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14.04.2010, 14:42 #1krüse
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Entwickler: 2K Boston
Release: ?
Genre: Shooter
Mit dem neuen X-Com Ableger (X-Com war einst ein großes Strategie-Franchise) wird man in einen FBI-Agenten versetzt der eine "neue Lebensart" untersuchen will. Wer die X-Com Teile auf dem PC gespielt hat, wird bescheid wissen um was es hier geht! - Aliens! Vielleicht wird mit dem neuen Ableger die Lücke "X-Com: Genesis" geschlossen, denn der offizielle dritte Teil kam nie.
Ich war immer ein großer Fan der X-Com Reihe und hielt sie für die Götter der Strategie. Sie verstanden es Mikro- und Makromanagement zu verbinden und als Einheit zu präsentieren ohne Abstriche machen zu müssen. Als Shooter im BioShock 2 Format könnte das ganze interessant werden. Eine gute Präsentation ist allerdings Pflicht. Im Auge behalten!
15.04.2010, 10:41 #2Loki
AW: Neuestes Spiel der BioShock 2 - Macher: X-Com: Reboot!
2K Games gab heute bekannt, dass 2K Marin, das Studio hinter dem Multi-Millionen-Hit BioShock 2, an der Neuauflage einer der meisterzählten und beliebtesten Videospielgeschichten arbeitet. Das momentan exklusiv für Xbox 360 und Windows PC entwickelte XCOM kombiniert die strategischen Kernelemente der bahnbrechenden Serie mit einer spannungsgeladenen Rahmenhandlung und schafft so ein packendes und einzigartiges Shooter-Erlebnis.
“Mit BioShock 2 hat das Team von 2K Marin sich als Meister der Egoshooter und Suspense-Geschichten bewiesen und mit XCOM werden sie das Erbe der beliebten Serie erweitern und neu erfinden”, so Christoph Hartmann, Präsident von 2K. “Die Spieler werden die Welt von XCOM aus einer völlig neuen und unmittelbaren Perspektive kennenlernen und so aus erster Hand die Angst und Dramatik dieser fesselnden Story-Achterbahnfahrt erleben."
XCOM ist die Neuauflage der klassischen Geschichte vom Kampf der Menschheit gegen einen unbekannten Feind, bei der die Spieler direkt in die Schuhe eines FBI-Agenten schlüpfen, der die wachsende Bedrohung analysieren und bezwingen soll. Sie müssen wie bei den Wurzeln der Serie üblich trotz aussichtsloser Ausgangssituation mit riskanten strategischen Manövern und nervenaufreibenden Kampfeinsätzen den menschlichen Einfallsreichtum – und die menschlichen Schwächen – gegen einen Feind jenseits jeder Vorstellungskraft unter Beweis stellen. Durch den Wechsel in die Egoperspektive spüren die Spieler nun wie niemals zuvor die Spannung und Furcht im Kampf gegen einen unbekannten Feind, der seine Fühler immer weiter und brutaler in unsere Welt ausstreckt.
Dachte immer XCOM wäre ein Sci-Fi Shooter mit Raumschiffen und Weltraum-Gedöns.
Muss ich wohl mit einer anderen Serie verwechselt haben...
Aber was ich hier so lese, klingt eigentlich ganz interessant. Ein Ego-Shooter mit Strategieelementen, indem man gegen Aliens kämpft? Immer her damit. Erinnert ein bisschen an System Shock oder Deus Ex.
Zwei erste Screenshots & Artworks
Edit: *UPDATE*
BioShock-2-Team macht doch nicht XCOM
Wie wir gestern berichteten, ist 2K Marin mit einer First-Person-Neuauflage des absoluten All-Time-Favorites dieses bescheidenen Autoren beauftragt: XCOM. Das stimmt immer noch. Warum also der Titel dieser Meldung?
Nun, wie sich herausstellt, besteht 2K Marin seit neuestem aus zwei separaten Teams. Dem kalifornischen, dem wir BioShock 2 zu verdanken haben und einem australischen, das sich bis vor kurzem noch 2K Australia nannte.
1UP gegenüber bestätigte ein 2K-Sprecher, dass das australische Team kürzlich an 2K Marin angegliedert wurde und die beiden Entwickler nun „Schwester-Studios“ seien.
