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    Tefox Tefox ist offline
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    "Way of the Samurai 3" Trophies

    Way of the Samurai 3

    (Bronze: 42, Silber: 5, Gold: 3, Platin: 1

    Bronze Trophies

    Ending - Completed the game.

    Weak Samurai - Cleared the game in Easy difficulty.

    Skilled Samurai - Cleared the game in Normal difficulty.

    Samurai Master - Cleared the game in Hard difficulty.

    Weapon Forger - Created a weapon.

    Upper Stance Mastery - Mastered all skills of Upper Stance.

    Middle Stance Mastery - Mastered all skills of Middle Stance.

    Lower Stance Mastery - Mastered all skills of Lower Stance.

    Single Stance Mastery - Mastered all skills of Single Stance.

    Side Stance Mastery - Mastered all skills of Side Stance.

    Spear Stance Mastery - Mastered all skills of Spear Stance.

    Bare Hands Stance Mastery - Mastered all skills of Bare Hands Stance.

    Draw Stance Mastery - Mastered all skills of Draw Stance.

    Ninja Stance Mastery - Mastered all skills of Ninja Stance.

    Dual Sword Stance Mastery - Mastered all skills of Dual Sword Stance.

    Ninja Dual Sword Stance Mastery - Mastered all skills of Ninja Dual Sword Stance.

    Weapon Destroyer - Broke an opponent's weapon.

    Blunt Attack - Defeated an opponent with a Blunt Attack.

    Amana Native - Played more than 10 hours.

    Forged Weapon - Forged a weapon for the first time.

    Killer - First time killing an enemy.

    Weapon Master - Mastered all skills for a weapon.

    Weapon Specialist - Mastered all skills for thirty weapons.

    Power of 10 - Achieved 10 Chain Kills.

    Power of 100 - Achieved 100 Chain Kills.

    Head Collector - Obtained all Heads.

    Outfit Collector - Obtained all Outfits.

    First Time - Learned a skill for the first time.

    Skill Collector - Learned a total of 10 skills.

    Master of Skills - Learned a total of 100 skills.

    Weapon Collector - Obtained 10 different weapons.

    Weapon Arsenal - Obtained 50 different weapons.

    Payday - Completed a job successfully.

    Job Seeker - Completed 50 jobs successfully.

    Relationship - Obtained a partner.

    Extra Sword Safe - Obtained an extra Sword Safe.

    Title Collector - Obtained 5 titles.

    Zero Kill - Killed an enemy using a weapon with zero durability.

    Zero Blunt Attack - Defeated an enemy with Blunt Attack using a weapon with zero durability.

    Samurai Leader - Total Samurai Points exceeded 200 points.

    Samurai Hero - Total Samurai Points exceeded 2000 points.

    Silber Trophies

    Assassin - Defeated Shuzen Fujimori.

    Bushido - Defeated Sensei at the Dojo.

    Five Stories - Completed and discovered 5 Endings.

    Legendary Samurai - Total Samurai Points exceeded 10000 points

    Title Master - Obtained 20 titles.

    Gold Trophies

    Way of The Samurai - Completed and discovered all Endings.

    Platin Trophy

    Platinum Trophy - Acquired all the Trophies.

    Geheime Trophies

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    "Way of the Samurai 3" Trophies

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #2
    Mathehasser Mathehasser ist offline

    AW: "Way of the Samurai 3" Trophies

    schöne trophys wann kommts eig.?

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