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Thema: Centipede: Infestation
19.04.2011, 17:25 #1Tianshi
Centipede: Infestation
Genre: 3D shooting adventure
Releasedatum: 2011
Atari hat ein Remake von Centipede für Wii und 3DS angekündigt und soll 40$ kosten
Features (aus Amazon)
- Reimagined version of the classic gaming franchise designed specifically for the Nintendo Wii and 3DS
- Explore an expansive new world with 7 environments, 40 stages and 5 boss battles
- Choose from over 20 different weapons and 12 power-ups to battle against 13 different types of bugs
- Immersive storyline filled with a variety of gameplay and intrigue
- Team up with a friend to kill even more bugs with 2 player co-op multiplayer
- Published by Atari
- Reimagines the 1980 game
- 3D shooting adventure
- Battle multiple pests
- Borrows its back story a bit from the post-apocalyptic Fallout as a nuclear war has left a largely uninhabitable landscape
- A few teen orphans wearing protective suits survive
- Play as Max
- Wii version will be an arcade-style shooter
- Point the Wiimote at the screen like a gun
- Use the control stick to move Max
- 3DS version: Use the touchscreen to move
- Aim and shoot with other controls on the 3DS
This information comes from Atari’s Jonathan Moses…
“My memory of it was ‘I need to stop this bug from coming down the screen.’ There was no story or reason. For the time, that was great. You meet up with Maisy, who has this almost magical power over flowers (and) is able to grow in what is otherwise this irradiated wasteland. You follow Maisy through this world and protect her. In this game, as you kill the different bugs, they drop everything from gun turrets and walled barriers to power-ups for the player. There are centipedes, and then there is ‘The Centipede’.”
PM: Finde ich ja etwas Teuer für das gezeigte..
19.04.2011, 17:34 #2Spidercide
AW: Centipede: Infestation
@ Tianshi:
Der Preis ist auf jeden Fall überteuert. Hier mal n alter Trailer vom Original, damit wir ungefähr wissen, was uns da erwarten könnte ...
Nicht wirklich überzeugend ...
YouTube - Centipede (level 1)
04.08.2011, 11:47 #3RikuValentine
15.08.2011, 19:47 #4RikuValentine
AW: Centipede: Infestation
26.09.2011, 20:12 #5RikuValentine
AW: Centipede: Infestation
11.10.2011, 18:34 #6Tianshi
AW: Centipede: Infestation
Neuer Trailer zu den Waffen im Spiel
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