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  1. #181
    Lamont Lamont ist offline

    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Zitat CroniX Beitrag anzeigen
    Hatte auch nicht damit gerechnet das du den Vergleich verstehen würdest :

    Powerrangers...Schreibt so nen Spruch und nennt andere Leute "Kinder". Omg...

    Und in welchem FF-teil is die entwicklung denn so wie du sie beschrieben hast?

    Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil!

  2. Anzeige

    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #182
    Gravius Zodiac Gravius Zodiac ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Zitat |chigo Beitrag anzeigen
    Achso,ich dachte schon du meinst den coolen Mr.33 cm
    Bis auf seinen Flaum ist er ganz nett^^

  4. #183
    CroniX CroniX ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Zitat Lamont Beitrag anzeigen
    Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil!
    Wer logisches Denken besitzt is klar im Vorteil

  5. #184

    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    hört jetzt mal beide auf cronix und lamont
    wir sind doch eine liebe Gemeinschaft

    Ich finde es echt schade dass FFXIII Versus erst so spät kommen wird.. Und ich finde es scheisse dass Square Enix das spiel so früh vorgestellt hat. Man stellt doch kein Spiel 3-4 Jahre früher vor ! man muss doch mal denken das die Fans süchtig auf das Spiel warten -.- FFXIII kann ich ja noch verstehen... da es nächstes Jahr erscheinen wird, aber bis FFXIII Versus kommen wird dauert es noch sehr lange.. und man muss bedenken dass wir das Spiel später als die Japaner bekommen -.-
    Und ich hasse dieses "auf Spiele warten"

  6. #185
    Lamont Lamont ist offline

    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Zitat Blue Lemon Beitrag anzeigen
    hört jetzt mal beide auf cronix und lamont
    wir sind doch eine liebe Gemeinschaft

    Ich finde es echt schade dass FFXIII Versus erst so spät kommen wird.. Und ich finde es scheisse dass Square Enix das spiel so früh vorgestellt hat. Man stellt doch kein Spiel 3-4 Jahre früher vor ! man muss doch mal denken das die Fans süchtig auf das Spiel warten -.- FFXIII kann ich ja noch verstehen... da es nächstes Jahr erscheinen wird, aber bis FFXIII Versus kommen wird dauert es noch sehr lange.. und man muss bedenken dass wir das Spiel später als die Japaner bekommen -.-
    Und ich hasse dieses "auf Spiele warten"
    You're right!

    Ja, finde es auch schade dass wir eig. noch so lange warten müssen!
    Aber man kann sich vorher, wenn man will, auch mit anderen RPG's vertrösten, wie zum Beispiel Eternal Sonata.

    Naja, jedenfalls wart ich mal ab was noch so kommt!

  7. #186
    Bahamut Bahamut ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    News zum Trailer aus dem Close Mega Theatre (Inhalt des Trailers wird beschrieben):
    Da es viel Text ist, lass ich es in Englisch.


    Trailer opens with the car scene in the tunnel and radio talking about the end of a cold war. Seems a little bit extended, shows some road signs with names "En Victis" and "Nhilifium" or something like that.

    Car exits a tunnel and we see airships looming over in the distance.

    Shakespeare message appears and we cut to new in-game footage.

    Camera shows a staircase, we see the princes feet climbing the staircase. Detailed shoes. Camera moves up and shows the prince in his glory, he looks a bit antisocial. He notices Stella looking at the painting of the Goddess and she notices he's around.

    She asks him if he seen something earlier, she also seen it she states. She questions him if that is the 'light'. She approaches him quite quickly and he seems a little timid, he turns his back and moves to walk away muttering "It's better not to talk about that", she catches up and does the cute Japanese 'one foot hands behind back spin' motion and questions him if 'that' (dialogue below) is not indeed the words of the (scholars?) at a place called Tenebuira. He tells Stella it's probably the same 'here', also.

    By the way, the animation and detail to expression is very impressive. I find that FFvXIII seems to have a little graphical edge over XIII right now. It's truly amazing, I want to see it once more.

