Ergebnis 61 bis 80 von 187
27.11.2011, 19:59 #61Zelda 666
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
27.11.2011, 20:08 #62Dr. Cox
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kann mich dir nur anschließen, von allen angekündigten und erschienen Games ist das hier für mich am interessantesten.
Ne Collector's würd ich mir hier sogar überlegen, obwohl ich kein Fan von sowas bin.
01.12.2011, 19:08 #63RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
V-Jump Festa Site
キングダム ハーツ 3D [ドリーム ドロップ ディスタンス] | ジャンプフェスタ2012 | SQUARE ENIX
01.12.2011, 19:11 #64Kreichel
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Vincent hör auf rumzuspammen,^^
kann einfach nicht mehr warten will das game!!!!!!!!!!
14.12.2011, 18:40 #65RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Die Welt der "3 Musketiere" bestätigt. Uploads/12/12-14 VJump Scan 1.jpg Uploads/12/12-14 VJump Scan 2.jpg
Kingdom Hearts Insider
15.12.2011, 14:08 #66King K. Rool
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Interessant, dass sie diesen DVD-Film als Vorlage nehmen, hätte ich nicht erwartet. Aber schön, dass man das Disney Universum erweitert, statt immer wieder die selben Filme und Gebiete als Weltenvorlage zu nehmen. Jetzt ist auch somit bestätigt, dass man sich, was Welten angeht, an allen orientieren will. Wenn man sich zukünftig auch auf Serien, DVD-Verfilmungen oder evtl. sogar auf Pixar konzentriert, können so viele neue Welten kommen.
Jetzt müssen noch Darkwing Duck und Gargyoles als Welten kommen.
15.12.2011, 18:04 #67RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Beat und Joshua aus "The World Ends With You" bestätigt
16.12.2011, 18:45 #68RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Offizielle Seite
Screens (einige älter)
Kingdom Hearts 3D Screens With Dream Eaters And Nightmares | Siliconera
17.12.2011, 12:42 #69RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
So massig neues für euch
Zuersteinmal gibt es eine Neue Welt : Tron Legacy... also die Welt des erst kürzlich veröffentlichem Kino Films.
Gibt zwar noch keine Bilder.. aber klingt schonmal ziemlich gut
Der Trailer der Jump ist zwar noch nicht raus... aber KHInsider war so nett und hat alles Schriftlich erfasst.
The main cast of Square Enix game It's a Wonderful World/The World Ends with You , including Joshua and Daisukenojo "Beat" as seen in the image from V-Jump magazine. In addition to these two, Beat's younger sister Rhyme is slated to appear, as well as Neku's first week partner, Shiki Misaki. At this time, it seems that they all appear at some point in Traverse Town.
La Cité des Cloches has also been seen with both Quasimodo and Frollo appearing.
One of the biggest revelations has been in relation to the world of TRON returning, but this time as the world seen in the 2011 movie TRON: Legacy. Apparently it appears in the form of a shooter game, with the vessel coming out of the screen. This sounds like it could be re-enacting one of the final scenes from the movie, in which Sam and Kevin Flynn, along with Quorra are being chased by CLU, Rinzler and their men. It would seem this is more of a sub-world, like Space Paranoids was, as opposed to a full-fledged world.
King Mickey, Donald and Goofy all re-appear in the world of The Three Musketeers, shown to be named "The Country of The Musketeers", but they are not the trio that we know from other games in the series. Although Mickey seems to know some information about the Keyblade and also Sora, he is not the same King Mickey that we know. In addition to this, the world seems to be adorned with many stages, and a mention of opera also comes forth. The Musketeers seem to go by the motif of "All for one, and one for all".
Some of the members of Organization XIII have also been seen in the trailer. Zexion seems to appear in his Birth by Sleep attire, wearing a white lab coat. Lexeaus also appears, although it isn't clear if he is in the Radiant Garden Guard uniform or his Organization cloak. Axel also appears in his Organization cloak, but it seems that he is in the mindset of his Somebody, Lea, as seen when he states "The name's Lea. Got it memorized?" How much of his past will come to light?
