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04.10.2009, 19:53 #1robbie
"Everybody’s Putter Golf" Trophies
Everybody’s Putter Golf
(Bronze: 5, Silber: 4, Gold: 1)
Bronze Trophies
Real Shot Hole in One - What an amazing hole in one! Congratulations on a great shot! No cash prize though since this is just a game, so everything's hunky-dory.
Superb Hole Outs - You were on fire the whole game! Winning requires patience and cool calculation, not to mention nerves of steel!
Jasmine Got A Rank - Feels great!
TORO Got A Rank - Makes one think, "Wow, really?"
Eagle - One stroke below eagle is double-eagle--like on a coat of arms. I'm doing pretty darn good.
Silber Trophies
Consecutive Holes in One - So this is what three consecutive holes in one is like. But no matter how many you make, it still feels the same.
You Beat Jasmine! - You sure are jazzin' it up, champ.
Pro Golfer S - "S" is for "Star," as in "Sirius," as in "Seriously, you can't beat me."
Super Golfer SS - That's two stars, boy, just in case you needed a reminder of how "Sirius" a "Star" I am!
Gold Trophies
Master Golfer SSS - That's SSS: a "Sirius" Super Star!
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