Der australische Arm der Firma hat zwar bei der Entwicklung von BioShock 2 geholfen. Dadurch, dass das kreative Oberstübchen (nennen wir es „Big Sister Marin“?) in Kalifornien steht, ist die gestrige Pressemeldung 2Ks, dass sich der Bioshock-2-Entwickler um XCOM kümmere, nur mit viel gutem Willen noch als „leicht missverständlich“ zu bezeichnen.
Mehr Infos waren aus 2K zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht herauszukitzeln. Man werde sich „in der nahen Zukunft“ zu „XCOM, dem Team und allem Weiteren“ äußern.
Hab' den Thread-Titel mal ensprechend geändert.
15.04.2010, 19:22 #3TitusKain
AW: X-Com: Reboot
Spiel X-com Enemy Unknow heute noch reglmässig.
Eins der besten Spiele EVER..
@ Loki wenn du möchtsest schick ich es dir mal per mail.
Incl. patch für Windows
Lohnt sich.
15.04.2010, 21:25 #4krüse
AW: X-Com: Reboot
Ob das sein PC mitmacht, ich wollte ihm schon so viele PC-Klassiker ans Herz legen.
Enemy Unknown war seeeehr gut. Am allerbesten war der Quälraum, den man zuerst entdecken und dann aufbauen um Alien-Technologie zu erforschen. Diese Passagen erinnerten mich auch immer stark an Dungeon Keeper 2!
Fakt ist: Die X-Com-Reihe ist neben der "Civ"- und der "AoE" eine der besten Strategie-Serien bis heute.
08.05.2010, 16:25 #5In Gottes Namen
You can start believing. It’s true. Oh God, it’s true. XCOM (known as UFO: Enemy Unknown in the UK), the 1994 sci-fi strategy/action/roleplaying hybrid that is often considered the PC’s finest hour, is back. But it’s no longer a turn-based squad game set in the near future (and no longer PC-only). You don’t fly airplanes, you don’t seek out new threats underwater. Nor do you order 12 little pixellated men into the dark recesses of a crashed alien spaceship. No.
XCOM is a first-person shooter, set in the 1950s. Deep breath. This is not a time to panic. This alien invasion is an occasion to celebrate. Consider what those original strategy games were about. An implacable alien menace threatened the world. You were in charge of an agency that investigated these otherworldly horrors, engaged them in direct combat when it could find them, and poured vast funds and research into developing and improving countermeasures.
That’s exactly what XCOM does. You step into the shiny shoes of FBI agent William Carter, who heads a secret taskforce that is Earth’s last and only line of defense against the scum of the universe. From its underground base, this newly-formed XCOM monitors reports of alien sightings and dispatches agents to snoop around, gather evidence and, if necessary, clean up.
This isn’t a linear shooter, either. Your base’s phonetappers and police-radio scanners present you with choices as to where to go next and what to do, picked from a large map of the US. Rumours of animal attacks and strange weather patterns in a certain state? Sounds like Blobs are on the rampage. Saddle up, Agent Carter. Grab the wheel of your hulking fedmobile, take two of your best men with you, and go see what’s going on.
Welcome to suburbia. Clean lines, pastel colours, immaculate lawns, polite neighbours and tranquillity. This is the 1950s as America pretended it was, not the real-life era of recession and division. “It’s a world where people feel comfortable and everything is optimistic,” says XCOM’s design director Jonathan Pelling. “They feel that there is a great future ahead.”
It’s the ’50s as depicted in the advertising of the time, by such artists as Norman Rockwell. He was a key inspiration for Team Fortress 2’s art style – so should we expect something similarly exaggerated? “We definitely did a lot of exploring with how far we could push that stylisation, but I guess we’re making an FPS, and there’s a certain kind of level of frugality that that genre requires.” A more recent touchstone is Mad Men, the TV drama based on the advertising industry of the early 1960s. Here, as in that show, the tranquillity is only skin deep. This place is perfect for a family. So... where are the families?
Well, how about that guy on the lawn? Oh, don’t worry about his nightmarishly contorted features, the way his clothes are gently smouldering and that circle of black ichor around him. Look, he was taking a lovely photo with his delightful period camera! Or at least he was before something covered him in a thick, oily substance and choked him to death. Or what about that fresh-faced young couple over there? They’re just back from buying groceries. Groceries that are now scattered all over the driveway, while they lie slumped across the dashboard of their car.
Keep calm and carry on. Take out your camera and record all this – you need the evidence, because evidence means more funding and research. Silently snap a picture of every corpse you see, every demolished hedgerow, every slime trail. Bring out your Blob detector, a vial of black alien goo which chirrups and ticks whenever it senses the same substance nearby. Follow its lead. Bam! A shapeless, dark mass bursts out of nowhere and promptly wraps itself around the head of one of the two agents you’ve brought with you.
