Ergebnis 101 bis 120 von 906
Thema: Inhalte der PS Stores
11.09.2008, 15:45 #101lueppi
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
Downloadable Content:
* Addition Contents #1
* Addition Contents #2
Vampire Rain Altered Species
* Addition Match Character 3
* Addition Match Map 1
PS1 Klassiker:
* Dekiru! Game Center
* Linda³ Again
* Psychic Force 2
PSP Demo:
* God of War: Chains of Olympus Demo
* (4) Bionic Commando: Master D Revival Plan Wallpaper
EU PS Store Update Donnerstag, 11. September 2008
* 1942 Joint Strike (9.99 €)
* PAIN - Amusement Park (4.99 €)
* PAIN Charakter - Kenneth (0.99 €)
* PAIN Charakter - Yeony (0.99 €)
* PAIN Charakter - Tati (0.99 €)
* Rock Band - Pack 1 (1.49 €)
* Rock Band - Pack 3 (3.99 €)
* Rock Band - Pack 6 (7.99 €)
* Rock Band - Pack 9 (10.99 €)
* Rock Band - Pack 12 (14.99 €)
* Elefunk
* Play TV (France uniquement) (France only)
* 1942: Joint Strike
* FIFA 09
* FIFA 09
* Tomb Raider Underworld
* E3 2008 - Mirror’s Edge
* E3 2008 - PURE
Themes & Wallpapers
* The Last Guy Wallpaper x 6
* Pixel Junk Eden Theme black & red
12.09.2008, 13:58 #102lueppi
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
US Update vom 11.09.08
► Jeopardy ($14.99)
► Field Commander ($14,99) (PSP)
► MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (Für jeden der Qore gekauft hat)
► FIFA Soccer 2009
► Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
► Guitar Hero III
Metallica - Death Magnetic ($17.99)
♪ Track Listing here)
► PAIN - Amusement Park ($5.99) + neue Charaktere
► Rock Band
-Rock Band Export of 55 out of 58 songs to Rock Band 2 ($5)
All That Remains Pack ($2.99 for all or $0.99 per song)
♪ "This Calling"
♪ "Chiron"
♪ "Two Weeks"
► FIFA 09
► Blitz The League II
► Need for Speed Undercover Launch Trailer
► NHL 09
► Mirrors Edge Theme
► Need for Speed Undercover Theme
18.09.2008, 18:59 #103tommy__vercetti
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
EU-PlayStation Store: Die neuen Inhalte vom 18. September
Das Update liefert heute drei Demos, wobei wieder viele Inhalte an der deutschen Landesgrenze kleben blieben.
Neben dem heutigen weltweiten Start von Life with PlayStation hat sich auch in den europäischen Stores wieder etwas getan und neue Inhalte können runtergeladen werden. Mit Fracture, NBA Live 09 und Soul Calibur IV zeigen sich gleich drei Anspielversionen, wobei lediglich EAs Basketball-Spektakel es bis nach Deutschland schaffte. Die Abteilung für erweiterte Inhalte dominiert in die dieser Woche Rock Band, das mit neuen Tracks und dem kostenpflichtigen Export der Originalsongs lockt.
Abgerundet wird das Paket durch Material zu Fallout 3, Pain, Pure, Resistance 2 und PlayTV, dem TV-Tuner, der ab morgen die Multimedia-Fähigkeiten der PlayStation 3 kräftig aufstockt.
