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Thema: Saints Row: Drive By
16.03.2011, 11:41 #1iRonix
Saints Row: Drive By
Saints Row 3DS was only briefly mentioned by Nintendo during its E3 press conference, and THQ has today decided to reveal a little more. It's called Saints Row: Drive By, and it'll also be available for Xbox Live Arcade. The XBLA version will apparently have connectivity with Saints Row 3, unlocking content for the next main entry in the series.
"Nintendo particularly wanted an 'M' rated game for 3DS's launch. We had it in production - we were doing a 3D version on XBL of Saint's Row: Drive By," confirmed Core games VP Danny Bilson.
Bilson believes that Drive By "won't be a risk like Chinatown Wars was" due to the fact that Nintendo wants the 3DS marketed to "core" gamers. We'll have to see if THQ's predictions hold true, but it really is encouraging to see Nintendo attempt to appeal to all markets with the 3DS. The DS is amazing, but it's impossible to get the average gamer to care about it. I hope the 3DS gives us all something to be excited for.
16.03.2011, 16:22 #2Millzpaffen
AW: Saints Row: Drive By
Wäre wohl einer der einzigen Games die mich interessieren.
28.03.2011, 18:20 #3Spidercide
05.05.2011, 17:32 #4Tianshi
AW: Saints Row: Drive By
Nach Bloodrayne hats nun auch das Spiel erwischt, es wurde gecancelt.
I suppose THQ wasn’t too happy when people laughed at the Saints Row 3DS announcement at E3 last year. Okay, that probably had nothing to do with anything at all, but the company has confirmed that the title has been cancelled. A representative simply said, “We are not developing Saints Row: Drive By.” For now at least, this ends any possibility of seeing the franchise on the 3DS.
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