As the man flails desperately, this tiny cyclone of murderous oil tries to shove long tendrils of itself down his throat. Reach for your shotgun, aim carefully, fire. The thing falls to the ground, and the agent breathes again gratefully. The three of you turn to move on, but already the scattered gobbets of the Blob are crawling towards each other, a liquid nightmare reforming itself before your eyes, ready to kill again. Your shotgun is no good here. It’s not so much knife to a gunfight as teaspoon to a tank fight.
Fortunately, you’ve met these before. You don’t have to cut and run, not like last time. Thanks to the data you’ve acquired from previous missions, your Researchers have constructed a special anti-Blob grenade. It’s a glass jar sloshing with oil and wired up with homemade circuitry. Burn, alien Blobs, burn.
What now? Your goal here isn’t to kill every alien in the place. XCOM doesn’t work like that. It’s incredibly unlikely that you’ll comb every area of one of its wide-open mission maps, as health, ammo and armour are strictly limited to whatever you brought in with you. If your bullets – or, more pertinently, those flame grenades – are in short supply, you won’t be able to hold out much longer. The alien presence grows and grows the longer you stay, so you need to make a judgement call between trying to gather more evidence and simply staying alive. Your car’s just down the road – you could leave right now, knowing the photos you’ve taken and notes you’ve scribbled will still be some use in establishing the nature of this enemy unknown. But that would make you a big wet wimp.
Also, there’s Elerium here somewhere. This incredibly rare alien element is crucial for the construction of new weapons, armour and gadgets, but seizing it involves enormous risk. Out in the back of one pretty suburban house you spy a block of it – a strange arrangement of cubes, hovering in mid air. Dark lines and shapes whip around it in a self-contained storm, meaning you can’t just grab the thing. More Blobs. You’ll need to take them down if you want this precious spacerock. Check health, check ammo, check grenades. Every shot counts.
By the time it’s over, both your agents are asphyxiated, smouldering corpses, and the formerly pristine house is a mess of scorched walls, shattered windows and broken furniture. You have your Elerium, but at what cost? It’s probably time to get out of here, but you know full well you’ve explored barely a third of this area. There’s always more evidence, more aliens, more Elerium. Maybe it’s worth persevering just a little longer... And that’s when the sky splits in two.
Stanley Kubrick’s psychedelic nightmares are made flesh as an enormous monolith shudders out of the horizon, the accompanying mist and lightning blocking out the daylight. Before your eyes, this cubist deathmachine – is it a creature, a spacecraft, a building, all of the above? – transforms. First, into a ring of smaller, diamond-shaped artifacts, and then into two concentric rings, like a gaping metal maw. The rings suck. All the furniture of the house you’re in is dragged towards it, smashing through what few windows remain. Run. Your guns have no effect here. Run.
Outside, reality seems to distort as the thing increases its power, carving a great furrow down the tarmac road. You’re pushed and bashed about horribly as you try to get away, besieged from all sides by newly-arrived Blobs as well as by this hulking Titan. Honestly, you can’t do anything about this. Not this time. You have to run, get to the Interceptor, get away while you still can. Maybe those eggheads back in the lab will be able to build you something, so next time you can bring this faceless horror down to Earth. But not this time. Run.
It’s surprising how poorly the supplied screenshots convey the scale and devastation of the monolith’s arrival. Be assured that, in motion, it looks incredible. It also seems impossible that you could ever stop this thing – but you will. As in the original X-COM, your scientists and engineers will research and construct new technologies which, in time, will mean that encounters with increasingly powerful alien foes won’t be suicide missions. Nor will they ever involve you looking for little green men.
“One of the things that we wanted to move away from was the kitsch or the expected from these creatures,” says Pelling. “Creating a set of enemies loaded with preconceptions really undermines the game. Part of the impact of seeing our aliens is that they’re not bipedal things walking around, it’s something completely different. We want you to look at them, study and explore them.”
Well, for a little while. Again, you don’t take on these missions expecting to snoop around every corner and execute every alien you find, rather to gather as much evidence as you can before you have to leave. The better equipped you are, the longer you’ll be able to stay.