Fracture (nicht im deutschen Store erhältlich)
NBA Live 09
Soul Calibur IV (nich im deutschen Store erhältlich)
Zusätzliche Download-Inhalte
Rock Band Song Export Key (3,49 Euro)
Rock Band Songs:
- All Over Again (1,49 Euro)
- Don’t Make Me Wait (1,49 Euro)
- Livin' on the corner of Dude and Catastrophe (0,79 Euro)
- She Does (1,49 Euro)
- Shhh… (0,79 Euro)
- Skullcrusher Mountain (0,79 Euro)
- Locksley Pack (3,99 Euro)
- The Pax 2008 Collection (2,99 Euro)
Fallout 3 (nicht im deutschen Store verfügbar)
Pain Vergnügungspark - Clownwerfen(nicht im deutschen Store verfügbar)
Pain Vergnügungspark - Heiß & Kalt (nicht im deutschen Store verfügbar)
Resistance 2 (nicht im deutschen Store verfügbar)
The Last Guy Release Trailer
inFamous (nicht im deutschen Store verfügbar)
Quelle: - my entertainment network
25.09.2008, 17:48 #104Chris91
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
EU-PlayStation Store: Die neuen Inhalte vom 25. September
Bejing 2008
Mega Man 9
Mercenaries 2 (nicht im deutschen Store erhältlich)
Burnout Paradise (29,99 Euro)
Mega Man 9 (9,99 Euro)
WipEout HD (17,99 Euro)
Zusätzliche Download-Inhalte
Buzz! Quiz TV - Videogame Quiz (4,99 Euro)
Rock Band Songs:
- Chrion (0,99 Euro)
- This Calling (0,99 Euro)
- Two Weeks (0,99 Euro)
- All That Remains Pack 01 (2,29 Euro; enthält alle drei vorherigen Tracks)
- Limelight (1,99 Euro)
- Red Barchetta (1,99 Euro)
- The Camera Eye (1,99 Euro)
- Tom Sawyer (1,99 Euro)
- Vital Signs (1,99 Euro)
- Witch Hunt (1,99 Euro)
- YYZ (1,99 Euro)
High Stakes Poker - Addon Pack 2 (5 Card Draw, 7 Card Stud)
Ferrari Challenge
Metal gEar Solid 4 (nicht im deutschen Store erhältlich)
Pain - Amusement Park: Trauma Trailer
Pain - Amusement Park: Call da Shot (nicht im deutschen Store erhältlich)
PES 2009
Valkyria Chronicles
Fallout 3
Im PlayStation Store für PC sind ebenfalls zwei Vollversionen gelandet, Beide Burnout-Teile sind nur mit der PSP kompatibel.
Burnout Dominator (24,99 Euro)
Burnout Legends (19,99 Euro)
MfG Chris
25.09.2008, 22:11 #105lueppi
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
US Store: Neuheiten 25.09.08
Spielbarer Inhalt:
WipEout HD ($19.99)
Burnout Paradise PSN ($29.99)
GEON Emotions ($9.99)
Mega Man 9 (free demo, $9.99 to buy)
NBA 09 The Inside Demo
NBA Live 09 Demo
Rock Band
* “Limelight (Original Version)” – Rush ($1.99)
* “Tom Sawyer (Original Version)” – Rush ($1.99)
* “Red Barchetta” – Rush ($1.99)
* “The Camera Eye” – Rush ($1.99)
* “Vital Signs” – Rush ($1.99)
* “Witch Hunt” – Rush ($1.99)
* “YYZ” – Rush ($1.99)
* “Moving Pictures (Album)” – Rush ($10.99) This pack includes “Tom Sawyer (Original Version),” “Red Barchetta,” “YYZ,” “Limelight (Original Version),” “The Camera Eye,” “Witch Hunt,” and “Vital Signs” by Rush.
