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27.05.2009, 20:37 #1JasonX1991
Was sind eure Lieblings Spiel- und/oder Filmzitate?
Was sind eigentlich eure Lieblings Spiel- oder Filmzitate?
Also welche haben euch z.B. am meißten berührt, welche fandet ihr sehr amüssant oder trauig, oder auch sehr ausdrucksstark
Mein Lieblings Spielzitat ist:
Code:War has changed. It’s no longer about nations, ideologies, ethnicity. It’s an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. War, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID-tagged soldiers, carry ID-tagged weapons, used ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control.. Information control.. Emotion control.. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control, all the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield, controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, war becomes routine.
Mein Lieblings Filmzitat ist:
Code:Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.
Sorry wenn es den Thread schon gibt.
Was sind eure Lieblings Spiel- und/oder Filmzitate?
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I'm with stupid