Maleficent is set to appear, as well as Pete. It seems that she is after the Hearts of Pure Light, although this time it seems that these hearts reside in each world. She also makes some reference to (assumedly) Master Xehanort and his quest to find the Hearts of Pure Light in Birth by Sleep.
In one of the cutscenes shown, the player is falling through the hollow center of an empty staircase, assumed to be much like, if not the same staircase shown in the post-game Chain of memories artwork, and also the Kingdom Hearts II opening. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, both Roxas and Xion appear, confronting each other. The Keyblade is then thrust into the ground, shattering it much like the Deep Dive sequences in former games.[note: the last sentence was worded quite oddly, so it may not be what occurred at all.]
Some scenes with both Riku and Sora take place, as well as Master Xehanort appearing. The trailer ends with a boy appearing in an Organization cloak and eventually reveals his face to be none other than Vanitas!
Ansonsten hier ne zusammenfassung aller eindrücke der Jump
Edit 1: More props to aibo_ac7 with a confirmation that that Axel, young Terranort (with his face hidden under a familiar black hood), Vanitas, Joshua and Shiki are seen in the trailer!
Edit 2: Thanks to forum administrator Shamdeo, there appears to be an absolutely adorable Wonder Nyan plushie available at the event! Nyan Plushie.jpg
Edit 3: Xion, Roxas and Rhyme's appearances have been confirmed!
Edit 4: Much gratitude to aibo_ac7 for more gameplay details. Also, Tron Legacy is in KH3D, Maleficent and Pete have returned and Axel now goes by Lea.
Edit 5: Thanks to sqexgal, we now know that when the Drop Gauge reaches 0, the character and Dream Eaters must sleep. Also, the Reality Shift ability in the Musketeers world is called "Wonder Comic". The characters appear at random and you can do a powerful finishing attack with the three musketeers.
Edit 6: Thanks to Toma_Kisaragi we have a better image of the VJump scan! Uploads/12/Larger Muskateer, Joshua and Beat scan.jpg
Edit 7: Also according to sqexgal, Axel/Lea appears near a castle, a younger form of Xemnas is shown attacking Sora, and Sora appears in the Three Musketeer world in the demo with Mickey not recognizing Sora, but with knowledge of Keyblades and other worlds. They discuss various worlds like Tron: Legacy and Prankster's Paradise.
Edit 8: More info from sqexgal tells us that Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are guards of Princess Minnie in this world, which is how it was in the movie. There is a scene where Sora, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are riding in a carriage and it gets ambushed, starting a battle.
She also provides additional information on the Drop Gauge. When Sora and Riku enter a sleep/dream state when the Drop gauge runs out., they switch automatically. You can also manually switch them by pressing Start to open the menu, then hit the "Drop" button.
The Reality Shift "Wonder Comic" in The Three Musketeers world will have you drawing a picture on the bottom screen. You can also obtain Drop Points to upgrade Dream Eaters or convert it into munny. Drop Points are gained from battling enemies.
Edit 9: We've also got an image of Square Enix's booth at the event directly from the Official Kingdom Hearts Blog via KHxInfo! Uploads/12/Message from the Kingdom - 12-16-2011.jpg
Edit 10: Riku's demo also takes place in the Country of the Muskateers. He catches a glimpse of Pete at the opera house, and his level begins upon being abandoned like Sora. He drops down to the stage of the theater where Pete, Mickey and the others are practicing something, and chases the Beagle Boys. Meanwhile, Minnie discovers a treasure chest backstage! It appears that Pete has lured everyone in a huge trap! The Beagle Boys sneak behind the equipment backstage as Riku continues the chase, leading into a new map plagued by poison. The opera house has two floors, with the top bearing the treasure chest from earlier. Riku's Dream Eaters were the Yagi Horn, Frog Chef, and Poisonous Lizard. Sora teams up with Wonder Nyan, Neko Cat, and Zou Elephant. The Drop Gauge remained at 0 during the entire duration of the demo.