    After a little more chatter Noct slumps down onto a chair and we see more of the room while they talk about this 'power' from 'light'. There's a aquarium in the centre of the room.

    Noct excuses himself that he must be leaving soon and the two depart after Stella introduces herself and invites him to her 'city/country' 'Tenebuira'. Noct tells her he'll consider it and she leaves rather quickly.

    Noct looks up and a voice asks him "Who... are you?"
    He mutters back "That's my line" and shrugs it off, walking away.

    The rest of the footage was old FMV stuff from TGS07 and Jump Festa.

    Dialogue (not 100% either)

    様 is used after Noctis, I'm using lord because I don't know of a better way to translate it.
    I'm also throwing in some shit here to make it sound normal. Direct translation is going to sound strange.

    Stella: (Lord) Noctis can see the light also, right? I also can see it.
    Some time ago, down stairs, ..that thing we saw, that was the 'light' wasn't it?
    Stella: It's said in Tenebuira that when the Goddess Etro opens the gate connected between the deceased country light is seldomly seen, however, if seen the said person will be awarded some kind of 'power'
    Noctis: That's the same deal here, it seems.
    Stella: (Lord) Noctis was gifted with the said 'power'?
    Noctis: It's rather better not to talk about those things.
    It's different from person to person but one way or another it will bring about trouble.
    (Noctis walks away a bit and slumps onto a chair)
    Stella: That 'light', what do you think it really is?
    Noctis: It's always 'there' am I not right? Hm...
    (suggesting he doesn't know who she is right now)
    Stella: I'm Stella.
    Noctis: Ah, Stella.., I'll have to be leaving soon.
    Stella: I'm sorry for holding you up, Lord Noctis.
    Noctis: Just 'Noct' is fine.
    Stella: I'll also be leaving. Today I feel that I also received that so called 'power'.
    I was able to talk to you. If it's good for you, next time please come to Tenebuira.
    I'll show you around.
    Noctis: That seems good.. I'll give it some thought.
    (Stella leaves)
    (Noctis raises his head towards a sound coming)
    "Who... are you?"
    Noctis: That's my line.

    Final Fantasy XIII und Agito XIII sind hier.

  8. #187
    BadRenbow BadRenbow ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    ja zeig mal,ich hoff das ist nicht das Vid das schon länger existiert.

  9. #188
    Lamont Lamont ist offline

    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Zitat |chigo Beitrag anzeigen
    ja zeig mal,ich hoff das ist nicht das Vid das schon länger existiert.
    Wenns geleaked ist will ichs gar nicht so unbedingt haben!

  10. #189
    Bahamut Bahamut ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Meh, bin aufn falschen button gekommen... -_-

    Hab doch geschrieben, dass das Vid wieder weg war, nachdem ich die Seite von Gamekyo aktualisiert habe.. Habs also auch nicht gesehen.^^
    Und das mit dem Leak war ne Vermutung. Darum ist es sicherlich wieder weg.

  11. #190
    Lamont Lamont ist offline

    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Zitat Bahamut05 Beitrag anzeigen
    Meh, bin aufn falschen button gekommen... -_-

    Hab doch geschrieben, dass das Vid wieder weg war, nachdem ich die Seite von Gamekyo aktualisiert habe.. Habs also auch nicht gesehen.^^
    Und das mit dem Leak war ne Vermutung. Darum ist es sicherlich wieder weg.

    Joar, bei Leaks sind so verdammt viele Spoiler, im Regelfall! xD
    Ich will mir nichts verderben bevor ich das Spiel nicht in den Händen halte!

