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Thema: Final Fantasy
17.03.2011, 09:00 #1iRonix
Final Fantasy
Today, Nintendo finally revealed the 3DS and boy was it quite the presentation. The rumours about a graphical upgrade? All true, albeit a tad exaggerated. The visuals are stunning and are quite on par with the Wii.
The great news is that developers from all over are going to support the 3DS, including Square-Enix. During the presentation, Reggie showed off the number of developers and games that will be supported for the 3DS, and yes, Final Fantasy was one of them. Not much information was revealed aside from the fact there would be Final Fantasy titles for the 3D handheld device.
There's also a 3D Chocobo racing games in the pipeline alongside Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. On an interesting note, Nintendo has yet to reveal the price point of the new handheld console.
UPDATE: Hold that thought people, it looks like this will be more of a 3D demo rather than a full fledged game to show off the 3DS tech.
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