Edit 10: As with past Jump Festas, asides from the regular trailer at the Open Theater, there is also a longer one playing at the waiting lines for KH3D and Theatrhythm. There are plans to get the trailer up on the site at the beginning of next week. Thanks to SQEX_gal and ArikaMiz for the info!
Release is übrigens im März in Japan
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Japan-Termin und neue Screenshots
Hier noch einblicke in die Steuerung
19.12.2011, 12:59 #70RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kurze Version mit anderen Szenen!
20.12.2011, 16:42 #71RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Release für EU und US nächstes Jahr bestätigt
Square confirms Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance for 2012 western release | VG247
22.12.2011, 20:48 #72RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Three Musketeers Screens --
Kingdom Hearts
Scans Uploads/12/Fami B 1.jpeg Uploads/12/Fami B 2.jpeg Uploads/12/Fami B 3.jpeg Uploads/12/Fami B 4.jpeg Uploads/12/Fami B 5.jpeg Uploads/12/Fami B 6.jpeg Uploads/12/Fami B 7.jpeg Uploads/12/Fami B 8.jpeg Uploads/12/Fami B 9.jpeg Uploads/12/Fami B 10.jpeg Uploads/12/Fami B 11.jpeg Uploads/12/Fami B 12.jpeg
Kingdom Hearts Insider
24.12.2011, 14:29 #73RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Scans in besserer Quali Uploads/12/Famitsu - December 22 2011/Clean Scans/Famitsu 12-22 1.jpeg Uploads/12/Famitsu - December 22 2011/Clean Scans/Famitsu 12-22 2.jpeg Uploads/12/Famitsu - December 22 2011/Clean Scans/Famitsu 12-22 3.jpeg Uploads/12/Famitsu - December 22 2011/Clean Scans/Famitsu 12-22 4.jpeg Uploads/12/Famitsu - December 22 2011/Clean Scans/Famitsu 12-22 5.jpeg Uploads/12/Famitsu - December 22 2011/Clean Scans/Famitsu 12-22 6.jpeg
Ausserdem wird hier ein Livestream übertragen am
December 26th at 7pm PST/10pm EST
Nintendo_Direct @ Ustream.TV - . Free .TV shows, LIVE Video Chat Rooms.
Da könnten neue Infos preisgegeben werden.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
27.12.2011, 20:47 #74RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Neue Screenshots
Übrigens.. im Live Stream kam kein KH.
03.01.2012, 19:04 #75RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Eine auflistung aller bisherigen Screens und Render
12.01.2012, 03:40 #76RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
12.01.2012, 15:59 #77King K. Rool
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Ich hoffe, dass die Fantasia-Welt eine richtige Welt ist und keine kleine Welt wie Yen Sids-Turm oder eine Minispiel-Welt wie Pu's Hundertmorgenwald. Da stecke soviel Potenzial drin. Der Zauberlehrling, der Tanz der Krokodile und Flusspferde, die Nacht am kahlen Berg und der Tanz der Totengeister, Der Flug der Pegasue und das Zusammentreffen der Zentauren, das Erwecken des zerstörerischen Feuervogels und der Tanz des Nussknackers. Diese Welt hat so viel Potenzial.
