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16.08.2009, 20:24 #4241RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Mal etwas neues
Das europa datum für Days is draußen
9. Oktober 2009
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Kingdom Hearts, Birth by Sleep, 358/2 Days, Coded
European 358/2 Days Website Update!
Written by Raz
Saturday, 08 August 2009
Hey, everyone! Here's an exciting bit of news for any European Kingdom Hearts fans--SE has launched a Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days website geared towards PAL territories. Not much about it is new, but it does sport a few nifty screenshots.
Check it out!
Just a reminder: 358/2 Days is set to release in North America on September 29th, and in Europe on October 9th. It's getting closer!
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AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
16.08.2009, 20:56 #4242_Roxas_
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Ach ... wenn es weiter nix is O_o
da schreib ich lieber nichts wie soetwas ....
Naja fang heute Abend/ Nacht mal wieder mit KH1 an =)
17.08.2009, 14:10 #4243~Shining~
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Wie nett hier manche aussagen kommen^^
aber hey info is info oder??
22.08.2009, 16:38 #4244Sora
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
wisst ihr eig schon die story vonn 358/2 days ?????
23.08.2009, 09:53 #4245Rafi_Roxas
23.08.2009, 11:13 #4246Kayxd
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
naja ich will erst erfahren wenn ich es hab spannung purr XD
23.08.2009, 13:23 #4247WayToDawn
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
9. Oktober, du sollt dich beeilen *-*
25.08.2009, 15:54 #4248Sephiroth vs Cloud
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
He leute ihr habt ja schon ein großes themen gebiet angeheuft ...... aber hat sich keiner gedacht ob der kauf von EIDOS KH3 beeinflussen könnte?????
25.08.2009, 17:57 #4249Sora
25.08.2009, 20:00 #4250Lycar
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
zwar wurde hier einiges dazu gepostet aber feststehen tut noch nix
25.08.2009, 20:22 #4251Sora
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
ja aber es könnte schon sein das ein kh 3 raus komt bei kh1 war das ja auch so das ein spiel auf den gamboy kam und dann kh2 und ich glaube nach den 3 spielen komtt kh3 aber das is nur ne theorie
25.08.2009, 22:04 #4252Lycar
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
danach darf man nicht gehen es sind nur auskopplungen wie die berühmten FFVII auskopplungen
27.08.2009, 12:54 #4253RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Viel Neues , besonders von BBS !
Terra, Ven, Aqua and the Castle of Dreams!
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Hello everyone! We're still working hard to bring you these translated scans from this weeks issue of Famitsu, and are not completely finished, but I hope you'll enjoy what we already have up!
In this post I bring you a little more information on our beloved trio Terra, Ven and Aqua, and more hints on what might occur at the Castle of Dreams.
Birth by Sleep gameplay details from new Famitsu
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Our translators are hard at work to bring you all the details from the BbS article in the latest Weekly Famitsu. Check out the pages below for detailed information on the new Command-based battle system, and the three protagonists' unique Commands. Unique co-operative moves with other characters are back, and several new techniques are revealed!
New Birth by Sleep Scans from Famitsu!
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Scans from the upcoming issue of Famitsu have surfaced, revealing more characters and enemies from the Castle of Dreams and Deep Space worlds.
New Famitsu Nomura interview!
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
And the big news is that the official English name of the enemies in Birth by Sleep has been confirmed: the Unversed.
The full interview contains details on how the multiple protagonists' storylines are managed, some explanation of the Command battle system, and Nomura's usual reticence when it comes to information on future KH titles. Check out the translation on our forums for more! (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview - KHInsider Forums
High quality "Deep Space" scan!
Monday, 24 August 2009
Hey, everyone! We now have a high quality version of the Jump magazine scan. Check it out:
This scan confirms Stitch as a party-member, and shows off a new ability called "Diamond Dust" for Aqua. krexia has also provided a full translation, which can be found here. New Deep Space Scans (Aqua + New Boss Fight) - Page 6 - KHInsider Forums
The scan was posted at FF7AC Reunion. Credit goes to forum member CaliCubano for bringing the scan to our attention. FF7AC reunion
Recent Famitsu Scans - Now in Clearer Quality and Translated!
Friday, 21 August 2009
Hey folks,
A better quality scan featuring Birth by Sleep from the recent Famitsu are now available, thanks to our very own krexia.
The scan confirms the appearance of not only a Lilo & Stitch world, but also a Cinderella world! In the Cinderella world, we see one of the mice appearing largely (or are the characters appearing small?) and attacking with a large key (not a keyblade).
Traverse Town Tabloids #3
Why Birth by Sleep is the Next Real Mainline Kingdom Hearts Title - and Probably the Best to Date!
It was about two years ago at the 2007 Tokyo Game Show that Square Enix wowed audiences with the announcement of not one, but three brand new Kingdom Hearts titles. While there was great hype for all three of the newly announced titles, Kingdom Hearts Coded had a hushed response from North American audiences due to its release on mobile phones, effectively eliminating its chances for an international release, while 358/2 Days split the fan base with its oddly worded title, as well as its focus on specific characters that fans may or may not have loved. In reality, most of the hype was concentrated on a single title – Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep – and it’s obvious why. The title is clearly the true successor, or rather in this case precursor, to the series.
More Birth by Sleep scans from Famitsu!
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Hi everyone! We have more scans from the latest Famitsu, specifically of in-game screenshots of Aqua!
New Scan Confirms Lilo & Stitch World!
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
A scan from the recent issue of VJump has been found, confirming the new Lilo & Stitch world, as well as more screenshots from Castle of Dreams.