This stay-or-go structure is a re-creation of the original X-COM’s missions. Yes, killing everything would mean success, but that wasn’t always possible. If half your team was dead and most of your ammo was spent, it was fruitless to hang around. Gather any alien tech and corpses you can, then get out of there. The difference here – and we think it’s an improvement – is that you’ll never end up in a situation where you know there’s one Snakeman hanging around somewhere, and you’re in for hours of peering behind every door, into every alley, over every rooftop to find him. The constant, gradual escalation means every mission will end on a high. Unless you get killed in the process. Chin up, Agent.
If you are an existing X-COM fan, the key concern you’ve probably got is the AI-controlled backup agents, who you’ll notice didn’t figure highly in the Blob/Titan skirmish. Yeah, it’s a bit of a worry – in what we’ve seen so far, they were little more than silent drones who could suppress but not finish enemies, and required an awful lot of rescuing. It’s a far cry from the large, entirely controllable squads of the original X-COM trilogy, but apparently there’s a lot yet to be shown in that regard.
“It’s really important to us that you feel strongly about the agents as you’re playing the game,” says Pelling. That’s all he’ll say for now, but it means that the deaths of your agents in the suburban encounter will not be without consequence. Somehow, you’ll have developed these guys, equipped them, and thus have a vested interest in their survival. Whether you’ll be able to control them to any degree remains to be seen, but hopefully we’ll see some element of how you designated specialists in the original X-COM. Heavy weapons guy, psychic guy, heavily-armoured stunstick guy... Clearly, the squad structure would make for an awesome co-op mode.
2K refuse to be drawn on any multiplayer details, but at least they’re not denying it won’t happen. So, is this XCOM really our beloved X-COM? “We’re forging a new mythology, but what we’re retaining is the core elements that made X-COM X-COM,” says Pelling. “The strategy, the base, the research, agents, being in charge, and dealing with this problem as you see fit. You are the one that’s driving the investigation – those elements remain but we want to create a new world with a new set of enemies that’s genuinely compelling for players to learn more about.”
While we’re talking about Jonathan Pelling, project lead, let’s deal with the question of exactly who’s making this game. It’s worth stating up front that the Gollop brothers, the fine fellows responsible for the original X-COM, are not involved – 2K bought the licence some years back. Instead, 2K Marin, the main team behind BioShock 2, are the people responsible, bolstered by 2K’s Australian studio (confusingly now renamed 2K Marin, too).
It’s an impressive pedigree: Pelling was part of 2K Australia back when it was still Irrational Australia, and has worked on Freedom Force, Tribes: Vengeance and BioShock 1 as a result. The team also includes veterans of Total War and Fallout – honestly, XCOM is not a console shooter that happens to also be on PC. It’s a sprawling, tactical and clever thing and, if it gets it right, it could push big-budget shooters into the more open, freer realm we’ve always clamoured for.
“We’re really good at making shooters” says Pelling. “We’ve got a lot of experience doing that, and I think that provides a unique opportunity to present XCOM in a much more immersive and intimate format. Putting it into the first-person shooter is going to blow it up a little bit.”
The revised setting is going to be a sticking point for many XCOM fans, but makes a surprising amount of sense – the ’50s were a time of political paranoia, which the B movies of the age reflected. It also means the world is attractively stylised rather than grimly, tediously realistic, and the homemade, early-007 gadgets look like a hoot.
That said, it’s hard not to notice that the BioShock guys are playing around in the mid-20th century yet again. “The choice of the ’50s was not about putting it into a specific time period – we don’t have a set date for when the events of the game occurred,” says Pelling. “It’s more that we wanted to create a beautiful, idealised world for players to explore, and create this contrast between the horror of these beings and what is at stake. This is what life could or should be, whereas the infiltration of the aliens really destroys that.”
Two locations and two aliens are all 2K have revealed so far, leaving the rest to speculation. As well as the game’s mechanics – specifically, the NPC agents and the improvements to your base – the nature and intent of the aliens is the game’s biggest secret. “We want to create a genuine mystery, one that players are compelled to find out more about, to unravel themselves.” Again, XCOM nods to X-COM, where your researchers gradually unlocked the aliens’ origins, how to stop them and where they came from. Unlike X-COM, however, these aliens aren’t a mix of random species.
The Blobs and Titans may be very different, but they’re both faceless shapes able to take on multiple forms. We can definitely expect more in that vein, says Pelling. “We can’t talk too much about the specifics of each one, but for the overall approach we want to have consistency.”