  12. #191
    Bahamut Bahamut ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Naja, nach den Zusammenfassungen der Trailer vom Closed Mega Theatre gabs nicht wirklich Spoiler...^^

  13. #192
    BadRenbow BadRenbow ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Zitat Lamont Beitrag anzeigen
    Joar, bei Leaks sind so verdammt viele Spoiler, im Regelfall! xD
    Ich will mir nichts verderben bevor ich das Spiel nicht in den Händen halte!
    Nicht dito
    Ich will schon mehr erfahren...vielleicht kaufs ich ja doch nicht
    Ne,auf jedenfall kauf ichs mir,aber mehr Infos können nicht schaden

  14. #193
    Bahamut Bahamut ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Wer weiß, wann SE die nächsten veröffentlicht.
    Wird sicherlich wieder ne ganze Weile dauern...

    Ahja, gibt ne andere Zusammenfassung der Trailer, könnte etwas ausfürhlicher (und berichtigt) sein, so wies aussah.

    Wer wills wieder in Englisch haben?^^

  15. #194
    BadRenbow BadRenbow ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Zitat Bahamut05 Beitrag anzeigen
    Wer weiß, wann SE die nächsten veröffentlicht.
    Wird sicherlich wieder ne ganze Weile dauern...

    Ahja, gibt ne andere Zusammenfassung der Trailer, könnte etwas ausfürhlicher sein, so wies aussah.

    Wer wills wieder in Englisch haben?^^
    Glaub kaum das es einen deutschen schon gibt

  16. #195
    Bahamut Bahamut ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    (Die Bilder sind alle schon bekannt)

    Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    The music for the trailer is not Somnus. It is new.

    The trailer opens with the scene of Noctis in the car, being driven through a tunnel and down a highway, partially visible in the Cloud trailer. The radio can be heard. The broadcast has been made more audible than in previous trailers: "According to the 'Heruda-' state minister, the 13th peace conference with King (inaudible.. possibly Beliz or Verdan) and Nibelheim ended safely. Moreover, in the conference, talk regarding the peaceful use of our nation's Crystal has resumed. The people hope for a period of peace lasting hundreds of years. Additionally, the time of Prince Noctis's coronation draws near... (at this point, the broadcaster's voice begins to fade out)

    There are signs above the highway, which I was unable to catch. One began "M-------," another began "Vallis ---------."

    Two or three airships have been added to the upper right corner of the sky above the highway seen in the Cloud Trailer at around :20 seconds. I remember them being somewhat round in silouhette. It also seems that the car's interior may have been slightly redone? I have a feeling that it looked more modern in the TGS trailer than it does in the Cloud one.

    As the car drives off, the Shakespeare quote "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." is shown.

    The scene changes to the interior of an elegant building, the camera closely focused on darkly colored steps. Noctis ascends them. He is dressed in the Roen suit, and we get a close up of his shiny black shoes. See screenshot here.

    The blond haired heroine, Stella, is looking at a black and white painting of a goddess (the painting itself seems to have been drawn by Amano). Stella is in a single piece white dress, she has some sort of tiny piece of jewelry fastened to her dress on the right side of her chest. Screenshot (Bild war down, sorry). Another.

    A caption across a black screen is shown. The words appear to be Italian. I could only copy half of it: "La stella incomp- ____ _____" My best guess at the third word would be "incomparable," bringing the translation to "The peerless star ____ ______"

    Noctis approaches, and Stella turns around with a smile.
    Stella: "Noctis-sama can see the light, isn't that so?"
    Stella: "I can also see (it)."
    Stella: "The light (we) saw earlier below is 'that' light, isn't it?"
    Stella looks up at the night sky.
    Noctis begins to walk in the opposite direction to avoid Stella. Stella continues to talk while following him.
    Stella: "The Goddess Etro..."
    Stella talks vaguely about such things as "The light that emanates from the land of the dead," "the light to face the souls of the dead," and that "those who see the light recieve power."
    Stella: "It is a legend told in Teneburae."
    Noctis: "It is the same here." (This line appears to have been mistranslated previously as "It is the same with me" referring to the granting of power by light. The way I heard it, he was saying that his country has the same tale) He extends his hand in a gesture that seems to lack interest in the topic, his manner short and to the point.
    Stella: "Has Noctis-sama recieved power?"
    Noctis sits down on a nearby bench.
    Noctis: "It's better not to talk about those things."
    Stella: "Why is that?"
    Noctis: "Things that are said to set you apart from others, they're bothersome, you know?"
    Stella: "What do you think that light is, Noctis-sama?"
    Noctis: "It's just there. Isn't that enough, uh....?
    Noctis stands.
    Stella: "It's Stella."
    Noctis: "Stella, I must be leaving."
    Stella: "I am sorry to have delayed you, Noctis-sama."
    Noctis: "Noct is fine."
    Stella: "I also must be going."
    Stella spins around to leave.
    Stella: "I feel I recieved power from that light today. I was also able to speak with you."
    Stella speaks while walking backwards,
    Stella: "If you wish, come to Teneburae. I will show you around."
    Noctis: "That sounds pretty good. I'll think about it."