* “Bandage” – Hot Hot Heat ($1.99)
* “Love Spreads” – Stone Roses ($1.99)
* “She Sells Sanctuary – The Cult ($1.99)
* “Shoot the Runner – Kasabian ($1.99)
* “Sorrow” – Bad Religion ($1.99)
* “You’re No Rock n’ Roll Fun” – Sleater Kinney ($1.99)
BUZZ! QuizTV Question Pack, National Geographic: Safari ($7.99)
BUZZ! QuizTV Question Pack, Videogames ($5.99)
BUZZ! QuizTV Question Pack, Sci-Fi ($5.99)
Soul Calibur IV Customization Equipment 2 ($1.99)
PAIN Amusement Park-New Characters Video
Resistance 2 Shattered History Trailer
Brothers in Arms: Hell’ Highway Eyes Only Network Trailer
Burnout Paradise Bikes Network Trailer
Dead Space Animated Comic Issue #5 Network Trailer
Tomb Raider: Underworld Gameplay Network Trailer
88 Minutes Blu-ray Trailer
Made of Honor Blu-ray Trailer
Soul Calibur IV #5 Tira Witch
Soul Calibur IV #6 Voldo Jack-O-Lantern
Buzz! Quiz TV
Wipeout HD Theme - All Teams #1
29.09.2008, 14:44 #106Deadfirefly
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
JAPAN STORE (29.9.08)
Eternal Sonata Demo (RPG)
X Edge Demo (RPG)
beides in Japanisch
02.10.2008, 11:54 #107lueppi
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
Japan Update vom 2.10.2008
* Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or2 (PSP)
* NBA Live 09
* Facebreaker
* Cross Edge (10 packs in total including a new dungeon)
* Soul Calibur IV Weapon Pack - 400 yen
* Soul Calibur IV Bonus Weapon Pack - 400 yen
* Vampire Rain (x4)
* Afrika
* Shiki-Tei (Photo Contest)
* Afrika (x3)
* To LOVE (x3 - PSP)
* Ikkitosen Eloquent Fist (x3 - PSP)
EU Update vom 02.10.2008
* Geon (7,99€)
* Bioshock (nicht in DE)
* Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
* Tomb Raider Underworld (nicht in DE)
* Facebreaker (Auditions) (nicht in DE)
* Facebreaker (Auditions Part 2) (nicht in DE)
* Facebreaker (Auditions Part 3) (nicht in DE)
* GT Acadamy: Die Finalisten
* Pain: Call da Shot
* FIFA 09 Live Seasons (5,99€ je Liga)
* Pixel Junk Eden Album Soundtrack (1,99€)
* Pixel Junk Monsters Album Soundtrack (1,99€)
Rock Band
* Megadeth - Wake Up Dead (1,49€)
* Megadeth - The Conjuring (1,49€)
* Megadeth - Devil's Island (1,49€)
* Megadeth - Good Mourning/Black Firday (1,49)
* Megadeth - Bad Omen (1,49€)
* Megadeth - I Ain't Superstitious (1,49€)
* Megadeth - My Last Words (1,49€)
* The Cab - One of THOSE Nights (0,79€)
* Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down (0,79€)
* Panic at the Disco - She's a Handsome Woman (0,79€)
* Plain White T's - Natural Disaster (0,79€)
* Bad Religion - Sorrow (1,49€)
* The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary (1,49€)
* Hot Hot Heat - Bandages (1,49€)
* Kasabian - Shoot the Runner (1,49€)
* Sleater Kinney - You're no Rock n roll Fun (1,49€)
* The Sone Roses - Love Spreads (1,49€)
* Peace Sells Album (7,99€)
* Moving Pictures Album (7,99€)
* Prince of Persia (2 x Wallpaper)
* Fallout 3 (nicht in DE)
US Update vom 02.10.2008
* Brothers In Arms Hell’s Highway
* Beijing 2008
* BioShock
* Eternal SonataNBA 2K9
* NBA Live 09 Oklahoma City Pack (free)
* NBA Live 365
* Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 Firestone Country Club
* Soulcalibur IV Weapon Set (Bonus Weapons)
* Soulcalibur IV Weapon Set (Main Weapons)
* Rock Band
o “Mellowship Slinky in B Major” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “My Lovely Song”- Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “Naked in the Rain” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “The Power of Equality” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “Sir Psycho Sexy” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “Suck My Kiss” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “The Greeting Song” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “The Righteous & The Wicked” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “They’re Red Hot” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “Under the Bridge” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “Apache Rose Peacock” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “Blood Sugar Sex Magik” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “Breaking the Girl” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “Funky Monks” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “I Could Have Lied” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “If You Have to Ask” - Red Hot Chili Peppers ($1.99)