Traverse Town Tabloids #2
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Sales Age: Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days – A Japanese Success?
Has Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days continued the series tradition of consecutive hit after hit, or is does it signal a flop, a dismal turnaround for the Kingdom Hearts franchise? Released a short two months ago in Japan, days has managed to sell just over 500,000 copies, and continues to place on Japan’s weekly sales charts. Debuting at almost 300,000 units, the game is expected to double its launch figures by the end of the year.
New Birth by Sleep info, Pinocchio world, and 358/2 Days manga!
Friday, 14 August 2009
Hi everyone! According to FF7AC Reunion, there are some new Birth by Sleep scans in the latest VJump, with new images and information about the Deck Command system, Castle of Dreams, and a new world based off of Lilo and Stitch! The world is apparently set in deep space, but whether or not Hawaii will be part of it is unknown.
There's no scans yet, but we'll post them as soon as they're online!
Thanks to Nintandy on the forums for the info!
In 358/2 Days related news, BradyGames has posted up a new page on their site for the 358/2 Days North American strategy guide. The interesting thing listed on the page, however, is a section on the Pinocchio world! This world was not part of the Japanese release (though there are sprites of it hidden in the game), but will it be part of the international release?
You can check out the BradyGames site to see the page on 358/2 Days. Thanks to Teiku 5 on the forums for the info!
The site for Shounen Gangan has also been updated with the cover for the first chapter of the 358/2 Days manga. You can see it on their official site (it's on the second row of images). Thanks to goldpanner on the forums for the info!
New Coded Episode Footage Online!
Saturday, 08 August 2009
Actual footage of Kingdom Hearts Coded has surfaced online! The first episode (Destiny Islands) of this incomplete play-through can be found here. A very special thanks to DChiuch of The rest (which includes Traverse Town) should be up very soon. We'll keep you posted, as always.
EDIT: More videos of Kingdom Hearts Coded have been added! Check them out.
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Coded Complete Playthrough Part 1 - Awakening
KH Coded Site Updates!
Friday, 07 August 2009
Hi everyone! The Kingdom Hearts Coded site has been updated with information and screenshots from the latest episode! The first page on the new episode, however, does have some spoilers in the screenshots.
Check it out!
Discuss this over in our forums! I also posted a translation of one of the screenshots (it's seriously not much) and an explanation of sorts of the screenshots on the site, for those who don't want to be spoiled.
????? ??? coded
IGN's Concept of KH3
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Hello, everyone! has posted an editorial detailing their ideas about the inevitable Kingdom Hearts III.
IGN: Kingdom Hearts III: The IGN Concept
Specials thanks to the forum member trixchasin!
We know it's not official, but with the lack of news lately, we thought this would be a fun read for you guys. We should be getting more news very soon, so stick with us!
New Coded + Mobile Screenshots!
Monday, 27 July 2009
Hi everyone! Famitsu posted up some new screenshots from Coded, as well as the release date for the 3rd episode. The next episode will be released on August 5th and it will take place in Wonderland. Famitsu also posted up some screenshots and info about a game in Kingdom Hearts Mobile, as well as some info on some new costumes.
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Traverse Town Tabloids #1
Is Nintendo banking on the Success of Kingdom Hearts?
The Kingdom Hearts series finally looks to be making its grand Nintendo DS debut in North America this September. Already selling over half a mission copies in Japan (as of this writing making it the fourth highest selling game this year), the game reaffirmed the selling power of the odd and sometimes awkward combination of Square and Disney. Now the game is making its way stateside. However, the sales of the game look to be not just a test for Square Enix, but one of Nintendo and its handheld platform’s viability to sell third party products as well...
The KH news flow hasn't been as fast as we'd like it to be. We apologize and only hope this eases the wait and gets a nice discussion going!
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Edit : Wer es noch nicht kent : Sehr geil
27.08.2009, 13:46 #4254xam619
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
ma was neues hoffe ich xD
(Cross007) Das PSP-Spiel Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep wird drei komplett unterschiedliche Geschichten beinhalten. Dabei kündigte Tetsuya Nomura an das man das Spiel mit drei verschiedenen Charaktern durchspielen und auch verschiedene Bosskämpfe haben wird. Dadurch soll der Spieler das Gefühl bekommen, drei komplett unterschiedliche Kingdom Hearts Spiele zu spielen. Außerdem verspricht Tetsuya Nomura, eine SPieldauer pro Story von ca. 15 Stunden.
Bis dahin vergeht aber wohl noch etwas Zeit, da immer noch kein Releasetermin für Europa steht.
27.08.2009, 13:47 #4255RikuValentine
27.08.2009, 14:06 #4256xam619
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
aso sry
27.08.2009, 14:15 #4257RikuValentine
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 (NDS) Bildschirmtexte multiling., Sprachausgabe englisch: Nintendo DS: Games
Da kann man Days vorbestellen . Was schade ist das es zwar deutsche texte hat , aber englische syncro
27.08.2009, 15:19 #4258Lycar
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
warum wollt ihr alle deutsche synchro nur weil die hauptspiele sowas hatten xD
meistens is ne englische synchro besser als ne deutsche und seit doch wenigstens froh das ihr deutsche bildschirmtexte habt xD
27.08.2009, 15:21 #4259RikuValentine
27.08.2009, 15:25 #4260Lycar
AW: Diskussion über Kingdom Hearts - Alle Teile
ne also englische synchro is viel besser denn wenn man einige deutsche synchros mal in KH hört fragt man sich doch echt was die für sprecher geholt haben
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