Ergebnis 181 bis 200 von 468
Thema: Avatar - The Legend of Korra
19.06.2012, 21:04 #181smilchen
19.06.2012, 21:12 #182
19.06.2012, 22:40 #183Syeo
AW: Avatar - The Legend of Korra
Du hast doch alle bisherigen Folgen gesehen. Du müsstest doch wissen, was ich mit dem Flashback meine. Und ich meinte, ich könnte mir gut vorstellen, dass wir denselben Flashback nochmal zu sehen bekommen, aber aus einem anderen Blickwinkel, nämlich aus der Sicht von Amon.
20.06.2012, 13:55 #184Final
21.06.2012, 21:21 #185Syeo
21.06.2012, 21:29 #186Final
21.06.2012, 21:34 #187Syeo
AW: Avatar - The Legend of Korra
Ja. Derselbe Flashback nochmal, nur dass Amon zu sehen ist, welcher sich dann in einem Haus oder so versteckt und das Geschehen beobachtet.
Eben aus seinem Blickwinkel.
Noch knappe zwei Tage, dann kommt endlich das Staffelfinale. Kann es kaum erwarten.
22.06.2012, 15:53 #188Kaito Uchiha
AW: Avatar - The Legend of Korra
Amon Vs korra O_O, ich freu mich schon =).
23.06.2012, 15:19 #189solembum
AW: Avatar - The Legend of Korra
was sagts ihr zu der theorie, dass amon korras fähigkeiten zu bändigen nimmt ABER da seine fähigkeiten nicht dieselben sind wie die von aang (also ohne leuchte usw.) kann er ihr chi nur dauerhaft blocken (wie schon irgendwer von euch mal erwähnt hat). um ihre fähigkeiten zurück zu bekommen muss korra durch die welt reisen und zu den ursprüngen der elemente gehen (also diese maulwürfe die toph das erdbändigen bei gebracht haben, oder die drachen von den sonnenkriegern) dort lernt sie ihre fähigkeiten wieder herzustellen und findet einen weg um das auch bei anderen zu machen. (ich hoffe sie kann der lin ihre fähigkeiten wieder zurückgeben sie is einfach SO leiwand) das ganze würde dann nach buch 1 passieren. so könnte man dann vl auch sehen was mit den anderen städten und so passiert ist. ausserdem war ja das finale von ATLA davon geprägt dass der aang rausgfunden hat wie man wie man das bändigen nehmen kann. das wäre dann sozusagen der nächste schritt.
23.06.2012, 15:29 #190
23.06.2012, 15:34 #191Final
23.06.2012, 15:36 #192
23.06.2012, 15:53 #193Syeo
AW: Avatar - The Legend of Korra
Hätte da übrigens eine weitere Theorie, auch wenn diese sich so anhört, als hätte man sie an den Haaren herbeigezogen:
Wenn Aang in Ba Sing Se eigentlich gestorben ist, könnte es in diesem Moment nicht zur Geburt eines neuen Avatar gekommen sein? Allerdings nur einer, der die spirituelle Seite beherrscht und nicht die vier Elemente. Schließlich musste Aang, nachdem er vom Blitz getroffen wurde, eine Reise in die Geisterwelt machen und seine vorherigen Avatar treffen, um den Avatar-Geist zu heilen (erfährt man in Escape from the Spirit World).
Könnte auch ein Grund sein, weshalb Korra nicht wirklich in der Lage ist die spirituelle Seite zu lernen (liegt aber wohl eher bloß an ihrer Art).
Der Avatar dient als Brücke zur Geisterwelt. Wenn Amon nun ein Pseudo-Avatar sein sollte, würde es erklären, weshalb die Geister zu ihm sprechen konnten. Und wie wir wissen ist Energiebändigen eine Technik, die nur die Avatare meistern können.
Klingt etwas abgespaced, aber irgendwie auch logisch.
23.06.2012, 15:58 #194solembum
23.06.2012, 18:20 #195Unregistriert
AW: Avatar - The Legend of Korra
OMG ich habe gerade das finale angeschaut und es ist so extrem cool...
