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16.09.2009, 12:10 #1Gast002
"NBA 09: The Inside" Trophies
NBA 09: The Inside
(Bronze: 13, Silber: 8, Gold: 6; Platin: 1)
Bronze Trophies
Franchise - Win the NBA Finals - Win the NBA title - any year, any difficulty setting
Quick Play - Defeat 5 NBA Teams - All-Star - Defeat 5 NBA Teams - min All-Star difficulty setting, 5 min + qtrs - no spotting points
Mini Games - Rabbit - Defeat opponents (Overall rating 85+) in a single game - Minimum All-Star difficulty setting
Mini Games - Blacktop Golf - Score 70 or less points - Minimum All-Star difficulty setting
Mini Games - 1-on-1 - Defeat opponent (Overall rating 85+) by 5 or more points - Minimum All-Star difficulty setting
Mini Games - 2-on-2 - Defeat opponents (Overall rating 85+) by 5 or more points - Minimum All-Star difficulty setting
Mini Games - 3-on-3 - Defeat opponents (Overall rating 85+) by 5 or more points - Minimum All-Star difficulty setting
Mini Games - Own The Court - Defeat opponents (Overall rating 85+) by 8 or more points - Minimum All-Star difficulty setting
Mini Games - 3-Point Shootout - Defeat opponents (Overall rating 85+) by 5 or more points - Minimum All-Star difficulty setting
Mini Games - PlayStation® Skills Challenge - Defeat opponents (Overall rating 85+) by 3 or more seconds - Minimum All-Star difficulty setting
NBA Replay: The Season - Complete First Half of Mode - Complete First Half of Mode - All Star difficulty setting
Player Progression - Advance 5 to 70+ - Advance 5 Progression Players to an Overall Rating of 70+ points for each player
Online 5 Game Winner - Win 5 online games
Silber Trophies
The Life - Story #1 Completed - Complete Story #1 - Minimum Veteran difficulty, Complete all "Extra Mile" goals
The Life - Story #2 Completed - Complete Story #2 - Minimum Veteran difficulty, Complete all "Extra Mile" goals
The Life - Story #3 Completed - Complete Story #3 - Minimum Veteran difficulty, Complete all "Extra Mile" goals
Franchise - Win 3 NBA Finals - Win 3 NBA titles - any years, any difficulty setting
Quick Play - Defeat 15 NBA Teams - All-Star - Defeat 15 NBA Teams - min All-Star difficulty setting, 5 min + qtrs - no spotting points
NBA Replay: The Season - Complete Entire Mode - Complete Entire Mode - All Star difficulty setting
Player Progression - Advance 5 to 80+ - Advance 5 Progression Players to an Overall Rating of 80+ points for each player
Online 10 Game Winner - Win 10 online games
Gold Trophies
The Life - All 3 Stories Completed - Complete all 3 stories - Minimum Veteran difficulty, Complete all "Extra Mile" goals
Franchise - Complete 20 year Franchise with 5+ NBA Titles - Complete 20 year Franchise with 5+ NBA Titles - any difficulty setting
Quick Play - Defeat all 32 NBA Teams - All-Star - Defeat 30 NBA Teams + All-Star Teams - min All-Star difficulty setting, 5 min + qtrs - no spotting points
NBA Replay: The Season - Complete Entire Mode including all Extra Mile Goals - Complete Entire Mode including all Extra Mle Goals - All Star difficulty setting
Player Progression - Advance 5 to 90+ - Advance 5 Progression Players to an Overall Rating of 90+ points for each player
Online 25 Game Winner - Win 25 online games
Platin Trophy
100% Clear - This is the platinum trophy and is unlocked automatically when all the trophies have been unlocked
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