-DE0XX Gold Sarkophag
ach ja ps wenn ihr euch auf krieger freut und die kommen dann stellt euch darauf ein das kintec soldat im wert wieder steigt
so viel dazu
07.02.2009, 20:08 #1051BadRenbow
07.02.2009, 20:35 #1052thomas7
07.02.2009, 22:02 #1053BadRenbow
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Super Rare und Gold ist ja das gleiche oder nicht^^
Solche Packs hab ich noch nie gesehen, mir sind nur Starter und Booster läufig
07.02.2009, 22:08 #1054DeathZone
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Nicht jeder laden verkauft so Extra Packs von Yu-Gi-Oh
nur welche die davon "Leben".Wie bei mir City Games nur Games,Soft wars und Karten in dem Laden geht aber bald leider Pleite
07.02.2009, 22:14 #1055thomas7
07.02.2009, 22:17 #1056BadRenbow
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Ne, ich dachte das mit den Rares trifft auf den Text oben zu.^^
Zu dem unteren sagte ich einfach "glänzende"
Gold Rare passt aber auch nicht zu dem Bild, Gold Rare wäre einfach mit goldener Schrift, ist logischer
07.02.2009, 22:18 #1057future gohan_7
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
lol yugioh damit habe ich vor drei jahren aufgehört habe jede woche bei einem turnier mitgemacht habe letztens noch ein paar karten gefunden wer interrese hat bitte anschreiben: schnappstahl,mirror force,yata garasu,topf der gier x2,raigeki,jinzo,don zaloog,reißender tribut,überläufer,schwerer sturm,gemini elf,magischer zylinder und monster reanimation
07.02.2009, 22:22 #1058thomas7
13.02.2009, 19:18 #1059Sovereign
15.02.2009, 11:25 #1060DeathZone
AW: YU-GI-OH! - Sammelkarten - Trading Card Game
Jetzt komt YGO 5 D!'s oder so raus ne?^^
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