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  1. #61
    Cyanwasserstoff Cyanwasserstoff ist offline
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

    Zitat Nicoletta Beitrag anzeigen
    Yep! Know any kid speakin´ latin? So, it´s sometimes more easy for adults to learn a labguage.....
    Yeah, because they never would start to learn that kind of dead language so early.
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    Kindergartens are for to let kids express and experience theirselfs - not for teaching languages!
    I never wrote about that children should not be allowed to be children.
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    And that is what it is not true! Why don´t they learn dental surgery in kindergartens and schools? That waht is true is, the still have the curiosity. Thats what causes the difference in interests. I was always goog in chemistry, never good in biology; why? i was simply not interested in biology, although I had the ability to be better. Today, after decades of learning, I pretty don´t care about i.g. spanish, but I´m sure I could speak a understandable spanish after 6 months of class.
    6 month ? You are really sure about it ?
    Zitat Nicoletta
    Can a child do so?
    It would depends on the curiosity about the subject and the teaching abilities from the teacher. One other aspect would be the atmosphere.

    Zitat Ludwig der Fromme Beitrag anzeigen
    The difference is that the japanese kids learn signs of their own language. Nicoletta talks about learning a foreign language, and I have to agree. My little sister learns English in the elementary school and is exactly on the skill level Nicoletta describes.
    The thing is, for newborn kids the native language is the same as an foreign language. Their parents will teach them to speak their mother tongue . Or do you wanna say that a newborn child is able to speak the native language without being taught by his/her parents ?

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    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #62
    Nicoletta Nicoletta ist offline

    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

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    6 month ? You are really sure about it ?
    Quite sure! Understandable - nor perfect - spanish. Olé!

    Zitat Cyanwasserstoff Beitrag anzeigen
    It would depends on the curiosity about the subject and the teaching abilities from the teacher. One other aspect would be the atmosphere.
    talkin´ ´bout teacher and school?

    Zitat Cyanwasserstoff Beitrag anzeigen
    newborn kids

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    The thing is, for newborn kids the native language is the same as an foreign language.

    A child first learns body langauge and later it compares sound with expressions. So, a bilingual growing child first does not know that he is listening and talking in two different languages. For it it´s just a broader spectrum

  4. #63

    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

    Zitat Nicoletta Beitrag anzeigen
    So, a bilingual growing child first does not know that he is listening and talking in two different languages.
    I can approve this.

  5. #64
    Cyanwasserstoff Cyanwasserstoff ist offline
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

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    A child first learns body langauge and later it compares sound with expressions. So, a bilingual growing child first does not know that he is listening and talking in two different languages. For it it´s just a broader spectrum
    Yeah, but he/she is able to learn to speak before going to school or kindergarten.

  6. #65
    Nicoletta Nicoletta ist offline

    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

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    Yeah, but he/she is able to learn to speak before going to school or kindergarten.

  7. #66
    Cyanwasserstoff Cyanwasserstoff ist offline
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

    Zitat Nicoletta Beitrag anzeigen
    I did say that the kid will learn to speak in a communicative way before going to kindergarten.
    The learning skills are adequate to get the nessecary speaking abilities before the kindergarten time.

  8. #67
    Nicoletta Nicoletta ist offline

    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

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    I did say that the kid will learn to speak in a communicative way before going to kindergarten.
    The learning skills are adequate to get the nessecary speaking abilities before the kindergarten time.
    After 6 months of english lessons in regular school the advantage will be lost - there simple is no f... way to learn a language without using it. Thats why a lot of german childs misuse german in the way i.g. turks do. The do clone their turk-german verstessdu alder? instead of learning a language properly. And in the end it´s not much more than: "Hello, my name is Kevin"

  9. #68
    Cyanwasserstoff Cyanwasserstoff ist offline
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

    Zitat Nicoletta Beitrag anzeigen
    After 6 months of english lessons in regular school the advantage will be lost - there simple is no f... way to learn a language without using it. Thats why a lot of german childs misuse german in the way i.g. turks do. The do clone their turk-german verstessdu alder? instead of learning a language properly. And in the end it´s not much more than: "Hello, my name is Kevin"
    Yeah, same problem that everyone have. If you do not practice a language you will hardly learn it. That is a general problem and it does not depend on the age.

  10. #69
    Nicoletta Nicoletta ist offline

    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

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    That is a general problem and it does not depend on the age.
    It surely does! Where the heck does a child in the age of 6 have the possibility to practice? Only in bilingual families! Or another example: Why do we learn foreign languages, without having more that school-skills, if we get to know foreigners we simply like to get to know or even love?

    There are so many woman only in Hameln that have never had great english skills, but do speak a close to perfect english, just because they fell in love with an english soldier. And that´s what I say: It does not depend on the age, it depends on motivation!