23.06.2012, 19:57 #196Kaito Uchiha
AW: Avatar - The Legend of Korra
Alsoo ich habe die neue folge jetzt nicht gefunden. Liegt es daran das ich schlecht gesucht habe, oder erscheint heute die neue folge nicht ?
23.06.2012, 20:17 #197Syeo
AW: Avatar - The Legend of Korra
Die neue Folge wird wohl erst noch hochgeladen. Ich nehme an, Unregistriert hat sich den Live Stream angesehen.
23.06.2012, 22:15 #198smilchen
Das war jamal daskrasseste finale ever!!!
Es hat einfach alles gepasst!
General Iroh also doch der Enkel von Zuko
Die geschichte um amon und tarlak war sehr geil gemacht, und deren beider tot einfach nur bewegend!
Dass da am ende nicht tenzin steht war mir sowas von klar, wo da jemand im luftbändigerautfit herkam wusste ich sofort, das ist aang!
Ich freue mich schon riesig auf die 2. Staffel und frage mich jetzt auch, was da wohl passieren wird??
Ich denke mal es wird sich nicht mehr um republic city drehen und sie wird die weltbereisen oder sowas...
Kleines interview: part 1
[GermanCityGirl] Were you inspired by any real-life women when you created Korra or Lin Beifong?
Bryan Konietzko: I think Korra, I later realized she was inspired by my sister, who is pretty tough. I have many sisters, but one of them. Definitely female MMA fighters, I’m a big mixed martial arts fan, and watching women’s MMA grow was definitely an inspiration. We just had an idea for a character and wanted to do a personality that was the opposite of Aang’s, and that’s how Korra came about. Beifong, she was Toph’s daughter we knew that, and her personality just gelled pretty quickly.
Michael Dante DiMartino: [Lin Beifong] was more just inspired by Toph. But visually she was somewhat based on one of the producers that worked at Studio Mir, the animation studio in Korea.
Konietzko: Although she’s a sweet, very petite woman who doesn’t share Lin’s personality–most of the time.
[Avemii] Will you go more in-depth about Aang’s death?
DiMartino: That’s certainly an interesting arena to explore. You know, I know a lot of fans get upset when we don’t have enough time to explore every side character fully. We just have a limited amount of time, so we have to figure out the best story we want to tell and how we can best tell that, and how to weave in all that backstory stuff and character stuff. But it all has to be in service of the main plot. While sometimes a side character or side story may be interesting, they don’t have relevance to the main plot so we don’t have time to get into that stuff. Certainly I think Aang and the whole gang from the old series, their legacy continues to sort of influence and kind of be a part of Korra’s world.
[SpiderHyphenMan] Is there anything you wanted to put in but couldn’t because of the 12 episode format?
Konietzko: I actually prefer this format…Mike and I are mostly interested in telling a really driving plot. We feel that 12-14 episodes is a better length for that. Now that we’re really trying to improve the quality of the animation and we’ve raised the bar on that, it takes longer just to make those twelve. It’s like the HBO series or AMC. They don’t do 26 episodes. I think they’re more crafted and I think a tighter story comes out of it. You don’t have a lot of meandering and fluff and exposition and stuff. So I think we like it.
[Dr. Dardo] Will book 2 stay confined to Republic City the way book 1 did?
DiMartino: I would say it’s a mix of both. There’s definitely a significant part in Republic City, but there’s also a little more exploration of some other areas which we won’t tell you about just yet.
[They both laugh, like they're in on some secret joke.]
Konietzko: It’s definitely not as confined, but like Mike said, about half and half.
[BrowningWilliam] What inspired the baby’s name, Rohan?
Konietzko: That’s my nephew’s name. His father’s from India. He and his brother both have really cool names. Now I have to figure out a way to work his brother’s name into the show or he’s gonna be really mad at me.
[ZboyThunda] Will there be a Korra videogame?
DiMartino: There’s some online stuff they’re working on. No console games at this point. The other thing–a lot of fans know about them–are the comics we’re doing with Dark Horse. Vol. 2 of the first set just came out, and it seems like people are reading it because it’s selling really well. It’s a cool way to see the old characters again, and there are some little Easter Eggs in there setting up the idea of Republic City and what happens in “Korra.” So it’s a nice little bridge story.