o “Blood Sugar Sex Magik” Album ($19.99) - this album includes “Blood Sugar Sex Magik” Album. This album includes “The Power of Equality,” “If You Have to Ask,” “Breaking the Girl,” “Funky Monks,” “Suck My Kiss,” “I Could Have Lied,” “Mellowship Slinky in B Major,” “The Righteous & The Wicked,” “Blood Sugar Sex Magik,” “Under the Bridge,” “Naked in the Rain,” “Apache Rose Peacock,” “The Greeting Song,” “My Lovely Man” and “Sir Psycho Sexy” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Game Music
* PixelJunk Eden Soundtrack
Videos & Trailer
* Bluetooth Headset Video
* SOCOM Frostfire Fly-through
* SOCOM Fallen Fly-through
* SOCOM Control Trailer
* LittleBigPlanet Life in LittleBigPlanet- Ep 1
* LittleBigPlanet Adventures of SackBoy
* MotorStorm Pacific Rift Trailer
* Tom Clancy’s End War: Command Points Video Briefing
* Tom Clancy’s End War: Combat Chain Video Briefing
* Tomb Raider: Underworld - Beneath the Surface: The Story
* Tomb Raider: Underworld - Beneath the Surface: The Vision
* Facebreaker Audition Video #4
* AST Dew Tour videos (x8)
Movies & Blu-ray Movies
* Jerry Maguire Blu-ray trailer
* Iron Man Movie Theme
09.10.2008, 14:36 #108lueppi
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
EU Store Update vom 10.Oktober 2008
* Valkyria Chronicles (581 MB)
* Linger in Shadows (€2,99)
* Super Stardust HD Complete (€9,99)
* Buzz! Quiz TV
o Comedy Movies Quiz (€4,99)
* Everybody’s Golf World Tour
o Costume Pack A (€3,99)
* Mega Man 9
o Endless Attack (€2,99)
o Proto Man Mode (€2,99)
* NBA Live 09
o NBA Live 365 (€9,99)
o Oklahoma City Pack (free)
* Rock Band
o verschiedene Songs, je €1,49:
+ ♪ Against Me! - “Stop!”
+ ♪ Free - “All Right Now”
+ ♪ George Thorogood and the Destroyers - “Bad to the Bone”
+ ♪ Harvey Danger - “Cream & Bastards Rise”
+ ♪ Screaming Trees - “Nearly Lost you”
+ ♪ Static-X - “Push It”
o Red Hot Chili Peppers songs, je €1,49:
+ ♪ “Blood Sugar Sex Magik”
+ ♪ “The Power of Equality”
+ ♪ “If You Have to Ask”
+ ♪ “Breaking the Girl”
+ ♪ “Funky Monks”
+ ♪ “Suck My Kiss”
+ ♪ “I Could Have Lied”
+ ♪ “I Stole This List From TSA”
+ ♪ “Mellowship Slinky in B Major”
+ ♪ “The Righteous & The Wicked”
+ ♪ “Blood Sugar Sex Magik”
+ ♪ “Under the Bridge”
+ ♪ “Naked in the Rain”
+ ♪ “Apache Rose Peacock”
+ ♪ “The Greeting Song”
+ ♪ “My Lovely Man”
+ ♪ “Sir Psycho Sexy”
o The Offspring Pack (€3,99 oder €1,49 per Song)
+ ♪ “Gone Away”
+ ♪ “Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)”
+ ♪ “Self Esteem”
* Rocketmen
o It Came From Uranus (€2,99)
* Super Stardust HD
o Solo + Team Double Pack (€5,99)
* Metal Gear Solid 4 Story Trailer
* Mirror’s Edge 2D Story Trailer
* Need for Speed Undercover Trailer
* WipEout HD Making Of
* Power Pack (PSP)
* Puzzle Pack (PSP)
* WipEout HD - theme (free)
10.10.2008, 13:39 #109lueppi
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
PSN: US Store Update vom 10.10.2008
QORE #5 ($2.99)
► Helloween Special: Dead Space, Resident Evil 5 und Fallout 3.
► Reise nach Park City (Utah) mit Shaun White Snowboarding.
► Plus div. Minigames und anderer Download Content
► Valkyria Chronicles Demo
► Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars
► Warhawk
► Linger in Shadows ($2.99)
► Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords ($14.99) - inkl. Erweiterung
► Super Stardust HD Game Bundle ($14.99) - inkl. beider Erweiterungen
► Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars ($14.99)
► Guilty Gear Judgment (PSP) ($5.99)
► Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow (PSP) ($24.99)
► Dead Space
○ Obsidian Suit (gratis für begrenzte Zeit)
○ Scorpion Suit ($2.49)
► FIFA 09
○ Live Season - All Leagues Pack ($19.99)
○ Barclays Premier League English Pack ($6.99)
○ Bundesliga German Pack ($6.99)
○ Liga BBVA Spanish Pack ($6.99)
○ Ligue 1 French Pack ($6.99)
○ Primera Division De Mexico Pack ($6.99)
○ Serie A Italian Pack ($6.99)
► Mega Man 9
○ Endless Attack ($2.99)
○ Proto Man Mode ($1.99)
► Rock Band
○ Verschiedene Songs, jeweils $1.99:
♪ Against Me! - “Stop!”