13.01.2012, 09:32 #78RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
To be more precise, the first video (Actions) contains a sub-page for the following in order:
- Using the Slide Pad
- A button (Attack)
- B button (Jump)
- Environment
The second video (Free Flow) contains:
- Free Flow Y Button + Slide Pad
- Free Flow Action (A Button) + Free Flow Attack
- Free Flow Attack: Whirl Kick => Attack: Kick Dive
- Action: Pole Spin => Attack: Turn Cutter
- Action: Pole Spin => Attack: Blow Off
The third video (Link System) contains:
- Dream Eater Icon: Touch to Activate
- Sora: Link Action
- Riku: Link Action
The fourth video (Dream Eater Interactions) contains:
- Dream Eaters: Touch to Play (gain EXP aka 'Link Points')
- Training Toy
18.01.2012, 19:35 #79RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Uploads/01/Famitsu Partial - January 17 2012 thumbnail.jpg
UPDATE: 3 scans of the interview with Nomura have arisen from 2ch as well! Click the thumbnails below for a better look! Uploads/01/FN1 Thumb.jpg Uploads/01/FN2 Thumb.jpg Uploads/01/FN3 Thumb.jpg
Also thanks to 2ch, we know that the secret ending will be unlike any ending seen in the series so far, and that Nomura's original idea for the ending was rejected. Nomura also confirms again that the ending will be extremely shocking!
In the same interview, Nomura mentions that there will be a limited edition bundle and release date announcement soon!
Edit: Thanks to duckroll of Neogaf, we've learned some interesting details from the interview:
- In the opening movie, the top screen will feature a VisualWorks CG movie, while the bottom screen depicts traditional 2D animation of Mickey's silhouette moving around! This was inspired by his actions in Sorceror's Apprentice. As such, what he does at the bottom screen will influence what happens at the top.
- You can use the Dream Eaters you've collected to battle against another's via adhoc communication! The battle system is different from that of the in-game command deck, like a minigame of some kind.
Edit 2: Thanks to od3 at livedoor, we have learned that Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance will see Axel, Zexion, and Lexaeus as humans with their memories of their time as Nobodies intact.
Famitsu Weekly Nomura Interview on KH3D
Scans of this week’s Famitsu Weekly featuring an interview with Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura reveal more about the upcoming release of Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance. Thanks to for the interview images, I’m translating the interview and updating this post as I go along.
The Ending of KH3D—So will KH3D will be equipped with a system that utilizes wireless transmissions?
Nomura: There is a mini game where you can compete against other player’s Dream Eaters via ad-hoc wireless to upgrade your Dream Eaters. These competitions occur differently than normal battles. It’s a system that we’ve wanted to try before.
—The expectations are rising for fans who want to know the release date and whether or not there will be a special edition release.
Nomura: Please wait just a little while longer for a formal announcement.
—Will the ending of this title also be a heart wrenching one?
Nomura: The ending for KH3D is a little unusual, the plan up until now had been different… But every once in a while I think, it’s good this way. In fact, the first ending I thought up quickly became no good due to various circumstances, but now the ending is something that I worry quite a bit about. As a result, we tried to do something unique for the ending this time. Incidentally, the secret movie will be shorter. Though it is short, like the Re:Coded secret movie, it will connect to the next shocking developments in the series, so please look forward to it. Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-05.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-06.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-07.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-08.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-09.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-10.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-12.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-13.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-15.jpeg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-11.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-14.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-16.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-17.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-18.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-19.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-20.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-21.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-22.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-23.jpg Uploads/01/Famitsu/famitsu-scan-24.jpg
Release ist der 29 März in Japan in verschiedenen Versionen
Square Enix gab nun den offiziellen Termin zum Release von Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance bekannt. Das Spiel erscheint am 29. März diesen Jahres in Japan und wird dort in drei verschiedenen Editionen erhältlich sein, die wie folgt bestückt sein werden:
- Standard Edition – Das Spiel + AR-Kartenfunktion für Mini-Games
- Kingdom Hearts Edition – Das Spiel + einen Nintendo 3DS im Kingdom Hearts Design
- Kingdom Hearts 3D 10th Anniversary Box – Details sind noch unbekannt
21.01.2012, 10:41 #80RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Hier findet ihr die Scans in guter Quali
High-quality Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance scans | Nintendo Everything
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