Expect an agonising drip-feed of information ahead of XCOM’s expected 2011 release. It’s going to be painful. But we’ve waited this long, dealing with grotesque sequels, disappointing remakes and fan projects. XCOM may not be X-COM verbatim, but it’s someone throwing money at the concept, not leaving it stranded at the pointless poles of fan-exploitation or slavish re-creation.
X-COM was a game about investigating an alien invasion of Earth at your own speed, by your own means. So is XCOM. You can start believing.
13.06.2010, 01:02 #6krüse
AW: X-Com: Reboot
Erster Trailer aus dem neuen X-Com:
Hätte jetzt gleich mal auf eine BioShock-Variante zu Terror from the Deep getippt - Und ich find die bewegten Bilder super.
Netter, nicht zu übertriebener Grafikstil mit viel Action und sofort kam ein gewisses X-Com-Feeling in mir auf.
Im Auge behalten, zur E3 gibts bestimmt mehr! :]
13.06.2010, 02:10 #7Meteox
AW: X-Com: Reboot
Sieht ja mal aus wie Bioshock nur in nem anderem Setting .... mal hoffen das das kein Abklatsch wird, fand es interessant bis ich den Trailer sah.
06.06.2011, 16:45 #8krüse
AW: X-Com: Reboot
X-Com E3 Trailer:
Sieht meiner Meinung weiterhin vielversprechend aus.
28.09.2012, 16:36 #9Loki
AW: X-Com: Reboot
Denn wenn ich mir die Bilder und Trailer hier so anschaue, betrifft dieser Thread wohl den Shooter und müsste demnach umbenannt werden...
Soweit ich weiss haben wir auch gar kein Thread zu "Enemy Unknow", also dem Strategie-Teil... Das wurde hier beides in einen Topf geworfen.
Hier geht's zum Strategie-Spiel:
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
01.10.2012, 11:56 #10svenSZonia
AW: X-Com: Reboot
Was hab ich damals X-Com Enemy Unknown gefeiert
Und Jagged Alliance...solche Spiele brauch die Box noch...Commandos1&2 als HD Remake...schön wäre es
Mal schauen, ob das neue X Com so gut wird,wie ich es mir vorstelle...oder ob es wie Syndicate wird
01.10.2012, 13:21 #11FeartheOne
AW: X-Com: Reboot
Wenn es wie Syndicate oder Syndicate II werden würde...das wäre fantastisch!
Der Neuaufleger ist ja eine Beleidigung in jeglicher Hinsicht!
01.10.2012, 13:49 #12keldana
AW: X-Com: Reboot
auf Gamezone - Die Community von Spielern für Spieler! steht, dass es Hinweise gibt, dass das Spiel statt eines FPS nun ein TPS werden wird. Man soll dort angeblich dann mit einem Squad unterwegs sein.
01.10.2012, 13:57 #13FeartheOne
AW: X-Com: Reboot
Ein shooter???
Oh mann...!
01.10.2012, 13:59 #14Knollo
AW: X-Com: Reboot
es gibt ein Spiel das ist ein Ego-Shooter der was weiß ich wann raus kommen wird.
Und es gibt einen Teil - der wird wie die damaligen genialen Titel werden.
Das Thema dazu findet ihr hier:
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Und dieser Titel wird sicherlich groß werden und in ein paar Tage erhältlich sein.
15.04.2013, 08:26 #15Max @ home
AW: X-Com: Reboot
Take-Two hat nun sämtliche bisher veröffentlichte YouTube-Videos zum Spiel entfernt, darüber hinaus ist die offizielle Homepage derzeit nicht zu erreichen. Das wirft natürlich ganz speziell eine Frage auf: Ist eine Fertigstellung und Veröffentlichung des XCOM-Shooters überhaupt noch in Planung?
[2K Marin XCOM shooter's website and YouTube videos taken]
15.04.2013, 12:39 #16Knollo
AW: X-Com: Reboot
Wäre ich auch nicht wirklich traurig darum.
Spekulationen, das man dieses Spiel vermutlich verwerfen möchte da der Name gerade ein so hohes Ansehen bekommen hat, würden mich da auch nicht wundern.
25.04.2013, 23:49 #17Max @ home
AW: X-Com: Reboot
Laut eines Blogeintrags von 2K Marine wurden die Arbeiten am XCOM-Shooter nicht eingestellt; dieser wurde lediglich überarbeitet, sodass er nun unter anderem auch "Kernelemente des XCOM-Konzepts" enthalten soll. Genauere Infos sollen demnächst folgen.
26.04.2013, 11:21 #18Loki
AW: The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
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