    Stella leaves.

    A second black screen caption is shown here, but I could only copy letters without getting the correct order: "i l l c a m i n o i l p e r e n______"

    The scene changes suddenly to the desert road with the broken telephone poles alongside it. Screenshot. Noctis's car drives along it. The car stops, and the shotgun guy and Noctis get out.

    The next scene is of the silver board room, with many men in suits at a table. Screenshot

    The clips of Noctis and his companions are shown. Screenshot. Screenshot.

    A montage of clips of Noctis fighting the soldiers from the original trailer is shown.

    The third Italian caption appears: "Il re morte" -> "The dead king"

    The scene changes, and Noctis and the white-hooded man face off against each other in the throne room from the original trailers. Screenshot.

    The trailer cuts back to the desert road as the shotgun guy and Noctis look out over the flooded road ahead.

    The trailer briefly returns to the board room, then switches to the scene of Noctis and his companions looking out from possibly a bridge at a large building and smoke rising from near it. Screenshot. The scene speed jumps forward to show them walking away.

    I'm not sure on the placement of it, but the fourth Italian caption is shown somewhere around here: "La memoria del morto" -> "The memory of the dead"

    The next scene is inside the car, shown in previous closed trailers, of Noctis's glasses-wearing friend driving, with the shotgun guy in the front and Noctis and the scar-faced man in the back. They all appear to be concerned about something.

    Noctis says something to the two in the front. Screenshot.

    I believe the final Italian caption came here: "Le morte del dea" -> "The death of the goddess"

    The trailer shifts to show Noctis running through an empty street. He sees Stella and they both stop and face each other.

    Symbols glow behind each of them, a red behind Stella and a blue behind Noctis. They summon a single sword each and prepare to fight. Screenshot. Screenshot.

    The title logo appears

    The final scene of the trailer returns to the room in which Noctis and Stella met. Noctis looks up at the sky and hears a voice, "Who are you?" He replies, "That's my line," then turns and walks away.


    Die vollständigen Namen von Noctis und Stella sind:
    Noctis Lucius Cheram (ノクティス ルシス チェラム)
    Stella Nox Fulure (ステラ ノックス フルーレ)

    Noch ein paar Bilder:

  17. #196
    Lamont Lamont ist offline

    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Sehr umfangreich!

    Die Screenshots gefallen mir gut!

    Für diesen Titel könnte ich mir eine Multiplayer Story sehr gut vorstellen!

  18. #197
    BadRenbow BadRenbow ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Zitat Lamont Beitrag anzeigen
    Sehr umfangreich!

    Die Screenshots gefallen mir gut!

    Für diesen Titel könnte ich mir eine Multiplayer Story sehr gut vorstellen!
    Ja find ich auch

    Ist schon der Name von dem einen ganz links bekannt? Der mit den schwarzen Haaren

  19. #198
    Bahamut Bahamut ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Das ist doch Noctis.^^

  20. #199
    BadRenbow BadRenbow ist offline
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    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Nein glaub ich nicht.
    Er hat schwarze Haare und Noctis dunkel blaue,und das Gesicht ist auch anders.

  21. #200
    Lamont Lamont ist offline

    AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Nocti's Haarfarbe und Augenfarbe ändern sich während dem Spiel!

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