♪ Free - “All Right Now”
♪ George Thorogood and the Destroyers - “Bad to the Bone”
♪ Harvey Danger - “Cream & Bastards Rise”
♪ Screaming Trees - “Nearly Lost you”
♪ Static-X - “Push It”
○ The Offspring Pack ($5.49 oder $1.99 pro Song)
♪ “Gone Away”
♪ “Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)”
♪ “Self Esteem”
► Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
○ SP Map Pack: Brave New Worlds (gratis)
○ Scenario Pack: Victory Pack ($1.25) - Neue Szenarios: Enlightenment, Hyper Drive & Gold Rush
► echochrome (PSP) - 40 neue Karten ($4.99)
► Hot Shots Golf - Fall Fashion Line ($2.99)
► Super Stardust HD - Add-on Bundle (Solo & Team) ($7.99)
► LittleBigPlanet
-Life in LBP Ep. 2
-LittleBigPlanet Playtime
► Tom Clancy’s End War
-Command Points Video Briefing
-Tom Clancy’s End War Mass Destruction Trailer
► Bioshock - Official Trailer
► Legendary: The Box Behind the Scenes 3 & 4 (x2)
► Mercenaries 2 World In Flames Payback Trailer
► MotorStorm Pacific Rift - Crashes & Carnage Trailer
► NBA 09 Trailers (x4)
► SOCOM: Confrontation - Desert Glory Flythrough
► Soul Calibur IV Character Gameplay Combos Trailer
► Viele Bezahl-Premium-Themes Infos
► ATV Pure Wallpapers (x4)
► Linger In Shadows Wallpapers (x2)
► Valkyria Chronicles Wallpapers (x2)
► Fallout 3 Theme (x2)
► WipEout HD All Teams #2 Theme
16.10.2008, 15:21 #110lueppi
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
* Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or2 (PSP) - 2800 yen
Game Content:
* Cross Edge (x10) - (einige davon nicht gratis)
* Eye of Judgment Biolith Rebellion Set 3 - 3500 yen
PSOne games:
* Tsuukai - 600 Yen
* Space invaders - 600 Yen
EU Update vom 16.10.2008
► Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (1250 MB) (nicht in DE)
► MotorStorm Pacific Rift (617 MB) (nicht in DE)
► The Eye of Judgment
○ Biolith Rebellion Set 3 (9,99€)
○ Biolith Rebellion Set 2 + 3 Compo Pack (14,99€)
► Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09
○ Firestone Country Club (7,99€)
► Rock Band
○ Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood (€1,49 / £0.99 per song)
♪ Dr Feelgood
♪ Slice of Your Pie
♪ Rattlesnake Shake
♪ Kickstart My Heart
♪ Without You
♪ Same Ol' Situation (SOS)
♪ Sticky Sweet
♪ She Goes Down
♪ Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)
♪ Time for Change
► EndWar (nicht in DE)
○ Announcement Trailer
► Far Cry 2 (nicht in DE)
○ Bara Bara Trailer
► PAIN Amusement Park (nicht in DE)
○ Trailer
► Killzone 2 - multiplayer theme (nicht in DE)
16.10.2008, 18:06 #111lueppi
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
PSN Store - US Update vom 17.10.2008
Downloadable Games
* SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation ($39.99)
Game Demos
* MotorStorm Pacific Rift Demo
PS1 Classics
* Sno-Cross Championship Racing ($5.99)
Add-on Game Content
* Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 Spyglass Hill Golf Course ($7.49)
* THE EYE OF JUDGEMENT: Biolith Rebellion 3 (Expansion Set Three) ($14.99)
* THE EYE OF JUDGEMENT: Biolith Rebellion 2 & 3 Expansion Bundle ($19.99)
Rock Band
Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit Rock Band®.