  11. #70
    Cyanwasserstoff Cyanwasserstoff ist offline
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

    Zitat Nicoletta Beitrag anzeigen
    It surely does! Where the heck does a child in the age of 6 have the possibility to practice? Only in bilingual families! Or another example: Why do we learn foreign languages, without having more that school-skills, if we get to know foreigners we simply like to get to know or even love?
    My argument was not about the possbility to practice a language. It was about the general problem that a language never would be learned properly without practicing it.

    That the chance to practice it is very low in the young age is true. That does not depends on the ability to learn it. That is only about the fact that adult persons have more possibilities to meet a foreign language speaking person then kids would have.

  12. #71
    Nicoletta Nicoletta ist offline

    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

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    That does not depends on the ability to learn it
    You can´t learn to walk without practicing using your legs! It´s similar to learning languages - it´s absolutely non sense if you´d have lessons in your early age withou using the language. It´s a pretty common mistake. First of all a child has to learn something to express itself - usually the language it´s parents are speaking. Simply ´cos the interaction between the child and the environment is depending on being understandable. It definetly makes no sense -as far sense can be made - to teach a foreign language just because of a child has the ability to learn ist. You could do so with astrophysics... the effect would be the same.

  13. #72
    LetzAllPlayHalo LetzAllPlayHalo ist offline
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

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    First of all a child has to learn something to express itself
    funny, because alot of grown-ups can't even properly express themselves, but i get what you're trying to say

  14. #73
    Cyanwasserstoff Cyanwasserstoff ist offline
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

    Zitat Nicoletta Beitrag anzeigen
    You can´t learn to walk without practicing using your legs! It´s similar to learning languages - it´s absolutely non sense if you´d have lessons in your early age withou using the language. It´s a pretty common mistake. First of all a child has to learn something to express itself - usually the language it´s parents are speaking. Simply ´cos the interaction between the child and the environment is depending on being understandable. It definetly makes no sense -as far sense can be made - to teach a foreign language just because of a child has the ability to learn ist. You could do so with astrophysics... the effect would be the same
    I was not talk about giving lessons that early without any chance of practicing it. It would be counterproductive to try to teach something they would not use.

  15. #74
    Nicoletta Nicoletta ist offline

    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

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    I was not talk about giving lessons that early without any chance of practicing it. It would be counterproductive to try to teach something they would not use.
    We do come closer! Where does a child have the chance to practice - lets say - swahili? Or french, english? Todays childs may have the possibility to learn turkish, arabaic, russian etc. - cos the do have to speak it in their famililies. The foreign language in theses cases is german. But what language should a german child try to get in a kindergarten? English? Noone speaks it there - and close to noone speaks it in the families!

    So we can begin to teach turkish, can we? It´d be - according to any given social evidence - the most logical solution. Would you give yoour child to a kindergarten teaching turkisch as first foreign language? Although you know, it´s the language your child can practice best?

  16. #75
    Cyanwasserstoff Cyanwasserstoff ist offline
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

    Zitat Nicoletta Beitrag anzeigen
    We do come closer! Where does a child have the chance to practice - lets say - swahili? Or french, english? Todays childs may have the possibility to learn turkish, arabaic, russian etc. - cos the do have to speak it in their famililies. The foreign language in theses cases is german. But what language should a german child try to get in a kindergarten? English? Noone speaks it there - and close to noone speaks it in the families!

    So we can begin to teach turkish, can we? It´d be - according to any given social evidence - the most logical solution. Would you give yoour child to a kindergarten teaching turkisch as first foreign language? Although you know, it´s the language your child can practice best?
    Yeah, you are right. It is a structure problem. The ideal situation would be that the children would start to practice english with their parents and it also would be a great subject in school. It is an important subject, so it would be perfect if everyone is able to speak it. Therefore it would be great, if they start as a child to practice it.

    The success would be guaranteed.

  17. #76
    Nicoletta Nicoletta ist offline

    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

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    The success would be guaranteed.
    Not quite guaranteed - but close to...

    Anyway, it´s a mattter of environment.

    What´s up with the talks about Suriya?

  18. #77
    Cyanwasserstoff Cyanwasserstoff ist offline
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

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    What´s up with the talks about Suriya?
    Who the fucking hell is Suriya ?

  19. #78
    Der Schmied von Kochel Der Schmied von Kochel ist gerade online
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

    Google says either an Indian actor or a restaurant in Düsseldorf. Enlight us Kelly!?

  20. #79
    Millzpaffen Millzpaffen ist offline
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

    I think he means Syria (Sūriyā ist the arabic word for Syria).

  21. #80
    Der Schmied von Kochel Der Schmied von Kochel ist gerade online
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    AW: The English Thread (Diskussion auf englisch)

    And we are waiting... Meanwhile, anybody read some good English books lately?

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