Konietzko: And it seems like the fans have plenty of energy to explore all of these characters on their own with the fan fiction and the fan art and the online arguments and debate and essays and stuff. It’s amazing the amount of energy they have for all that stuff. Almost more than I have to work on the show itself!
staffel 2 von tlok wird...
Spoiler: zur hâlfte in republic city und zur hälfte wo anderst...
Spoiler end!!
Kleines Interview: Part 2
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By Christopher John Farley
Courtesy of Nickelodeon
Images of characters from the season finale of “The Legend of Korra.”
The season finale of a TV show like the animated fantasy “The Legend of Korra” can be bittersweet for fans. It’s great to see burning questions answered, but it’s a bummer to have to suffer the long wait for the next season. Followers of more adult-oriented fare like “Girls,” “Game of Thrones,” and “Mad Men” know this feeling all too well.
To preview the season finale of “The Legend of Korra,” and provide some solace to fans by giving them a peek at the future of the show, the Journal spoke to “Korra” creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. Here’s what they had to say. ‘The Legend of Korra” season finale airs on June 23 on Nickelodeon.
What should fans expect from the season finale?
DiMartino: They can definitely expect more awesome stories, and a few more surprises for sure.
Konietzko: We’re really proud of the way the last two episodes came together—especially how the music came together. It’s some of the best music that the composer, Jeremy Zuckerman, has ever done. Really emotional, and we’re really excited to see how people respond to the end of this little story.
Will the music from the show ever be released?
Konietzko: We would love to. It’s something we’ve been pushing for for years, even back on “Avatar.” Especially now with the music on “Korra” where Jeremy has been incorporating a lot more live instrumentation, string performers, Chinese instrumental specialists and stuff like that. We would love to. It’s a big goal of ours for sure.
The penultimate episode had the surprise appearance of General Iroh. What can you tell us about him? Are we going to see more of him in the future?
DiMartino: Yeah, he’s in the finale. Just so we’re clear—he’s Zuko’s grandson, not his son. I think there was some speculation about whether he was his son or grandson. It is his grandson. He’s voiced by Dante Basco. The idea behind him was to have a swashbuckling hero-type guy. He’s the youngest general in the United Forces which is kind of the U.N. of the “Avatar” world now. We just thought it would be a fun way to tie in the legacy of Zuko without having Zuko be present there.
Konietzko: It would be hard for Zuko to swashbuckle at his current age.
What made you decide to bring Dante Basco back into the cast?
Konietzko: Like Mike said, the whole book one of “Korra” even though we’re striking new ground, it was all built on the foundation of the original series. In the episode “Out of the Past” you see how the events involving Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph, have set the stage for the current story. For us it was a way to incorporate Zuko’s legacy with a new fresh face.
DiMartino: We loved Dante’s work on the old show and we were looking for a way to organically weave him into this one.
A lot of fans were struck by the scene in which Lin Beifong sacrifices herself and then has her bending taken away. What was it like creating that sequence?
Konietzko: I like nothing more than a character sacrificing himself or herself for the sake of others. That’s drama at its finest for me.
DiMartino: That scene is definitely one of my favorites from the whole first season. It’s got so much emotion wrapped up in it. In terms of her past relationship with Tenzin, and the fact that his family are the last airbenders and she’s willing to make this sacrifice to save them. And Jeremy’s music in that section just brought home the whole tragic feeling.
Scene from the finale of “The Legend of Korra.”
Is it tough for someone who has created a character people really like to hurt or kill that character? I’m reminded of Boromir dying at beginning of the book “The Two Towers.”
Konietzko: That was my favorite scene in “The Lord of the Rings,” so I guess I just gravitate towards that sort of stuff. I’ve been interacting with the fans a bit online, and I try to imagine a show they would find entertaining in which nothing ever happened to the characters. I don’t think it would be an engaging show, I don’t think it would be a fun show to make. For this kind of series, you have to have high stakes, and you have to have consequences, or else it’s like a sitcom show that just resets every week, and they live in a bubble. I think it’s touching that the fans feel so close to the characters that they feel personally hurt. I’ve felt that way in plenty of TV shows—“Game of Thrones,” “Mad Men.” How could they do that to that character? That’s drama.