* Dr. Feelgood” - Mötley Crüe ($1.99)
* Kickstart My Heart” - Mötley Crüe ($1.99)
* Rattlesnake Shake” - Mötley Crüe ($1.99)
* “Same Ol’ Situation (S.O.S.)” - Mötley Crüe ($1.99)
* “She Goes Down” - Mötley Crüe ($1.99)
* “Slice of Your Pie” - Mötley Crüe ($1.99)
* “Sticky Sweet” - Mötley Crüe ($1.99)
* “Time For Change” - Mötley Crüe ($1.99)
* “Without You” - Mötley Crüe ($1.99)
* “Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)” - Mötley Crüe ($1.99)
* “Dr. Feelgood” Album ($15.99) - this track pack includes all of the above singles.
Game Videos
* LittleBigPlanet: Making Fun
* MotorStorm Pacific Rift Vehicles Trailer
* SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation Launch Trailer
* wipEout HD Behind the Scenes
* Eternal Sonata Trailer
* Far Cry 2 Who’s Who Trailer
* Guitar Hero World Tour Billy Corgan Vignette
* NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja Storm September Trailer
PS3 Themes
* Valkyria Chronicles PSN Theme 01 (free)
* Silent Hill Homecoming Theme (free)
* Eternal Sonata Theme (free)
* SAW Legacy Theme ($1.99)
* Eternal Sonata Wallpapers (x6)
* Silent Hill Homecoming Wallpapers (x4)
PlayStation Store for PSP
PSP Game Download
* DEAD HEAD FRED ($14.99)
PS1 Classics
* Sno-Cross Championship Racing ($5.99)
Game Demos
23.10.2008, 18:51 #112jimcarry
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
Eu Store vom 23.10.08
► NBA 2K9
► Smackdown vs. RAW 2009
► NovaStrike (€7,99)
► Prince of Persia Classic (€9,99)
► Crash Bandicoot 3 (PSone) (€4,99)
► Buzz! Quiz TV
○ Horror Quiz (€4,99)
► Dead Space
○ Obsidian Suit (gratis)
○ Scorpion Suit (€2,99)
► G1 Jockey 4 2008
○ Extra Horses (gratis)
► Mega Man 9
○ Hero Mode (€1,49)
○ Special Stage (€1,49)
○ Superhero Mode (€1,49)
► Rock Band
○ Nirvana Pack (€7,99 oder €1,49 pro Song)
♪ Breed
♪ Lounge Act
♪ On a Plain
♪ Polly
♪ Something in the Way
♪ Stay Away
♪ Territorial Pissings
○ Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood (€10,99)
♪ Dr Feelgood
♪ Slice of Your Pie
♪ Rattlesnake Shake
♪ Kickstart My Heart
♪ Without You
♪ Same Ol' Situation (SOS)
♪ Sticky Sweet
♪ She Goes Down
♪ Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)
♪ Time for Change
► Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
○ Victory Pack (€0,99)
○ Survival (€0,99)
○ Brave New Worlds (gratis)
○ The Surreal (gratis)
► Soulcalibur IV
○ Yoda (€3,99)
► Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09
○ Spyglass Hill (€7,99)
► Burnout Paradise
○ Bikes Trailer
► MotorStorm Pacific Rift
○ Trailer
► NHL 09
○ Be a Pro Mode
○ EA Sports Hockey League
► Tom Clancy's EndWar
○ Voice Command Trailer
○ Soundtrack (gratis)
► WipEout HD - Theme
24.10.2008, 02:04 #113BeetlejuiceWFE
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
Das US PSN Store Update ist nun online !
Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 1 ($14.99)
Prince of Persia Classic ($9.99)
Valkyria Chronicles demo (free)
LEGO Batman demo (free)
Buzz! Quiz TV "Horror Movies" question pack ($5.99)
High Velocity Bowling "All Hallows Eve" ball pack ($0.99)
High Velocity Bowling "Foxy Powers" character ($0.99)
High Velocity Bowling "Chastity Falls" character ($0.99)
SoulCalibur IV "Yoda" character ($4.99)
Mega Man 9 "Superhero" mode ($0.99)
Mega Man 9 "Special Stage" add-on ($0.99)
Mega Man 9 "Hero" mode ($0.99)
Civilization Revolution "Survival" Scenario pack ($1.25)
Civilization Revolution "The Surreal" Map pack (free)
Guitar Hero World Tour DLC (listed after the break)
Rock Band DLC (listed after the break)
Rock Band DLC
Nirvana 7 Pack($11)
"Breed" ($2)
"Lounge Act" ($2)
"On a Plain" ($2)
"Polly" ($2)
"Something in the Way" ($2)
"Stay Away" ($2)
"Territorial Pissings" ($2)
Guitar Hero World Bore DLC
"Hot Blooded" by Foreigner ($1.99)
"Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield ($1.99)
"Rock and Roll Band" by Boston ($1.99)
Guitar Hero World Tour Classic Rock Track Pack ($5.49)
Guitar Duel Track Pack (gratis)
Neversoft Track Pack (gratis)
PAIN "The Hoff" trailer
PAIN "Movie Studio" video
SOCOM: Confrontation "Behind the SEALs" video part 1
Dead Space Animated Comic part 6
Disney Sing It trailer
Guitar Hero World Tour "MC5" vignette
Guitar Hero World Tour "Motorhead" vignette
Legendary "Behind the scenes" episode 5
NHL 09 David Littman Producer video
NHL 09 "Be a pro" video
Tom Clancy's EndWar "Theater of War" video briefing
Themes and Wallpapers
WipEout HD "All teams 3" theme (gratis)
5x Mega Man 9 premium themes ($1.99 each)
30.10.2008, 12:03 #114jimcarry
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
Japan Playstation Network Store Update 30.10.08
PSN Spiele:
• Wipeout HD (1800 Yen)
• Socom: Confrontation (3500 Yen)
• Gran Turismo Prologue Spec II (4500 Yen)
PS.One Klassiker:
• Front Mission Alternative (600 Yen)
• Ray Tracers (600 Yen)
• Ultimiss Fantasy (600 Yen)
• Yamasa Digi Guide Faust (600 Yen)
• LittleBigPlanet (Region Locked)
- Raumanzug
- Halloween-Maske
• Hot Shots Golf 5 - weiße Mainichi Issho-Katze (500 Yen)
Spiele Trailer:
• Minna no Golf x Mainichi Isshou Festival
• Socom: Confrontation x Famitsu Wave DVD Vol2 video
• G1 Jockey
quelle: ps3blog
30.10.2008, 19:58 #115jimcarry
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
EU Playstation Network Store Update 30.10.08
• Mirror’s Edge (nicht in Deutschland)
• Tom Clancy’s EndWar (nicht in Deutschland)
PSP Spiele:
• Def Jam Fight for NY The TAkeover (19,99 Euro)
• Cool Boarders 2 (4,99 Euro)
• Warhawk
Rock Band
(füge ich gleich hinzu)
• Soulcalibur:
- Musik (je 0,99 Euro)
- Waffen (2 Sets, je 2,99 Euro)
• Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution
- Wonders & Artefacts: Myth (0,99 Euro)
- Wunder-/Artefakt-Paket: D (2,99 Euro)
- Wunder-/Artefakt-Paket: (2,99 Euro)
• Motorstorm Pacific: Earth Zone
• Mega Man
• Pain Kenneth Superstar
• Pain Yeony Superstar
quelle : ps3blog
06.11.2008, 08:51 #116jimcarry
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
PSN Store - Japan Update vom 06.11.2008
Folgende neue Sachen gibt es diese Woche im japanischen PSN Store.