How far along are you with season two? Is it still scheduled to be 14 episodes?
DiMartino: Yeah, book two is fourteen episodes. We’ve just finished the writing on it and we’re just in the middle of storyboarding and animation and every other thing we have to do to get it to a viewable state.
Konietzko: A lot of work goes into these shows. It takes a long time on animation. With “Korra” we’ve really taken a lot of time to craft it. We’re aiming pretty high, and in order to keep up the quality it just takes a lot of time and a lot or work…I think people are like, okay, what’s next? We’re like, guys it took us two years to make that, come on, we’re still working!
People hate the long wait between seasons for shows like “Mad Men,” or “Game of Thrones.” How should fans deal with that interim period?
DiMartino: I’m a fan of a lot of those shows, and sure, right when the last episode of a season airs I think “Man I want to find out what happens next!” It’s just a natural reaction. I think we’re in this culture where you have Netflix and if you haven’t seen a show, you can watch six seasons of a show and cruise through it. People forget that back in the 80s, you had to wait. You couldn’t watch your favorite show anytime you wanted to watch it. It just takes a long time, especially with animation, to make these shows. But once the next season comes on, people forget that they were impatient about it.
Konietzko: There’s nothing we can do about the harsh realities of how long it takes to make this stuff. You just hope the fans understand it takes time. It’s not like we’re lounging around, playing tennis and only occasionally working on it. We’re working on it all the time, as fast as we can. If there were a way to do it faster we would. Like Mike said, if you watch all three seasons of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” in a weekend—that took us six years to make. Six really hard years. That’s just making art.
How many seasons do you see yourselves doing “Korra” and when will there be a decision on a third season?
Konietzko: Those aren’t really the decisions that we make. I see that with the fans too. I think they think Mike and I pick the show up and greenlight it. That’s not the way it works.
DiMartino: We have story ideas for past book two. So we will see if and when those stories come to light.
23.06.2012, 22:34 #199Final
AW: Avatar - The Legend of Korra
Es war eine sehr gute und schöne Folge,bin echt mit der Folge vergnügt =).
Zum ersten Teil:
Iroh meinte doch das sein Großvater auf den Avatar (Aang) hörte (oder sowas ähnliches hat er gemeint),die würde nru auf Zuko hinweisen,also ist Zuko der Großvater von Iroh.
Tarlok ist also der Bruder von Amon,oder besser gesagt Notak .Amon ist tatsächlich ein Blut und Wasser Bändiger.Er war früher doch so lieb/wärend er jetzt ganz anders geworden ist.Er hat seinen eigenen Vater mit dessen Fähigkeit bekämpft,all dies nur für seinen Bruder.Jedoch war der este Teil auch echt gut.
2ter Teil:
Ich fand den Teil den betsen Teil,es gab Action,etwas tragische Szenen es war echt sehr gute Arbeit!Amon hat sich seine Lügen praktisch "ausgemalt" XD.Notak hat tatsächlcih die Bäniger Kräfte von Korra weggenommen o__O,doch danach konnte sie Luftbändigen.Mako war echt sehr cool,wie immer XD.Fast hätte Notak auch seine Bäniger Kräfte weggennomen.Später wurde es aber echt geil!
Korra ist auf Aang,Roku und all den anderen Avataren begegnet,die Korra wieder ihre Bäniger Kräfte wiedergeben.Korra und Mako haben nun doch etwas ^^,es endete mit einem Kuss genau wie beim Ende von: The Legend of Aang.
Was wohl als nächstes passieren wird?Hoffentlich gibt es auch eine nächste Folge =).
Aber wie gesagt: Die Folge war echt geil,weiter so =).
23.06.2012, 23:51 #200V.a.m.p
AW: Avatar - The Legend of Korra
Also ich muss sagen, ich bin echt Enttäuscht von dem Finale. Es kam alles irgendwie so zusammen geklatscht rüber, überhaupt nicht stimmig. Nach dem Motto : "Wir müssen jetzt noch schnelle möglichst viel Story in das Finale packen."
Aber ganz grottig fand ich es jetzt auch nicht, also als Korra dann doch noch Luft bändigt hatte ich im Gefühl . Mal sehen wie es weiter geht
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