► Adhoc Party für PSP
► Metal Gear Solid 4
○ 1407MB
► Chuumon Shiyouze! Oretachi no Sekai
○ 30MB
► Kenka Banchou 3: Zenkoku Seiha
○ 60MB
► LittleBigPlanet
○ Rare Week 1 T-shirt (¥500)
► Bayonetta
○ TGS 2008 Trailer
► Soul Calibur IV
○ Promotional Video
► Bounen no Xamdou
○ Theme
06.11.2008, 21:49 #117Sheendra
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
EU Update 06.11.2008
Alone in the Dark Inferno
Metal Gear Solid 4
Mirrors Edge (DE)
Theme Park
Little Big Planet - Seltenes Woche 1-T-Shirt
Little Big Planet - Raumanzug (free)
Little Big Planet - Halloween Maske (free)
EndWar - Enlistment Pack (free)
Guitar Hero World Tour x 7 (zum Teil for Free)
Rock Band x 6
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Pack 1 (Free)
Trailer & Videos
Bayonetta TGS 08 Trailer
Einführung der PSP 3000 Series Video
BioShoch Launch Trailer
Tomb Raider: Underworld: Hinter den Kulissen-2
Need for Speed Undercover Gameplay Trailer
Need for Speed Undercover Teaser Trailer
PURE Inspieratie
Themes & Wallpaper
BioShock Premium Theme
Soul Calibur IV Wallpaper x2
12.11.2008, 19:26 #118lueppi
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
JPN Store: Neuheiten 13.11.08
►World Soccer Winning Eleven 2009
PSone Games
► Front Mission 1st (600 yen)
► Building Crush (600 yen)
► Land Maker (600 yen)
► Touki Denshou ~Angel Eyes~ (600 yen)
Game Content
► LittleBigPlanet (Download Content is regio gebunden)
○ Toro from Mainichi Issho (¥200)
○ Europe Costume Contest Winner (Free)
○ Animal Costume Pack (¥300 or ¥100 each)
- Frog
- Shark
- Gorilla
- Penguin
Game Videos
►Samurai 3 Promotional Movie
►World Soccer Winning Eleven 2009 Opening Movie
►White Knight Chronicles TGS 2008 Special Movie
►White Knight Chronicles Live Part Movie
13.11.2008, 14:15 #119lueppi
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
► Mirror's Edge
○ 840 MB
► World Soccer Winning Eleven 2009
○ 1482 MB
► Penny Arcade Episode 1 (English Ver.)
○ HK$ 118.00
► Wipeout HD (English / Chinese / Korean Ver.)
○ HK$ 134.00
► LittleBigPlanet (English / Chinese / Korean Ver.)
○ Sack-Eating Plant
○ Animal Costumes Pack (HK$ 22.00 or HK$ 7.00 per costume)
- Frog
- Gorilla
- Shark
- Penguin
► World Soccer Winning Eleven 2009
○ Opening PV
13.11.2008, 19:02 #120lueppi
AW: Inhalte der PS3 Shops
EU Store: Neuheiten 13.11.08
► FIFA 09 - € 39.99
○ Movie Sutdio Pack (€ 1,49)
○ David Hasselhoff Pack (€ 4,99)
► LittleBigPlanet
○ Sackboy-fressende Pflanze
○ Tierkostüme Paket
○ Seerose Kostüm
○ Hugo Kostüm
○ Blauhai Kostüm
○ Frosty Kostüm
►Soul Calibur IV
○ custom equipment 1 (€ 0.99)
○ custom equipment 2 (€ 1.99)
○ custom equipment 3 (€ 1.99)
○ custom equipment 4 (€ 0.99)
○ custom equipment 5 (€ 0.99)
► FIFA 09
○ Exklusiver Inhalt für BLES-BLES-00315 und 00314
► Everybody's Golf: World Tour
○ Costume-Pack plus four police agent
► Civilization Revolution
○ Multiplayer map bundle The Elemental (Free)
○ The Multiplayer map bundle Terrestrial (€ 0.99)
► Bioshock 2 Teaser Trailer (Gratis)
► Shaun White Snowboarding ESPN trailer (Gratis)
► Soulcalibur IV trailer guest characters (Gratis)
► Soul Calibur IV trailer combo play (Gratis)
► Tomb Raider: Underworld trailer Beneath the Surface 3 (Gratis)
► Rank promotions briefing trailer (Gratis)
► MotorStorm: PR-trailer Air Zone (Gratis)
► Shoot!-trailer + 5 andere Trailer (Gratis)
Themes und Wallpaper
► Gran Turismo 5: Prologue (Gratis)
► Far Cry 2 wallpapers (Gratis)
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